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D&D 5E [Mini-Let's Read] Everyday Heroes, Character Creation & Game Design Elements



2/17/2024 Update: EN World recently published an article about this book's publisher. Based on the allegations of ex-employees, ranging from a toxic work environment to not paying contractors the money that was agreed upon, I am no longer comfortable in supporting this company's work and wouldn't have reviewed the books if I knew about this.

This may not be a full review, as it’s a pretty lengthy sourcebook and I have some others lined up. But as this RPG has been on my mind for a while I wanted to talk about it, particularly in regards to several particular elements I really liked.

Everyday Heroes is the spiritual sequel to D20 Modern, updated for 5th Edition, and several of the original creators worked on it. While the original D20 Modern hasn’t exactly aged well, I found myself impressed by several things:

The game design, notably in regards to character creation. It’s evident that the designers put care into how things would work out in play, including some rather implicit answers to common design problems in modern-era RPGs. Like PCs who want to bring a sword or gun to a knife-fight.
The concept of “an RPG in the modern world” is incredibly broad and bland. The game line has a series of licensed setting/adventure sourcebooks based off of various movies to illustrate what kinds of stories Everyday Heroes can tell.

I wanted to talk more about number 1, so my mini-review will focus on those chapters.


So to start things off, Everyday Heroes uses the core chassis of 5th Edition D&D: d20 is the primary die, progression is measured by levels, special abilities that are limited use are regained during short or long rests, enemies use Challenge Rating to showcase their threat level, and so on. In fact, the book has an Appendix listing the number of changes from core 5th Edition, which is very handy! The general idea of ED is that it’s meant to convey the feel of an action movie or show: the PCs are hyper-competent individuals who can get into shootouts and shake off wounds between scenes rather than being hospitalized for weeks, a buff bruiser can be just as deadly with their fists as with a gun (if not more so depending on the subclass), and a genius detective can pull out a nifty gadget or some crucial piece of knowledge against a seemingly unseen threat as a class feature. The default RPG doesn’t have magic or outright superpowers (the bestiary’s another story), but it’s still quite possible to do cool stuff and feel badass.

Beyond the basic Introduction, the second and third Chapters cover Backgrounds and Professions. PCs in Everyday Heroes still use the six classic ability scores as well as proficiencies in various skills, saving throws, and weapon groups. What differs is that there are no tool proficiencies* or alignment, and Backgrounds and Professions are basically an all-in-one replacement for race and backgrounds.

*But tool kits still exist.

Backgrounds represent events in a PC’s life that shaped who they are, ranging from how they grew up to lifelong hobbies. Each background provides a +1 bonus to a single ability score. The other factors can range from bonus languages, skill and equipment proficiencies, a unique Special Feature only that particular background has, and/or free starting Iconic Equipment.

The backgrounds are a pretty broad assortment, although quite a number of Special Features provide advantage on relevant ability checks related to said background, and some Iconic Equipment is more immediately useful for an action RPG. For example, the Immigrant background’s Iconic Equipment is a flag lapel gained from a swearing in citizenship ceremony, but Military Tradition grants an antique 9mm service pistol. Some Special Features are extremely useful above and beyond activities associated with the Background: Gamer lets you reroll a natural 1 once per long rest, On the Run lets you reroll initiative once if you so desire, and Survivor allows you to stabilize via two successful death saving throws rather than three. Compare this to Bookworm’s, where you add your proficiency bonus on ability checks to recall knowledge about authors and literature.

But those are the standouts and not the norm. Generally speaking, backgrounds without iconic equipment or special features (or lackluster ones) make up for it with more proficiencies. For instance, Raised by Assassins gives proficiency in two broad equipment categories, a bonus language, and the Deception skill. Rural Family has no Special Feature, but it lets the PC start play with a free pick-up truck vehicle along with two skills (Mechanics and Survival) as well as proficiency in Basic Equipment.

Wealthy Family is an exception to other backgrounds in that its Special Feature lets you choose from 1 of 5 on a short list, ranging from +1 to Starting Wealth or a free nonmilitary vehicle to more subjective benefits like a lawyer who can get you out of non-felony legal trouble or being able to get in touch with powerful people with just a few phone calls. One background I really like, Technophile, has both an Iconic Equipment and Special Feature: a state-of-the-art smartphone that can substitute for any plausible tool on the equipment list via a staggering number of apps.


As for Professions, they represent what your PC does for a living…or did before the naughty word hit the fan and they got tangled up in the GM’s campaign. Professions follow a similar structure as Backgrounds, save that they’re less formulaic in offered benefits and also have a Wealth Level. While all Professions grant Ability Score Increases, the bonuses can range from +1 to a single score to +1 to 2, 3, or even 4 scores! The Professions hedge towards being broad rather than specific, with Sample Careers for more specialized examples: for instance, the Crime profession can cover stuff from cat burglars to hitmen, Daredevils can range from stunt doubles to test pilots and treasure hunters, and Unemployed can cover beggars, prisoners, or off-the-grid recluses.

There are some Professions that stick out in some fashion. The Espionage profession (spies, field agents) grants a bonus language, 4 bonus skill proficiencies, proficiency in Basic and Advanced Equipment, a broad variety of iconic equipment, and a Safe House as a special feature that nobody else knows about. Investigative Services is the only Profession that grants expertise (double proficiency) in a skill, specifically your choice of Investigation or Security (creating and bypassing security systems that aren’t computer-based hacking). Military grants you proficiency in some broadly useful skills (Athletics, Perception, and Stealth) along with 3 whopping Equipment proficiencies, some starting guns as well as body armor, and a multi-purpose Special Feature that among other things grants you access to military weapons and equipment (such things typically can’t be purchased normally during play). The Science background’s special feature increases the range of the Help action to anyone who can hear your voice, including over the phone or via other communication devices.

Some professions as a result can end up feeling inferior in a way. For example, Outdoors and Unemployed both give the feel of people who are used to surviving in adverse conditions, but Outdoors comes with more starting skills, a higher Wealth Level, and a hunting rifle and vehicle along with general camping equipment. What does Unemployed get as a leg-up? Well you can increase Constitution and three other ability scores of your choice by 1 point. Which can be nice for certain builds, but as Everyday Heroes has done a lot to avoid MAD classes this isn’t as useful as it would be in 5th Edition D&D.

Another thing to bring up is that in cases where a PC may end up getting the same skill due to overlap from background/profession/class, they can replace it with one other skill of their choice. However, equipment proficiencies aren’t so lucky. While there are far fewer of them (5, and even just Basic and Advanced cover a lot of ground) this can lead to a feeling of redundancy for some players. The Military profession and Commando Tough Hero archetype both grant Basic, Advanced, and Military Equipment proficiency. But a Commando who instead has a LARPer background (Basic and Historical Equipment) will have Historical plus the Basic/Advanced/Military gained from the archetype. This isn’t as negative as it may first appear, in that these Professions can ensure that you don’t get proficiency-locked due to your class (a Smart Hero Hacker with the Soldier profession can still use a tactical rifle), but as equipment proficiencies are already giving up some other facet (like a language or skill) I feel it’s worth bringing up.

In both cases the rulebook spells out info in creating your own Backgrounds and Professions, as well as the guidelines used to balance them.

Let’s briefly go over Wealth Level. Both Everyday Heroes and D20 Modern used an abstracted Wealth system. However, ED is much more streamlined and less open to abuse, where it is measured in 6 broad categories, ranging from 0 (penniless, own only what you can carry) to 6 (billionaire). The Professions range in Wealth Level from 1 to 5, and you cannot start play with Wealth Level 6. A character’s Wealth Level determines what they can easily buy; illegal and military gear requires certain benefits or connections to obtain.

About half of the Professions (15 out of 30) are at wealth level 3 (upper-middle class), with the second-most common being 2 (lower-middle class, 7 out of 30). There’s 4 professions at wealth level 4, 3 at 1, and only 1 at 5. A single-level difference in Wealth can still be significant, particularly at the 1-3 range. The majority weapons and armor can be comfortably purchased at Price Level 3, with some more heavy-duty stuff at 4, and a precious few at 5. Pretty much all melee weapons save swords can be gained at price level 1 or 2, and in regards to personal vehicles a common car, most trucks and vans, and bikes and carts can also be gained at 2. High-performance vehicles such as luxury and sports cars are at 3-4, and construction equipment is at 3. Armored cars, 18-wheelers, helicopters, and buses are at 4. Some choice combat-ready vehicles such as SWAT vans, an APC, or a friggin’ tank are at 5, and fighter jets or your own personal airliner are at 6.

Thus the majority of PCs should be able to obtain a shotgun (price level 2) or a revolver (also 2) no problem. A sniper rifle, however, is out of the price range of most starting characters (price level 4). As for military equipment most are Price Level 3, with assault rifles being the cheapest at 2 and the deadliest such as heavy machine guns and rocket launchers being in the 4-5 range.

While Wealth Level can change during course of play and PCs can easily buy equipment for poorer teammates, what this means is that the poorest occupations (Customer Service, Student, Unemployed) aren’t going to be able to buy even a cheap gun at the start of a campaign, and your sniper assassin will likely need be working in a high-paying field that may not necessarily reflect a more appropriate job (like Crime or Espionage) or have the Wealthy Family background if the DM is making them buy things “by the books.” These are edge cases, but these are still things I noticed and feel are worth bringing up.

Overall, the Backgrounds and Professions both cover a large array of types, and I strained to find any common real-world occupations that don’t immediately fit them.


