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News Digest: More Big Changes for World of Darkness, John Carter of Mars Lands, Starfinder Beginner

Hello everyone, Darryl here with this week’s gaming news. More big changes for the World of Darkness and Vampire: The Masquerade, Starfinder Beginner Box Details and Pre-Order, John Carter of Mars Lands, a new Warhammer 40K animated series announced, and more!

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Hello everyone, Darryl here with this week’s gaming news. More big changes for the World of Darkness and Vampire: The Masquerade, Starfinder Beginner Box Details and Pre-Order, John Carter of Mars Lands, a new Warhammer 40K animated series announced, and more! Morrus summed it up in one article this week with the simple sentence, “White Wolf has had a terrible year.” This week in particular has been surprisingly eventful. It started with a job posting from Paradox Interactive, owners of the White Wolf trademark and the World of Darkness intellectual property, seeking a new Brand Manager. This wasn’t unexpected as the previous statement from Paradox indicated they intended to move in a new direction with the property. Next came the closure of the WorldOfDarkness.com website. Though the headline seems drastic, the closer is specifically for the site’s subscription service, which allowed customers to pay a monthly or annual fee to access digital copies of a significant library of World of Darkness sourcebooks. Subscribers received the news only a day or so before the ending of the service, though Paradox is refunding all subscribers for the month of December (or for this month plus any months left in the subscription for annual subscribers).

However, the big announcement came this morning when Modiphius announced they were taking over the tabletop roleplaying line of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition. Modiphius already served as distributor for the line and has been heavily involved in the promotion of the new edition. Four new titles were announced, including a new Player’s Guide and Starter Set, an adventure titled The Fall of London, and a sourcebook for The Second Inquisition, focusing on organizations seeking to hunt Kindred. Modiphius also states that the editing of the Camarilla and Anarch sourcebooks have been completed and will be reprinted for March, but do not state how much of the material that caused the controversy was removed (which, aside from the Chechnya chapter, included controversial statements about depression and suicide and featured vampiric parents feeding on their children played as a joke). This licensing deal will only apply to the Fifth Edition and gives Modiphius the power to sublicense, meaning that they will now be supervising the release of the recently-Kickstarted Chicago by Night sourcebook from Onyx Path as well as any future products.


Pre-orders and further details are now available for the Starfinder Beginner Box. As expected from the high-quality of the Pathfinder Beginner Box, this box is similarly packed with everything needed to get started playing immediately. Two books, each 96 pages, detail the rules with the hero’s book detailing character creation and basic rules of the game and the gamemaster’s book having tips for running a game, a bestiary of alien adversaries, and a full adventure. Additionally, the box will contain 80 cardboard stand-up pawns with 24 plastic bases, a full set of dice, six pre-generated character sheets, six blank character sheets, player aid cards with rules references, and a flip-mat. The set will be available this spring with a retail price of $39.99.

Going back to Modiphius, John Carter of Mars, the 2d20 System game based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs pulp hero, is now available in PDF. This new version of the 2d20 System focuses on talent use and with more narrative gameplay as suiting of the genre. The 288-page core rulebook features rules for three different eras based on the John Carter series – the Dotar Sojat era, the Prince of Helium era, and the Jeddak of Jeddaks era. And, as expected, the book will include iconic character from the series like Dejah Thoris, Tars Tarkas, and John Carter himself as well as rules for character creation. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG for $19.99.

Games Workshop wasn’t kidding earlier this year when they said they were looking to find more media licenses, as this Monday they announced a Warhammer 40,000 animated series, Angels of Death. Not only that, but they’ve tapped noted Warhammer fan filmmaker Richard Boylan to lead the project. The series will follow a band of Blood Angel Space Marines who become infected with the dreaded Black Rage. Not much else is known at this time, but a teaser trailer has already been released. Boylan is best known in the Warhammer community for his fan films, the twelve-part animated adaptation of the Black Library novel Helsreach and the live-action short film Guardsman. While Games Workshop has not yet announced how we’ll be able to see Angels of Death, it is currently scheduled for a 2019 release.


