• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Mental Bloc - Rogue's Gallery & Setting Info

Committed Hero

This is the thread for PCs and miscellaneous background info to be posted when needed.

Important NPC's

The Guru: apparent head of the group of independent psychics
Oblomov: Russian psychic who has assisted the PCs
Sherene: female psychic, compatriot of Oblomov
Karl: male psychic, compatriot of Oblomov
Daniel and Isabel Oquendo: 9 year old twins with a psychic rapport
Howard Perdue: deceased contact for the PCs

Merrill Bell: executive of GUNΦT, antagonist of the PCs
Unnamed BLIP: a sociopath born with latent immunity to psionics
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First Post
Name: Alex Murphy a.k.a. "Lex"
Class: Charismatic 3/ Telepath 2
Occupation: Criminal
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8" Weight: 150
Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue
Age: 19

XP: 15,000 Needed: 21,000 xp
Allegiances: Self, Criminals
Reputation: +3
Speed: 30 Run: 120
AP: 8/8 (1d6)

Hit Points: 33
Massive Damage Threshold: 14
Initiative: +2
Defense: 15 (10 + 2 dex, + 2 class, +1 equipment)
BAB: +2, Melee: +3, Ranged: +4
Unarmed +3 (1d3; 20, x2)

Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16

Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5

Skills:       (From: [B]Occupation[/B]; [U]Charismatic[/U]; [I]Telepath[/I])
[I]Autohypnosis[/I]	         +4 (3 ranks, +1 Wis)
Balance			 +2 (0 ranks, +2 Dex)
[U][I]Bluff[/I][/U]			+12 (6 ranks, +3 Cha, +3 Fast Talk)
Climb			 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Str)
Computer Use		 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Int)
[I]Concentration[/I]		 +3 (1 rank, +2 Con)
[U]Craft (Visual Art)[/U]	 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Int)
[U]Craft (Writing)[/U]		 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Int)
[U][I]Diplomacy[/I][/U]		+13 (7 ranks, +3 Cha, +3 Fast Talk)
[B]Disable Device[/B]		 +8 (7 ranks, +1 Int)
[U]Disguise[/U]		 +3 (0 ranks, +3 Cha)
Drive			 +3 (1 rank, +2 Dex)
Escape Artist		 +3 (1 rank, +2 Dex)
Forgery			 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Int)
[B]Gamble[/B]			 +8 (4 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 Fast Talk)
[U][I]Gather Information[/I][/U]	+10 (7 ranks, +3 Cha)
[U]Handle Animal[/U]		 +3 (0 ranks, +3 Cha)
Hide			 +2 (0 ranks, +2 Dex)
[U]Intimidate[/U]		 +7 (4 ranks, +3 Cha)
Jump			 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Str)
[U]Knowledge(Streetwise)[/U]	 +5 (4 ranks, +1 Int)
Listen			 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Wis)
Move Silently		 +2 (0 ranks, +2 Dex)
Navigate		 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Int)
[U]Perform(any)[/U]		 +3 (0 ranks, +3 Cha)
[U][I]Profession[/I][/U]		+10 (8 ranks, +1 Wis, +1 Windfall feat)
[I]Psicraft[/I]		 +4 (3 rank, +1 Int)
Research		 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Int)
Ride			 +2 (0 ranks, +2 Dex)
Search			 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Int)
[I]Sense Motive[/I]		 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Wis)
Spot			 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Wis)
Survival		 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Wis)
Swim			 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Str)
Treat Injury		 +1 (0 ranks, +1 Wis)
Tumble			 +3 (1 rank, +2 Dex)

occ Personal Firearms Proficiency
1 Point Blank Shot
1 Precise Shot
3 Double Tap
b2 Windfall

-Desert Eagle, +3 to hit, 2d8 dmg (20/x2), range 40’, semiautomatic, 8 shots per clip
-(within 30’) Desert Eagle, +5 to hit (Point Blank Shot and Laser Sight), 2d8 +1 dmg(20x2), range 40’, semiautomatic, 8 shots per clip
-(Using Double Tap feat) Desert Eagle, -2 to hit, +1 die of damage (3d8 total)

Class Abilities:
Fast Talk
Bonus Feat: Windfall
Psionic Skills
Psionic Powers
Trigger Power (Lesser Mindlink)

