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Mutants & Mastermind Presents – “Astonishing Tales of Centropolis”

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The Shadow
Human, Inc.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016/10 AM
Round 0

"Seems to me that these robots, these nano-things are the way to go forward. That said, we can follow up on this thing that Shawe almost had stolen from him too. We gotta figure that if those thieves want something so...specific...they won't just give up on it," Kitsune said.

“No, you’re right,” Shadow had to agree. “They were a bit too...persistent to give up on it. But this tech stuff is out of my league,” he admitted.

Caleb eyed the white fox that appeared suspiciously.

"You don't have to join," she pointed out. "You could head back home, and just stick to your own spot over there. I mean, I haven't really heard of you, so I figure that's what you must've been doing up until now, right?"

“Yes,” Shadow said. “I like to keep my profile low. I don’t need AEGIS or the police poking their nose in my business. Lord knows they do little enough in the Haven,” he said. “Half of them work for the Russians anyway.”

"But you gotta figure...those guys were pretty bad news. If we'd had even one less person on our side, they probably woulda gotten away with the stuff at least. Maybe beat us up. Maybe worse." Kitsune shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe whatever they're doing won't really hurt anyone where you live. Maybe knocking out a few more muggers and breaking up some more back alley drug deals will help your folks more."

“They did get away with some,” Shadow reminded. The shadows covering his face darkened a bit more. “And she threatened my family. I don’t know if that was idle or if she actually knows something about me, but I can’t take that chance. I need to bring that girl in.” He sighed. “So I guess I’m in,” he said, looking down at the fox on the console. “Do you have to do that?” he asked Kitsune.

“And what about you?” he asked. “You seem a little...young to be doing this,” Shadow pointed out. “Same with cat-boy. This isn’t a frat party lark. This is serious. They weren’t pulling punches.”

-0 Toughness
Regenerating 0/5 rounds
Hero Points: 2



First Post
As the heroes continue to discuss their next move a computerized voice that everyone recognized as belonging to the headquarter's A.I., SID is heard over a nearby speaker set. "Pardon the intrusion but... I have a query. It seems that a message has appeared in a subroutine on my secondary memory banks. I... am unsure how it was delivered there. There is no SMTP server point of origin or destination. I am at a lost as too how this is possible. It appears to be addressed to the New Centurions. Should I assume that it meant for you?"


First Post
Kitsune chuckled at Shadow's question and observation. For a moment she became the fox, standing white-furred and twin-tailed where she'd been, with a tiny girl sitting on her shoulder. "I don't have to do anything. What I do, I do because I want to."

Then it was just her again, black suited and masked, with no fox sidekick at all.

"And you don't really know how old I am. But even if you're right, lets keep in mind that I fought Professor Von Kittenkiller in single combat, and knocked him down. And he could see through my..." she waves a hand and little cartoon characters flickered in the air above her fingers for a moment. "...my thingies. So it was a terrible matchup, but I won anyway. Tell me how young I am."

Before she could go any farther, the computer spoke up, and the fox-mask scowled.

"Gosh, I sure hope not. New Centurions? Really?"

Kitsune sighed. "Yeah, it's probably for us. Go ahead."


First Post
"As you wish..." SID replies, then continues "To the New Centurions, time is short and this is costing enormous amounts of energy... you need to get to the Middleton Army Base as soon as possible... the stormers are in danger. That is the entirety of the message."


First Post
SID replies "At the present we have no on-site vehicles for the Centurions' team. The roof does have a helicopter and VTOL landing area... if you wish I could contact Mr. Shawe about a... loaner."



The Shadow
Human, Inc.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016/10 AM
Round 0

“No, I don’t really know how old you are,” the Shadow admitted, “but I can guess, by your mannerisms. And yes, you did well against that...professor wizard guy. “

Then they were interrupted by the AI with a message for the...New Centurions? Seriously?

“Middleton Army Base?” Shadow said, stiffening slightly. He still had friends there that had sted in the army. He looked to Kitsune and started out toward the stairs up to the roof. “We probably will need that ride,” he said to the AI.

-0 Toughness
Regenerating 0/5 rounds
Hero Points: 2


Voidrunner's Codex

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