• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

NEW GAME!!! Strange New World.


Yes it's true, another new game. "But why" you may be thinking? Well, the answer is I just got home and felt like it.
So, onto the game stuff, shall we?

It will be played with D&D 3E, set in the World of Beta (One of my homebrew worlds, but you guys won't be interacting with the Beta campaign unless somethign REALLY unforseen happens. What happens here though may affect the other game, and vice versa.)
Your characters are part of one of the only 3 cities you know of on this continent.
You all arrived over the past 3 years on ships that were wrecked in various storms. Salvaging what could be salvaged, and with a little ingenuity, the survivors of a shipwreck 5 years ago have managed to set up 3 thriving little cities, which are somewhat inter-dependant but self sufficient otherwise. The first, largest city is situated where the river meets the shore, and is called Safe Harbour, a city of nearly 600. About 12 miles west, upriver (a 4 hour walk) is New Hope, a smaller city of just over 200 people. 6 miles to the northwest of Safe Harbour was the site for a new village being set up by 100 people.

Recently, the New Village (Which was to be called Forest Grove) was attacked and destroyed by something. Everyone there was killed and only yesterday did you find out what had happened, when a hunter returned from the site with horror etched upon his face to report that he had just found the village, all the bodies ripped apart.

The group of you, being the most experienced from your time before arriving here (Though you haven't had any reason to fight since landing here.. It has been a rather peaceful place until now), have decided to investigate this matter, and the city elders have agreed that something needs to be done.

There is a great ocean to the East, and a river leading from the west, along which both of the remaining cities lay. Nobody has ever explored much more than 10 miles in any direction away from the cities, and from what you can tell it's mostly fields and forests, there are no mountains in sight, and it's fairly flat land with a few hills. Other than the 2 cities, there are a few dozen farms scattered around, between and around the towns. There's never been any sign of other living creatures except for ordinary animals, and even then the most viscious is the occasional fox come to steal chickens.

Game Mechanics:

Not sure how many characters I want. I'll stop you when I think we're full up.
Character lvl : 5
I'm only allowing 1 sorc, wizard, or Bard, 1 cleric, and 1 druid. No more than 3 of any other class. I'm not allowing multiclassing to begin with, but after the game starts, prestige classes, everyone multiclassing into Basrd , wtvr u want - Knock yourself out. Just obey the starting rules I set out.

Anyone with a familiar/Animal companion - Sorry but you don't get to start with it. Either you didn't have any to begin with or it/they died during the crash. Your choice.
(ONLY EXCEPTION : Rats. If you want a rat familiar or rat companions, you've got it to start.)

There are currenltly 324 Humans, 190 Halflings, 106 Half-elves, 87 Elves, 55 Dwarves, and 31 Gnomes. You are one of them. (If two of you are dwarves that means there's 53 NPC dwarves, etc).
NO you cannot be any other Race. I don't care how good your story/reason is, this is all there is in the cities right now.

you get the following stats:
A) 16,16,14,12,10,8. (32 Points)
B) 18,14,14,10,10,8. (32 Points)

Arrange them how you want, then add any racial bonuses and the +1 from level.

Finally the good part. ;)
9,000 GP each. Can't spend more than half on 1 item. Whatever you buy with starting gold is what you have from your past. Housing is no problem, as everyone in Safe Harbour and New Hope has a home built for them when they arrive, and are taken in with another family while it is completed, or if anything else happens.
And remember - The only magic is what you bring with you, so if you don't start with magic items you're going to have to wait until either you find it or your mage starts creating. The highest lvl NPCs are LVL 2 (with 2 exceptions.. The lvl 3 druid and the lvl 4 wizard), so don't expect to be able to buy anything much better than potions after the game starts

Alignment: In case you haven't caught on, the folks around here are unnaturally good hearted. No evil alignments, and I would prefer it if you were all good, but I'm not goin to force it on you if you want to be Neutral.

There are no concrete laws in the cities, but then again most people use common sense, don't steal, kill, etc.

There are 2 churches, the church of UKKO, and the church of Chrystalla. 95% of the population worships one of these two.
Also if one of you is a cleric of a different diety, there will be a shrine set up to your diety, in defference to you. (Pick a god, any god, I don't really care as long as they're relatively 'good' aligned, or at least neutral.)

history/bio: I don't really care, I'ld prefer it if you worked most of your character into the story instead of just writing a long history and assuming everyone knows your character now. No less than 2 sentences, no more than 4 paragraphs.

If you want in, post "I'm in. Playing a <Insert Race> <Insert Class>. Then start working up said character. Once I do the cut-off when I have enough people, I'll open a rogues gallery. Do not post any characters here.. even partial ones. Wait for the rogues gallery, and post them there.

I'll be accepting feats/skills/equipment from the following books: PHB, DMG, the Quintessential Series, and the books "Tome and Blood", "Sword and Fist", "Song and Silence", etc. I also accept some things from Dragon magazine, but ask me about it before hand so I can check it out.

A warning - I don't have anything actually planned out beyond the first adventure. I'ld like this campaign to be free-roaming, based mostly on exploration, so basically you'll just tell me where you're going or what you're doing and I'll say what happens.
Just a hint thought - I wouldn't try sailing away. ;)

If there are any other questions ask away. I'll be on for another few hours from this messages time stamp, and then I'm gone for several hours. Hopefully when I come back then, the game will be full and ready to go.

EDIT: Changed LVL and starting gold to lvl 5 and 9000 GP.
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Argent Silvermage

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OK... Stop twisting my arm. I'll play already. I'm going to play Avan Whitespell from the Elvish misconceptions game. I love the character but hated the game.
Elf Paladin.


First Post
:D Im in ill be that sorc that you wanted. yes ill play another magic user. so we have to make a background that is after the ship wheck and we say what has happene since then??. can i use the pocket grimoire arcane???


hehe.. all 3 of us were in Elvish misconceptions..

Anyways.. Yeah, the pocket grimoires (Arcane and divine) are good, as is Spells and Spellcraft.
Just don't name your sorc sniper and we'll be ok. ;)

OK, paladin and sorc.. Hey sulli, what race?

Background story doesn't really matter, whether before or after the shipwreck. I just basically want a little info about your character, that's all.

ie "Jonathon Jabberwocky has been practising magic since he was a boy, bla bla bla now he wants to get revenge on whatever destroyed the town that his sister had gone to."


First Post
Jemal and I are in a DM race! Ahhh! I must catch up! LOL I'm trying to get you to be in as many games of mine that I seem to be in of yours. One day I will count it up, one day when I come to my senses...hehe.


Ah yes : Stuff that can be purchased in town:
Anything that costs no more than 500 GP. and would conceivably be made in this type of setting. Exotic things are available, b/c the town has people from all over the world, and things that are exotic to some of you would be normal to others, so there is a wide variety of 'normal' gear.
Any non-magical animal except those bred for war (No warponies or warhorses, there has been no need for them so nobody trained any)...
On the other hand we've got two paladins... OK, I'm changing the LVL to 5. That way you paladins can have your special mounts from the herds around here. They've come just today, and something within you tells you that they don't like whatever this evil force is that has destroyed the town, and want to help you.

Kitana - You're on!
So does that mean you're in this game or not?


Current party :
Elven Sorceror
Elven Paladin
Human Paladin


First Post
Love to be in =]

Human Wizard sounds nice =] I'll get working on him/her.

*edit* crap, Sulli already went for the sorc...
Human Cleric then =x
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Voidrunner's Codex

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