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Orcs on the Rampage - Tales from the Broken Lands(Updated 25-May-06)

Thanks for the tips, a lot of my in-game quotes have to be cleaned up a bit before I can use them. Makes me wonder if something gets lost in the polishing process.

I will post my campaign's background in my SH, while I have it saved as a word doc, it'll need to be combed through to have it organized better, so I'll make that a priority since it needs to be done anyway. :heh:

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No problem, Your campaign and Story hour seems pretty well established. I do have to modify the occasional risque or blatant comment as well, but manage to retain some semblance of what was intended.

I'm out of my funk, and working on an update. I hope to have it done this week some time.

Looking forward to the Starcraft gaming this Friday, and getting back to the game in two weeks. We've decided on a path that takes the two leaving players out of the current adventure, and we'll write them into NPC roles, in case the one returns at least. I don't expect the one not having fun to come back, but he had a well known and established PC in the game, who will make a powerful NPC for the Horde.



A Wyvern is lost in Battle

The Wyverns are given the pick of the breeding dens for the night. Most make the best of it. Over the next few days, Gorga tries to gather information on the current goings-on in the Broken Lands, and has to range out as far as the Sacred Cavern of the Blood Orcs, to get any good information. He picks up a few extra weapons while he is there, to give a little variety in battle. Iirkh brawls with some of the Ogres, keeping his strength up. Others in the warband keep themselves busy until Gorga returns.

Having finished some errands, the newly named Wyvern warband does a stint at guard duty at the home tribe. They split shifts to cover the walls and cave entrance throughout the day and night. The warbands on scouting and patrol duty report to Gorga, who gives a daily report to Garnash. The Wolves moved off for a few days to accomplish a task for Garnash and return successful, but still with an air of defeat about them.

One report comes in of Ogre's and Hobgoblins scouting across the river and the Vile Runes have killed every one that they have found. Of course with their superior training in stealth, the Orcs have the upper hand in these small skirmishes.

Gorga discusses this with Garnash, and finds out that the Ogres have been probing the defenses of the Orcs for some time now, looking for a weakness.

“Garnash, we should drive off these Ogres.” Gorga looks up to Garnash on his throne, flanked by two elite Ogre guards, and wonders if he is going to say more than he should one of these days.

“We are still a small tribe Gorga. With enemies on all sides to defend against, can you and your warband put a stop to these raids?”

One of the guards spots a small skulking form in the far end of the hall. “You. Out. This is a private audience.”

Taking the hint, Rhgl sneaks back out the far hall, and out to the tribe courtyard.

“We are off of guard duty on the next cycle. I will take the Wyverns and scout in the Ogre lands. We will see how they like it. If we have the chance, we will strike for blood.” Garnash nods at Gorga and waves for the Orc to go and do as he has said. So far this one has not let him down.

With a quick explanation to the warband, of what needs to be done, the Wyverns head to the area south of the normal river crossing along the western caravan route through the Broken Lands. They find a fording place in the river, and Gorga leads the scouting across into Ogre lands. Less than a mile into Ogre lands, Gorga finds tracks. 2 maybe 3 warbands headed North, and One Headed West. The ones headed north are suspected to be heading to the main crossing at the caravan route. Figuring that the tribe can handle them, Gorga decides to scout out the group heading west. Scouting along the makeshift Ogre path, the warband scouts west and finds an encampment with 4 tents, and a large bonfire burning. 12 sentries are spaced out around the camp. The sentries are Hobgoblins in groups of 2; some with bows, and others with swords and shields. 3 Ogres and 2 more Hobgoblins are at the bonfire.

The warband makes camp about a mile from the river and gets together to plan the assault on the encampment. Rhgl, Drigka and Snig will come in from the North, and Drigka will attempt to put 2 of the Hobgoblins to sleep. A bowman and foot soldier together. Then Rhgl and Snig will move in and kill them as stealthily as possible. Rhgl is to speak Gorga’s name, and what is happening, if something goes wrong. Gorga assures Rhgl that he will hear what is said.

From the South, Iirkh is being beefed up with multiple spells and potions to be a killing machine, hard to hit during the battle. From a distance Gorga and Hobna will fire arrows into the battle, while Iirkh, Gilnak, and Shglsnor move in for close quarters combat. Sharraxtharkul will give spell support as needed.

