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[OOC] [Dark Sun] Marauders of the Dune Sea


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
I'm starting a new Play by Post Dark Sun game.

I'll be running Marauders of the Dune Sea with some changes and added fluff, if you've previously read or played the adventure your still welcome to play I simply ask that you don't use out of character knowledge.

The game begins in Tyr just weeks after the fall of Kalak, characters may or may not know each other at the start of the game that's up to you.

Rules stuff
2nd Level
Race Selection as per Dark Sun Campaign Setting, though I'd prefer to keep it traditional
No Divine Classes
Using Backgrounds and Themes
Using Inherent Bonuses (DMG 2 p138)
As such you will have a +1 enhancement bonus to Attack and Damage and do an extra 1d6 damage on a crit.
Ability Scores by Method 2 (PHB p17) 22 points.
Characters start with 100 ceramic bits (gp)

I will be using the optional rules for Reckless Breakage, and Metal Armor and Overheating

I'm gonna be looking for 6 players, I'll keep Submissions open until Friday and pick 6, and choose alternates from the rest.

Anyone have questions?
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Ya'tta Level 2
Thri-Kreen Shaman
Theme: Elemental Priest
Background: Last of the Clutch

Str 11, Con 12, Dex 13, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 8

AC: 16; Fort: 13; Reflex: 14; Will: 16
HP: 29; Bloodied: 14; Surges: 7; Surge Value: 8
Initiative: +2; Speed: 7

Heal +11, Insight +13, Nature +13, Perception +14

1. Ritual Caster
2. Shared Healing Spirit
3. Stalker Spirit Adept

Languages: Common, Thri-Kreen
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Nature
Torpor: Enter aware Torpor state for 4 hours instead of sleep
Multiple Arms: Draw or sheath a weapon as a free action 1/turn
Natural Jumper: You are always considered to have a running start while jumping
Thri-Kreen Claws: Gain the Thri-Kreen claws power.

Spirit Fangs, Stalkers Strike, Voice of Battle, Call Spirit Companion, Far Hearing
Healing Spirit, Speak with Spirits, Twin Panthers, Spirit of Athas, Thri-Kreen Claws
Spirit of Consuming Terror, Spirit of Life

Totem, Leather Armor, Adventurer's Kit, Filter Mask, Distillation Kit, Fire Kit



Ka'cha sat quietly against the ruined wall. He shook his head as the rain fell. It rarely seemed to fall anymore. Nothing nourished the world. No healing, no life. Pain and death were all that seemed obvious. He closed his eyes and entered torpor. He felt his mind wonder down the trail it had drifted so many times before. The fires, the screams of death. His Clutch heard the screams when they began. He could remember the debate on what they should do, ultimately they made the wrong decision.

They ran into the night, toward the fires. Defilers, not very many, yet more than enough. The Clutch didn't slow, but ran straight into the group. Ka'cha could feel the emotion, feel the sensations of combat. He felt the blow land across his back. He could see the darkness close on him. He could feel himself fall into the well.

His eyes opened from the torpor. He shook his head, If he had been stronger, if he had been quicker, more attuned...



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I like me some Dark Sun.

[sblock=Darus, Mul Gladiator Psion]
DARUS Level 2
Mul Psion
Discipline Focus: Telekinesis Focus
Theme: Gladiator
Background: Tyr - Freed Slave (Endurance as Class Skill)

Str 10, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 8

AC: 14; Fort: 14; Reflex: 14; Will: 16
HP: 32; Bloodied: 16; Surges: 10; Surge Value: 8
Initiative: +1; Speed: 6

Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Endurance +11, Perception +9

Acrobatics +1, Athletics +1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Heal +4, History +4, Insight +4, Intimidate +0, Nature +4, Religion +4, Stealth +1, Streetwise +2, Thievery +1

1. Brutish Disruption: Push target 5 squares when using disrupting shove.
Ritual Caster (from Psion)
2. Controlling Advantage: Add 1 square to forced movement against a target granting combat advantage.

Languages: Common, Dwarven
Skill Bonuses: +2 Endurance, +2 Streetwise
Born Of Two Races: Can take feats that have Dwarf as a prerequisite as well as Mul.
Mul Vitality: +1 healing surge
Tireless: Need 6 hours of sleep in a 72-hour period to gain benefits of extended rest.

