D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

Game Informer has revealed the cover to the 2024 Player’s Handbook.

Game Informer has revealed the cover to the 2024 Player’s Handbook.

The cover features a gold dragon behind the old-school D&D characters Strongheart the paladin, Mercion the cleric, Elkhorn the dwarf fighter, and Molliver the thief. Ringlerun the wizard is absent (then again he got his showcase on one of the 1E AD&D Player's Handbooks), but a drow mage appears to have joined the party!


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Re: the cover, I think the appropriate response is:

It's a D&D PHB cover.

I have never liked a D&D PHB cover in an artistic/aesthetic sense.

I have always liked D&D despite a lot of mediocre or even truly terrible or actively off-putting cover art - very different to say, Shadowrun, which absolutely sold the game to me entirely on the 1E cover art, for example. The absolute nadir for me is 3E's hideous and hilarious art-project-style covers, which always reminded me of something which would get like a B- at A-level art or something.

This is... it's better than that! It's better than the 5E 2014 cover! It's slightly better than the 4E PHB1 cover because that was just so boring, at least there's a bit of a story here. I'd say it's not quite as arresting as the 2E or 1E covers, and a little bit twee, but most people seem to play D&D a little bit twee these days, so perhaps that's fitting.

I do appreciate putting TWO black characters dead-centre. That's a mission statement for you. Two black or black-adjacent characters on the cover alone is a bold move in a world full of haters and knee-jerkers. Undermining this somewhat is everyone except the centre lady (a mage?) is just very bog-standard, with the most stereotypical dwarf possible and the ranger is so stereotypical you can not only tell she's a ranger, but you wonder if she's cosplaying Ranger from the D&D cartoon.

So I guess it is actually the least-worst WotC D&D cover. But it is still very much a D&D cover with all that entails - but I couldn't/shouldn't have expected anything different.
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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
At 58 (just past halfway to 59 by a week or two), I must be one of the oldest 12-year-olds now alive. Neat! I do read it as both alluring - this is another portrayal like the wizard class art that shows magic being worked in a way I really like and am glad to imagine my characters doing - and familiar. It seems like an amalgam of influences from ‘70s comics and prose, the stuff I was thriving on while discovering D&D, through to work I look forward to reading this year. It makes me happy to look at.
Having a huge gap in my TTRPG life (started in the early '80s, then stopped from 1990/91 until 2014/15) has left me:

  • a 12-year olds wonder and simple joy over fantasy
  • an adolescent's irreverent humor
  • a 50+ years old's eye-rolling over folks taking this stuff too seriously


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
If D&D has one iconic character it's Drizzt. He's had far more various products made about him than any other by miles. Books, video games, toys, posters, replica swords, etc etc
Sigh, I missed the period when the Forgotten Realms novels were huge and the oversaturation of Drizzt in the D&D scene. So, now I'm left as a sad old man who wants to play a dual-wielding drow ranger with a panther companion, yet am overly familiar with this being such a tired trope that is taboo at most tables. Luckily my PS5 and Baldur's Gate III doesn't judge. :)



A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
It is funny. D&D grognards seem to actively hate anything that is cool. When vampires are popular, grognards make sure it will never happen in D&D. Wizard culture. Forget it! If it is wildly popular and sure to make lots of money, grognards will kill it. Anime? Riots. Even Drizzt from D&D − was too cool for grognards to stomach.

Heh. Somehow D&D grognards go out of their way to be anticool. At any cost.
Well, to be fair, we never had to work very hard at being anti-cool.

I think having a long break from the hobby and getting back into it when I had kids mellowed me out. I wasn't insufferable in the late 80s and very early 90s, as I generally kept my opinions to myself. But I remember being very down on LARPing, Vampire the Masquerade, and--of all things--absolutely despised Magic the Gathering. Then in 2014 I get back into the hobby and was falling in love with D&D again, but really wasn't into Dragonborn and Tieflings, etc. Then I started to run games for my sons, who of course wanted to play Dragonborn and Tieflings. I played my first game of Magic the Gathering a couple years ago when my son and his friends got into. I even started to enjoy some Anime. I'm too busy/lazy/cheap to LARP, but would happily partake if I could just rent a costume for weekend.

Life's more fun when you learn to accept and enjoy other folks' yum.

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