Manifester level 2
DC: 13+lvl
Power Points: 8/8 (3 base, +5 Cha)

0 level (free manifest 7/day, then cost 1pp)
- Far Hand
- Detect Psionics
- Daze

1 level (Cost: 1PP)
- Control Object
- Lesser Mindlink (Trigger Power)

Current Wealth: +14 (already added Profession rolls and bought equipment)

Clothing (high end  cool street clothes)
Leather Duster (as Leather Jacket armor)
Digital Camera
2 cell phones (one personal, one business)
Electrical Tool Kit (basic)
Lockpick set
Car Opening kit
Lock release gun
Concealed carry holster (under left armpit)
Pistol Suppressor
100x ammo (.50 cal A&E) = 12 preloaded clips with 4 leftover bullets.
Desert Eagle pistol
Laser Sight
Changes for 5th level: +6 HP(4+2 CON), +6 Skill Points(+1 Diplomacy, +1 Disable Device, +1 Gather Information, +1 Profession, +2 Psicraft), +1 BAB, +1 Will save, +1 Def bonus, +1 Power Point, Learned Lesser Mindlink power and made it his Trigger Power

Background: Lex has been in trouble with the law since middle school. And he was good at it too. Got real succesful in the business. Nothing too damaging or disgusting. No gang wars or drug dealing. Mostly easy robberies, some con work, and the like resulting in a pretty nice lifestyle. Luckily for him, his fast mouth kept him out of most big trouble till his talk got too big and insulting to the guys up the food chain in the criminal organization he was a part of. They finally had enough and hung Lex out for the cops to take as a fall guy. He knows he was set up, but explain that one to the judge who's heard all the excuses. He was 18 then and off to a prison cell.

It was inside that he first started noticing his powers. It started accidentally at first. I mean, in prison, who doesn't wanna be able to pick up their soap without bending over? Talk about freaky. He started being able to move things with a thought. Hardly believing it himself, he still tried to focus and learn to use this power. He could even smack somebody with his 'invisible hand' and leave 'em stunned for a bit. It was when he did this once that he first saw the glow. The area where he was imagining the 'invisible hand' to be glowed with a silvery light. Nobody else could see it though. At least, not till that new guard showed up. Next time Lex pushed somebody aside with his power, the guard SAW it. And that's when Lex noticed that this guard had a glow too.

One short phone call later there were some government goons there meeting with him and asking how badly he'd like to get out of jail. Pretty damn badly is right! So he signed their waivers and Non Disclosure Agreements and agreed to be taught more about his powers while being of 'some use' to the country. Now he was out. An ex-con being teamed up with god knows who (or what) kinda people (?) to do whatever it is they do. Can it get any freakier?
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First Post
Name: Ashley
Class: Battle Mind 5
Occupation: Fugitive (Criminal)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6" Weight: 120
Hair: Red Eyes: Brown
Age: 17

XP: 10000 Needed: 15000 xp
Reputation: +1
Speed: 30 Run: 120
AP: 32/40

Hit Points: 36/36
Massive Damage Threshold: 14
Initiative: +3
Defense: 17 (10 + 3 dex + 4 class)
Buffed Melee AC: 21 (+3 equipment + 1 insight)
BAB: +3 Melee: +4 Ranged: +6
Unarmed +4 (1d3+1; 20, x2)

Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12

Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4

Skills: 35+5
Autohypnosis +6 (5 ranks + 1 wis)
Concentration +10 (8 ranks + 2 con)
Drive +5 (2 ranks + 3 Dex)
Hide +10 (7 ranks + 3 Dex)
Disable Device +10 (8 ranks + 2 Cha)
Knowledge: Streetwise +6 (4 ranks + 2 int)
Spot +7 (6 ranks + 1 Wis)

occ Weapon Prof: Personal Firearms
1 Iron Will
1 Psionic Surge
3 Point Blank Shot
b Weapon Finesse: Psiblade

Psiblade +2, +8 to hit, 1d6+3 dmg, move action, lasts 4 rnds
Firebolt, +6 to hit (rngd touch), 1d6+1 dmg, 60', +1 hit/dmg within 30', 1pp

