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Need some help creating a magic item(artifact)


Okay...In my group, we have 2 experienced player/DMs(35+ years of gaming between us) and 4 rather inexperienced ones. The newbies are often dreaming of the day their characters reach higher levels to see what they can do, while the other experienced player and I don't really care for highlevel games.

Consequently, most of our games run around 7th level or so because that's where we have the most fun. But, we want the new players to experience for themselves a high level game, so I've offered to run a one-shot adventure for 15th level characters(and I purchased Lord of the Iron Fortress for this purpose). The idea is that the exploits of these characters may serve as the historical basis for a campaign which we will start after this adventure(with low level characters). So I created a brief history of the world and asked each player to create a background for their characters(I gave them some incentive...extra points for point buy ;)). I gave them rather free riegn in what they could do and I am rewarding them based on the quality and usefulness of their ideas.

One player's idea is that in the early history of the world, a powerful Elven Sorcerer emerged and created a powerful suit of armor that allowed him to freely cast spells in it(yeah...I know what you're thinking...so am I). This great elven hero died a fitting death, battling hordes of orcs and demons. His protege' took up the armor and became his mentor...madly pursuing the enemies of the elves until he too died.

This has apparently happened over and over again, throughout history. Each time, a worthy elf discovers the armor and becomes the original sorcerer and basically goes on a rampage against evil until meeting his or her death.

So now this player's PC has discovered the armor and has donned it...he has arrived at the last great city of the elves(where the PCs will begin their adventure) and is ready to make his attack upon the enemy.

Now...before you say "What a powergaming munchkin!" let me say that I don't think that is the case here. The player is very new to D&D and gaming in general, and I'm not sure she understands the balance issues here. Plus, I think it is a really good idea so I don't want to tell her "no, you can't do that!" I told her that I'd think about it. I really want to give her an opportunity to play the character she has invisioned here.

So...obviously this suit of armor is an artifact of some sort. I'm thinking this would be Mithral Full-Plate. It seems to have at a minimum the following abilities:

-The wearer may cast spells with no chance of arcane spell failure.
-It somehow takes over the will of the wearer and/or turns them into the reincarnation of the orginal elf champion who created it.
-Upon the death of the wearer, the armor somehow disappears and is hidden in a suitable location until another worthy elf champion appears to claim it.

I'd probably add one or more of the following:
- some reasonable enhancement bonus(maybe +3)
- Give the wearer some Spell Resistance
- Ghost Touch?
- Fortification?
- Protect the wearer as per Protection from Evil

Obviously this armor is intelligent and is able to impose its will on the wearer. I would say its alignment is CG, NG or CN and its purpose is the slaying of demons and/or devils as they are the primary enemies of the Elves in this world.

I also need a gp value for this because I instructed the players to use the wealth guidelines for 15th level characters to purchase magic items and equipment(with my approval, obviously).

I'm actually not too concerned about the no arcane spell failure here...A 15th level sorcerer certainly can come up with some hefty AC boosting spells and magic items anyway(and most of those don't encumber the character in anyway). But I don't want it to be free...

Any suggestions?

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First Post
I would work it up as a normal suit of armor figuring what a +3 suit of Mithral Full plate with whatever special abilties you want to add (like SR) and then call the advantage 0% arcane spell failure and the disadvantage of it taking over the will of the wearer about equal. Quick, painless and perfectly appropriate for a one shot with in-experienced players.


First Post
In my campaign I made a distinction between elven steel and true mithrill, the former being an alloy of true mithrill, steel and silver. Objects in elven steel follow the rules for mithrill in the DMG, while true mithrill is much more powerfull (and much more expensive).
True mithrill has no spell failure, and a natural +2 AC bonus (a bit like adamantite) that becomes +3 for full plate. A chain shirt in mithrill costs about 10k gp, while a full plate is up to 50k; the first is sometimes used, the latter will be nearly unique.

In this case I'll say that at the beginning the armor is:
- true mithrall full plate +3
- no spell failure
- spell resistance 15

After some time (and, for example, when they fight against the first demon) the spirit of the elven champion takes control of the wearer
(at least in part)

When the wearer is under the elven champion spirit's control add the following powers:
- protection from evil
- intelligent: int 12 cha 18 wis 14 (a paladin ?)
- Wielder does not need to sleep or rest
- Against demons consider weapon as blessed


Thanks for the input everyone. Great ideas...

Here is what I've worked up. For _this_ item(and this item only...not ingeneral), I'm going to count the No Spell Failure ability as +2 and require the armor it is applied to to be Mithral. I'm not going to have it completly take over the wearer, but I gave it a strong ego(20) and anyone who tries to wear it that is not a Good Elf Sorcerer of at least 12th level will suffer 1 negative level per day(cumulative) until they remove the armor(at which time, the negative levels will leave at a rate of one per day).

Question: What is the affect of mithral on weight of armor? I can't find anything in the DMG about it...

Armor of Dainis Mor:

MW, Mithral Breast Plate 4,350gp
+5 enhancement bonus +5
No Arcane Spell Failure +3
Base Price = 68,350

Armor Bonus +10 Max Dex +6 Check Penalty –1 Spell Failure 0% Wt 15 lbs Speed 30ft(counts as light armor)

Intelligent Item: +25,000gp
Int: 11 Wis 12 Cha 20
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Detect Evil at will
Protection from Evil when attacks are from Demons or Devils
Against demons and devils, weapon is considered blessed.

Defeat/Slay demons and devils

Fear (DC14) upon scoring a successful hit on a demon or devil.

Ego = 23

Total Cost = 93,650gp

The wearer of this armor must be a good elf sorcerer of at least 10th level or will suffer one negative level per day. Negative levels wear off at a rate of one per day after the armor is removed.

I couldn't think of anything of a Purpose power other than Fear...any idears?!?!
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First Post
How about an added bonus for spells?

Such as a +2 vs. Demon/Devil Spell resistance or

All saving through DCs recieve a +2 vs. Demons/Devils?


It's not "Rouge"... That's makeup.
Uller said:

Question: What is the affect of mithral on weight of armor? I can't find anything in the DMG about it...

I don't think that it specifically states this anywhere, but I beleive that it cuts the weight in half. The description for the Dwarven Full Plate armor (DMG pg. 182), which is made of Mithral, says that it weighs 25 pounds, which is half of the normal weight of full plate. The other mithral armors appear to be similar. Elven Chainmail weighs 20 lbs. instead of the normal 40, and Mithral Shirt weighs 10 lbs. instead of 25 lbs.

Also, remember that Mithral lowers the armor category by one level. So Mithral Full Plate is considered Medium armor instead of Heavy armor.


Thanks, RogueJK. That's what I thought.

I made some changes...

1) I decided that the No Arcane Spell Failure is equal to +1 per 5%.
2) I decided to go with +5 Mithral Breast Plate instead...elves just aren't known of heavy armor, IMO
3) I removed the spell resistance and See Invilisbility.

See above for latest stats...


First Post
I think an appropriate disadvantage would be that the wearer *has* to fight against the enemies of the elves, even if he is not ready or they are too strong for him. Thats why the wearer always gets overwhelmed soon after they take it up.


Fade said:
I think an appropriate disadvantage would be that the wearer *has* to fight against the enemies of the elves, even if he is not ready or they are too strong for him. Thats why the wearer always gets overwhelmed soon after they take it up.

I think the Ego 23 will take care of that. ;) The armor will be very assertive, won't like the PCs other magic items(especially any AC boosting ones) and when it comes to encounters with demons, it will immediately try to force the PC to fight and continue to fight even if the other PCs flee...

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