This did not work as Gorga had hoped. The sleep spell by Drigka fails to take hold on both of the targeted Hobgoblins. They begin to look around for the source of the spell, but do not call out a warning yet. Rhgl sneaks toward them and is spotted by the bowman who uses the goblin for target practice. Snig charges forward to defend the other goblin, and Rhgl cries out that everything is not working.
“Gorga the spell did not work, Rhgl does not like arrows.”

Gorga moves up within bow range, and Iirkh charges in to engage another pair of Hobgoblins, hit one and it did not go down right away. Hobna moved up to support Iirkh with arrows, and Gilnak charges in to fight another group of Hobgoblins.

The Ogres at the fire see what is happening, and call out to the tents, “We get attacked.” The warband leader Ootah comes out and rallies his troops.
"We Legbreakers. Who we fight?"

Gorga calls out from beyond the range of the Ogre’s eyesight "We are the Wyverns, and we have come to slay you!"

Ootah takes some Hobgoblins in tow and moves to attack the Northern assault that he can see. Rhgl runs for cover and Drigka goes uses a spell to turn invisible. Within a few spits 3 Ogres and a Hobgoblin lay dead or dying at Iirkh's feet, but not before shouting for aid from the encampment. Sharraxtharkul managed to help the Half-Ogre further with a spell to soften the ground beneath the Ogres.

In an unusual act of bravery, Rhgl tumbles past the bowman and drives his spear into a vulnerable spot in the Hobgoblins’ armor. One of the hobgoblins is killed by Rhgl before Ootah can join combat with the goblin. Snig, seeing his fellow goblin under siege by hobgoblins and a mighty ogre, steps up to Rhgl's aid. Unfortunately for him, the Ogre swings at Snig twice and batters his body with two blows of his great club.
Snig goes down.

"Gorga not going to like this. Snig has been killed!" Rhgl mutters while running off into the dark, beyond the Ogre and Hobgoblins’ vision.

Ootah leaves Snig dying on the ground after the 2 brutal hits. He should be dead in moments, and he runs to support his dying Ogres down south of the encampment. The Hobgoblin heads back to his post and bandages his wounds seeing no further enemies here. Rhgl manages to sneak back through the darkness and stab the Hobgoblin in the back taking out the final guard in this part of camp.

This is when the Ogre Shaman makes himself known, and begins casting spells. Spun Cook of Jammudaru is about 9 feet tall, with shamanistic ornaments all over. He is wearing a necklace of neck bones, boar hide armor, and a sharpened bone through the septum of his nose. His gri-gri is a long wooden staff, with a spoon bowl carved into the end.

"Who dares attack Butor camp?" He begins dancing and calling upon spirits for magic, but his first spell seems to fizzle on Iirkh.

The Hobgoblins are ordered to form up and defend Spun, the tents and the rest of the encampment. Drigka saves the first party member of the day, by healing Snig who was slowly bleeding out onto the ground. Rhgl moves in, and sneaks into the nearest unoccupied tent, searching it for anything valuable or useful. Coming around, and grunting thanks to Drigka, Snig moves in under the tent behind him. They see more Ogre's in the tent across the way.

"Uh oh. Gorga not going to like this! 3 more ogres in that tent." Gorga increases the enemy count with this information and begins to wonder if retreating might be a good idea. Not yet with Iirkh fighting like he is.

Butor the Ogre chieftain and his bodyguards move out of the tent to see what is going on. These guys are big and mean looking. Both bodyguards look rather bestial with sharpened teeth, Tattoos and piercings showing them to be barbarian warriors of the Bear Eater tribe.

Butor yells, looking for Ootah. "What's going on?!?"

"Nothing, go back to bed!" drawing attention to himself, Gorga yells at the Ogre Chieftain.

Gorga and Iirkh move up to the other side of the tent on the southeast, putting Iirkh in the position to attack any charging enemies. Ootah charges and is taken out by Iirkh and Gorga in two spits of the boar, taking only minor injuries themselves.

Meanwhile, Shar, and Hobna are trying to fight off multiple Hobgoblins, exchanging arrows and spells versus arrows of the Hobgoblins. Sharraxtharkul heals the Orc as he is nearly knocked unconscious with all of the arrows sticking out of him. Someone has to be around, if he and Margrax are threatened.

