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OOC Spycraft debriefing

Game Control

First Post
We are near the 200 mark so let's use this thread for further comment.

OOC so anyone can post.

1st point of order

Do you sign in for another adventure?

2nd point of order

Your PCs are now level 2.

D12 = 6
D10 = 5
D8 = 4

3rd point of order

I won't bother with XP given the slow pace of an online game.

One might ask: but what of my background? Three things:

A- When a background show up in a serial, you'll get a free AD.

B- If you successfully resolve your background you will gain more ADs, proportional to the strength of the background and how involved it was in the serial.

C- The background can sometime act as an advantage. You have an obligation to the NSA? Perhaps they can return some small favors once in a while. You have a nemesis? The enemy of my enemy is my friend: you might get unexpected allies. etc.

4th point of order

How do you feel about some supernatural and sci-fi stuff in the campaign? Shadowforce Archer is just around the corner.

I need to know before issuing a casting call. Will I just look for a replacement to Roman or will I also open a few slots for the new SFA classes?

5th point of order

Give me feedback on what you liked and didn't like. I'm neither omniscient nor omnipotent and your help is needed to make this game as fun as possible.
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1) I am game for another go around.

2) Whee....Now to figure out what to spend points on. we've got some holes, but then we are still fairly green.

3) Sounds fair engouh. Actualy, considering their usfulness, I would rather have the action die.

4) The SFA looks interesting. At this point, I don't care one way or the other. However, I don't think we should go beyond 6 players. But that is up to you if you want that many agents running around. It would only be a problem in the "final sceene" when everyone is together again. Things can get a lilttle slow waiting for actions.

5) Over all I realy enjoyed the game. I sort of wished we had more time to do more information gathering. My character is the clue gatherer and analyser. But when the bullets begin to fly, I duck. Though I did successfully never fire a shot.

When we submit our updated characters, you might want to make sure we have a good cross section of skills. Also if you think that some skill choices will be more useful in the way you intend to run things, then let us know. (I need to decide how much, if and, Hide and Move Silently I want to get).


Game Control

First Post
Yes, some tip:

Luddite could increase his Hide, Move silently and search skills.

The Snoop is immensely useful in a B&E scenario; He's even better at neutralizing electronic security device than the Fixer and he's able to thoroughly search the place in half the time.

The snoop normally can't do the B&E on his own. No open lock and no ''cat burglar'' skills prevent him from that. But he can rock at following the fixer in and supporting him. But of course he only ''rocks'' if he doesn't make as much noise as a rock band when going in.

Beside, security computers are almost never hooked on the net. In a really complex MI style operation against a secure building, you'll have no choice but to get inside in order to hack something.


Kim should pick up the disguise skill if he wants to become a high level Faceman. The 3rd level class ability ''quick change'' is totally wasted without it, and the 6th level class ability ''Fake-it'' isn't as useful.

Of course, perhaps Kim doesn't intend to be more than level 1 or 2 as a Faceman.

Also, Kim is in position to get tons of synergy bonus. Look them up.


Ronin made a good move by maxing his intimidate skill. He should keep doing it; eventually he'll probably be the best at it since not many PC have Intimidate as a class skill (Wlm and Sold). It'll take a whileto catch up wuth Kim, though.

For the same reason, I recommend upping the climb skill. Only the fixer also has climb as a class skill and the soldier has the advantage of double AD on srenght check. If a plan requires one team member to make a seemingly impossible climb, the soldier is the only class that stand a chance to pull it off.

Also, the team needs a good scondary driver. The soldier doesn't have a lot of skill points, but he doesn't have a lot of class skill either so Ronin could be it.

And guess which class skill is unique to the soldier? USE ROPE! Yeah, baby. Huh, I'm not suggesting to invest heavily in it. I'm just pointing it out.



you know you are one of the few class with disguise as a class skill? Useful.

Frankly, Kareem has a solid skill selection given his role.

