D&D 3E/3.5 New spell (blackflame)

abe ray

Spell effect-you can undo the effect of fire! The flame of the fire you cast this spell upon turns black in color as a byproduct of the spell. It can also remove rust from rusty metal objects. I’m not sure what the school or the level of this spell should be. I’ll need help in this regard.

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
Prima facie, sounds like Transmutation school.

What do you envision "undoes the effect of fire"? - Does it heal Fireball damage? Put the fire out? Reverse the chemical reactions (remove oxidation)? What you include will help determine the level of the spell.

Look at Create Food and Water and Fabricate and the Heal spells to get some rough-draft parameters, organize your thoughts to translate the idea into Rules Language.


A suffusion of yellow
So it stops things burning or does it entirely remove the burn damage? If the former its a fancy presdigitation - a cantrip


Known to be in Daltim's Tome of Fire:

The unburn spell calls into existence a reversed form of fire, one with a black flame that radiates cold and shadow rather than heat or light. While a normal fire requires flammable material for fuel, the black fire created by unburn feeds on the ashes and charred remains of normal fire. The most common use for unburn is to reverse the flame effects on something the caster wants such as an important scroll, a painting, or a home.

There are some restrictions to this spell. The results of a recent fire are relatively easy to undo because all the ashes and other materials are still there. Unburn can also be used on older fires, but there is a risk that some of the raw material has been carried off or blown away in the wind. The magic of unburn does not cause most of those materials to return to the scene, though it will call back minor amounts of ash that were wafted away by the hot air of the normal fire. The exact amount of material left unrestored is up to the DM and should be based on the size of the original fire and how long ago it happened.

Unburn is effective only on burned materials. It will not prevent a fire, restore hit points lost to a fire-based attack, or restore to life a creature slain by fire. (It will, however, restore a dead body that was consumed by flames.)

Since rust (and other tarnish) is produced by oxidation, and fire is a form of rapid oxidation, the black fire of unburn will also undo the effects of rust or tarnish on metal, removing corrosion and stains

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