EN World is running yet another end-of-year poll, this one looking back at all the podcasts out there to find the best one for 2018. With ninety-nine entries covering every variation you can think of covering tabletop roleplaying – from actual plays to tips and tricks to discussions to radio plays to discussions of design and publishing to news podcasts – so make sure to vote for all of your favorites. I should note that the logo above is the EN World podcast Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk which is nominated and I am the editor and post-production audio engineer for, but I wouldn’t possibly try to influence your vote like that…

There’s still a few days left in the Vegas Pro Even More Creative Freedom Bundle on Humble Bundle. I talk a lot in this space about bundles useful for streamers and podcasters, but these Vegas bundles are hands down the best value for anyone looking to get into video making. While there are several other tools in the bundle, the most important is Vegas Pro 15 Edit available at the $25 level. At this price, it is hands down the cheapest video editing program you’ll find. It’s perfect whether you’re wanting to start your own vlog, create actual play videos, or clean up livestreams for uploading on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, or others. If you or anyone you know is interested in making their own online videos (or even DVDs and Blu-Rays), this bundle is a must-have that you’ll kick yourself if you don’t take advantage of. This bundle benefits Hilarity for Charity and runs until Tuesday, December 25 (and yes, it makes a great last-minute gift).

If you listened to this week’s Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk, you’d know that I was a guest on the show (as well as being the editor). If not, one of the segments is a game where Morrus reads the name of a Kickstarter and Peter (the co-host of the show) and any guests have to guess what it is. I failed miserably at guessing Lost Hall of Tyr and have no one to blame but myself for not paying attention to the name. This is a mini-setting for the Dragon Heresy Roleplaying Game including an adventure that allows the players to explore the Viking-inspired town of Isfjall as they seek to find the lost hall of the Norse god Tyr. The PDF is available for a $13 pledge, adding on the Dragon Heresy core rulebook in PDF for $20, a print hardcover for $26, a print-and-PDF bundle for $33, and a full print-and-PDF set of bot the core rules and expansion for $72. This Kickstarter is fully funded and runs until Sunday, December 23.

Steve Jackson Games has a huge expansion for Ogre, the tactical skirmish game of giant tanks, Ogre Battlefields. The expansion brings different things whether you have Ogre Sixth Edition or the massive Ogre Designer’s Edition. The expansion comes with two new maps, tokens, and an updated full rulebook that will greatly expand the game with new rules and options regardless of which edition you own. And if you don’t have the base game, Ogre Sixth Edition is available as a $20 add-on. The expansion is available for a $60 pledge and several other stretch goals in multiple combinations of the expansion, add-ons, and new maps to make sure you get what you want. This Kickstarter is still going through stretch goals until it funds on Friday, December 28.

That’s all from me for this week! Don’t forget to support our Patreon to bring you more gaming news content. If you have any news to submit, email us at news@enworldnews.com, and you can get more discussion of the week’s news on Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk every week. You can follow me on Twitter @Abstruse where I’ll probably be talking about random stuff on Netflix since I just renewed my subscription to catch up on exclusives, follow me on Twitch if I ever get a chance to start on my stack of mystery games, subscribe to Gamer’s Tavern on YouTube featuring videos on gaming history and gaming Let’s Plays, or you can listen to the archives of the Gamer’s Tavern podcast. Until next time, may all your hits be crits! Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, and/or DriveThru may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott

Which you never did, apparently. Again, I'm not going to give you a laundry list of industry professionals to add to your harassment campaign. But in November, tweets condemning White Wolf and specifically the Chechnya chapter came from designers and executives from: Wizards of the Coast, Paizo, Fantasy Flight Games, Steve Jackson Games, Green Ronin Publishing, R. Talsorian Games, Catalyst Game Labs, Evil Hat Games, Posthuman Studios, and that's just off the top of my head that I can remember.