Mul feature: Incredible Toughness
Gladiator feature: Disrupting Shove
Wild Talent: Mental Tools
Psion at-will 1: Force Punch
Psion at-will 1: Kinetic Trawl
Psion daily 1: Living Missile
Psion utility 2: Telekinetic Lift

4cp, Adventurer's Kit, Cloth Armor, Morningstar, 4 Survival Days

Unseen Servant

They don't understand. None of them do. How can they?

Darus looked up at the crowd, in full throat, surged in Tyr's arena, waiting for the inevitable death, soon to come, for either Darus or the other mul he was paired against. Darus looked across at his foe, a gladiator with whom Darus had shared many an ale over the years they'd both been slaves to Templar Tenos. Darus could tell that Arin, his opponent tonight, was ready to fall. It wouldn't take much; Darus had a significant advantage most gladiators didn't - he had something of a mastery of psionics and the ability to move objects and people with just the power of thought. Arin had feeble psionic talent and was no match to Darus' telekinetic powers. Though Darus was loathe to use his powers in such competitions, tonight's battle was different. Tonight, Darus could earn his freedom.

I should end this now. I should put Arin out of his misery. Or at least... make them THINK I have.

Picking up the obsidian alhulak he'd been given, Darus advanced, watching Arin closely. The other mul was bloodied, but steady, as one might expect from the doughty half-breed. Arin, equipped with a bent gythka, weary, took one or two steps across the crimson-streaked sand. Darus held out his empty hand, concentrating. Arin seemed steadier, walking with less effort. He seemed something more of a worthy opponent. Arin himself seemed surprised by this, almost relieved.

Two two combatants closed to within speaking distance. Darus wielded his alhulak in a guarded position, while Arin was less certain, holding his gythka in weary hands.

"Arin," Darus whispered. "This can end well for the both of us. Listen to me."

The other mul gladiator sneered. "I don't know what you're doing... or why... but I'll not die without a fight."
"This is all a game, Arin," Darus replied. "You know this as well as I do. With King Kalak gone, all they want now is a show. We can give them a show."

"As long as you win, of course," Arin replied. "I know well what the stakes are for you, Darus. You will be free. And where will I be? Dead, atop some pile somewhere. Can you live with that on your conscience?"

He's right, of course. Our stakes are different. If I win, I am free, but poor Arin will be put out of his misery. If Arin wins... we are both returned to our stables. Templar Tenos keeps us. Enslaved.

Darus took a swipe at Arin, a strike that was intentionally overzealous and easy for Arin to parry.

"You have those powers," Arin said. "Use them. Finish me off. You are already using them to keep me upright. Just finish this."

Arin lunged forward, spurred on by Darus' telekinetic control. The gladiator swung his gythka, clanging off Darus' lizardscale epaulet.

"This must end well for both of us," Darus said. "I cannot have my freedom by your death."

"It is the only way, Darus. Finish me off. I am done. Finish me off and have your freedom. Live the rest of your life for me and the others too weak or cowardly to fight for their freedom."

These words stirred something deep within the telekinetic mul gladiator. Darus had known for a long time that the life of a gladiator was not his destiny. Darus knew that he would one day escape this life and earn his freedom. He had hoped, like many of his fellow slaves in the gladiator pit, that King Kalak's demise would ultimately free all slaves. It turned out, however, that the templars were reticent about giving up the source of their income. The arena was still a lucrative enterprise. Fighting slaves brought in money. A few gladiators would be allowed to earn their freedom, but only at the cost of other gladiators' lives. This was a bargain, however, that was hard to resist. Darus had defeated and slain seven other gladiators since the grand proclamation had been made. An eighth would free Darus. Arin was different, though. He was a fellow mul and had been Darus' friend. Now, Arin was offering to sacrifice himself to free Darus.

"I will not kill you," Darus said, striking at Arin, but missing by inches. At the same time, Darus used his telekinesis to toss his opponent to the sands, making it seem like the work of Darus' alhulak.

Arin laid there for a second. "You must. It is the only way."

Darus stood over the fallen gladiator. Was Arin right? Was this the only way? Another death?

"Tenos will have his blood. But not enough to kill you, Arin." Darus drove his alhulak into Arin's flesh, penetrating the mul's torso. Crimson streams shot forth, creating streams to feed the dark red sands. Darus had been careful, however, to avoid piercing delicate organs. He'd used his telekinetic power to control the wound path. Darus had done what he could.

