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D&D 5E Monster Slayers of Vvarvendel

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Allanon travelled in silence slightly behind the party. As they passed the cave the Halfling pointed out Allanon tapped on his saddle, one, two, three... blink, a small creature now sat there winking its eyes alternately at him. A few moments mass without any words as the two looked at each other, then Eolande leapt into the air, vanishing again.

Unseen by anyone, the little sprite fluttered from tree to bush making her way closer to the cave, watching for any activity or ground sign. As the companions continued on, Eolande kept watch ready to pas any information on to Allanon when he returned.

Once they reached the town, Allanon dismounted, made his introduction to the townsfolk, then gradually moved away from those at the forefront of their reception to try and talk to the lesser residents of the village, trying to gauge them and pick up any deception.

Andor called to the group, "Lets plan this out. We can talk as we walk." followed quickly by Seelia suggesting a heavy handed approach. "A simple plan Seelia, and I am always keen on cracking ogre skulls, but I think some more information might be pertinent." When his companions started to discuss leaving immediately, Allanon joined in again, "Perhaps a night here won't be wasted. It will give us time to ingratiate ourselves with the townsfolk, and should they come under attack we'll be here. Odagar's Mansion will be just as comfortable here as in the woods."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I agree. We can plan anywhere...and here we have helpful people that can describe attacks, details of events might shed some light on the ogre tribe. But we should still start early. Maybe take another night to scout in close and personal before finalizing our approach."


As the sun begins to retreat over the horizon Varus swings his left leg over next to his right leg. He pats Talon roughly on the head before whispering, "Be safe my friend." Talon screeches in understanding as Varus shifts his weight, dismounting himself, and begins descending to the ground. After about a minute he lands harmlessly on the ground just in time to hear Allanon's proposed idea.

Thinking for a moment before speaking, Varus chimes in,"Sleeping here is best. Cave could have multiple outlets and the town could be attacked while we are away. When plans have been made I shall rest quickly before heading out to ensure we are not sieged in the night. Head toward the opening we were shown earlier and I will surely notice your approach and reveal myself.



Arcturus Rime, Elf Paladin20

"I don't think we need to spend too much time being overly cautious, inspecting, spying, and making elaborate plans. You seem to forget that we are the most formidable folk around. While we're not invulnerable ... yet ... true enough, we can sketch our plan as we go and as we begin to get this work done. Correllon will watch over us and guide our blades and efforts. Have a little faith, my friends!"

Arcturus Rime -- Character Sheet
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Not having a plan invites disaster. We could likely overpower ogres. But we have no idea what's there. And why suffer any wounds from whole tribe of ogres if we could take them piecemeal with some planning. And, if things go south because we meet not one ruler, but several...or they show to be some kind of enchanters or someone who can turn us against one another? How would you like one of the most formidable folk around fighting you? At the very least, we should have contingency exit. And that again requires scouting."
Andors well known penchant for planning out exit routes, contingencies and contingencies upon contingencies, backed up by back up plans and their contingencies come to the fore again as he rallies against gung-ho approach. Intellectually, he knows they can likely ride over ogres without pause.

But, probably doesn't mean "for sure" and if something happens, best reaction is quick reaction, not haphazard action where there is every man for himself. Even more selfish party members would come to the rescue of someone else since they would be afraid to be left behind next time.

"Here we go again..." he thinks. "One of these days we'll regret this powering through everything. I'll try to make suitable plan and hope they will listen when we're in trouble."


Allanon, Warlock 20

"While we rest I can communicate with Eolande and scout the cave from here. That should give us the information we need to leave early in the morning, well rested and alert."

Allanon looks around his companions, then says to Varus, "Did you see anything of note from the air?"

OOC: Between Varus' aerial view and my familiar effectively meaning I am there scouting we should be able to get plenty of info.

Also a stealth roll for Eolande seems pertinent, she is invisible but could make noise Eolande Stealth: 1D20+8 = [18]+8 = 26

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
HP: 162 HD: 20/20d8
AC: 18
Init: +3

Spell Attack: +14 Save DC: 22
Eldritch Blast: 4 x +14 1d10+5
Mace: +7 1d6+1B
Spell Slots: 4/4
Mystic Arcanum 6th: 1/1 7th:1/1 8th: 1/1 9th: 1/1

Potion of Invisibility: 2
Potion of Superior Healing: 3
Char Sheet
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Arcturus Rime, Elf Paladin20

"Not having a plan invites disaster. We could likely overpower ogres. But we have no idea what's there. And why suffer any wounds from whole tribe of ogres if we could take them piecemeal with some planning. And, if things go south because we meet not one ruler, but several...or they show to be some kind of enchanters or someone who can turn us against one another? How would you like one of the most formidable folk around fighting you? At the very least, we should have contingency exit. And that again requires scouting."
Andors well known penchant for planning out exit routes, contingencies and contingencies upon contingencies, backed up by back up plans and their contingencies come to the fore again as he rallies against gung-ho approach. Intellectually, he knows they can likely ride over ogres without pause.

But, probably doesn't mean "for sure" and if something happens, best reaction is quick reaction, not haphazard action where there is every man for himself. Even more selfish party members would come to the rescue of someone else since they would be afraid to be left behind next time.

"Here we go again..." he thinks. "One of these days we'll regret this powering through everything. I'll try to make suitable plan and hope they will listen when we're in trouble."

"Very well, Andor, make your plans. Only, I trust that we can start our mission without you carving our elaborate plans in granite like you insisted upon last time. I shall say no more on the subject."

Arcturus Rime -- Character Sheet
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First Post
You see the Ogres retreat inside the cave at night, carrying with them wood, as if they plan to build something.

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