Seeing Butor, his guardsmen, and the Shaman moving up Gorga calls for a retreat. This many fresh Ogres and a Shaman added on, will be too much for the weakened warband. Iirkh is hurt, Gorga is hurt, Hobna is hurt, and Snig is hurt.

"Wyverns! We have crippled the Legbreakers, withdraw from the attack!"

Snig sneaks back out the rear of the tent, and moves out southeast to the campsite by the river. Shglsnor and Gilnak disengage as well. Spun blazes flame in a trail after Iirkh as he retreats, scorching the ground where the Half-Ogre previously stood. As a last spiteful act, Sharraxtharkul called upon the spirits to blast the bodies of the fallen enemies with fire, to keep any from being healed, who might still be holding on to life.

Drigka makes his way across the encampment invisible, and retreats with Iirkh and Gorga, who are being chased by one of the bodyguards, Duuk, who Butor can not call back, because he is mad with battle rage. After 3 spits of running, Gorga, Iirkh, and Drigka turn to fight, and what a fight it is.

Duuk charges in and attacks Iirkh twice, hitting once, for a crushing blow to his shoulder. Combined with the damage from his previous wounds, Iirkh is knocked unconscious. When Iirkh goes down, Drigka moves over and administers some magical healing to him. Gorga hits the Ogre with his glaive, cutting deeply into his side. Iirkh gets up avoiding a backhanded swing from Duuk’s greatclub and strikes him with a glancing blow of his own. Duuk is confused by his multiple foes for a moment, and attacks both of them, normally quite able to crush both enemies in a turn of the spit. This time is like every other. Gorga goes down bleeding badly, and Iirkh's head is smashed in, killing him instantly. "Oh crap!" are Iirkh’s final words just before his head is caved in by Duuk. ****

Drigka is left with a dilemma, try to get some healing to Gorga, and risk getting hit, or run for the hills and leave him to die with Iirkh. In a final act of bravery and desperation he pours the healing slime down Gorga's throat and takes a crushing club strike for his trouble. He turns and runs as fast as his legs can carry him.

"I hope that helps cuz I'm not sticking around to find out!" He runs for the river camp to see who else has survived. Who knows, if Gorga is gone, maybe Drigka can assert his dominance over the warband.

Gorga rolls to face the Ogre and drives his newly acquired glaive into the Ogre's belly killing him. Nearly in shock at the loss of his best warrior, Gorga cuts off Duuk’s head as a trophy and proof of the kill. His head beginning to clear, he finds the remains of Iirkh’s ear, and pockets the magical earring. He takes Iirkh's ear off leaving it behind, and throw's the body over his shoulder. Even though he is wounded badly he makes his way to the river to join up with his warband to break the bad news.

* Shins are equivalent to 5 Knucks, or about the length of an Ogre’s Shinbone
** Knucks are equivalent to feet, Ogre Knuckles as a unit of measure
*** Boar – Measure of time it takes to skin a boar, about one hour. Spits are also used as a measure of time. A boar on a spit is turned over a fire 6 times in about a minute. So a spit is ten seconds.
**** A 1 in 400 chance critical hit (Two 20's in a row). This was one of the most difficult character deaths I’ve had to deal with. Awesome rolls on behalf of the NPC . It was a popular character to all of us.

Next Up: A kobold slave, and Iirkh’s Half Brother, can we use them? Sure.



Graywolf-ELM said:
Gorga goes down bleeding badly, and Iirkh's head is smashed in, killing him instantly. "Oh crap!" are Iirkh’s final words just before his head is caved in by Duuk. **** [/b]

Holy Crap! They killed Iirkh!

A mighty blow has been struck against the Wyvern warband. This should make the warband a little more vulnerable at home me thinks.

Great stuff, keep it up. I'm still reading.



First Post
Loosing Iirkh was certainly a blow to the group.
Everyone really liked the character (PCs and players alike.).

But, the warband must continue on and we did.

As far as the position of the warband back home, oddly enough it didn't impact us a whole lot.
For reasons that will be come more clear with the next update...



A kobold slave, and Iirkh’s Half Brother, can we use them? Sure.

