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D&D 5E Old Ways of Playing


I am currently playing with 3 family members and 3 friends who I had played with 27+ years ago. We had two undead fights the other night and the one friend asked if the Fog Cloud would stop the undead from seeing the PCs because undead detect life forms.

I had a total Deja Vu. I had totally forgotten that decades ago, we used to play undead as detecting the life force of the living. I suspect that we did this all those years ago because skeletons do not have eyes. They shouldn't be able to see in the traditional sense of the word.

My friend then went on to play Rolemaster for decades and his group took that concept with them.

Now, I suspect that many tables blow this off. Skeletons see because the magic / dark vitality that imbues them allows them to see, no extra thought involved. And I'm not suggesting that people allow undead to automatically detect life force. This is a very powerful ability (to see through illusions of creatures, to ignore concealment, etc.).

I have noticed, however, that undead are now no longer immune to mind altering magic like in some previous editions (this looks like it was mostly true in 4E as well). This opens up possibilities that were not available in some earlier non-4E editions. For example, some spells like Sleep state that undead are immune to it. But Suggestion does not have such a clause. Nor is a skeleton (or many other forms of undead) stupid and incapable of understanding commands. Suggestion should work just fine on them, regardless of some earlier editions of the game.

So, I was wondering what other "blasts from the past" where things are no longer work that way might be different in 5E. What stories do people have where things that they used to do in earlier versions, are no longer the case? Or what old ways of playing are you bringing to 5E?

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My table's wizard player in the new game kept going on about how he needed "8 hours of uninterrupted sleep" to regain his spells. When I informed him that what he actually needed was "a long rest" which included but was not limited to sleep, he replied, "Uh... I don't tell the rest of the party that. I like my sleep." ;)

-The Gneech :cool:


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
One of my player always claims fire followed by cold damage ( and vice versa) deals double damage due to how he played it in the 80's. I don't even know if there was such a rule back then or if it was a houserule of his. :)


We did the undead seeing life-force thing, too. I wonder if it was in some official/semi-official source, or if we both came to the same conclusion, independently.

The other undead tidbit of which I was recently reminded was that undead used to be perfectly silent when they moved (I think that was official, but not positive). My spin on how that worked, in game, was that they levitated ever so slightly, which spawned a discussion where (essentially) the players voted to give undead the ability to walk on water.

We did the undead seeing life-force thing, too. I wonder if it was in some official/semi-official source, or if we both came to the same conclusion, independently.
I'm pretty sure it was official, at least in AD&D. I retain that information for use in any game where they don't explain how undead are able to see, since creating a new theory is harder than just applying an old one. (Of course, just because undead see life-force, there's no reason that an Invisibility spell wouldn't then hide your life-force.)

It was also official, at least in AD&D, that mummies were animated by positive energy.


It was also official, at least in AD&D, that mummies were animated by positive energy.
That rings a bell, too. I'd forgotten about that tidbit. Back when Positive and Negative energy were just elemental forces, not necessarily tied to good/evil/divine magic.


The life detection bit is very familiar, must have been in some article or somesuch.
Or could it have come from some sort of fiction?

I don't think it ever was in any book or monster write up.

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