I'm going to tell you one last time: If you want to continue discussing this, do it somewhere other than the comments on my column. You're obviously trolling. This isn't a game and you can't rules lawyer your way out of it. Knock it off.
I'm not trolling, I'm asking legitimate questions. How dare you try to characterise it as anything other than that. You have made a provocative statement in your article and you've chosen to defend it. If you don't want to engage, you don't have to - I'm quite happy to stop whenever - but you are going beyond that and trying to shut me down and insult me, which is a different thing.

You still haven't provided any quotes. If I Google any of those company names for actual quotes condemning White Wolf, it comes up with nothing. There are certainly plenty of comments on Twitter, which thankfully, I don't frequent much - but again, comments on both sides and nothing 'official' from any representitive of major game companies.

And I'll make it clear again - you are welcome to politely disengage at any point, and will respect that entirely (ie I will stop). With Christmas round the corner, it is not my intention to antagonise - but I have strong views about censorship as you can see.
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I'm not trolling, I'm asking legitimate questions. How dare you try to characterise it as anything other than that. You have made a provocative statement in your article and you've chosen to defend it. If you don't want to engage, you don't have to - I'm quite happy to stop whenever - but you are going beyond that and trying to shut me down and insult me, which is a different thing.

You still haven't provided any quotes. If I Google any of those company names for actual quotes condemning White Wolf, it comes up with nothing. There are certainly plenty of comments on Twitter, which thankfully, I don't frequent much - but again, comments on both sides and nothing 'official' from any representitive of major game companies.

And I'll make it clear again - you are welcome to politely disengage at any point, and will respect that entirely (ie I will stop). With Christmas round the corner, it is not my intention to antagonise - but I have strong views about censorship as you can see.

Just asking questions...yet your first comment - minutes within the column going live almost like you were looking for another article on White Wolf to pounce on - was a snarky "Oh well I guess we can't have horror anymore" comment.

No, you're not going to find those comments on the Twitter pages of the companies because in the gaming industry, official company social media accounts are used pretty much solely for self-promotion. I also specifically stated it was individuals working for those companies - from freelance designers all the way up to CEOs - who made the statements. And again, I'm not going to give you a list of people to go harass.

For all your statements of "I'm welcome to disengage at any time", I did precisely that. And yet you still kept coming in here to comment. Even when I made posts in the thread twice where you were quoted or that didn't involve you in any way. Yet you still came back to post more of your crap.

And I'll make it clear again - You are obviously here to troll and harass anyone who doesn't agree with you. Do not comment in this thread again.

Just asking questions...yet your first comment - minutes within the column going live almost like you were looking for another article on White Wolf to pounce on - was a snarky "Oh well I guess we can't have horror anymore" comment.
Which is a legitimate point. You went beyond the Chechnyan refrain, which was that the real world events shouldn't be referenced in a horror RPG, and added extra complaints about issues and concepts that exist in the horror genre, generally. This being a point of concern, for me, about 'where will it end?". I have an interest in games produced by White Wolf, which isn't a crime. If you don't want people commenting on your articles then don't have a comments section.

No, you're not going to find those comments on the Twitter pages of the companies because in the gaming industry, official company social media accounts are used pretty much solely for self-promotion. I also specifically stated it was individuals working for those companies - from freelance designers all the way up to CEOs - who made the statements. And again, I'm not going to give you a list of people to go harass.
Again stop mischaracterising me, slandering me actually, for being something I am not. I don't even go on Twitter - it was you that suggested I should! I have no interest in harassing people in that way at all. How dare you, again. If you have quotes from people that have actually said something to back what you say, then provide them….or don't. That is the end of it.

For all your statements of "I'm welcome to disengage at any time", I did precisely that. And yet you still kept coming in here to comment. Even when I made posts in the thread twice where you were quoted or that didn't involve you in any way. Yet you still came back to post more of your crap.
No you didn't. You kept responding in a passive aggressive way, instructing me to stop and are now insulting me openly. None of this is politely disengaging from a debate - indeed, its a bit like trying to censor me, by bullying me into silence. Also, looking through the thread, I can't see a single post you have made that hasn't been singularly addressed to me - or am I missing something?