Rhgl is all alone. The rest of the warband has fled the battle, but Rhgl remains to see what is happening. There is much yelling from Spun, the Ogre tribe’s shaman. He is rushing around trying to save injured Ogres and Hobgoblins so they can fight again. Rhgl smiles to hear that Sharraxtharkul called down the fires to burn many of the dying Ogres beyond help. Some time passes as the guards and leaders run around organizing for a second attack. The tribe chieftain Butor, calls for the breakdown of camp, for travel to a more secure area. Rhgl nearly snickers out loud to hear the ranting. As the hobgoblins begin taking tents down, Rhgl sneaks out the flap in the back of this tent, and moves quietly off into the darkness. Gorga will want this news.

The warband meets back up near the river. Drigka comes in later, then Gorga, with Iirkh over his shoulders. Everyone is dismayed. The warband’s most powerful warrior is dead. But many Ogres fell to his club. Gorga lays Iirkh’s body near the edge of camp. He was a good warrior.

Gorga tells the story of Iirkh’s final battle, and his revenge on the Ogre Duuk.

We turned to fight the Ogre chasing us. Duuk was his name, of Butor’s guards. Iirkh hit the Ogre with his club hurting him, but not enough. Duuk was in a battle rage, and was not feeling pain. After Iirkh’s death and the last of the Wyverns fled in terror, I Gorga Manhunter jumped to my feet and snarled at the Ogre, "You shall suffer greatly for this deed!" and drove a final blow through Duuk's heart bringing down one of Butor's Elite Guard with my glaive.

Sharraxtharkul calls for silence among the warband members. He pulls out his charcoal, and begins preparing the body to prevent him being raised as undead. With the final markings in place, Shar begins a death dirge for Iirkh Stonefist the foul.

Prayer to the Earth and Elements
Valiant spirits of the fire, earth, wind, and air,
Who subdued the demons and angels with blood,
For love of the Tribe, for pains and wounds of weary battle,
Hold thy shield over Iirkh, protect Iirkh,
Hold thy shield over Iirkh, protect Iirkh.
On his way to the spirit warrior's path

Spirits beloved and mother of calm,
Father of storms, shield, oh shield us,
And spirits of the life binding, hunters of the wild,
Safeguard thou our lives, encircle us together,
Safeguard thou our lives, encircle us together.
Safeguard Iirkh's spirit, and encircle Iirkh with us
on the warrior's path

And spirits of air, fire, water and earth, powerful, maker of all things,
Governors of the track ways of power,
Invoke the star of power upon the path,
Guide well thou ourselves, shield our procession,
Guide well thou ourselves, shield our procession.
Guide well Iirkh, shield him on the procession.

Crone of Wisdom! Hands of Fate
Be the spirit binder, the triad,
the now, the then and the tomorrow
Be with us day and night,
On the plain, on the mountain ridge,
On the lake bottom, or in the forest trees
Be the Triad with us and cloak us,
Be the Triad with us and cloak us.
Be the Triad with Iirkh and cloak him for all time

Now! Spirits of earth, wind, fire, and air,
guide well Iirkh to the resting of souls,
guide well to the cycle of battle,
guide well to the eternal cycle of earth, air, water and fire.

Iirkh, we have asked for the way so you must go!

The warband breaks into howls of the warrior to guide Iirkh to the eternal battle, and the ritual is completed. All look to Sharraxtharkul with respect at his dirge for Iirkh. He is growing into a spiritual leader for the warband. The body is left where it lies, until the return to the tribe.

Rhgl comes sneaking into camp and updates Gorga on what he learned while hiding in the tent. Pleased with the news, Gorga calls for rest here after the battle with the Ogres.

During Rhgl’s watch, he begins to think about Gorga being able to hear him when not close by. While Gorga is sleeping, Rhgl decides to give a little test to his theory.

Gorga... Rhgl is your trusted one

Gorga... Rhgl is very loyal and honest

Gorga... Rhgl....

Gorga, Rhgl good.

Rhgl mighty warrior!

Gorga becomes restless in his sleep, and Rhgl grins to himself.

In the morning after everyone has rested, and a dirty glance thrown Rhgl’s way, Gorga decides to take the warband North to try and follow the Ogre warband tracks headed in that direction. The tracks are soon rediscovered by Gorga, Sharraxtharkul and his wolf.