The bulk of character creation, Classes and Archetypes are like they are in default 5e. The major differences are that levels only go up to 10th instead of 20th, feats are a default setting rather than an optional rule, and multiclassing is done by buying feats which grant some aspects of the secondary class/archetype. Much like in D20 Modern, there are six classes each centered around an ability score and even have mostly the same names (Strong Hero, Agile Hero, Smart Hero, etc). Each class shares some commonalities:

1. Two class features universal to all Heroes of that type at levels 1 and 2.

2. One of three class-specific archetypes to choose from, with Smart and Charming Heroes getting four instead.

3. Archetype-specific Talents at every odd level.

4. Every even-numbered level a PC can choose two Minor Feats or one Major Feat. Ability Score Increases are Minor Feats, so technically feat-free PCs can still exist, but unlike in 5e they have more opportunities to increase their ability scores.

5. A Defense Bonus which adds to a character’s default Defense (renamed Armor Class). All Everyday Heroes PCs also add either their Dexterity modifier or the ability score of their class to their Defense on top of this. Armor instead functions effectively as a “bonus death save,” where if you’d be reduced to 0 hit points from an attack you can roll a save to have your armor get damaged instead. This serves multiple purposes: first in that it allows characters to not have to bulk up in SWAT and military armor to avoid getting hit, reduces MAD, and makes Dexterity less of a god stat. Defense bonuses vary depending on the class in question, usually ranging from Proficiency Bonus minus 2 (poor, Smart Hero), minus 1 (average, Agile and Charming) or equal to (good, Tough and Wise Heroes). Strong Heroes are the exception in that they start out with +1 to their Defense score but then get a cumulative +1 at 3rd level and then 7th level.

6. Saving throws, bonus skills, and Equipment proficiencies are determined by the subclass archetype.

7. In the case of the mental classes, a point-based resource. Smart has Genius points, Wise has Focus points, and Charming has Influence Dice (think Bardic Inspiration).

8. Barring a few exceptions, the overwhelming majority of rest-based abilities for classes and archetypes can recharge on either a short or long rest. The Charming Hero’s Leader subclass’ Encouraging Banter, and Smart Hero’s Genius points are the only abilities that recharge just on a long rest.

9. Extra Attack has been renamed Advanced Weapon Training, and half of the 20 archetypes have it. The ability is gained at 5th level for those archetypes, with Sharpshooter being an exception in that at 9th level you can attack a 3rd time instead of twice provided it’s with a ranged weapon. The archetypes who don’t have AWT usually have some other means of increasing their offensive capability, usually with a level-scaling damaging attack.


Strong Heroes are combat-intensive characters, specializing in melee attacks. They have a sturdy d10 hit die, and their universal level 1 and 2 class features include a Barbarian-style Reckless Attack and a -5 attack/+10 damage Power Attack…which unlike Great Weapon Mastery can apply to any melee weapon as well as thrown weapons provided the attack was not been made with a bonus action or is an auto-hit damaging ability.

I love the Strong Hero in particular. Virtually each archetype feels like it was made to answer the “sword to a gunfight” dilemma in some fashion. The Brawler specializes in hitting when it counts, where they can Smash to add additional bonus dice of damage to a melee or thrown attack that scales with level, along with an orc monster style “spend a bonus action to move your speed to an enemy or dangerous situation.” The downside to Smash is that you automatically break whatever weapon you were using with it, unless the weapon is an unarmed attack. And if you Power Attack while Smashing, your bonus dice grow from d6s to d12s! They also double the range increment for thrown weapons among other things.

So Brawler is cool for several reasons. First off the double ranging of thrown weapons and bonus action movement are good in closing the gap with enemies who may be farther away…like people with guns. The Smash makes up for the lack of Advanced Weapon Training in that you generally only hit once, but when you do you’re doing a boatload of damage. Brawlers gain proficiency in Basic and Improvised Equipment, and surprisingly the vast majority of the latter weapons have the Thrown property. Just look around the room you’re sitting in; a Brawler can not only pick something up, they can likely do more damage with it than a machine gun by default and also throw it clear across the room!

The Heavy Gunner specializes in deadly firearms and explosives. Think Team Fortress 2’s Heavy or Vulcan Raven from Metal Gear Solid. Now in most 5e spinoffs, Strength is a dump stat for ranged fighters. So Everyday Heroes gets around this by allowing Heavy Gunners to substitute their Strength on attack (but not damage) rolls instead of Dexterity for all ranged weapons that don’t have the Light property. Which includes the vast majority of them, leaving out small stuff like shurikens, .38 pocket pistols, and tasers. The archetype’s name is deceptive, in that you can be STRONK with revolvers and shotguns, too! Reckless Attack and Power Attack can also be applied to these qualifying ranged weapons, ignore the Stationary property of weapons,* and its other features include things like adding proficiency bonus (and later double proficiency) to AoE effects, doubling the area of suppressive fire, and rolling damage dice thrice instead of twice on critical hits.

*This means that you can detach a minigun or other tripod-mounted weapon and run around with it, as opposed to being forced to stay in one place when operating the weapon.

The MMA Fighter is an unarmed fighter who makes liberal use of grapples and shoves. Their features include increasing the damage dice of their unarmed strikes with level, being able to automatically damage or Restrain opponents they have Grappled, disarm/grapple/shove a target when damaging them with an unarmed strike once per turn, and add half and then full value of Power Attacks made with off-hand unarmed strikes. At 9th level they get access to KO Punches and Sleeper Holds, special attacks done in conjunction with an unarmed strike that can knock a foe Unconscious if they fail a save.

The MMA Fighter, much like the other Strong Hero subclasses, fills another weak point in traditional 5e: namely the situational nature of grapples and shoves over straight damage. MMAs solve this dilemma by making it so you don’t have to choose between the two.

Ironically the Strong Hero’s archetypes aren’t ideally suited for someone who just wants to consistently wield a single melee weapon, like a duelist with a signature sword. There are other archetypes in the later classes that can fill this function, but it’s rather interesting in that all 3 of Strong’s either encourage fighting unarmed, using temporary improvised weapons, or just bringing out the big guns instead of going to town every round with a sword or sledgehammer. Well, there is a certain feat later on in the book that can get around this for Brawlers, but it's not part of the class inherently.


Agile Heroes are those who focus on speed and reflexes, whether in combat or for subtler, more delicate tasks. They have a decent d8 Hit Die and their universal level 1 and 2 features include advantage on initiative rolls and Rogue-like Dash and Disengage as bonus actions along with Advantage on Athletics checks to Gain Ground during a foot chase.* Needless to say, these are overall very strong abilities: advantage on initiative alone is a game-changer, and combined with the free reroll from On the Run background you will be very unlikely to act last or next to last in battle.

*Everyday Heroes has Chase rules. No action movie/show RPG is complete without one!

The Martial Artist is our first Agile archetype, and are exactly what they sound like. They increase the damage dice of their unarmed strikes as they level much like an MMA Fighter, but they also gain the ability to make unarmed strikes as a bonus action (two at 9th level). Their other features include treating all non-heavy melee weapons as having the Finesse property (even heavy weapons at 7th level), ignoring movement reduction from climbing and swimming, and Evasion.

If the Brawler’s the kind of guy who can knock out the baddest dude on the block with a well-placed punch, the Martial Artist is the death by a thousand cuts type of person. They also have high damage potential, but do this by attacking lots of times during a combat round.* They have a bit more control in that they can divide up these attacks in case a weakened opponent drops, and the bonus movement from Dash allows them to close the gap with gun-wielders. Additionally, their “finesse for everything” lets you emulate the agile swordsman trope, so you don’t have to feel limited to using knives, rapiers, and the like.

*Up to 4 times: twice with Advanced Weapon Training, twice with 2 unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

The Scoundrel is Everyday Heroes’ Rogue equivalent. They get Vital Strike which functions like Sneak Attack, can do more things with a bonus action such as Hide, Use an Object, or Sleight of Hand/Security checks, get Expertise in a Roguelike skill (2 at 7th level), and other sneaky stuff like advantage on attack rolls against any opponent that haven’t taken a turn yet in combat.

The Scoundrel is perhaps the best “out of combat” archetype of the Agile Hero. While the Martial Artist gets some speedy movement stuff, the additional bonus actions really encourage the Scoundrel to take the reins as a party scout/trap-spotter/saboteur, and double proficiency on skills is always a plus. One thing I do find amusing is that shotguns are a great choice for Scoundrels: these weapons have the Shot property, meaning that you gain advantage on attack rolls made at a target within 30 feet. So your Scoundrel can be running around blowing people apart with a Sneak Attack/shotgun combo.

I know what class to use if I ever decide to stat out Hobo with a Shotgun!

The Sharpshooter is our final Agile archetype. And as you can guess, they’re all about using guns, with features that alternate in dual-wielding or two-handed ranged weapons. Right off the bat as 1st level abilities, they can draw and reload two light one-handed weapons with the same action and get +2 on attack rolls with ranged attacks if they don’t move during that turn. Their later features include adding their Dexterity modifier to off-hand damage rolls with ranged weapons, can ignore disadvantage on long range and reduce degrees of cover with two-handed ranged weapons if they don’t move during that turn, crit on a 19 or 20 with ranged attacks, and can potentially make up to 3 ranged attacks (plus 1 from a bonus off-hand attack if available) per turn.

Like the Martial Artist, the Sharpshooter specializes in multiple attacks over a single strong one like the Brawler/Scoundrel. What makes them different from the Heavy Gunner is what kinds of weapons they prefer and how they fight. Heavy Gunner is better for AoE and battlefield control stuff, while the Sharpshooter is better for long-range sniping. As for pure damage I’d have to run the numbers on some builds to see which comes out ahead, but both archetypes rate on the higher end of DPR potential.