And I'll make it clear again - You are obviously here to troll and harass anyone who doesn't agree with you. Do not comment in this thread again.
Case in point.

If you were to say something like, "Let's agree to disagree, but I want to stop now", then you'd find me more agreeable.
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If you were to say something like, "Let's agree to disagree, but I want to stop now", then you'd find me more agreeable.

Except you've come onto my column and commented repeatedly questioning my statements when I've written about this very subject multiple times. See, you're demanding courtesy from me in the comments on my own column that you yourself have refused to show me from your very first comment.

Except you've come onto my column and commented repeatedly questioning my statements when I've written about this very subject multiple times. See, you're demanding courtesy from me in the comments on my own column that you yourself have refused to show me from your very first comment.
Taking issue with something you have said is not being discourteous - it's making a statement about something I value, which is not having horror fiction, in any medium, being censored. That is all.

If you want an olive branch, then let me commend you on a generally excellent column that is well written and keeps everyone informed. I'm sure you are a good guy, and I genuinely wish you the best for Christmas and beyond. I hope you write more articles in the future.

I just take issue, in the article you have written here, with that one statement you made that I feel strongly about. And, no, I don't think it's worth losing sleep over.
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Taking issue with something you have said is not being discourteous - it's making a statement about something I value, which is not having horror fiction, in any medium, being censored. That is all.

Oh you sweet summer child...you have absolutely no idea what actual censorship is, do you? You weren't a horror fan in the 80s and 90s to know what actual, real censorship looks like, were you? This? This is the market stating that it will not sit idly while "creators" cross lines for no other reason than to cross them, "creators" who have nothing to say and no commentary to make other than "dOeS tHiS oFfEnD yOu?!" like a child with a booger on the end of their finger. You don't know what it's like when actual censorship happens. When works that are trying to say something are destroyed. When film prints are burned and governments are laying out fines to exhibitioners. When creative works are actually lost.

The writers of Camarilla and Anarch and V5 and its pre-alpha playtest are allowed to write whatever they want. But Paradox is under no obligation to publish it.

You are allowed to believe and think and even say whatever you want. But I am under no obligation to give you the outlet to distribute it.

Get out of this thread and go somewhere else.

Oh you sweet summer child...you have absolutely no idea what actual censorship is, do you? You weren't a horror fan in the 80s and 90s to know what actual, real censorship looks like, were you? This? This is the market stating that it will not sit idly while "creators" cross lines for no other reason than to cross them, "creators" who have nothing to say and no commentary to make other than "dOeS tHiS oFfEnD yOu?!" like a child with a booger on the end of their finger. You don't know what it's like when actual censorship happens. When works that are trying to say something are destroyed. When film prints are burned and governments are laying out fines to exhibitioners. When creative works are actually lost.

The writers of Camarilla and Anarch and V5 and its pre-alpha playtest are allowed to write whatever they want. But Paradox is under no obligation to publish it.

You are allowed to believe and think and even say whatever you want. But I am under no obligation to give you the outlet to distribute it.

Get out of this thread and go somewhere else.
Well, there was your olive branch! Let nobody be in any doubt about who is the aggressor and bully in this thread - your last post proves it.

And yes, I was a horror fan in the 80s and 90s. How old do you think I am!? I'm also enough of a horror afficionado to know that sanctimonious arguments, like yours, have been used to censor horror fiction for decades if not longer. This particular incident is an example of censorship - it's incorrect to say anything otherwise. As stated before (with good evidence in this thread, now!), the question arises about where it will stop?
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The olive branch was warning you. You came into my home and crapped on the carpet and now you're angry I rubbed your nose it in.
I think you'll find it was I who was offering the olive branch. And you know, this is a shared forum. I'm not feeling angry at all, by the way. Are you?


I bet CNN is wishing they asked for a few citations before making Claas Relotius their Journalist of the Year.

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