New Special Materials Beyond Neutronium. Quark, Strange, and Black Hole Matter

I was looking at an old IH website thread about things more dense than neutronium (found here: Immortality) and given the very extreme properties of some of these materials I thought they should be expanded on more. I've been wanting to make a strange matter golem for a while now as what strange matter can potentially do in the real world cosmos is extreme to put it mildly. So I've decided to take a crack at making some new materials and some "Body" Transcendent and Omnific abilities to go with them (I drop Orichalcum to a cosmic power and Neutronium to a Transcendent power as for the levels they're at they're very weak compared to other abilities, and since you have so little wiggle room to customize at that level to really be able to compete with other contemporary beings, they're normally basically never going to be used, thusly up these up a notch if you so want to and I'll put a side note as well).
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New materials at a glance:

All of these exotic high density materials are found throughout our cosmos, many of which have incredible properties beyond their base density. The weight shown below is not reflective of the actual weight of these materials I couldn't easily find any such theoretical weights for them so I simply made each material 8x heavier than the previous material going off the previously stated mechanics. This doesn't really do the materials justice as their real weights would be astronomically higher. Things like Black Hole material really can't be even weighed.

Likewise with the damage scaling, I decided to tone it back a bit as I didn't want it to get as broken as basic virtual size categories can be, thusly I still use the "Might" system I designed in my Reworked Damage for Gods thread which I'll put right here: Reworked melee Damage for divine beings, Siderials, Demiurges, Time Lords thusly limiting the exponential growth one might achieve from this. However, density still increases your base damage even with "Might" so a God with an Orichalcum longsword would still be dealing x12 whatever his might bonus might be (up to his HD in dice).

For example, let's say he's a level 40 Lesser Deity with a high enough strength to max out his Might, which would be mean he'd deal at a maximum of 40d10 dice damage for a swing of his longsword. An Orichalcum longsword used by this same god would deal 480d10 base damage. If that same God somehow was able to use a Strong Symmetric Matter Longsword he'd instead deal 40,960d10 per hit baseline before any other factors are applied, the same longsword used by a Time Lord would deal 1,024,000d1000 damage.

-Minimum Strength Requirement

Neutronium 235
Quark Matter 355
Strange Matter 475
Black Hole Matter 595
Weak Symmetric Matter 715
Strong Symmetric Matter 835

-Hardness/ DR

Neutronium 1,500
Quark Matter 22,500
Strange Matter 337,500
Black Hole Matter 5,062,500
Weak Symmetric Matter 75,937,500
Strong Symmetric Matter 1,139,062,500

-Hp/ Inch of Thickness

Neutronium 3,000
Quark Matter 45,000
Strange Matter 675,000
Black Hole Matter 10,125,000
Weak Symmetric Matter 151,875,000
Strong Symmetric Matter 2,278,125,000

(x the weight of steel)

Orichalcum x 2,097,152
Neutronium x 35,184,000,000,000
Quark Matter x 281,470,000,000,000
Strange Matter x 2,251,760,000,000,000
Black Hole Matter x 18,014,080,000,000,000
Weak Symettric Matter x 144,112,640,000,000,000
Strong Symettric Matter x 1,152,901,120,000,000,000
Kuvatchim x ∞

-Damage/ Armor Multiplier

Neutronium x192
Quark Matter x256
Strange Matter x384
Black Hole Matter x512
Weak Symmetric Matter x764
Strong Symmetric Matter x1,024


+25,920,000 gp
Neutronium +6,635,500,000 gp
Quark Matter +1,698,688,000,000 gp
Strange Matter +434,864,128,000,000 gp
Black Hole Matter +111,325,216,768,000,000 gp
Weak Symmetric Matter +28,499,255,492,608,000,000 gp
Strong Symmetric Matter +7,295,809,406,107,648,000,000 gp
Kuvatchim Unpriceable

Armor and Shields

The price increases at a factor of x256 for each new material used, refer to the charts on page 94 of the Immortals Handbook Epic Bestiary for the base cost of Orichalcum and the chart referenced above or here at: Immortality for Neutronium base costs for shields, light, medium and heavy armor prices.
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New Material: Quark Matter

Quark matter is a strange fluidic metal that is many many times more dense than Neutronium. Quark matter sits in the hearts of large (relatively speaking) neutron stars, a hyperdense non-newtonian fluid that appears much like Neutronium (a gray bubbling semisolid metal that bubbles and seems to churn whilst still keeping it's shape) however is much more liquid than than Neutronium and has a brilliant silver shine that seems to always remain clean and polished like untarnished white mercury and glows with a brilliant silvery white blue light that can be hard to look at, the material is so dense and high mass that it has a significant gravity well around it causing mundane objects near it to be pulled towards it, and creating a significant lensing effect, making light appear to stretch and warp around it creating a halo of distortion. Quark Matter can only be forged with titanic forces far beyond the ability of most immortal smiths and can generally only be forged by mythic sidereal smiths and demiurge hands due to the sheer impossibility of being able to handle, much less actuallu process, such material.

Quark Matter requires a strength of 355 to wield a weapon or use armor made of pure Quark Matter. It being highly condensed Neutron Star degenerate matter, it is roughly 8x heavier than Neutronium weighing x 281,470,000,000,000 that of steel, it has a hardness of 22,500 and deals 256x base damage for weapons or 256x the base armor bonus for armor and shields. Quark Matter has 45,000 hp per inch of thickness.

Being a fluid that acts as a solid, it has extremely unique properties that could allow for all sorts of interesting effects with weapons and armor weapons made of this material could theoretically stretch or wrap around an opponent's blade or armor, armor made of this could theoretically be very easy to move in (with a high enough strength of course) or shift or adapt as a situation requires it. It may even appear as simply a small amorphous glob of strange brightly glowing fluid in a belt or box made to transform on a moment's notice into hyperdense and nearly impenetrable Quark Matter armor and weapons.

All of that I'll leave up to the DM.

What Quark Matter does do however is this, in addition to the massive Hardness Quark Matter provides and the obvious benefits of higher armor and damage potential, Weapons and Armor made of Quark Matter effectively cannot be destroyed, if damaged, they heal and if destroyed they simply reform. All Quark items effectively are treated as having the Indissoluble Omnific Ability healing all damage taken at the beginning of their next round. The only way to truly destroy a Quark Matter item is to sunder it with an item of higher density (Strange or Black Hole Matter for example) or throw it into either a Black Hole or Strange Star, though dispelling the forces holding the weapon in place may also be an option. It also glows with a brilliant light mimicking a sunlight spell at all times, this effect cannot be suppressed and may get in the way of stealth or hide checks unless covered or otherwise mitigated and the lensing effect makes Quark Matter have a permanent Blur effect as the spell though it is considered an extraordinary effect and thusly not subject to immunity from spells or illusions.
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Not sure if some writer knew about that, but that one Star Trek movie with the Red Matter bomb basically show Strange Matter. That's what's expected if Strange Matter would touch anything.
(I guess calling it Strange Matter would have seemed too silly as a made up term even for that movie.)

Not sure if some writer knew about that, but that one Star Trek movie with the Red Matter bomb basically show Strange Matter. That's what's expected if Strange Matter would touch anything.
(I guess calling it Strange Matter would have seemed too silly as a made up term even for that movie.)
Yeah strange matter is weird

Technically speaking, a God is immune to natural forces, thusly, theoretically, a Divine being should be able to interact with the core of a black hole, that 'pinpoint' of infinite density. It really makes no sense on a physics standpoint, but man, a blade made out of a black hole seems preeetty freaking cool...

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