Tough Heroes are those who persist, not giving up from withering punishment and sometimes using their durability to protect others. They have the best Hit Die in the game at d12 along with the best Defense bonus (only the Wise Hero equals them), and their universal level 1 and 2 special features include Payback (gaining +2 on a single attack roll against a target who damaged then since the end of their last turn) and Tough as Nails which grants damage reduction* against all sources of damage equal to their proficiency bonus. For those not around during 3rd Edition, damage reduction automatically deducts the result of a damage roll, to a minimum of 0. In Everyday Heroes damage reduction typically applies to a single type or source of damage, like cold or poison.

Now it may be due to the fact that these universal abilities are reactive rather than active, but they don’t wow me to the same extent that Strong and Agile did. +2 on an attack roll is a nice increase given bounded accuracy, but it can be used only once per turn. The damage reduction is nice, and really adds up if you’re being attacked by multiple sources, but given that proficiency bonus only goes up to +4 it isn’t going to protect you all that much from a single powerful attack.

The Bodyguard is self-explanatory in that you help your allies avoid harm. At 1st level they can spend a bonus action to let a nearby ally move into cover via free movement, and a reaction to take an attack meant for an adjacent ally. Their higher level abilities include useful features such as imposing disadvantage on a target’s attack rolls against anyone other than the Bodyguard, ignore cover penalties from friendly fire of allies,* or causing an opponent’s speed to fall to 0 if they Dive for Cover** as a reaction to one of your attacks.

*doing a ranged attack at a target adjacent to an ally risks hitting that ally on a natural 1.

**a new reaction in Everyday Heroes that lets you move half your speed to get behind cover or outside an AoE attack, giving you the opportunity to avoid harm at the expense of falling prone.

The Bodyguard is a pretty strong archetype, specializing in battlefield control and a pseudo-buff for allies. As a Tough Hero is likely to have both the most Hit Points and one of the best Defense scores in a party, their ability to tank hits meant for allies is valuable. Being able to impose disadvantage on an enemy makes them useful in tanking, too. Ironically they make for good ranged fighters in a party with at least one melee fighter in being able to ignore friendly fire, and possibly a backup thief in that they have their choice of Expertise in Endurance, Intimidation, or Security at 1st level.

The Commando is the Fighter equivalent subclass in Everyday Heroes. When it comes to killing, they’re useful in doing just about anything, specializing in none. They’re one of the only two archetypes that grants proficiency in Military Equipment, * and at 1st level they can take a Second Wind** as a bonus action instead of an action as well as gaining a permanent +1 to their Defense Score. At later levels they gain Extra Effort, which is pretty much like a Fighter’s Action Surge save that it recharges on a short as well as a long rest, can throw a grenade as a bonus action, and further improvements to prior class features such as +2 Defense total and adding +1 die to the damage of all weapons they wield.

*the other being Heavy Gunner.

**an action that lets you spend Hit Die to restore Hit Points.

Commandos are like vanilla ice cream or a Phillips screwdriver: not particularly exciting, but they get the job done. Unlike the other physical archetypes they don’t strongly specialize in a certain fighting style or weapon group, and their most useful abilities are things we’ve already seen elsewhere. Extra Effort is situationally useful for a variety of tasks, and combined with grenades they have the capability to do quite a bit of damage during their turn. But unlike Heavy Gunners, Martial Artists, or Sharpshooters they can’t consistently do this given the limitations of Extra Effort, which puts their overall damage output at a lower ranking.

The Scrapper is our melee-focused archetype, being one-on-one fighters specializing in counterattacks and taking punishment. At 1st level their opportunity attacks become more powerful: they can trigger them when an enemy within their reach attacks an ally, their opportunity attacks drop enemy speed to 0, and they also negate the ability for Disengage to avoid opportunity attacks. At higher levels they gain Frenzy where they can double their Damage Reduction but automatically take damage equal to their proficiency bonus at the start of each of their turns,* With Interest deals a level-scaling bonus d6 of damage against enemies they use Payback on or if they hit with an opportunity attack, can spend a reaction to halve the damage of an attack, and the ability to reroll a failed save once per short rest.

*You wouldn’t use this against a single opponent as the damage negated is countered by the amount automatically suffered. You’d use this if you’re likely to take damage multiple times in a round.

So the Scrapper is a bit hard for me to judge. With Interest has one fewer d6 (1d6 to 4d6) than a Scoundrel’s Vital Strike or similar damage-scaling archetype abilities, but it can be used more than once per turn given it can be triggered on an opportunity attack. Like Brawler, MMA Fighter, and Martial Artist it is a melee-focused archetype, although specializing in immobilizing and occupying enemy attention. It doesn’t have the raw damage potential as the others, nor does it have an easy means of clearing the gap with ranged fighters like Brawler and Agile do. The closest comparison would thus be MMA Fighter, who with their grapples and shoves can be similar in locking down enemies. Much like a Polearm Master character, Scrappers are better off using reach weapons such as a polearm or whip rather than their bare fists…which are both Historical Weapons, which isn’t an equipment category they are proficient in by default. They are also unique among archetypes in only granting one bonus skill proficiency choice, where the rest range from 2 to 4, so they feel a bit lacking in that regard too.

Thoughts So Far: I included my specific thoughts in the sections where warranted, but overall my initial impressions of Everyday Heroes are very strong. It’s clear that the designers thought about things from the perspectives of playability and game balance rather than just doing a by-the-numbers 5e clone. The combinations of Backgrounds, Professions, and Classes can allow for a broad variety of character concepts. Combined with feats and a surprisingly forward multiclass system later on, there’s a huge amount of customization options in just a single sourcebook.

Join us next time as we round up the rest of the classes and archetypes!
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Smart Heroes are those who use Genius to enact Plans. They’re also the most wordy class and archetype, coming in at 22 pages where most other classes range from 8 to 13 pages. Unlike the other classes, Geniuses and their Archetypes are highly dependent on one particular feature: Plans are special abilities reflecting a Smart Hero’s area of expertise, which costs 1 Genius to trigger. There are Shared Plans which are universal no matter the archetype, but each Archetype comes with its own unique set of Plans. All Plans have enhanced features at later levels, usually every odd-numbered level or levels 1, 5, and 9. The number of Plans a Smart Hero knows is dependent on their level as well as their Intelligence modifier. Plans are also notable in that Genius points are only restored via a long rest, but at level 2 they can regain 1 Genius point after a short rest, but can only do this once per long rest. With a d6 Hit Die and a Defense Bonus of their Proficiency Bonus minus two, they are the squishiest class of Everyday Heroes. Smart Heroes are great skill monkeys, however; each archetype grants proficiency in 3 or 4 skills and Expertise in 1 or 2 of them.

There are 7 Shared Plans, and tend to be broadly useful features, such as the Right Tool which gives the Smart Hero a number of pieces of equipment they happen to have on hand, or Know the Layout which has the GM reveal a number of facts related to an area such as the number of guards normally stationed or the location of all stairs and elevators in a building.

The Engineer is an archetype specializing in hardware, from custom weapons and ammo to demolition charges. Their default ability lets them gain a robot companion which is akin to a familiar or animal companion in having its own stat block and actions with abilities that improve with level. Their Plans include such things as an explosive AoE Demolish that can deal damage and do things like reduce movement during a chase as well as create new difficult terrain and cover; Customize and My Robot Can Do That apply temporary positive boosts or new benefits to a weapon or robot companion respectively; or Emergency Jetpack, which grants a short-term fly speed to themselves and/or allies.

The Hacker is the software to the Engineer’s hardware, a master manipulator of the unseen digital realm suffusing the modern world. Their default ability renders it impossible for others to trace their real life details, and they can use a bonus action to rig a cell phone to make a loud noise, imposing the Distracted condition* on a target. Their Plans include such abilities as Brick It, which shuts down and damages computer-controlled devices, vehicles, and mechanical enemies with a table of effects dependent on the target and hacker level; Cha-Ching treats their Wealth bonus as higher due to using fake and stolen credit accounts; I’m In is the ever-classic gaining access and control of a single computer system; and RTFM gives them temporary proficiency (and expertise for skills) in a skill or equipment type.

*Distracted is a new condition that makes a target suffer disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks not directed at the source of the distraction, as well as being unable to take bonus actions and reactions.

The Mastermind is a general-purpose chessmaster/Ozymandias type, where their insight into human nature and behavior lets them make predictions about others. Their default abilities include advantage on all ability checks to recall information and spending a reaction to let an ally reroll a failed attack roll. Their Pplans include abilities like I Had That Poisoned, where as a reaction they choose a weapon, medicine, or food in a scene to be poisoned, allowing a variety of conditions and scaling poison damage to apply to an affected target; I Have the Perfect Disguise is activated as an action that makes them and/or allies look and sound like some else; or They’ll Never See Us Coming, which is a Pass Without Trace equivalent that grants a scaling bonus on Stealth checks.

The Scientist is our final Smart archetype, and also one of the two archetypes in the game that doesn’t get any Equipment proficiencies by default.* They specialize in creating chemical devices that can be deployed in battle or other tasks. Their default talent includes the ability to use leftover biohazardous material as a ranged weapon that uses their Intelligence for attack rolls, and deals 1d6-3d6 damage of various chooseable damage types (the classic elemental kinds plus explosive and poison). Their plans include nifty devices such as an Adrenaline Shot that grants a willing or Unconscious ally temporary hit points, an Inferno Bomb which is an AoE explosive dealing fire damage and can grant the Burning condition** on targets, Knockout Gas which is similar to the Sleep spell in affecting targets based on their hit point values, and Right Into My Trap which creates an AoE sticky web explosion that can Restrain targets.