The Wyverns pick up the pace, with Rhgl scouting ahead, It is soon determined that the warbands are headed to the Vile Runes home. The warband crosses the river at the ford, and hustles back towards the tribe’s home encampment. Traveling across the last stretch of badlands leading home, the warband crests a hill to see a battle at the home tribe.

An Ogre of the Vile Runes tribe is fighting off three Hobgoblins, and there are multiple enemy ogres and hobgoblins at the gate. Garnash, Gynk, and Hargul are there, felling the remaining ogres handily. An unusual sight up on the walls is a Kobold is running along casting spells at Hobgoblins. Bolts of light fly unerringly to hit hobgoblin bowmen. The warband rushes in to help, but is too late to participate in the battle. Hargul casts lightning frying an Ogre, and Garnash takes down two with multiple slashes from his Axe. The Vile Runes Ogre clubs down the last of the hobgoblins, and turns to watch the approach of the Wyverns, alive and dead. One set of eyes follows the warband, not with approval of their return.

Gorga makes a point to count the dead Orcs to see how bad the battle went. Not too bad, only about 12 lost. Garnash calls out for the tribe to treat the wounded, and prepare the enemy bodies for a feast. Looking over at the returning Wyverns, he directs Gynk Lip-biter to meet with them.

The Wyverns meet up with Gynk, and tell of the route of the war party on the other side of the river. He is pleased, except for the knowledge that Iirkh is now gone from the tribe. Gorga requests replacement members for the warband. Gynk calls for Shglsnor to fight and possibly lead another warband. He gives Gorga access to Gaak, Iirkh's half-brother, the full Ogre fighting outside this day. Looking at Gorga Gynk makes a decision. Chupa, a Kobold sorcerer was purchased at the sacred cavern recently. Raised from an egg, the kobold has no tie beyond race, with kobolds to the East.

He will fit well with your warband Gorga. Gynk looks around the cave for prying eyes and ears. No one else will bother with the kobold, but he will grow powerful with you; an asset to the tribe. Gorga agrees to take on the slave, and the Ogre, if Gaak can be convinced to fight alongside the leader who saw his brother die.

Gorga begins to request a warparty to move in and finish off the Ogre tribe. Gynk smiles at the attitude of his protégé. You fight well for the tribe Gorga, but we do not have enough Orcs to hold the new stronghold, our lands from all sides, and new lands in the Ogre territory. We need more Orcs for the tribe. Garnash is busy; can you and your warband recruit Orcs for us?

Gorga commits to the task. Yes War-Leader, I will recruit new Orcs for the tribe.

Meanwhile, Sharraxtharkul has approached Hargul Wolf-Tongue to request a divination. We seek a weapon to use against the Ogres. Will you ask the spirits for us? It is beyond my power to find such knowledge. He leaves the unspoken word “yet” out of his request. Payment is arranged, and Shar takes his leave from the shaman.

Gorga locates Gaak, and requests that he join the Wyverns. He explains how Iirkh was killed, that Wogar must have sneezed to miss the death of a favored warrior. Gaak is not your normal stupid Ogre, and decides to see if Iirkh was lost to stupidity, or bad luck in war. Gorga welcomes him to the warband.

Finding Chupa is quite easy. The young goblins and orcs in the tribe have gathered around to tease and torment the kobold. He is mostly oblivious to them, but when bothered too much, he releases a little magic to scare them off. Gorga tells the young to scram, and gathers Chupa to the warband. Chupa, you will fight with us. Chupa nods, and follows Gorga, as he gathers up the warband.

Tomorrow we go to the Sacred Cavern. We will recruit Orcs to fight for the Vile Runes. There are no complaints. More Orcs means fewer turns at the boring duty of guarding the home tribe, and more time out in battle.

The Wyverns make the trip to the Sacred Cavern a short day-long trip. With a quick argument at the gate, the warband is let in with all their weapons intact. Gorga confers with Drigka, and decides that the warband can gather a following by having Drigka perform at bars. This ends up being fruitful for the warband.