Escape artist would be cool but you need to invest heavily to make it worth it. And he hasn't put ranks in handle animal! Shame on you! ;)


Fox; do you listen when I'm talking to you :D (how cheesy can I get?)

Your listen skill is abysmal for a thief. The landlord could sneak up on you as you are searching his room. But aside from that you seem to have all the right skills in all the right place for the job so everything's fine.


Cross train! Each important skill should have at least two PCs with a lot of ranks in it.
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First Post
Game Control said:
Hey, you should also use this thread for some metagaming speculation on what happened in this serial.

Where there is something afoot. Seems like it could be your basic, "release a plauge apon the world and have the cure ready so you can extort the governments, or just profit off being the only supplier of the cure."

As for what happened in this serial...

Gournay was near completion of his part of the plan. Either the Vaccine/Cure or maybe a "weapons grade" sample of the TB strain was given to Balladur to ship out.

The African in the Control tower is a mystery. Unfortunately we have no pictures on him. Maybe we can get some information about him when we recover the body of Roman. (I doubt there is more then one mourge in Binga.) Gournay could tell us, but he is not as easliy bullied as are regular minons.


Game Control

First Post
Tokiwong said:
I am in... and most likely won't advance too far as a Faceman... might pick up Pointman... not sure... hmmm

In that case:

1- Consider a second level in the Faceman class: Cold read is a cool class ability.

2- Yes, you could become a Pointman. You could also be a candidate to try the new FSA classes. A Faceman/telepath, anyone? ;)

Of course, point 2 only applies if we decide to go with some supernatural stuff in the campaign.


First Post
Here is the final Sheet for Luddite for level 2

Name: Claude Vandermar
Code Name: Luddite

Department: D-3 "NSA"
Class/Level: Snoop 2
Gender: Male Age: 32
Height: 5'7'' Weight: 165 lbs.
Eyes: Grey Hair: Dark Brown

Ability Scores
Str 10 (+0)
Dex 13 (+1)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 19 (+4)
Wis 14 (+2)
Cha 14 (+2)

Action Dice: 3 (1d4)

Class Base Bonuses: Attack: +1, Initiative +1, Defense +2
Base Budget Points: 4 (4:Class)
Base Gadget Points: 4 (2:Class, +2:Feat)
Inspiration: +4 (+2:Level, +2:Wis)
Education: +6 +2:Level, +4:Int)

Languages: English, German, Russian, Araibic, Japanesse

Combat Info
Initiative: +2 (+1:Class, +1:Dex)

Base Melee Attack: +1 (+1:BAB)
Base Range Attack: +2 (+1:BAB, +1:Dex)

Defense: 13 (10:Base, +2:Class, +1:Dex)
Vitality: 14 (2d8+2 : 9+5)
Wounds: 12

Fort SV: +1
Ref SV: +3
Will SV: +4

Extra R&D Support (Department)
Mathematical Genius (Level 1)

Class Features
Astute (2 for 1 Action die for Int Skills)
Flawless Search
Intuition (1/session)

+6 : Appraise (2:Ranks, +4:Int)
+4 : Bureaucracy (2:Ranks, +2:Cha)
+13: Computers (T) (5:Ranks, +4:Int, +2:Math Genius, +1:Dept, +1:Computer)
+6 : Concentration (4:Ranks, +2:Wis)
+10: Cryptography (T) (4:Ranks, +4:Int, +2:Math Genius, +1:Computer)
+4 : Diplomacy (2:Ranks, +2:Cha)
+1 : Driver (untrained, +1:Dex)
+9 : Electronics (4:Ranks, +4:Int, +1:Dept)
+4 : First Aid (untrained, +4:Int)
+6 : Gather Information (4:Ranks, +2:Cha)
+4 : Hide (3:Ranks, +1:Dex)
+2 : Languages (untrained, +2:Wis)
+5 : Listen (3:Ranks, +2:Wis)
+6 : Mechanics (2:Ranks, +4:Int)
+4 : Move Sliently (3:Ranks, +1:Dex)
+8 : Read Lips (4:Ranks, +4:Int)
+7 : Search (3:Ranks, +4:Int)
+4 : Sense Motive (2:Ranks, +2:Cha)
+6 : Spot (4:Ranks, +2:Wis)
+7 : Surveillence (5:Ranks, +2:Wis)
+4 : Hobby (Billards) (2:Ranks, +2:Wis)

