3PP Release New 3PP release: Manual of Adventurous Resources: Complete! AVAILABLE NOW!


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
How late summer? i need me some MOAR content
There are a few things holding up the release at this point:

1. I am putting the finishing touches on the PDF for the printer, which, by the way, is looking amazing. There are a couple of spots where I think it's almost skirting the line between game book and coffee table book in terms of visual presentation. I'm specifically proud of the negative-space dragon breath on one two-page spread. ;) I also need to do a cover design that includes a spine and back cover as part of that process.

2. Once the PDF is finished, I have a bunch of admin work to do to ensure everyone who worked on this gets paid properly before we release, but I'm hoping to do at least some of that while I'm waiting on the next step.

3. I need to order a print proof and make sure everything looks good. That, as I understand it, can take a while. (A couple of weeks).

4. I'm hoping this will happen before I finish with the above, but we also need the new classes LUSRD to drop before we can publish. Previous PMG releases used the old ones that are no longer valid/available thanks to WotC's bad behavior in January. Depending on whether that includes the Artificer, there may also be another intermediate step in there.

All of this adds up to, I hope, late August or early September, but some of it is gated behind circumstances beyond my control like POD turn-around times and a larger part is just that I've never done a 276-page product with this many visual bells and whistles before and I'm learning as I go. So please be patient. I promise, it'll be worth it!
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Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
Batman Poke.gif


A5E Designer and third-party publisher
The POD version requires two files: a cover template and one that covers the interior pages. As of last night, those are in the hands of the DTRPG publisher reps for review. When they get back to me with an all-clear, the next step is to order some print proofs. Once I have those and I've had time to review them, should be good to release. Rough estimate from the current place we are is 3-5 weeks for the review and print proof process and then another week or so to review the proof. So hopefully late September/early October?

This is taking longer than I wanted or expected it to (which is making me triply glad I didn't pursue crowdfunding, because I'd probably be dealing with a lynch mob after the delays), but with the POD aspect in place, I only get one chance to get that correct, so I'm being pretty careful.
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A5E Designer and third-party publisher
I appreciate everyone's patience! This is the biggest thing of its kind that I've been in charge of, and I have definitely been learning on the fly with it. I will say, though: be patient with crowdfunding projects that go past their estimate. Even working on something really diligently, you'd be amazed at what can crop up. I've had multiple nights of work that were just fixing something that had a spacing issue or was the wrong color. It's nuts.


The POD version requires two files: a cover template and one that covers the interior pages. As of last night, those are in the hands of the DTRPG publisher reps for review. When they get back to me with an all-clear, the next step is to order some print proofs. Once I have those and I've had time to review them, should be good to release. Rough estimate from the current place we are is 3-5 weeks for the review and print proof process and then another week or so to review the proof. So hopefully late September/early October?

This is taking longer than I wanted or expected it to (which is making me triply glad I didn't pursue crowdfunding, because I'd probably be dealing with a lynch mob after the delays), but with the POD aspect in place, I only get one chance to get that correct, so I'm being pretty careful.
pdf releasing earlier or are you planning to release print and digital together?

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