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Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming


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Ok, I took that mechanic you came up with and turned it into a full rules-lite system. This is still a work in progress, so ideas are welcomed! Sorry for high-jacking your thread greywulf, but figured that the guys here are all somewhat like minded on the rules-lite ideals. One thing I should add, I worked this up with the idea of using it in a VGT, so the 14, 17, and 23 sided dice are real possibilities using those applications, otherwise you would simply have to use the die upgrade as Larcen described.
Full kudos should be given to Larcen for coming up with the idea behind the core mechanic.

Core Mechanic
The Core Mechanic is used throughout the game, to put it in the simplest of terms “Roll your rating or less on a die type determined by adding your rating to the target number.”
In this system, the character that initiates a conflict is known as the attacker and any opposing force is the defender. The attacker adds his applicable Skill level to the connected Stat; the GM may then apply additional modifiers. This total is the attacker’s total (the lowest modifiers can reduce this to be is 1). The same is done by the GM for the defender to get the defenders total. These are then totaled together to determine the size die to be rolled by the attacker. If the roll is between 1 and the attacker’s total, the attacker succeeded, if the number is higher than the attacker’s total, then the defender succeeded in making the attacker fail.
  • Roger wants to pick a lock. His AGIL mod is +2 and his Lock-Picking skill is level 2. The door he wants to pick is determined by the GM to be a level 10 lock. Adding these together, the GM gets a 14 (10+4), determining that a d14 will be rolled. If Roger rolls a 1-4, he succeeds in picking the lock, if he rolls 5-14, he fails.
  • Entering a room, Roger then spots a guard and decides to try to punch the guard. Using his Brawling skill at level 5 and his BODY mod of +3, he gets a total of 8. The GM determines the guard has a total of 4. Die rolled is a d12, on a 1-8 Roger decks the guard, on 9 or higher, the guard manages to evade Roger’s attack.

BODY – A measure of physical fitness
AGIL – How quick and dexterous
MIND – Level of mental ability

Stats range from 1 to 10. Stat modifier is calculated by dividing by 3 and rounding up (1-3=+1, 4-6=+2, 7-9=+3, 10=+4).

Derived Stats
LIFE – Equals BODY, how much damage one can take, at 0 you die
MOVE – Equal to AGIL modifier, how many actions one can take per turn.

Movement & Actions
Movement is based on 10 foot grid squares. You can move your character the number equal to your MOVE score. In addition to moving, you can also perform a number of actions equal to your MOVE score. Actions are based in GM common sense and can be as simple as firing a weapon, dialing a phone, or as complex as performing first aid, hacking into a FBI computer, and cooking a gourmet meal. There are no additional modifiers to perform these actions, thus a character with a 2 MOVE, could move his 2 grid squares and then perform two additional actions with no penalty. Additionally, if the player wishes to, he may use those additional actions to move additional squares on a one for one basis. For example, if the above player moved his character his normal 2 grid squares and did not perform any other actions, he could convert his 2 additional MOVE to move his character 2 more grid squares.

Skills are tied to a Stat, the GM will make the determination using common sense what Stats are connected to what skills (Pistol and AGIL would make sense, as would Wrestling and BODY). Characters start the game with the number of Skill Points equal to their MIND. Skills cost 1 Skill Point to purchase, then each succeeding level costs the number of Skill Points equal to the level (e.g. 2nd level costs 2 SP, 5th costs 5).

Skill/Action Checks
Some actions require a check to be made; the determination is left to the GM to decide what requires a check and what does not. All Skill/Action Checks are resolved using the Core Mechanic. If a check is needed, the player will select the applicable skill, adding their Stat modifier to the Skill Level. Additional modifiers can be granted by the GM based on situational circumstances.

Melee is resolved using the Core Mechanic; the attacker uses an applicable melee skill and Stat Mod while likewise the defender uses the same. If the defender wishes to dodge, they may use their entire AGIL stat as a modifier, however the sacrifice all other actions that turn (but are still allowed their normal MOVE).
Missile combat uses the Core Mechanic, but instead of using the defender’s skill + Stat Mod, it uses the distance of the target. Count the grid squares from the attacker to the target, this serves as the defenders total. The target is allowed to dodge if they wish, and their AGIL is added to the defenders total.

Weapons, Armor, and Equipment
Dealing with weapons, armor and equipment is easily handled by applying modifiers to reflect their ability to cause damage, absorb damage and affect aspects of the game to various degrees.

Weapons are handled in a simple way to expedite the game. They are listed in this format: weapon name / combat modifier / damage. Missile weapons will also include a /ammo at the end to reflect that they have a limited capacity to cause damage.

Rapid Fire Ranged Weapons
Rapid fire ranged weapons are powerful tools in combat, and here is not difference. Rapid fire weapons are handled exactly as a regular ranged weapon except that they are able to affect more than one target, represented by a (#) following their damage rating. This number is the number of squares the weapon can hit with a single strike action. A separate Action Check is required for each grid, but all only count as one action for the character firing the weapon. The (#) in the ammo entry for the weapon denotes who many rounds are expended per rapid firing of the weapon, this is the number of rounds subtracted from the ammo each time a rapid fire is executed. The weapon must have the required number of rounds to do a rapid fire.

