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Ashrem Bayle

Shade - The Rogue

Arim “Shade” Dupree

1st level Human Rogue - Thief, Bounty Hunter, and Adventurer for Hire
Neutral Good
Experience: 0 / 1,000

STR: 14 (+2)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 10 (+0)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 10 (+0)

Fortitude: +0
Reflex: +5
Will: +0

Hit Points: 6
Initiative: +7
Armor Class: 15* (Dexterity +3, Leather Armor +2, *Dodge Feat)

Rapier +2 Att, 1d6+2 Dmg
L. Crossbow +3 Att, 1d8 Dmg
Dagger x 2 +2(+3) Att, 1d4+2 dmg

Improved Initiative

Sneak Attack, +1d6
Find Traps

SKILLSNumber of ranks are in parenthesis.
Balance +4(1); Bluff +4(4); Climb +4(2); Diplomacy +1(1); Disable Device +6(4); Escape Artist +4(1); Gather Information +1(1); Hide +7(4); Intimidate +2(2); Jump +4(2); Listen +4(4); Move Silently +7(4); Open Lock +4(1); Pick Pocket +6(3), Read Lips +3(1), Search +4(2); Spot +3(3); and Tumble +7(4)

Leather Armor, Rapier, Light Crossbow, Dagger x 2, Backpack w/ Quiver (20 bolts), Belt pouch x 3, 50’ String (holds 50 lbs.), 50’ Silk Rope w/ Grappling Hook, Caltrops (2 uses), Sunrod x 2, Tindertwig x 2, Pitons x 5, Small hammer, Thieves’ Tools, Manacles, 5 small stones, Steel mirror, Acid (flask), Signal Whistle, Oil (1 pint flask) x 2, and Flint & steel

40 gold pieces
8 silver pieces
5 copper pieces
Golden hoop earring (2gp)
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First Post
Human cleric

I mean, if turtle still hasn't any problems.

I'm not familiar with point-buy so i came up with something like this:

STR 10
CON 14
INT 12
WIS 16
CHA 14

Alignment neutral good.

I was thinking about a very naive kind of guy, worshipping a very benevolent god (something like Pelor? the human version of Yondalla?) with healing, good or protection domains.

BTW, Lichtenhart is long and difficult to type (even though is the name of a wonderful character); feel free to call me Mario (that's my real name)


Ash - Alignment? Holding off until you guage the group's inclination? Just curious... :) You might want to drop the "retired" thing unless you're finished playing. ;) As far as that goes you've got no experience, points-wise or otherwise. If, in character, you wish to introduce yourself as a retired thief, that's certainly acceptable though maybe hard for others to believe. Up to you, though.

Mario - Looks good so far and you've hit the ability scores just perfect. Don't worry about turtle since he's prepared to take whatever is left, that being Wizard or Sorcerer. Go right ahead and add as much as you can at this point ALA Ash's write-up. I'll start putting together some options for the deities but I see where you're going and that gives me somewhere to start.

Keep editing the original, as need be, but post separately to let me know what's been added roughly, even if it is just a tweak.

Thanks, fellas! :)
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Ashrem Bayle

Got him fixed up. I was going with the retired thing because thats what he was going to call himself. Decided to drop it though.


First Post
Danmor ???

1st level Cleric Age: 23 years
Neutral Good Height: 5' 5"
XP 0/1000 Weight: 184 lb.

STR 10 (0)
DEX 8 (-1) REF -1
CON 14 (+2) FOR +4
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 16 (+3) WIL +7
CHA 14 (+2)

HP 10
AC 13 (-1 DEX, +3 studded leather, +1 small shield)

Attacks: +0 morningstar 1d8 x2

Feats: Combat Casting, Iron Will

Sp. Abilities
Healing and Protection domains
Turn Undead 5/day
Spells 3 0-level, 2 1-level, 1 1-level domain

Skills: Concentration +6 (4), Diplomacy +5 (3), Heal +7 (4), Knowledge (Religion) +4 (3), Spellcraft +3 (2)

Equipment ( I considered 170gp for starting gold): Morningstar, Studded leather armor, Small wooden shield, Backpack, Holy Symbol (wooden), Healer's Kit, Spell components pouch, Traveler's outfit, Flint and steel, Bedroll, Winter blanket, Waterskin, Soap (1lb), Trail rations (3 days), Hooded lantern, 3 Oil flasks, Antitoxin vial.