*Meaning they and the Charming’s Manipulator have a chance in not being proficient in any weapons at all barring the right background/profession/feat.

**basically like being on fire in default 5e.

Instead of talking about each particular archetype, I’ll share my thoughts as a more general overview along with the Smart Hero as a whole. The Smart Hero is really something else when it comes to classes: of the three physically-oriented ones previously covered, a commonality among them was that their primary functions revolved around combat. The Smart Hero departs from this, in that they have a variety of abilities which are broadly useful for all sorts of events and challenges. Apart from their skill proficiencies and expertise, they are good for things beyond just general “hacker/scholar/builder” roles, such as the Mastermind being useful for social and stealth type stuff, and the Scientist makes for a rather competent healer as it’s one of the few classes with the ability to grant others temporary hit points or removing negative conditions via I Have the Cure. The Hacker is also broad, in that beyond the implications of hacking in a modern world in general they get stuff like bonus Wealth and temporary proficiencies.

For all this broad out-of-combat potential, the archetypes are predictably non-offensive. While they all get some kind of scaling damage Plan, they tend to be limited by Genius, or in the Hacker’s case their only damaging Plan affects just mechanical creatures.


Wise Heroes are…well, they’re people who prefer to observe and think before they act. The book even mentions that they don’t really have a singular theme in terms of role or concept, and I’ve noticed that in the supplements as well in regards to some new archetypes. The Crow’s Reborn is a Wise archetype, as are Pacific Rim’s Bonded Twins archetype.

The Wise Hero has a good d10 Hit Die and a Defense score equal to their Proficiency Bonus, meaning that whatever their role they’re sure to be able to soak up a few good hits. Like Smart Heroes they have a spendable resource known as Focus, save that it recovers on short as well as long rests. Their universal level 1 and 2 abilities include spending Focus to reroll a failed Wisdom ability check and the ability to choose to not fall prone when performing the Dive for Cover reaction.

The Hunter is the first archetype, representing a character who has a trusty animal companion at their side. They’re predictably Rangerlike in getting a good amount of skill proficiencies, Basic and Advanced Equipment proficiency, and Expertise in one wilderness-style skill. At level one they get an animal companion with one of four stat blocks (ape, canine, feline, bird) with their own abilities. Said companion take a Second Wind as a Hunter’s action once per long rest. Additionally the Hunter can also mark a target they can see as a bonus action, gaining advantage on various Wisdom skills to track and pursue the target as well as have them or their animal companion able make attacks against them as a bonus action. At later levels the Hunter can add their proficiency bonus to their companion’s Defense, saves, ability checks, and damage rolls, can spend Focus to reroll a missed attack roll or damage roll result they or their companion just made, gain +4 Defense for them and their companion against a single target who struck either of them in combat, and adding +1d8 damage to marked targets.

So, the Hunter is built pretty well as a fighter and likely skill-user. They have the potential to be good damage-dealers, what with the bonus action from marking a target to rerolling damage. Their animal companions can make for good tanks as well: the +4 Defense bonus is pretty significant, and the general Companion rules allow a companion to Dodge by the PC spending a bonus action. As this leaves the PC’s action unspent, they can then attack themselves (twice with Advanced Combat Training) while the companion acts as a distraction. Being animals the companions are limited in lacking ranged capability, although all of them save the canine come with an alternate movement type in either climbing or flying.

The Master is our second archetype, a melee combatant of a more cerebral nature. At 1st level they substitute their Wisdom for attack and damage rolls for all melee weapons along with special attacks such as disarm/grapple/shove, add their ability modifier to off-hand weapon damage, gain +1 Defense, and Damage Reduction 15 against falling damage.* Additionally, they can Spend 1 Focus for a variety of special moves, such as using a bonus action to make 2 unarmed attacks, Dash, Disengage, or Dodge, or reroll a failed Athletics or Acrobatics check which doesn’t cost an action but can only be used once per ability check. At higher levels they gain things such as redirecting an enemy’s missed melee attack to another enemy within 5 feet of them, a Ki Strike that spends Focus for a chance to stun a target if they fail a Constitution save, can make an attack or grapple/shove as a free action against a target whose attack they redirected or used a Focus-based ability on, becoming immune to a variety of conditions (Frightened, Intoxication, and Sickened) plus poison damage, and their Focus boosting back up to 4 if they have less than 4 when initiative is rolled.

*Falling is more lethal in Everyday Heroes, being 1d8 every 10 feet rather than 1d6. Still, this is a significant reduction that can allow for a Master to drop 10 to 30 feet with a fair chance of receiving little to no damage.

The Master is ED’s Monk equivalent in more ways than one. There is some overlap with the Martial Artist such as with bonus action unarmed strikes and bonus action Dash and Disengage, although in this case it costs them a limited resource in the form of Focus. Their abilities feel like a grab-bag in being “just a little bit of everything,” from various defensive features to special abilities that can stun opponents or redirect attacks, which I imagine makes them feel more versatile in play in comparison to a Martial Artist albeit with a lower damage ceiling. But paradoxically better Defense and hit points!

The Sleuth is our final Wise archetype, being those who investigate the unknown. At 1st level they gain an assortment of abilities, such as substituting Wisdom for initiative, attack and damage rolls for non-heavy weapons, can Search as a bonus action, can reroll a failed Intelligence ability check, and a pseudo-Sneak Attack in the form of Weak Spot where they can spend Focus to deal a bonus 1d6 to 5d6 damage on a single attack. At higher levels they gain immunity to being surprised in combat, Expertise in a detective-style skill, can halve damage from an incoming attack as a reaction, and treat a roll of 9 or lower on any Perception/Insight/Investigation as a 10.

The Sleuth is closer to the Smart Hero archetypes in being less combative and more skill-intensive, particularly in regards to “knowing things.” Weak Spot is their sole offensive feature, although substituting Wisdom for attacks is pretty nice in that it allows them to neglect physical abilities for those who want to play a grizzled old detective past their prime. The Rogue-like half damage reaction and Evasion feel a bit out of left field, but work rather well with the Sleuth’s nature of being extra-perceptive.


Charming Heroes are those who let their words do the work. They have a decent d8 Hit Die and a Defense Bonus equal to their Proficiency Bonus minus 1. Their expendable resources are Influence Die, which begin at d6 and increase by one die type every time their Proficiency Bonus increases (d8 at 5th, d10 at 9th). Like Focus they are recharged on a short or long rest and the number of Dice they have between rests increases with level. The other big feature is that they learn Tricks, which are akin to Smart Plans in that what ones they have access to depend on their archetype, although they learn fewer in number and with a smaller amount. All Charming Heroes at level 2 can spend an Influence Die to add to the result of a Charisma check.

Duelist is our first archetype, representing a stylish melee fighter. They’re the only archetype that grants Historical Equipment proficiency by default (the other being Martial Artist), and in terms of D&D comparisons they’re closest to the Battlemaster Fighter. At 1st level they deal one additional weapon die of damage with weapons that have the finesse property and add +1 to their Defense whenever wielding such a weapon.* At later levels they gain benefits such as adding Charisma to initiative, imposing disadvantage on opportunity attacks, and can add double the result of an Influence Die whenever they’d add or reduce damage from a Trick they use. Their Tricks are predictably offensive, usually a melee attack that adds the Influence Die as damage along with some additional effect like disarming, Distracting, or knocking prone a target along with your damage-reducing Parry and counterattack as a reaction Riposte abilities.

*Fun Fact: unarmed attacks have the finesse property in Everyday Heroes, so depending on your GM a Duelist fighting unarmed or with one hand free can get this bonus!

I find it rather amusing that such a physically-inclined archetype is linked to a Charisma-based class, but as the physical classes already have enough archetypes I can’t complain too much. The most damaging physical weapons with Finesse are the Rapier and Quarterstaff that deal 1d8, so at 1st level you can deal 2d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier when wielding them. And 2d4 with unarmed strikes; in fact, Duelists make great unarmed fighters due to this.

The Icon is a showoff who never does anything halfway. They are a jack of all trades, being focused in both skills and combat. At level 1 they can spend a bonus action to draw an enemy’s attention, granting their allies advantage on attacks against that enemy before the start of the Icon’s next turn. Outside of combat they can do a Fascination-style effect in imposing disadvantage on Perception checks by holding a crowd’s attention. At later levels they can impose disadvantage on an enemy’s attack roll, reroll a natural 1 on an influence or damage die, and once per short or long rest automatically hit and crit with a single attack. Their Tricks are a mixture of combat and non-combat stuff, such as spending an Influence Die to make a target agree to do a favor, impose the Frightened condition and add the Influence Die to the damage of an attack, or add their Influence Die to the result of an attack roll, Athletics, or Acrobatics skill provided the Icon has at least one person watching them.

There are two Tricks that feel oddly balanced, in that one looks blatantly better than the other:

Insult to Injury. When you hit a target that can hear you with an attack, you can roll an influence die and add it to the damage of that attack. In addition, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Taunting Blow. When you hit an opponent with an attack, you can goad that opponent into attacking you. Roll one influence die and add the result to the damage dealt. The target of the attack must make a Wisdom saving throw against your trick DC. On a failed save, the target has disadvantage on all attack rolls against targets other than you until the end of your next turn.

