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D&D 4E Multi-classing in 4e - hints from ToB?


Aloïsius said:
You mean, there will be a Base Attack Bonus, a Divine Base Rank and an Arcane Caster Level, for each class ? Or something like that ?
Most likely, although progression in these abilities need not be tied to class level. If talent trees are implemented, there could be a "mystic warrior" talent tree for the Fighter class that grants increases to arcane caster level that other Fighter talent trees do not.

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fuindordm said:
And why should learning the first level in a class (say, equivalent to one year of college courses) be as difficult for a high-level character than advanced study in their own class (say, equivalent to getting a dissertation)?

Because it appropriately gimps multiclasses while getting rid of all the old restrictions. So, it looks better than the old multiclassing to the players that want to multiclass, but suitably discourages it at the same time.

You may have a different idea of "appropriately" or "suitably" in this context, but since the designers can't make your preferences & mine co-exist (can't = would be more trouble than its worth), they just go with their own preference.


5ever, or until 2024
You know you are a grognard when

From what we are discusing (post #3 here)

When I say "gish," ...I'm talking more generally about characters who are capable melee combatants and reasonably good arcane spellcasters, too.

So gish=elf?


First Post
breschau said:
I don't think that sounds right. If a character dual-classes, they should be equal to their class level in each, not 2/3 in each. They chose to split their xp between two classes, they're taking the hit and they should gain the benefit of the levels they've bought in those classes, not more. The benefit of multi-classing is the mix of skills, pure and simple.

A 10th level character (Wiz5, Fig5) shouldn't be treated as a Wiz7 and Fig7, that's crap.
No it's not crap. The problem lies in the fact that you have only one meaningful action each round. A fighter excells at melee attacks and a wizard at spells. When you are fighter and you use your action to attack, levels in wizard give you little benefit when doing so. If a fighter 10/wizard 10 had one attack and one spell each round, he'd probably be balanced (more or less). He doesn't, so he's gotta be better than simply half a level.

Fingers Boggis

First Post
I'd really like to see the 1/2 progression in casting thats been talked about above but IMO what really made the warrior/caster architype fun towards the end of 3.5 was things like arcane strike and PrCs like the Jade Pheonix mage and Abjurant Champion which allowed you to use your spells to power your combat ability and casting in armour never hurts either. I hope these get implimented in someway, I have hope they will be (at least armoured casting) from the following:

Dave Noonan said:
Well, from very early levels, he's weariing armor, stabbing dudes, and casting spells.

Overall I'm pretty excited about 4e and with almost MerricB like enthusiasm I dont think I've seen anything which has been a turn off. I think that I'm going to be a bit more circumspect in my purchases this time round though and will browse the SRD thoroughly before I buy anything. This is probably due to my position of going into my first job and new house though rather than cynicism towards WotC though


Responding to comments about power level -

Having played Gestalt since it was introduced (solo play, needed characters with more versitiliy) - that only gave a couple levels difference - you still only had 1 characters hit points, one characters worth of skill, and only one major action a round.

If the new system basically does the level +1/2 or something like SWsaga, I'm all for it. :)

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