Oh the confusion - it
When I said 40 years, I referred to the birth of role-playing games (D&D was created 42 years prior to 2016, when I made that comment).
The specific notion "Perception shouldn't be tied to Wisdom" (or, "Wisdom conflates Will and Perception") can be traced back far longer than the year 2001 (20 years from your comment) even if 40 years is likely technically wrong - Chaosium's RuneQuest was published in 1978 (so definitely 38 years if not 40).
RuneQuest was in many ways a reaction against Dungeons & Dragons. One of the changes was to institute a separate Perception score (thus splitting Wisdom into Will - or Power as it was named - and Perception). RQ Perception is modified by (later based on) the two attributes of Intelligence and Power but independent of either, precisely for the reasons discussed.
So no, I stand by my statement (which by the way is now 5 years old)