Insult to Injury looks like a clear winner: it automatically works as opposed to requiring failing a save, and it works on all attacks vs all attacks other than you. While one can argue that it acts as a subtle manipulation in making the controller of the enemy (usually the GM) decide to not risk a gamble on a disadvantage roll, generally speaking it’s better to have disadvantage on everyone so that even if they attack the Icon they’re less likely to hit.

The Icon can be a strong option, albeit less in one role so much as several potential ones in that their abilities are so varied. The Trick that adds Influence to Athletics can make them a pretty good “shover/grappler bard” by adding anywhere from 1d6 to 1d10 to the result, and the trick that is akin to the Command spell is also pretty broad in the kind of favors that can be asked. They’re also the only class that can impose the Frightened condition on an enemy, which is a really good debuff.

The Leader is the party buffer of the Charming archetypes. At level 1 they can do a Command where they spend their action to let an ally spend their reaction to move their speed or make a single attack. At higher levels they can let allies regain 1 spent Hit Die once per long rest, use a Command with only a bonus action (as well as an action, letting them do up to 2 Commands per turn), grant temporary Hit Points to allies a la the Inspiring Leader feat albeit done as an action rather than 10 minutes, and granting allies within 10 feet a bonus on all saves equal to the Leader’s Charisma modifier. Their Tricks are similarly helpful to allies, such as spending an Influence Die as a reaction to reduce the damage an ally takes from an attack, adding an Influence Die to an ally’s attack or save as a reaction, and adding an Influence Die to the damage dealt with an attack and giving advantage to the next attack made by an ally against that target.

The Leader really shines with certain allies. The classic “Sneak Attack multiple times per round” trick can be done with the Scoundrel, and Strong Heroes also do a Power Attack (and Brawlers a Smash) during their turn rather than once per round. They can also be useful in a party with an Engineer or Hunter, who can make up for sacrificing an action to command their companion with a Leader granting another attack to one of them. The Amphibious Robot companion in particular is useful as they can make a Stun-inducing shock attack which doesn’t deal much damage but can inflict a powerful Condition. Other archetypes aren’t as exploitable, at least by my initial reading of the rules: the Sleuth’s Weak Spot is activated as a bonus action, while Plans typically aren’t a single attack so much as being special abilities activated via an action/bonus action/reaction.

The Manipulator is our final Charming archetype, and final archetype of the Everyday Heroes core rules. They focus on debuffing enemies, and like Smart Heroes have features that are optimized for noncombat stuff. At level one they can Demoralize a target that can hear them within 60 feet, where on a failed Wisdom save the target suffers disadvantage on all attacks and ability checks until the end of the manipulator’s next turn, as well as causing attacks made against them to have advantage. At higher levels they can perfectly mimic the voice of another person they heard for at least 1 minute, can hypnotize someone to take a course of action akin to the Suggestion spell, use Demoralize as a bonus action rather than an action, create up to six ironclad alternate identifies, Expertise in a single Charisma-based skill besides Performance, and treat a 9 or lower on a Charisma check as a 10. Their tricks are similarly offensive, ranging from being able to “hide in plain sight” by adding Influence to a Stealth check without the need for cover or darkness until the remainder of their turn, the ability to feint an opponent as a bonus action and granting themselves advantage on their next attack against said opponent, spend an Influence Die to force a target to hit another target within 5 feet of the Manipulator, force a target to truthfully answer a number of questions equal to their Influence Die if they fail a Wisdom save, or subtracting an Influence die from the result of a target’s saving throw. And in the case of the directly offensive ones, they too add the Influence Die to the damage dealt.

The Manipulator is a pretty great class, both in and out of combat. Demoralize alone is a great feature that can really weaken a single target and let the rest of the party go to town on them. Being able to reduce an enemy’s saving throw is great for all sorts of combos, too. Their out of combat abilities are pretty broad, although a few of them feel rather situational. Voice mimicry can be replicated by a Smart Hero Mastermind plan that can also affect other allies and come with more physical disguises, and the alternate identities come in rather late at 7th level.

Thoughts So Far: We have another batch of strong and fun options among the mentally-inclined classes. I do feel that the Smart Hero is more pigeon-holed than the others, in that even the Wise and Charming Heroes have some “combat-ready” archetypes or decent defensive features in the case of Wise. The Wise and Charming Hero’s Tricks and special features aren’t tied to their key ability scores in a way that determines the amount they get, unlike a Smart Hero’s Plans, so the Smart Hero has more incentive to boost their primary score than the others. Most of the archetypes have very appealing features for what they do, with the outliers being Master (who is a bit too unfocused) and Manipulator (who has a great level 1 ability but later abilities that aren’t as good).

If anything, this makes me wish that the physical Hero classes had more noncombat tools at their disposal. On the one hand you can gain quite a bit of the mental classes’ utilities via Multiclassing feats, but there is a difference in that the mental classes can still fight well without multiclassing into Strong/Agile/Tough.

Join us next time as we go over Feats and Equipment!


A suffusion of yellow
I’m really interested in the Fireman/Emergency Services Hero is there anything in the book that supports that archetype? What skills and abilities are there in the fight fires, rescue orphans, save lives shtick?

also my last D20 Modern character was a Priest (Wise hero) who used encouragement and wise advice to buff the party and of course heal (Plus he knew boxing). How would such a character be handled in these rules?



In what would seem like an odd out-of-order place, the Chapter after Finishing Touches* is Equipment, with Feats being the next part. I suppose that makes sense, as Feats only come into play at 2nd level whereas everyone needs and uses Equipment.

*This chapter covers basic stuff like determining Passive Perception, how to calculate weapon attack and damage rolls, and suggested character-building material from motivations to virtues and flaws.

Equipment in Everyday Heroes focuses primarily on the types of items that are likely to pop up in cinematic action franchises, given that a comprehensive list of modern technology would be next-to-impossible. However, there are three broad categories of Everyday Stuff which your character can presumably have provided they have access to the appropriate container: bag stuff (books, tissues, medication, things you keep in a purse or backpack), car stuff (spare tire, toolkit, road flares, that kind of stuff), and pocket stuff (wallet, smartphone, cash, ID cards, etc). Equipment Packs are themed sets of items common to certain archetypes and professions, which come with a Price Level requirement to buy all the goods. For example, a Hunter Pack has camouflaged clothing, survival and camping kits, a pickup truck or ATV, and a hunting rifle and large knife as weapons. They make for good “grab and go” gear for players that are prone to option paralysis. Furthermore, Specialized Kits are specific items required for certain tasks or jobs. They’re often used to negate disadvantage on ability checks, or to roll for them in the first place. There’s a good list of kits, ranging from a forensic Evidence Kit, First Aid Kit for all your non-emergency room healing needs, a Police Kit to show what stuff cops carry on their persons beyond handy-dandy handcuffs, and even a Welder’s Kit for those times you can’t rely on the party Brawler or explosives expert to cut through metal objects (or need to make repairs to your tank armor or something).

Okay, so how does this RPG deal with carrying capacity? Well, by default it doesn’t and leaves it up to the GM to determine what makes plausible sense. But there’s an optional ruleset known as Bulk. Items have a Bulk rating between 0 to 4, with examples given for each value. A PC’s Bulk Limit is 5 plus their Strength modifier, and they become Encumbered* beyond this and Restrained if they end up double their limit. Bulk Limit can be increased with certain items, such as backpacks and combat harnesses, and there’s also a Pack Rat feat that can increase it further along with letting you pull items from such containers faster as a bonus action.

*Condition where speed halved, cannot Dash, and disadvantage on Dexterity saves.

In regards to weapons and armor, Everyday Heroes follows most of the core 5e rules, albeit with some changes. The first is that armor does not provide a bonus to one’s AC/Defense score. All armor has an Armor Value (AV), and all weapons have a Penetration Value (PV). If a character would be at 0 hit points from a weapon attack (GM discretion for other sources), they can make an armor saving throw at DC 10 or half the damage from the attack, whichever is higher, if the AV is equal to or greater than the PV. This save is an unmodified d20, but one can add proficiency bonus if wearing armor in which they are proficient. If the save succeeds, the character takes no damage at all but the armor is damaged instead and the armor provides disadvantage on further armor saving throws. If the character fails, they take full damage. As for shields, they instead only consider very tall riot shields and the like, which instead provide half cover vs melee attacks and three-quarters cover against ranged attacks. Or total cover if the wielder doesn’t move and crouches behind the shield. They too have Armor Values, and weapons that can penetrate it ignore the cover. Cover in Everyday Heroes does not add a static value to an existing Defense score. Half Cover provides 16 Defense, Three-Quarters provides 20 Defense, and Total Cover prevents a target from being attacked directly (although AoE effects can still hit them). A PC uses their Defense score if it would be higher; nobody loses Defense by going into cover!

What this does is make armor a rather valuable piece of gear few PCs will regret wearing when it matters. Ironically it’s most beneficial to fragile PC types rather than high-HP bruisers, given that they’re more at risk of getting taken out of the fight from a dire hit. The major penalty is that most armor isn’t all-encompassing. Stab Proof Armor only defends against piercing and slashing damage, while Ballistic only defends against ranged attacks, and if you want to get armor with AV that can protect against firearms you’ll need either Advanced, Improvised, or Military Equipment proficiency (Basic and Historical only have AV 1 armors). Even then, some common firearms that pack a punch with a PV of 3 include shotguns, hunting and sniper rifles, and the majority of military equipment is going to bypass pretty much everything save a heavy ballistic vest (the best in the game) at AV 4. So the idea of avoiding death by a sniper’s bullet due to your bulletproof vest isn’t something you can rely on via RAW.