Class Abilities
Psiblade (+2 enhancement, 1d6 dmg, mv to manifest, 5 rnds)
Psishield (+3 equip to AC, mv to manifest, 5 rnds)
Imprint Tattoo
Combat Manifestation

Manifester level 5
DC: 12+lvl
Power Points: 8/8

0 level (each free manifest 7/day)
- Burst (+10', 1 rnd, free action)
- Finger of Fire (35', 1d3)
- Far Hand (35', 5lbs)

1 level
- Fire Bolt (1d6+1, 60', ranged touch)
- Combat Precognition (+1 insight to Defense, 1 hr/lvl)
- Biofeedback (Str bonus as nonlethal with each attack)

2 level
- Combat Prescience (+2 insight to attacks, 1 min/lvl)

Current Wealth: +5

-* Glock 17 (9mm), +7 to hit, 2d6 dmg, 30', 17rnds, +1 hit/dmg within 30'


* Fake ID (DC 15)
Casual Clothes, 2lbs
Fatigue Jacket, 2lbs
* Photojournalist's vest, 1lb
Range Pack, 2lbs
First Aid Kit, 3lbs
Ammo, 9mm: 100 (2 boxes), 2lbs
Spare magazines: 2, 1lb
Concealed carry holster, 1lb
Daypack, 2lbs
Road Atlas, 1lb
Ducktape, 1lb
Flashlight, 1lb
* Multipurpose tool,
Rope (150'), 12lbs

* Reduced wealth by 1

A Crazy Fool

First Post
Here's Reed lv 5.

Name: Reed Emmerson
Class: Telepath 4
Occupation: Psychic (diplomacy and bluff)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9" Weight: 150
Hair: Bleached white
Eyes: Brown
Age: 27

Reputation: +2
Speed: 30
Action Points: 29
HP: 26
Massive Damage Threshold: 12
Initiative: +6
Defense: 15 (+2 dex, +2 class, +1 heavy overcoat-functionally a leather jacket)
BAB: +2
Abilities: 8,14,12,16,12,16
Saves: +2, +2, +8

Conentrate: +3
Knowledge: Philosophy and Theology: +10
Intimidate +10
Diplomacy: +11
Bluff: +12
Gather Information: +11
Psicraft: +10
Autohypnosis: +10
Profession +9

Wild Talent (occ.)
1 Improved initiative
1 personal firearms proficiency
3 Sixth sense
B iron will

Knife (+1 melee, 1d4 damage)
Pepper Spray (+4 ranged, DC 15 fort or be blinded for 1d4)
+2 S&W M29 (+6 ranged, 2d8)
Taser (+4 ranged, 1d4 electricity, Fort DC 15 or paralyzed for 1d6 rounds)

Trigger power (Charm Person)
Trigger Power (Inflict Pain)
Power Crystal (Purchase DC 20)

Manifester level 5
Power Points: 10+5 (15) +an aditional 5 from the power crystal

0 (DC 13):
- Finger of Fire
- Far Hand
- Detect Psionics
-Burst (usable 3/day from wild talent)

1 (DC 14):
-Charm Person
-Lesser Body Adjustment
-Akashic Research

2 (DC 15):
-Inflict Pain
-Clairaudience Clairvoyance (5th level)

Wealth Bonus: +4

Gear (on asignment)

Dodge Neon (26)

Portable stove (9)
Binoculars (7)
Sleeping bag (9)
Night vision goggles (17)

Casual Clothes (8)
Overcoat (9)

Pockets (6.5 lb.):
Power Crystal on a silver chain around neck (20) --lb.
knife (7) 1 lb.
3 cannisters of pepper spray (5) 1.5 lb
Heavilly modified M29 (+2 attack, laser rangefinder, RI 45) (22) 3 lb.
Firearms Permit (10) --lb.
Concealed carry holsters for the knife and M29 (5) 1 lb.
Cell Phone (9) --lb.
DC 15 Fake ID (25)
Stun Gun (5) 1 lb.

Daypack (5) (5 lb.):
Duct Tape (4) 1 lb.
First aid kit (5) 3 lb.
50 Extra rounds for the M29 (24 in speed loaders) (5) and (3) 4lb.-ish
Standard Flashlight (4) 1 lb

Total weight: 12.5 lb

Voidrunner's Codex

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