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Mega Dungeon Idea for 4E


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I've been toying around with this idea for a while. Here's the core idea:

The City of Arkhan is ruled by a virtual god on Earth, Immortal Overlord Demetrius, Slayer of Gods. He is said to be of immortal blood and is certainly the most powerful known fighter in the world. Or at least this continent. He has ruled for hundreds of years with no signs of aging or moving on to other things. Great and terrible Beasts roamed the world before he came to rule the city; he established his right to rule by slaying them.

Arkhan has a long tradition of gladiatorial games, but in the last few decades, Immortal Overlord Demetrius has taken this further with the creation of the Testing Grounds, a vast underground dungeon full of beasts, traps, and treasures; some prisoners are sentenced to become part of its contents; others are sent down to fight the contents with the promise there is an exit at the far end, if only they can get there...good luck.

Professional adventurers have also arisen who challenge the Testing Grounds for fun and profit; the city increasingly attracts people hoping to get rich quick.

Events of note in the dungeons are projected to great crystal balls around the city where the people may gather for free and watch the exploits of heroic adventurers and condemned prisoners who take on the testing grounds, which are constantly being reconfigured. So far, 8 prisoners only out of thousands have managed to make it to one of the exits, but hundreds of adventurers have delved into it...and many more have perished.

The Setting has a big secret: The Immortal Overlord is tired of being alive; his goal is to find or create a group of people who will become potent enough to KILL HIM. Long ago, aided by allies now long dead (some of them by his own hands), he defeated the tarrasque and forged its remains into a suit of armor which made him virtually invincible. However, it was not quite so dead as he hoped; his armor over time fused with him, transforming him into a half-human, half-tarrasque monstrosity, though he uses illusions to maintain the pretense of normality. He has tired of the burdens of rulership, tired of life, but he is now basically immortal and the survival instincts of his tarasque half prevent him killing himself directly. His annhilation of the Great Beasts which once roamed the lands effectively means there are few things left that can kill him. But he hopes his Proving Grounds can hone a party to the point where it will be strong enough to kill him. And he hopes his generally oppressive rule will provide them with a motive. He wants to die now, before he totally loses himself to the growing power of the tarrasque in him.

So how does it sound as a setup for a mega-dungeon?

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First Post
The Great Beasts were Demi-Gods; basically Epic Level Monsters with the Demi-God epic destiny. So he killed all of them (aided by the Gods) before they could grow strong enough to challenge the gods. But the common folk had been coming to think of them as already Gods, which is how he got his nickname.

(His own Epic Path is Mythic Sovereign (from the Epic Faerun article in Dragon 357))


Mod Squad
Staff member
The Setting has a big secret: The Immortal Overlord is tired of being alive; his goal is to find or create a group of people who will become potent enough to KILL HIM.

Um, why can't he just commit suicide? You say the "survival instincts of his tarrasque half"... but... he can go through these huge lengths, squander amazing wealth, and oppress a whole nation to get the job done, but he can't manage to just cut his own throat?

I have a plausibility problem, there.
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First Post
Um, why can't he just commit suicide? You say the "survival instincts of his tarrasque half"... but... he can go through these huge lengths, squander amazing wealth, and oppress a whole nation to get the job done, but he can't manage to just cut his own throat?

I have a plausibility problem, there.

The survival instincts of the tarrasque he's basically merged with understand things like 'slashing your throat' or 'taking poison' but are not sentient enough to figure out that he's trying to raise people up who can kill him.

Building a giant dungeon complex which seems to have the purpose of entertaining the populace doesn't trigger its instincts. Any direct violence against himself would.

For that matter, he's tough enough that slitting his own throat is not something he can just casually do anyway.


First Post

As an idea, it could be that the merging with the Tarrasque has created a kind of split personality. Only when he is purely Demetrius can think lucidly enough to contemplate ending it all. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), the emotional charge of the act brings about a change over, preventing it. It is only by planning his own demise indirectly can he hope to bring it about…


First Post
It's a great idea. My only question is:

To what extent would the Testing Grounds be reconfigured? I personally think that the player-characters should get some kind of reward for watching previous groups go through the Testing Grounds. Perhaps the crystal balls would only focus in on groups that are engaged in lethal encounters (after all, searching a 10x10 room would be boring to an audience). This way, the characters couldn't pre-map the Testing grounds, but get an idea of what to expect.

I'm envisioning the D&D version of the movie The Running Man. Gambling Halls would set up shop nearby the crystal balls, betting on who will live or die. People would have favorite individual monsters they could bet on, and so forth.


First Post
Jekyll/Hyde thing going on there Psimancer - pretty cool.

How about this:

The Tarrasque is immortal - kill it, and it sinks into the planet, only to return sometime in the future. Say Demetrius "killed" the Tarrasque by first cracking its impervious carapace. With the aid of epic magic he forged his armor from the shards of this carapace, fulfilling a dual purpose - making a sweet suit of armor, and stealing the Tarrasque's vitality and regenerative immortality - the Tarrasque was effectively dead as long as the armor existed.

Fast forward to now. Demetrius knows that the armor is taking him over, and they are already one and the same. He wants to die, but to do so would rekindle the Tarrasque's power, and after 1000 years the beast's hunger has refused to diminish - if its power returned it would wake instantly and destroy everything Demetrius accomplished over his long life. Building this massive dungeon allows him to effectively train people capable of slaying the Tarrasque - when the time comes, Demetrius himself will be their final test. If they can beat him, they will be ready to save the world from the Tarrasque. If they don't, then the world might have something even worse to worry about in the form of a mad Immortal Overlord.
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