There’s also the fact that since NPCs can wear armor, it can feel frustrating for PCs who would otherwise deal a killing blow to have that foe still standing, and if they get lucky enough on their armor saves may be able to keep fighting a few rounds after that. But on the other hand it does encourage PCs to rely on alternative means of damage, which helps prevent things from getting too monotonous.


Armor and weapon categories are split into 5 types: Basic Equipment (almost every archetype has this, includes easy to use items such as knives, stun guns, and double-barrel shotguns), Advanced Equipment (more specialized gear such as hatchets and sledgehammers, sniper rifles, and pump-action shotguns), Military Equipment (heavy-duty ordinance such as rocket launchers, machine guns, etc), Historical Equipment (pre-gunpowder era stuff such as swords and crossbows), and Improvised Equipment (includes both impractical objects as well as a broad variety of harmful terrain to push enemies into such as brick walls and industrial fans). Equipment proficiencies have a pseudo-skill tree progression: in order to become proficient with Advanced Equipment you must be proficient with Basic Equipment first, and for Military Equipment you must be proficient with both Basic and Advanced. Historical and Improvised Equipment only require Basic Equipment, and they have a handy Equipment Tree graphic in a later chapter to showcase this.

One interesting decision change in comparison to D20 Modern is that for firearms, their default damage dice aren’t leagues and bounds better than non-firearm weapons. In D20 Modern most pistols did 2d6 damage, equivalent to a greatsword, while shotguns, rifles, and machine guns could vary from 2d8 to 2d12. In Everyday Heroes, most non-military firearms can be counted on doing 1d6 to 1d12 damage, with ones that depart from this being notably dangerous. Shotguns do 2d6, a sniper rifle is a punishing 2d8 (but is slow-firing meaning you can only attack once per round unless you have a Sharpshooter class feature to ignore it), and the most damaging military weapons are heavy machine guns and anti-material rifles at 2d10 each. Grenade and rocket launchers can do more (4d8 for frag grenades and 8d8 for missiles respectively) but they tend to have much bulkier ammunition and thus likely to be more limited-use. Guns are still an extremely useful category, but the advantage of using something like a crossbow or melee weapon is that they don’t have the Loud category, which basically makes the shot heard by everyone within a 2 mile radius. There are of course suppressors that get rid of this property, but they tend to be Restricted, a property that prevents sale of the item save to PCs who have proper occupations or clearance to obtain them.

Edit: Suppressors don't have the Restricted property, at least not explicitly in the text. The only firearm that doesn't have the loud property is the Spec Ops SMG, which is Restricted (as is the regular SMG) much like the majority of other Military weapons.

As for non-firearms, you still got a good selection. Unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning and have the finesse and light properties, unlike in basic 5e. Basic melee weapons include clubs and knives of various sizes along with a stun gun, advanced gives you fire axes, hatchets, and a sledgehammer, and historical has the largest amount by far ranging from nunchucks to shurikens, sword canes, and whips. Additionally, a dedicated unarmed build can really crank up that damage die. It’s possible to deal 2d10 damage with an unarmed strike by level 9 with the right archetype and multiclass feats, and getting even a 1d6 or 1d8 is pretty simple if rather feat-intensive by middle levels. We also have weapons that can impose negative conditions, such as a stun gun (stunned), pepper spray (blinded), or tranquilizer rifle (Intoxication levels* by default, or possibly other poison types depending on what the PCs have access to). There are of course different explosive device types, which thankfully are spread out between equipment categories rather than all being loaded into Military. They include your typical damaging fragmentation grenade but also includes your harmless obscuring smoke grenades, C4 which can be set to detonate remotely, and your improvised molotov cocktails which deal fire damage and also impose the Burning condition on flammable materials.

*New condition, similar to Exhaustion with mounting penalties.


There are some weapons as well as features or stats that stand out or bear special mention: as mentioned under Scoundrel earlier, shotguns have advantage on targets within 30 feet and are the only weapons in the game with this quality; if slugs are used instead they lose this property but increase their PV by 2.* Only spears and whips, which are Historical weapons, have the reach property to hit targets up to 10 or 15 feet away respectively. Sniper Rifles, and a decent amount of Military Weapons, have very high ranges, measured in the high hundreds or even thousands of feet (for the rifles), whereas most other ranged weapons tend to range from 50-400. There’s still a noticeable range bump even for close-range firearms such as shotguns, so unlike traditional 5e it’s easier for battles to take place over a wider range of territory.

*This gives shotguns a PV value of 5, which puts them on the same level as anti-material rifles and heavy machine guns!

Automatic fire is represented via 2 properties: Burst where you expend some ammunition for a concentrated burst, and Full-Auto which is for machine guns and military equipment. Burst is aimed at one target, where you suffer disadvantage on the attack roll but deal one additional die of weapon damage if you hit. It’s not just for rifle and machine-gun style weapons, for a double-barrel shotgun can also Burst by firing both bullets. Full-Auto creates a wider AoE when using Suppressive Fire, a new action where you expend a lot of ammunition to create a cone-shaped AoE that automatically deals damage to anyone within the area that passes through or isn’t behind cover (you can Dive for Cover to avoid the damage).

I’d like to shine some praise on one category in particular: Improvised Equipment. Improvised weapons are different in that you suffer disadvantage on attack rolls if you’re not proficient with them, meaning they’re typically used in desperation by the non-practiced. Although there are some specific weapons such as a salon flamer or chainsaw, the bulk of improvised weapons are grouped into general categories instead. Objects are weapons which you push, maneuver, or slam a target into and let it do most of the damage, like pushing over a library shelf or slamming someone into a brick wall. Things are more typical weapons, stuff you pick up and swing/stab/slash at a person. The damage types are variable based on what makes sense for the weapon, but a neat little feature is that all Things have the Thrown category, including Large Agonizing Things that deal 1d12 damage. The range peters off the heavier and thus more damaging the weapon is, but PCs who want to be throwing weapons specialists in Everyday Heroes would do well to focus on Improvised Weapons…and being a Brawler can’t hurt, either.

Improvised Weapons is another neat feature of game design: by providing a quick and dirty table of Objects and Things, the GM has a handy reference for PCs who end up thinking outside the box in using the surrounding environment to damage enemies. Want to defenestrate someone? That’d be a Breakable Object for the glass window, plus the damage from falling! Want to slam a car door on someone’s head? That’s closer to an Unbreakable Object. What’s the damage and type for a concrete block? Most likely Medium Hurtful Thing (a printer is also Medium, an exercise bicycle is Large Agonizing).

And before someone asks, using vehicles to damage people is part of the Vehicles section later on in the book.

There is one thing I find strange with some categories. Revolvers are Basic Equipment, but 9mm pistols are Advanced. A double-barrel shotgun is Basic, but a pump-action is Advanced. Advanced Equipment includes sniper rifles and semiautomatic assault rifles (named tactical rifles in the game), but submachine guns and automatic rifles are military. While one could argue that handling automatic fire is more difficult, such weapons can still be used in a semiautomatic mode, meaning you have weird situations where you apply your proficiency bonus to a Smith & Wesson (revolver) but not a Beretta pistol (9mm), or where you can be more accurate with an AR-15 (a tactical rifle) but not an AK-47 (assault rifle) that is set to semi.

I understand that these divisions are likely due to game balance as opposed to strict realism: in many cases the Advanced and Military Equipment have some pretty nice properties and/or damage upgrades in comparable weapons. Another strange thing is that there’s one weapon property I don’t see on any of the weapons: Unreliable. Unreliable weapons jam on a natural 1, requiring an action to clear the jam. I did a CTRL + F search through the book, and couldn’t find any other mention of this property in weapons or how it could be triggered. I presume it’s something that can be expanded on in other sourcebooks or for the GM to put on old and outdated gear. But by RAW, you don’t have to worry about gun jams at all in Everyday Heroes.

Everything Else covers equipment that isn’t weapons, armor, or kits. They include a variety of neat gadgets and doo-dads, such as alternate ammunition (armor-piercing decreases damage die by 1 but Penetration Value by 2; weapons with AV 3 or higher have armor-piercing rounds incorporated into the stats by default), suppressors/silencers (eliminates the Loud property on firearms), various carrying cases to increase one’s Bulk limit, a diverse assortment of tools and electronics from hidden earpiece-microphones to zip ties, night vision goggles, and so on. In several cases the equipment has no special game rules, but some provide DC and advantage on rolls for likely uses, such as the DC for Athletics, Sleight of Hand, or Security checks to break out of handcuffs or duct tape. One oddity I spotted is that some protective gear provides damage reduction, while others you think would, don’t. For example, Winter Clothing provides DR 10 vs cold damage, while Gas Masks and HAZMAT suits don’t have any in-game benefit beyond what is inferred from the text. I presume they grant full immunity, but it does bring into question the likely scenario of a player attempting to argue that a gas mask should protect against some damage from the mad scientist’s flesh-eating toxic fumes.


Vehicles are an important part of daily life in the modern world as well as exciting chases in action films. And Everyday Heroes doesn’t disappoint, with a wide variety of vehicles separated into broad categories of Land, Boats, and Aircraft. Just about any common vehicle you can think of is written up here, from commercial cars and trucks, boats of all types, jet skis, helicopters, wingsuits, tractors, tanks, and even fighter jets along with vehicle-specific weapons and explosives for the military-grade stuff.

