• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E OOC The European Union


This is where we talk.

This entry will (nearly) always contain the latest info regarding getting ready to play, I'll edit and update as often as I can.

Connecting to the Server.

I'll put up the server as often as I can, check here to see when that is.


Click Join Game
Enter your onscreen name
Then the password for the server, which will always be-

puny ninja epic gate

24th July- Zoki connected but with a few problems.
25th July- Simon connected today and then added three more instances so we had four PCs in game. Pedja also connected later on. I left the server up for approx. 12 hours and it only dropped once.
26th July- Server will be up in a few minutes (12.30 GMT). Pedja connected and stayed connected, he even created a character in under an hour, with all stats, spells, attacks etc. it worked like a dream.
27th July- Server up.
28th July- Server up.
29th July- Server up. Zoki had issue getting in but soon solved, Grimm created 1st level Human Paladin. Simon logged in no problems and creates two PCs- 1st level Half-Elf Warlock and 1st level Human Druid. Game on!
30th July- Server up. Pedje has been in an created 1st level Human Ranger.
31st July- Server up.
1st August- Server up.

Campaign Information.

Just a note about the scenario/campaign you're getting into-

1) You are noobs- this is your first adventure, the 4e dynamic is gone- you are not heroes (yet), nor are you the finished article. In point of fact the pregen characters for this scenario are-

An ex-Acolyte turned Wizard who quests for knowledge,
A dockworker Folk Hero turned Fighter who used to have family in the region,
A fallen Noble turned Fighter who is desperate to make his families fortune again,
A Halfling Criminal that upset his superiors and is on the run, and
A Dwarf ex-Guard Sergeant, a Soldier, who got fed up of all the bad things he saw on the street and turned Cleric.

Think of your PCs as being just about to set out on the road to adventuring, in fact in the PHB I remember reading that PCs are considered to be apprentice adventurers until they reach level 5, at which point they are considered to be the real deal.

So, the big adventure is you are going to be caravan guards- think small, you want to be adventurers, your not there yet.

2) You don't know each other, probably.

3) You have been hired by Gundren Rockseeker in the city of Neverwinter, you may already know Gundren- that's something I'm going to decide with you individually. You have accepted his offer to transport a cart full of provisions from Neverwinter to Phandalin (Fan-dal-in), you need to deliver the ox drawn wagon to Barthen's Provisions there- Barthen will pay you 10gp each on behalf of Gundren. The journey to Phandalin will take maybe five days, through bandit country for the latter part of it. Gundren has also hired a human bodyguard called Sildar Haliwinter (NPC), a middle-aged ex-Guard Captain; the pair have gone ahead of you to Phandalin- on fast horses. Gundren has business to take care of there but will meet up with you later, he may have more work for you.

4) Phandalin is a frontier town, it used to be a major trade route (five centuries ago) and was particularly busy because of the local mines, however an Orc horde swept down from the north and decimated the town and the region. Recently, in the last twenty years or so, people have been moving back to Phandalin- prospectors are mining again and the town is beginning to attract attention, and gold. Gundren Rockseeker you know, like many other Dwarves, is a miner.

Character Selection

What do you want to play?

Some guys have rolled two PCs.

Character Class & Race
Zoki- 1st choice- Paladin (READY) & 2nd choice- Rogue.
Simon- 1st choice- Warlock (READY) & 2nd choice- Druid (READY).
Pedja- 1st choice- Ranger (READY).

Rolling your abilities.

If you want to roll up a PC then for stats roll 4d6 take best 3 results


Only two stats should be 15+
One stat must be 10 or below

Before adding Racial bonuses.

When can you play?

Monday (PM)- Zoki, Simon & Pedja ok
Tuesday (PM)- Zoki, Simon & Pedja ok
Wednesday (PM)- Zoki, Simon & Pedja ok
Thursday (PM)- Zoki, Simon & Pedja ok
Friday (PM)- Zoki, Simon & Pedja ok
Saturday (Afternoon or PM)- Simon (fav) ok
Sunday (Afternoon or PM)- Zoki (fav) & Simon (fav) ok

Once/Week- Zoki, Simon & Pedja ok


Guide #1 Fantasy Grounds start up instructions (attached).
Guide #2 Character Creation (attached).

Cheers PDR


  • Guide #1 FG Start.rtf
    22.1 KB · Views: 110
  • Guide #2 FG Character Creation.rtf
    59.5 KB · Views: 176
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First Post
I'm free any night and on the weekends. I'd probably prefer the weekend.

I'm re-reading the 5th edition stuff and considering what I want to play as a character.

Do we have any plans on what type of group we will be?
Traveling heroes?
A mercenary company?
A mercantile company?
On the run?
Agents of <insert faction here>?


For info I have a hook, and a few pieces of information that are going to be shared out amongst the players (one each), the scenario presumes, although it need not be the case that the PCs do not know each other prior to the start of the adventure.

As I say above this needn't be the case, you guys can already know each other.

Incidentally 5th Edition is different from 4th Edition in that PCs level 1-4 are thought of as wannabe adventurers, taking on their first jobs- caravan guards and the like. PCs level 5+ are now considered to be adventurers proper. Your backgrounds will also help to flesh out who you are and what you've been doing prior to becoming an adventurer.

That said any info generated as part of character creation can be manipulated into whatever story you want to tell for your guy.

Cheers Paul


First Post
Hi guys.
Contrary to Simon, I would prefer the start of the week. Say any day from Monday to Thursday.

I am fairly new to 5E.
I will try to connect to the server tomorrow from the hotel somewhere around 8-9 PM CET.
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First Post
I have played 5th ed with bard and cleric of Tempus so far. They are both very fun to play.. having said that I would like to play either a fighter ( brb ) or a rogue.
I am leaning towards rogue but I would be fine with whatever as long as there is no arcane/divine magic involved


I have played 5th ed with bard and cleric of Tempus so far. They are both very fun to play.. having said that I would like to play either a fighter ( brb ) or a rogue.
I am leaning towards rogue but I would be fine with whatever as long as there is no arcane/divine magic involved

Zoki, you're the first to declare and so you have first refusal on the Rogue- it's yours for the taking. Get back to me.

Cheers PDR

Voidrunner's Codex

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