The first bar is the “Drunken Orc”. Drigka rolls in, and can’t seem to keep his drums in order. A poor performance yields high prices for the warband on drinks, and a bar fight nearly ensues. On the way out the door, Sharraxtharkul voices his displeasure at the high cost of drinks; a whole silver for Wogar’s sake. I can get <sex act> from a dwarf for less then that!... As an afterthought he adds In this city.

The second bar is a slimy affair off an alley, near the outer wall of the city. “The Open Sore” known throughout the city as a festering den comprised mostly of Orcs. Drigka has a great performance here, singing one of his own songs, “Rise of the Wyverns.” In the ensuing conversations, 6 orcs are recruited to the Vile Runes.

The third bar is a low down dirty affair, “Goblins Gas” by name, and the smell of the place matches. Gorga comments to Rhgl. Does this remind you of home? and to the rest of the warband Grab what you have, and keep it safe. Drigka has a decent performance here, “Blazing a Glory path to Wogar” is the song. 9 goblins see this as a calling to the tribe. Rhgl immediately begins indoctrination over a brew. Asking around, Drigka finds out about three more bars in the city that might allow public performances by the Battle Drummer.

At the fourth bar “SkullCrack Groghole” only Gaak is allowed in, until he mentions that Drigka is a Battle Drummer, and will play for the bar. An enjoyable performance of “A tale of Men and Entrails” keeps the bard from earning a beating, but little more. The 12 Ogre patrons are as friendly as expected, but none are especially thrilled.

The fifth bar is one of the larger, if not the largest in the city; “The Orc and Pastry.” A troll bouncer watches the warband and followers as they come in. Drigka chats up the barkeep, and agrees to a performance for the bar. He trots out “Blazing a Glory path to Wogar” again to good effect. After the performance discussion with several orcs and goblins over drinks, and 6 more orcs and 2 more goblins agree to join the tribe.

The last bar is filled with malcontents and obvious thralls. “The Dark Hole” is not a friendly place, and most of the new recruits do not want to go in. Gorga leads them out of the city, while Drigka attempts to bring some of the drinkers around with “A tale of Men and Entrails” one of his best works. Even a great performance by the Battle Drummer is unable to sway any of these hardened criminals to a life of working and fighting for a tribe.

A total of 12 orcs and 11 goblin recruits camp outside the city with the warband. Rhgl suggests that they have a small feast to make the march back to the tribe an easier affair. This ends up being a good suggestion, and may have kept some from deserting. Taking a couple of orcs with him, Rhgl heads into the city while Shar starts up a cooking fire. Soon, Rhgl has returned with a boar, and a couple of Mushroom Ale kegs. No watch is posted during the drunken sleep afterwards. After a good sleep, Gorga awakens everyone for a march back to the tribe.

After a day of marching, they return to the tribe home, Gynk is pleased with the warbands’ results. Twenty three new pariahs ready to earn names in the tribe. Sharraxtharkul goes to Hargul Wolf-Tongue to get the results of the commune with spirits.

Over the river and across the ford
Ogrebreaker is in the hoard
Ready fire along the way
Judicious use will win the day

There is also some bad news for Gorga and the warband. The shaman FillexHulkil presumably of the Screaming Monkeys tribe has disappeared with several of the orcs returned after the Coming of Age ceremony for the young warband. This personal affront to the Wyverns can not go unpunished. Gorga goes to Rhgl before the warband leaves. He has a new job for Rhgl which will require good communication with the goblin. Trying to impress the goblin, and garner additional support he explains to Rhgl that he has made a magic “Earring of Echoes” and that Rhgl should wear it, now that he will be scouting for the warband. Gorga makes a point to explain how he believes the earring to work. Rhgl recognizes the ring as the one Iirkh wore blowing Gorga’s bluff.
That looks like Iirkh's earring.

P*$% off, Rhgl, here take this. You’ll need it when you skulk

The warband strikes off in search of the missing FillexHulkil. Traveling North and East, they come across some tracks, heading towards the Fat Lips tribe home to the East. This begins to make sense, who but the Fat Lips would try to steal orcs from under their noses?

Gorga sends Rhgl to scout ahead. The way is unusual however. Normally when penetrating this deep into Fat Lips territory, there should be some form of challenge, today there is none. Continuing to scout ahead, Rhgl finds the vale of the Fat Lips. He can see that a battle has taken place here recently; there are dead orcs and kobolds, a siege weapon, that has been badly damaged, and a section of scorched earth near the palisade down in the valley. The warband moves up to join Rhgl at the pass, and notice a patrol approaching around the rim of the valley.

