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Need classes for Dread necro gestalt


First Post
Ive already looked into the witch from pathfinder, but i am looking for any other, hopefully cha based necromancy casters.

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First Post
Cleric. Obviously. Take the Deathbound domain for even more undead following you around, and another of your liking (or take a devotion feat instead, just don't make it death devotion). Clerics get Desecrate, which is a must have for Animate Dead, and they get divine metamagic. Combine your great Cha (for lots of turning attempts) with divine metamagic, and you're good.


Often a Gestalt is designed so that the other side of the build offsets the primary classes weaknesses. Are you looking to do things like increase your HP, BAB, Saves and such, or are you simply looking to become a better Necromancer?


First Post
well i've decided against gestalt in favor of taking templates with the LA buyoff rule in effect but would like to know what classes help with necromancy.

and do remember i am trying to play a spellscale vampire necromancy purist.


First Post
Yes. Giving us specific information helps us give you specific information.

well now that gestalt is out the window i had planned to play as a Terror vampire (LA +8) spellscale dread necro with LA buy-off in full effect meaning at lvl 9 i would go back to lvl 1 but keep the terror vampire template.

from there i become a vampire lord and take the vampire master class hopefully i can convince the DM to allow me to take it as a template sans the + to existing casting class because i want to keep my rebuking on equal ground with my leveling.

Im roleplaying as a guy who has been locked in a coffin for hundreds of years because his spellscale villiage went to war with a city of Karsian Half-orcs but lost despite their magical aptitude, in our game world spellscales were capable of eberron-like magi-tek. The only reason He escaped was because terror vampires can sense garlic and the karsians in our game were similar to ancient romans in the way they ate. The karsian special forces could afford luxurious meals filled with spices.

he was caught by his own for being a spy and was locked in a coffin to die, however they didn't know he was a vampire.

basically at least i nead a few PRC that give turning or rebuking and arent harmed by my neutrality, or stalking, or feeding.

Basically i plan to disguise myself as a "Spellscale, Monster of Legend" and possibly head of a small mercenary group.

basically the idea is that i use vampire stuff above to make a small army of intelligent undead under my control along with any other necromancers from the vampire lord receiving leadership and skeletons and zombies from undead leadership. I then also need a third group of undead, hopefully from some kind of infect and control style undead, but i cant think of any other than vampires, and id have enough of them. my next idea is to pull out the tried and true Portable genesis but instead of just increased passage of time i fill it with black sand and a massive fortress.

The portable genesis being a portable hole which acts as a regular PH but with twice the diameter it had genesis cast inside of it which allow the building of a small plane. in my last game with a different GM i had orcs who thought i was god living inside and the wizards would hold huge sacrificial ceremonies to get more EXP for more land, my GM allowed my to make time more 10x as fast in there which seems nice until i discovered that there was some kinda orc hitler who made everyone deny my existence as being gone for a week is being gone for a 5th of a year, and me being a vampire and all and immortal led to well...

even if i cant use PG i can do the same on the material plane, i just have to be worried about paladins.
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First Post
That's not how LA buyoff works, unless your group uses craaaazy houserules. The most you can buy off pre-level 20 is three points of LA: one after 9 levels, one after another 6, and the final one after an additional 3.

I'm not getting the vibe that you should be playing anything too complicated before familiarizing yourself with the way LA and other stuff works some more.


First Post
That's not how LA buyoff works, unless your group uses craaaazy houserules. The most you can buy off pre-level 20 is three points of LA: one after 9 levels, one after another 6, and the final one after an additional 3.

I'm not getting the vibe that you should be playing anything too complicated before familiarizing yourself with the way LA and other stuff works some more.

do you have a source for that?

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