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That's a pretty complicated way to go about it. The equipment section has rules for rolling wealth. I could take a crack at it, chances are I wouldn't roll high enough but I should be able to at least afford the basics and a warhammer with an average roll. 4d4x10 averages at 100 gp. Assuming max starting gold, I could have everything I need.

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Okay, tired of debating the starting gear thing. No armor 'yet', though he'll definitely be looking to find a suit of scale mail as soon as he can afford it. I guess I can always just waste one of my spells every day to have a fair AC. He just isn't likely to be rocking any flashy spells for a while.


The only thing I immediately don't like about Lyle is the bag of ball bearings which comes in the Burglar's Kit (and that's not your fault, it's the writers' fault for not only putting that in, but making it standard equipment for beginning Rogue PCs), not because I'm super-afraid of you using it to duplicate the effect of a Grease spell, but just because I think it's kind of setting-breaking for ball bearings to exist in a pre-industrial society. Could I persuade you to trade them for some other item of roughly similar (or slightly greater, if that's what it takes wink) GP value?

Also, since you're a halfling and I've already established that the town of Greenest has a high halfling population, would you feel okay about being a native? Up to you if you haven't actually taken up thieving yet (just having the natural tendency toward this skillset which halflings in general get), or if you've maybe returned to pastoral life temporarily as a way of lying low, waiting for the heat related to some former "job" of yours dies down...or, of course, some other backstory of your choice.)

@ gargoyleking - I thought I was being pretty generous offering that idea, which a lot of DMs would probably have thought of as Monty Haul cheese. But if you're okay with going Mage Armor in the short term, that works too. I'll try to make sure you don't suffer the missing spell slot for too long; part of why I'm going through with 1st-level play is my limited experience seeing wizards "in the field", so you temporarily playing a slightly more conventional wizard than you had in mind will at least be useful experience for me as a GM, and I will do my best to show my appreciation for your indulging me.


Still awaiting a full 1st-lvel character sheet for Keth, and for Grimnir to post in the Before the Rise thread. Lyle can be also introduced there as soon as I hear back from our newest player to date. I'm doing a better job of getting online than I expected would be possible, so we can make some real progress here if everyone is able to post promptly (if not, of course, I get it; Real Life happens and everything, I'm just saying it'd be nice if we all managed to line up real good).


Sorry, between real life DnD and a flat tire at IKEA this weekend was a busy one for me. I'd happily swap out the ball bearings for the gold value, I had planned on leaving most of the burglar's pack on the donkey most of the time since it's so heavy anyway.
Lyle hiding out in Greenest sounds good to me, I figure he's not actually making much progress paying back his "generous benefactor" in Baldur's Gate and needed to leave town.


Okay, Lyle is approved, which now gives us 8 active players. Keth is still welcome if he shows up, and I did invite one other person (named Art!) who had posted earlier, but other that I think I'd better officially close recruitment, lest I wind up with a third party split across a fifth and sixth active scene. I do love my sprawling epics, but since I was trying to avoid committing to more than a few months, I have to say I rolled a bit of a 1 on that there "keep it simple, stupid" check. :LOL:


@Envisioner I made the change to Mornok's character sheet now. I'll try to update the post version at level ups, but the Mythweavers version is still linked and I'll use that personally for any changes. That said, at least during combat encounters or when he does something like casting a spell, I'll post mini-updates in the chat thread so you shouldn't need to reference the mythweavers sheet if you don't want to.

Also, I don't think you can delete posts in this forum, but you can edit them into nearly non-existence.


Okay, that's everybody in the RG now, except for Lyle (and Keth if he returns, and Art's character if he joins). And both stories are well underway, so hopefully this thread is more or less done for the moment.

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