Arin breathed out, spitting blood into the air. He coughed once, twice. Then passed out.

The crowd cheered in full throat. They had their blood. Darus reluctantly raised his bloody alhulak into the air, signifying that he acknowledged his victory.

"You will not die," Darus said to the fallen mul. "I will live. For you. For the others that have fallen in this place. I will see it done. I will see you freed as well. This, I swear to you. I swear to all of you. This is but a beginning."

Attached is a PDF output from the new online character builder.


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    4.6 MB · Views: 202
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I'd be interested. A half-elf Rogue, dune trader theme, investigating all these fascinating opportunities that are coming up now Kalak is gone.

Edit: And now I've had time, here's the character concept:

Kasha of Uxkhal is a short half-elven woman who peers at you from under her brad-rimmed hat with a cocky grin on her face. She wears practical clothing, slightly worn from her travel through the desert. She can recognise when a Templar wants a bribe, a merchant likes to be flattered, and a bandit needs a dagger in the back. And she has the skills to do all those things.

"Mother always said it was best to avoid getting entangled with the Sorceror-Kings. If you had something they wanted, they'd come and take it, and you'd smile, and be very pleased with whatever they gave you in exchange. Sorceror-kings were like the desert, eternal and unchangeable.
"Of course, mother got herself pregnant by some houseless elf wanderer. Not everything she says is wise. Certainly Kalak turned out to be changeable. And while the rest of the house thinks that the situation in Tyr is likely to be seriously chaotic, there's also a feeling that there can be profit in chaos. And when you look around for someone expendable, a half-elf who hasn't mother is currently trying to get people to forget her last disastrous venture is quite suitable. So can you guess who ended up wandering into Tyr, trying to find out what's really going on and how we can profit from it?"

Edit 2: Now with added pdf taken from the CB. Although 6MB seems pretty big.


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First Post
Belros Trickfoot was a halfling living in the forest ridge until he was savagely kidnapped by elven raiders a couple years ago. He was brought to Tyr and sold into slavery. Along the way, he learned what a savage place the rest of the world was, heard stories about how it got to be that way, and gained a righteous anger about the state of the world in general. He was recently freed along with the other slaves of Tyr and will dedicate his life to trying to protect what is left of nature and restore it if he can. He has become a warden with the primal guardian theme.

Stats (used the new online character builder, so there may be bugs):
STR 18
Con 16
Dex 12
Int 10
Wis 11
Cha 8

AC 16
Fort 16
Ref 12
Will 12
HP 40
Surge 10/12

Racial Features
Second Chance
Nimble Reaction
Acrobatics +2 Theivery +2

Class Features
Font of Life
Earthstrength - Guardian Might Option
Nature's Wrath

Rigged Chance
Indomitable Halfling

Leather Armor
Adventurer's Kit
Desert Clothing
Gold - 29

Languages - Common and Elven (from Freed Slave background)

Melee Attack - Alhulak Attack 8 (+1 w/ Enhancement from Inherent Bonus) DMG 1d8+4 (+1)

Major Skills - Athletics 10, Dungeoneering 6, Endurance 9, and Nature 6
Powers - Mark of Thunder
Second Chance
Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Strength of Stone
Earth Shield Strike
Earth Spikes
Form of the Walking Conflagration
Walking Conflagration Strike

Wild Power - Object Projection
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First Post
Hmm...I really love Dark Sun, and I want to get some use out of this book, so...

I'll have to wait until I'm home to get specific...but perhaps a monk of some stripe.

One question I have: What are your feelings on a 'warforged' character? My thought is that he'd be an ancient 'machine' that had recently been awakened with no memories save its own skills.

Bear in mind that my submission in no way depends on that race...I realize it's an unconventional one. I can just as happily be an elf or human or somesuch. :)


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
What if I say I won't completely rule out a Warforged, but if I have 2 players to pick between and one is an Ebberon race and one is a Dark Sun race I'll probably pick the Dark Sun one, (though a good story will count too)


The online character builder is working. I created my Mul Psion using it and you can see the output in the attached PDF above.

NOTE: It is NOT adding the Inherent bonuses and I haven't yet found a way to add them.
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