Rhgl continues down to scout out the damaged palisade and to get beyond the patrol. There is very little activity for a tribe here. He makes his way down like a quiet wind, and goes unnoticed by any of the Fat Lips tribe.
The patrol is comprised of a very large Orc with an enormous great axe, a large Orc carrying a great axe, 3 Orcs with bows, and 2 carrying great axes.

The Fat Lips patrol makes its way warily as it goes beyond the pass, and the Wyverns attempt to come up behind and parley. With the recent near-defeat in mind, they are in no mood to respond to kind words, and they make it clear with arrows and insults.
No one attacks Prince Ugreth!

Gorga shouts back Prince? You look like a pansy-A$%#d p*$sboy to me!

Battle is joined, with Gorga charging in ahead of his warband only to be laid low by the half-Troll Idiot Prince “Grung.” Drigka begins a drum solo, and uses the magic of his playing to inspire courage in the warband. Chupa begins sending his balls of magic energy unerringly at enemy Orcs, while staying out of the way of return arrows. Snig runs up to support, but the self-styled Orc Prince slashes him hard with his battle axe. Snig harries him and draws him off of Gorga for a short respite at least. The half-Troll Idiot prince charges for Gaak, and they battle it out.

Um gunna, get da Ogre. Gunna get him good.

Gilnak tries to flank the half-troll/orc to support Gaak, killing an injured orc with a powerful slash of his axe. Shar manages to ride his wolf guiding him around so he can heal Gorga. After Gorga's forced nap, he gets up survey's the damage. Noticing one of the few remaining Fat Lip Orcs, he charges him with his halberd. With a critical blow to the stomach, Gorga impales the hapless orc and with a show of strength, forces him into the air.

Finally, he drops the orc and spits on him.

Gorga takes stock of the battle. Gaak is trading blows with the Half-Troll, Drigka is playing his drums and chanting out a song, Gilnak is hacking away at Ugreth, Chupa is using his magic to good effect, Sharraxtharkul is using magic to heal Snig, and Hobna is putting arrows into the enemy.

Where is Rhgl he is missing the battle, ah never mind, he never does anything anyway

Gorga, I can hear you.

Rhgl, Good.

Gorga, I can see you.

Gorga shows Rhgl a universal hand sign.

Just in time to see the Half-Troll/Orc reach back and nearly cut Gilnak in half. The one-eyed orc dies the way he wanted, in battle. Hobna shoots arrows injuring Ugreth, and with orcs falling around him, he begins to rage. Grung begins to rage as well. Gaak takes a final slash from Grungs’ greataxe, and uses his greatclub quickly and efficiently, bringing down the half-Troll. Gorga returns to the battle with Ugreth, as Sharraxtharkul summons fire to burn the obviously half-Troll Grung.

The warband converges on the other Orc Prince and finish off Ugreth. With the two most powerful orcs in their tribe defeated; the remaining two orcs turn and run for the palisade and the hope of backup.

Gaak looks at Gorga with his barely healed wounds, Gilnak lying dead on the ground, and his own injuries. Next time, perhaps the Ogre should lead the charge.

Next Up: The Wyverns pay a House Call
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A fairly long update for me. I kept trying to leave something out, but wanted to keep in what really happened. All-in-all I think it was an excellent session.

Intro Gaak and Chupa. I posted some character info on the front page about these two.

Gaak is a full-blooded Ogre, fighter, smart guy, no dummy here. He's watching to see which way the wind blows before he steps in it.

Chupa is as innocent as he can be, having been raised a slave with sorcerous power. He quickly aquits himself as a valuable member of the warband.

Alas poor Gilnak one-eye fell to the greataxe 3d6 + strength..etc. of a raging Barbarian halfOrc/Troll. Luckily it was only him. Most of the game he was an NPC. We had someone join the game for a short time, and take up his reigns enough were he became effective in combat even. Then he died, which coincided (not on purpose) with the player deciding he had too much work to do anyway.

Of the 3 PC deaths to this point, 2 were Barbarian characters.... and counting. :)


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