Suffice to say for this last part, the Air to Ground Missile combined with a missile launcher is the most overpowered weapon in the game. It has a range of 50 miles and deals 20d6 damage in a 50 foot radius. Chances are most PCs aren’t going to have regular use of this in a typical campaign, but I’m pleasantly surprised that the designers felt the need to include it. Tank cannons aren’t as impressive but still have a respectable 8d6 damage with a range of 4k/8k.

Vehicles use slightly different rules from other objects. Notably, they all have their own physical ability scores, listed solely as modifiers. Strength represents acceleration and top speed, Dexterity represents how well it handles, and Constitution represents its durability upon taking damage. Vehicles do not have hit point values, and their Armor Values let them ignore damage from all weapons with an equal or lower Penetration Value. If they would be damaged, they make a Constitution save with a DC equal to half the attack’s damage rounded down. A successful save damages a random vehicle part which imposes negative conditions on the vehicle’s performance, while a failed save imposes the Totaled condition which is basically the “death” status for a vehicle. While rules for vehicles in chases and combat are detailed in a later chapter, just looking at these values allows me to make some interesting thought experiments.

The Armor Value of most civilian vehicles is 2 or less, with 3 being for a bulldozer or armored car. A prison bus is 2, a SWAT van is 3, and an APC is 4. Interestingly a fighter jet’s AV is 2, and only an airliner has a value of 3. The only vehicles that have AVs less than 2 are fragile ones such as motocross bikes, motorboats, and hot air balloons. In some cases the Constitution bonus can make up for an otherwise low AV. The Constitution bonus of the common car is +2, but an RV is +5 yet they both have the same AV of 2. SWAT vans have +6 to their Constitution, but a bus or bulldozer has an amazing +8. The Tank has the best AV as well as Constitution bonus in the game at 5 and +10 respectively. For some aircraft, airliners have 3 AV and +7 Constitution, fighter jets have 2 AV and +4 Constitution, with helicopters a mere 2 AV and +1 Constitution. As for military-style helicopters such as the Apache or Blackhawk, they merely have machine guns equipped, which is…an odd choice. You’d think they’d recommend a higher AV or something!

What this means is that vehicles can end up surprisingly fragile for attacks that do manage to penetrate their AV. However, they’re going to be immune to most melee attacks, as the PV values of melee weapons range from 0 to 2. So if you were hoping to do something like swinging a sledgehammer to total a car, you’re out of luck. Unless, of course, you’re a Brawler.

A 5th-level Brawler using a Sledgehammer (1d12 damage, PV 2) gives it +1 PV, and with an 18 Strength they can deal on average 40 damage at least 52% of the time if they Smash with a Power Attack. Or 45 damage at least 26.43% of the time, and 32 damage 88.62% of the time. Even with 32 damage that is still a DC 16 save, so if they hammer your average Sedan it has a 65% chance of being Totaled just from that result.

But for some less superheroic maneuvers, a 16 Dexterity PC who Bursts with a double-barreled shotgun has a 90% chance of doing at least 10 damage, 74% to do at least 12, and 50% to do at least 14. That’s a much easier DC range from 5 to 7, but the Penetration Value is at a respectable 3. The fragile helicopter has a 30% chance of being totaled from a 14 damage shotgun blast, but a SWAT van cannot fail even on a natural 1.

But what if the shotgunner had a damage-scaling ability, such as Vital Strike or Weak Spot? Let’s presume they’re 5th level to give them an additional 3d6. Now they have about a 90% chance of doing at least 19 damage, 72% to do 22, and 45% to do 25. This boosts our DC range to 9, 11, and 12. The helicopter’s chances are looking a bit slimmer at being Totaled at 50% from the most damaging option, but the SWAT van has a possible but uncommon 25% chance.

So this has some implications for game design. On the one hand, it can make PCs feel like big friggin’ action heroes. A well-placed bullet shot to wreck a car’s engine (or ignite its gas tank) is definitely in-genre, and you can have a sniper assassin headshot a guy sitting next to an airliner’s window seat with the rules for targeting vehicle passengers and Armor Values. However, it is swingier than using hit points as a gauge for monitoring vehicle health, and also has the side effect of making many characters able to take more punishment than an armored car. I’m aware that hit points aren’t solely “blood and meat,” and it does reinforce the types of stories Everyday Heroes emphasizes, but it’s an odd side effect of the rules for gamers who expect an airplane to take much more gunfire than a high-level Tough Hero.


Our equipment chapter rounds out with Useful Places, basically being private headquarters and safe houses for PCs to chill at or work on projects. There are 7 different types which have their own Place Level and corresponding Price Level. Generally speaking, the higher the Place Level the better-quality it is. For instance, an Armory has easy access to weapons whose Price Level increases with Place Level, a Safe House/Room’s DC to locate increases with Place Level, while a Home’s Place Level indicates its overall size and quality of living ranging from small apartments to mansions.

Thoughts So Far: The equipment in Everyday Heroes is wide-ranging with a lot of variety. While there are still weapons and armor that are no-brainer options or clearly better than others, the amount on display as well as their diversity really makes them feel different in tactics and fighting styles so you don’t end up with something like “a rifle is a pistol that deals more damage.” I am a fan of giving unarmed strikes the finesse and light qualities as well as a decent starting damage die, things which in hindsight feel unintuitive to not have in default 5th Edition. Some individual peculiarities aside, I don’t have much in the way of complaints.

Join us next time as we wrap up character creation with Feats!
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I’m really interested in the Fireman/Emergency Services Hero is there anything in the book that supports that archetype? What skills and abilities are there in the fight fires, rescue orphans, save lives shtick?

also my last D20 Modern character was a Priest (Wise hero) who used encouragement and wise advice to buff the party and of course heal (Plus he knew boxing). How would such a character be handled in these rules?

To start things off, there aren't any rules for fire extinguishers or fire truck hoses. There is a brief mention that immersion in water or using a fire extinquisher automatically extinguishes a fire in regards to the Burning condition. Beyond this, a fire axe is an advanced melee weapon, and there's a fire suit that grants you DR 10 against fire. To give a sense of things, a salon flamer or molotov cocktail deals 1d4 fire damage, and those with the Burning condition take 1d4 fire damage per round. So the average firefighter's suit makes them not have to worry about most conventional heat sources. Incendiary grenades don't deal damage, given that they're easy to avoid and don't explode but instead are designed to weaken the protection of structures and equipment (PV 5, takes 1 round per AV to burn through).

The Emergency Services profession is most appropriate for a firefighter, in that it grants appropriate profiencies, iconic equipment, and its special feature lets an ally spend 1 Hit Die to recover hit points when you use first aid to stabilize them. As for being strong enough to carry people out of burning buildings, the average person would be 4 Bulk (an infant or very small child may be 3 Bulk). The Pack Rat feat adds +5 to your Bulk limit, so a hearty 14 Strength firefighter with that feat (12 Bulk unaffected, 13-23 Encumbered, Restrained at 24) can easily carry a grown adult (4 bulk), a fire axe (2 bulk), a fire suit (2 bulk), and a first aid kit (2 bulk) without having to worry about losing speed.

Moving on to party buffs, I covered in the above archetypes that work well for this. In terms of moral support the Leader seems to fit best. There is both a Religious Tradition background and a Faith profession, and the background has a special feature where once per long rest you can spend a reaction to grant advantage to an ally's saving throw. There's a minor feat called Lead by Example that can grant allies advantage on a group check if you roll and succeed on the check first.

As for healing, ED relies quite heavily on spending Hit Dice and using temporary hit points. The Smart Hero, particularly the Scientist, is the best for the latter, although for making people make the most of the former a DC 10 Medicine check made during a short rest lets a character roll each spent Hit Die twice and take the better value. Beyond that, there are 2 minor feats, Battlefield Medic and Great Cook, with abilities that let allies regain spent Hit Dice.

Boxing is easily handled through the Multiclass feats later. Depending on how impactful you want the boxing vs moral support to be, his primary class could be Charismatic Hero Leader or Strong Hero MMA Fighter, taking Multiclass feats for the other one.
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While Wealth Level can change during course of play and PCs can easily buy equipment for poorer teammates, what this means is that the poorest occupations (Customer Service, Student, Unemployed) aren’t going to be able to buy even a cheap gun at the start of a campaign, and your sniper assassin will likely need be working in a high-paying field that may not necessarily reflect a more appropriate job (like Crime or Espionage) or have the Wealthy Family background if the DM is making them buy things “by the books.” These are edge cases, but these are still things I noticed and feel are worth bringing up.
My gut instinct as GM would be to state that a 1st level "sniper assassin" is probably working for an organization who owns their weapon (and gear) and will reclaim it from them if they misbehave. So they have what they need to do what they do ... but they can't count on having it forever.



Every good 5e campaign that wants to be nice to noncasters is in need of Feats, and Everyday Heroes delivers them in spades. 104 spades, to be exact!

As mentioned before, feats are gained at every even level. On those levels a PC has the option to take 2 Minor Feats or 1 Major Feat. Most feats follow the 5e standard in granting 2-3 unique benefits and don’t have prerequisites in order to take (save Multiclass Feats, which have a formula of their own). Minor Feats tend to be ones with less impressive or more situational advantages, while Major Feats have more useful and character-defining benefits.

Beyond Minor and Major, Feats are further split into 3 categories: Basic, Advanced, and Multiclass. All Basic Feats are Minor Feats, and all Multiclass Feats are Major Feats. We have 6 Basic Feats, 44 Minor Advanced Feats, 8 Major Advanced Feats, and 46 Multiclass feats.