T : Threat 19-20

Personal Items (Personal Budget - 54 BP)

Laptop Computer (+1 Power) (5 lb)
Acoustic Unit Implant Bug Dectecor

13BP, Pistol, Service 9x19mm (3 lb)
1 BP, | 1 Box Military Ball
2 BP, | Laser sight

5 BP, Trendy Clothes (5 lb)
5 BP, Electronics Kit (10 lb)
2 BP, Evidence Kit (5 lb)
8 BP, Professional Camera (3 lb)
3 BP, | IR Filter Lens (1 lb)
5 BP, | Super Telephoto Lens (1 lb)
2 BP, | Tripod (5 lb)
1 BP, | 1 Professional grade film roll
2 BP, Micro-Tape Recorder (.1 lb)

2 BP, Headset Radio (.5 lb)
3 BP, | Encryption

Total Weight: 39.6 lbs.

Background: Obligation 2 points : NSA

Contacts and Allies

Jeff Neilan: (Ally) 2 free favor checks (information) per season

+15 for info that directly involves France
+10 for Europe
+ 5 for the rest of the world

Jeff Neilan: (Contact) +2 on all information favor checks. Stacks with class bonus.

[ EDIT1: Went back to Professional film camera. I can pick up a digital one in mission budget. ]
[ EDIT2: Adjusted new skill points ]
[ EDIT3: Finalized and made sheet, Nice]

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First Post
Game Control said:

In that case:

1- Consider a second level in the Faceman class: Cold read is a cool class ability.

2- Yes, you could become a Pointman. You could also be a candidate to try the new FSA classes. A Faceman/telepath, anyone? ;)

Of course, point 2 only applies if we decide to go with some supernatural stuff in the campaign.

The telepath sounds cool... taking a second level in Faceman for now and using 2 points to purchase a background, Romance-Lana

Just some putting down some thoughts about GhostFox's skill set. I will post an updated version of the skills and gear later on today with the final skill and budget point allocations.

I read you FIVE by FIVE, Control. I'll definitely sink 2 or 3 points into Listen.

I will also sink 1 point for each of GhostFox's bread-and-butter skills: Move Silently, Hide, Jump and Tumble. The synergy bonuses will help a lot. I know it sounds munchkiney but I'm just trying to optimize my character's strengths. And with the tough to beat DCs that we encounter, every bit helps.

She could also use a point into a couple of these skills: electronics, search, spot and open lock.

The bulk of her personal gear will remain the same - I'll remove a couple of items and replace them with some other stuff. Perhaps the knife and binoculars can be purchased as part of the mission budget instead. Don't really want to buy a lot of surveillance gear for her personal stuff because she isn't trained in survaillance anyway.

*BUT* IMO, surveillance is a valuable skill for any agent. Surveillance isn't a class skill for Fixer's and it's for Trained use only. Luddite is pretty capable with surveillance and one of other surveillance agents is gone (Roman - may he rest in peace).
Do you think it would help if I put in 2 or 4 skill points in Surveillance to buy 1 or 2 ranks?

I have 10 skill points to work with and I will have just enough to boost listen and the other bread-and-butter B&E skills.

I put 2 ranks into Languages during chargen, that didn't come into play but this time around hopefully that might come in handy sometime.

Also weak on the profession skills - a decent cover is a must. She could always pose as a "security consultant" but that's usually a dead giveaway for "covert operative". I suppose a decent cover is better than none, and at least she is sticking to something she knows.

Will also post more comments later.

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