Grenades are simply weapons thrown at a target area; they are listed similar to regular weapons: grenade name / combat mod / damage / effect type / effect area. To accomplish this, one makes a simple ranged weapon attack at a target spot (target does not get a dodge attempt; the player is aiming at a certain spot, not a person). If the throw is successful, the grenade lands in the grid the character was aiming at, if it misses, roll a d12 to find the direction the grenade missed (use the number like a clock) and roll a die equal to half the number of grids the target spot is away from the thrower. When the grenade lands, it explodes and causes the effect listed in its description in the area described.

Armor has the ability to protect the wearer from damage, here it is represented by having LIFE, in effect absorbing damage from attacks before they can affect your character and take their LIFE. They are listed in the same format as weapons: armor name / combat modifier / LIFE. Here the combat modifier represents the armor’s ability to protect the wearer from taking damage and LIFE represents the armor’s durability and resistance to damage. Hence a piece of armor with a high combat modifier is very strong or durable and might deflect lesser blows. One with a high LIFE score is made of tough material and is able to endure allot of damage.

Equipment can vastly improve characters chance of succeeding, from Lock Picking tools to a Motion Tracker to a Medical Kit. Equipment will simply add an additional modifier to a Skill/Action Check. An easy example would be a First Aid Kit with the stats: First Aid Kit +4. It would add a +4 modifier to any person using it to perform first aid on a wounded character.
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snikle said:
Ok, I took that mechanic you came up with and turned it into a full rules-lite system...

Wow, this is terrific. I was off for a couple of days brainstorming another pet game concept I was inspired to type up, and when I get back you have this full blown system based on the ratio system I proposed. Nice work.

When I saw that you ran with it, I knew I had to get off my butt and read more of the forum you invited me to. Despite the fact I dont usually spend as much time online on the weekends as I used too, I visited FUM... and I liked what I saw! Beyond the cool products you guys have there, we need to talk more about those later, I can definately relate to the flexible and creative mindset of the people there. I started up an account at FUM and we can talk more at that site. Despite being polite about it, I think Greywulf might be relieved to see less of this hijacking. :)

Speaking of Greywulf...

I want to thank him for all he was done with M20. It has given me hope that there are others out there who feel the same way as I do. That rules can get a bit out of hand and start to become a detriment to a nice relaxing roleplaying experience. If I can use a rules-lite system such as M20 I would look forward to finally ending the gaming hiatus I have been on for over a year now, having had a bad case of rules burn out with 3.xE. From the general tone of a lot of the other threads on Enworld, I am sensing this critical mass of frustration building up in a lot of other gamers too. So I think the time is right for rule-lite systems. Good job in helping to fill these need.
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First Post
I love what Greywulf and everyone here have done with m20, and I definitely agree with your thoughts on rules-lite systems. That is one reason I invited Greywulf to be a special guest and be interviewed for iCon. I want to spread the rules-lite love! ;) I will also be interviewing James Hargrove of simple20 fame (and about 500 other rpg systems, this guy gets around) and the guy behind Basic Fantasy RPG, to help foster more Rules-Lite/Old School interest.

What we need is some people running microlite20 AT iCon, we got two simple20 games slated to be ran, but if anyone out there is interested, please consider running a game during the convention. We all know D&D will be there, let's show others this great system.

And Larcen, what can I say, your mechanic inspired me, just had to run with it. If you have not gamed in a while, you should get out the VGTs being showcased at iCon, if you are like many of the older players using them, life is just too hectic, too hard to find local players, the VGTs have helped many a gamer find a way to game again.


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:D It's good to see M20 sparking creative ideas in folks. Simplification is good for the soul. It's good to see folks disliking some of the concepts in Microlite20 then making their own system as a result. In a way, that's a better result than someone just using M20 as-is and not changing a thing. Inspiration is good too. Inspiration and simplification. Yeh.

Thanks to all the folks who've kept this going - it's your enthusiasm that's keeping me going too!

Snikle, my group is fiddling with Fantasy Grounds right now and loving it. I'm going to have a play too and see if I can get my head around this new-fangled virtual playing thing ready for the 'Con. Heck, I've only just mastered using dice that don't wear down at the corners.

If anyone wants to run a Microlite20-ish game for the Convention, I'd love to be included as a player, btw.

Now, if only I could find time to finish Big Shiny................


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LOL Trust me, nothing about m20 made me want to do the above, I simply saw a mechanic I had never seen before, and probably like you did when you first thought up m20, said "Hmmm interesting, I wonder...." Then it just grew from there.

Glad to hear that you are trying FG, if you are liking it, wait until you see FG2, I am part of the beta testers (though seriously lacking in the testing due to iCon prep), but FG2 is stunningly better than FG. I too hope we can see a few m20 games being ran there.


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I am still working with the d6 version. I seem to only have about one day free for the next few weeks. I will post what I have later.

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