Carried 60 lb = Medium load

Treasure: 14 gp, 10sp, 10 cp

Danmor is the kind of guy everyone wants as a friend. He is quiet, sensitive, discreet, always willing to lend a hand. Though he is naive and inexperienced, since he doesn't know much of the world, he has always a warm smile and a good advice for everyone. He recently left his temple to take his arts where they are more needed.
While he is very religious, he doesn't pass judgement on others neither tries to convert them, but will gladly talk about his religion if asked about.
He is stout but short and a little fat (don't tell him). He's got blond hair and beard, and sky-blue eyes.

(P.S. tell me when I roll a 1 on my English check :) )
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First Post

LN Human Wizard
Level 1
EXP: 0
Gold: ?

S 8 (-1)
D 10
C 14 (+2)
I 18 (+4)
W 10
Ch 10

HP 6

Fort: +2
Ref: 0
Will: +2

Scribe Scroll
Silent Spell
Combat Casting

Skills: (28 points)
Concentration: 4 + (Con +2) + (Feat +4) = 10
Spellcraft: 4 + (Int +4) = 8
Knowledge, Arcana: 4 + (Int +4) = 8
Knowledge, Religion: 1 + (Int +4) = 5
Knowledge, Nature: 1 + (Int +4) = 5
Alchemy: 4 + (Int +4) = 8
Craft, Brewing: 4 + (Int +4) = 8
Scry: 4 + (Int +4) = 8
Bonus Languages: Dwarvish, Gnomish

Satchel or backpack
Pointy Hat
Groovy Robes
Shaving Kit
2 pairs extra undies and socks
Water Skin
X-Bow (masterwork?) w/ n bolts in
Q-Staff (masterwork?)
Basic Spell Ingredients
Fire-starting kit
Sleeping Bag

Familiar: Raven (named Caw) Language: Dwarvish

Level 0: (All Known)

Level 1: Magic Missle (*), Mage Shield, Spider Climb, Expeditious Retreat, Summon Monster I, Ray of Enfeeblement, True Strike
(* = prepared)

Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal, Celestial, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish

Arthael is best described as "that guy" at the office. You know the one: the "achievement-oriented self-starter". Arthael is looking to better himself, to achieve his full potential. He is adventuring as a way to gain experience and recognition in the world. He is not arrogant, but has a pretty good idea of his own abilities and faults.
Arthael has the build of a cycler. He is in good shape but has a slight build and could never be a weight lifter. He is not really worried about the bigger issues of the outside world. He is more interested in his own progress. In his quest for self-actualization Arthael isn't afraid to take opportunities when they come. In other words, if he beats out someone else to an advantage then "that is the way the cookie crumbles". He is not, however, malicious.
If Arthael loathes anything it is mediocrity and lack of focus. He will be a loyal party member, one who is constantly egging on his comrades to achieve their potential.

For a god I'm thinking Wee Jas or the closest equivalent...
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Ash, Mario- Looking good!

turtle- So far, so good. Just add the skills, feats and equipment in a similar format to your fellow players and we'll soon be ready to go onto the next phase.

GWolf- Looks like you might be joining a different game. No longer interested in playing the fighter in a "normal" game? :D

Please, let me know soon so the game is not harmed. :(


First Post
I'm at work so I don't have the book with me... scribe scroll is free...

i forget the magic feats availible at level one... i think brew potion... and something else...

any btw yes I was quite surprised and pleased to see so much happen while i was happily sleeping the time away... I guess there was some level of demand for a normal game...

I am excited about this game... I've been coming here (as tleilaxu) since January 2000 (back when it was Eric Noah's unofficial 3e news) and I know MarkCM has been around for quite a while as well...
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turtle said:
I'm at work so I don't have the book with me... scribe scroll is free...

i forget the magic feats availible at level one... i think brew potion... and something else...

any btw yes I was quite surprised and pleased to see so much happen while i was happily sleeping the time away... I guess there was some level of demand for a normal game...

I am excited about this game... I've been coming here (as tleilaxu) since January 2000 (back when it was Eric Noah's unofficial 3e news) and I know MarkCM has been around for quite a while as well...

I hadn't realized that you had changed your screenname. Good to have you aboard, tleilaxu/turtle! :)

Don't worry about the rest of the character until you're at home and have your books to use, though I'm sure (like most gamers) you'll be thinking up things the rest of your work day... ;)

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