The Basic Feats are simple and straightforward: they include adding +1 to an ability score to a maximum of 20, gaining proficiency in an equipment category, adding +1 to your wealth level (maximum +5), gaining proficiency in a new saving throw, gaining proficiency in two skills, or gaining expertise in a single skill. Obviously there are some good options here, and while technically Basic the options can still be significant enough (like ability score increases or new proficiencies) that a PC who takes them can still see a noticeable bump in their personal capabilities. The Wealth bonus feat is likely the least impactful, as the sourcebook says that it’s possible for one’s Wealth to change due to GM fiat, such as getting rewarded by a wealthy patron.

Advanced Feats are closer to what one typically thinks about as Feats, and there’s quite a wide variety. Some are specific for certain builds or playstyles, such as Animal Whisperer that lets you teach animals new commands and you have advantage on checks to influence them, or Impersonator where you have advantage on Performance checks when disguising yourself or your voice. But there are some broadly useful ones whose benefits are apparent: Battlefield Medic grants 1 hit point to targets you stabilize as well as allowing someone to spend a Hit Die with no action on their part provided you succeed on a DC 10 Medicine check in performing first aid; Fast Hands reduces the action requirements for reloading ammo down one step to a minimum of free action, along with clearing jams as a bonus action and disassembling a gun as an action; Gunfighter lets you ignore disadvantage when shooting at an adjacent target, and you can use a bonus action to apply the Burst property for one turn to any non slow-firing weapon; Lead By Example grants advantage on allies’ ability checks when making a group check if you roll first and succeed on that roll; Jack of All Trades and Touch of Grace grant you half proficiency bonus on ability checks and saving throws you are not proficient in respectively; Scout grants you +5 to your Passive Perception and advantage on ability checks to overcome traps.

There are also 3 feats which are basically renamed versions of the Crusher, Piercer, and Slasher feats, minus the ability score increase: Brute, Impaler, and Blademaster respectively. With the new features in Everyday Heroes, Impaler is pretty useful in the hands of a Duelist, given that they roll 2d8 damage when wielding a rapier.

There are some Advanced Feats which jump out at me in not being initially impressive on their own, but have some good synergy potential: Artful Dodger allows you to make an off-hand attack as a bonus action when you Dodge as an action, waiving the requirement to use the Attack action to off-hand.This is good when combined with Sharpshooter, MMA Fighter, or Master who can add damage to an off-hand attack. Cross-Training lets you substitute another physical ability score for Athletics, Acrobatics, or Endurance checks, letting you be a weak yet agile grappler or bulky tumbler. Renaissance Thinking lets you substitute your Intelligence for making Wisdom-based ability checks and vice versa, so you can let your Smart Hero Mastermind be an even better judge of character and spotter of hidden things, or your Hunter or Master to be a Harvard-level dispenser of knowledge. Whale requires you to have a Wealth Level or 4 or higher, and lets you add it as a bonus to Intimidation and Persuasion checks against a wide variety of characters (bankers, customer service, business owners, politicians to name a few) and advantage on Persuasion when bribing someone with a lower Wealth Level. Punisher lets you make opportunity attacks when an adjacent opponent stands up from prone, picks up an object from the ground or does the Object Interaction action, or makes a special attack against you. The Duelist archetype has 2 Tricks that can trigger appropriate conditions for these opportunity attacks, while a Scrapper can still immobilize a target who stands up by reducing their speed.*

*The feat specifies that the attack triggers after they stand up from prone as opposed to attempting to do so. Shame, could’ve been a good way to keep an enemy down given that unproning yourself costs half your movement.


The Advanced Major feats are few, but their benefits are significant and self-apparent. Fortune’s Fool is similar to the Lucky feat and is quite powerful, although you spend a luck point to reroll an attack, save, or ability check rather than rolling an additional d20. Guerilla is tailor-built for sneaky shooters and snipers, letting you ignore the penalties from poor visibility, can hide from targets from whom you have poor visibility, and missing with a ranged attack while hiding doesn’t automatically reveal your position. Healthy is your Tough equivalent with +2 HP per level. Harrier lets you add your proficiency bonus to your Defense as a reaction provided you are wielding a melee weapon, and you can make a single ranged attack as a bonus action when you Disengage.* Perfect Shot lets you be able to hit multiple targets with the same attack/bullet based on its Penetration Value. Power Slam grants advantage on all shove/trip attempts and lets you deal your unarmed strike damage whenever you shove/trip them. Signature Weapon lets you name a specific weapon in your possession, and while wielding it you can ignore one source of disadvantage on an attack roll, gain advantage on Intimidation checks and checks to avoid being disarmed, and the weapon will not break as a result of your own actions, abilities, or class talents.** Sweeping Attack lets you once per turn make a special attack with a two-handed or versatile melee weapon wielded in two hands to make one melee attack against each enemy within reach. Which is rather inconvenient as opposed to rolling once and comparing the result to every target’s Defense score, given in some cases you may be rolling a LOT of d20s.

*This is a feat useful for both melee and ranged builds! I never would’ve thought!

**Useful for Brawlers that are really fond of a specific weapon and people who want to Burst Fire all the time.

Now it’s time to cover Multiclass Feats. Instead of mixing up levels like in core 5e, you basically have a primary class you start at, and if you want to gain the features of other classes and archetypes you take Multiclass Feats. All of these feats follow a specific formula: X Hero Training is the basic tier, obtainable at level 2 and you need a 13 or higher in the relevant ability score. X Training are the names of archetypes, which require being 4th level, not being that archetype, being a Class which has access to that archetype OR X Hero Training if you aren’t that class. Advanced X Training requires you to be level 8 and have the prior X Training feat.

The X Hero Training feats vary in what they grant you. Some of them grant you Basic Weapon Proficiency if you don’t already have it and/or proficiency in a relevant skill, a limited number of the point-based resources for the mental classes, and either one or both of the universal level 1 and 2 abilities. Some abilities which would be very powerful or no-brainers to get you cannot get via multiclassing, such as Strong Hero’s Power Attack, Agile Hero’s advantage on initiative, or a Hunter’s animal companion. The Smart Hero and their archetype feats give you Plans but are used at a lower effective level.

You’d expect these feats to be wordy, but they are extremely concise and informative in what they do communicate. They are shorter than the actual archetype’s description for the same abilities, but they still accurately convey the information:


There are some interesting outcomes of the multiclass feats. As the mental hero archetype feats grant bonus Genius/Focus/Influence points, PCs who are Smart/Wise/Charming are encouraged to multiclass within their hero type to get more power in their primary functions as well. The damage-scaling abilities such as Brawler’s Smash or Scoundrel’s Vital Strike come into play late, being at the Advanced X Training feat and even then by a much lower value (usually being 2d6). No multiclass feat grants Advanced Weapon Training, which is a good way of preventing damage-scaling from getting too high.

Finally, multiclass feats are the primary means of increasing unarmed strike damage, which can stack with increases due to your existing archetype. MMA Fighter Training, Martial Artist Training, and Advanced Martial Artist Training all increase the damage die by one type. Starting out as an MMA Fighter gives you 1d6 right off the bat and one step up at 7th level. Same for the Martial Artist. And the Duelist technically begins play being able to do 2d4 damage with unarmed strikes. For more generic melee bonuses, the Brawler and Scrapper also add one damage die to melee weapon damage rolls at 9th level, and the Commando does as well but all weapons and not just melee.

While it is feat-intensive, you can end up with some rather impressive results. A Brawler who goes Agile Hero Training at 2nd, Martial Artist at 4th, MMA Fighter at 6th, Advanced Martial Artist at 8th, will have 2d10 unarmed strike damage at 9th level. A Commando or Scrapper can do the same, but they’ll need to wait until 10th given they’ll need Strong Hero Training for a feat tax. As for a Duelist who follows the same path, they can get the same result albeit with a better starting value initially. The Master is perhaps the one who gains the most via this multiclassing path, as despite making use of unarmed strikes they don’t increase the damage like the MMA or Martial Artist does.

Thoughts So Far: Feats are a fun addition for character building, and given that Everyday Heroes dispenses with Vancian spellcasting it’s pretty much a necessary one to ensure that characters don’t end up feeling too much the same. Gaining them every 2nd level, along with the class features, allows for a significant sense of progression as at least one new thing is gained every level. I am highly impressed with how they handled Multiclassing in particular, and I think it proves a good blueprint for game design for other people making their own 5th Edition spinoffs. While there are some feats of more questionable utility than others, it’s clear that the authors for the most part sought to prevent any feats from feeling too necessary to take for most builds. Fortune’s Fool may be the exception, however.

Overall Thoughts: When I first heard of Everyday Heroes I more or less shrugged. This hasn’t been the first time someone sought to make a modern-era RPG using the 5th Edition ruleset, and quite a few of those RPGs aren’t really up to par in being balanced or well-designed. While I did like aspects of the original D20 Modern, it hasn’t exactly aged well, so my hopes weren’t very high. But thankfully Everyday Heroes managed to exceed them by leaps and bounds.

So out of a 460 page book, we just covered a little over 200 pages. The remaining chapters are covering the meat and bones of the system, which are basically retread 5th Edition ground but with some new twists; a short chapter on Chase scenes and vehicles in combat; and the remainder are GM-centric stuff like adventure creation and a big list of monsters and NPCs.

I’ll convert a character or two from some video games I enjoy to showcase what can be done with Everyday Heroes. But after that I may pivot off to reviewing another product unless there’s sufficient demand for me to continue. I hope I gave you an enticing enough sample to showcase why I feel that Everyday Heroes is a stellar RPG!

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