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May '08 What are you playing?


First Post
Age of Conan is in Open Beta now. I'm giving that a go. So far it's interesting, The active combat is similar to Dungeons & Dragons Online but with far more options and 'combos' it uses hot keys rather than the mouse triggered combat of DDO. The graphics are amazing. Downside: If the forums are any indication it will be home to an immature lot there for the boobies, blood and freedom to use foul language that most MMOs frown upon.

The graphics are amazing (I have a pretty high end PC running at the highest settings in the game) the music is great and gameplay not too shabby, but will take some getting used to, for me at least. Not sure if I'll stick with it after the open beta and my first free month, it kind of depends on how the community turns out.

So, AoC and DDO this month.

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I just downloaded UFO-alien invasion, a clone of X-Com. I just started, but it does remind me of the fun i had playing x-com, years ago.


I'm currently (actually, as of yesterday) playing Fallout 1, and then I will play Fallout 2 afterwards. These gamers are as great as they were 97-98 and work as a refresher until Fallout 3 is released later this year. I can highly recommend both games. For Fallout 2 there are fan-made patches, and even a fan-made expansion, available here: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=8

Oh, and If I owned a game console, I would probably play GTA IV right now. I liked both Vice City and San Andreas very much and I'm sure I would enjoy IV just as much. Hopefully a PC version will be released later.


First Post
Not right now, but will be trying out AoC at least... there is still hope, that WAR will have the majority of the kiddie crowd and that AoC will attract a more mature community, at least on the RP servers.



The Laughing One
Civilization IV, played a game a day so far this month, I'll have to see if I can keep that up.

Eve-Online, trying to earn a couple of hundred million through trading (trying to earn as much as possible with as little as possible time spent online). I've recently reached a point that allows me to support two accounts (characters) without having to spent RL cash (buying GTC from folk ingame for isk). I'm trying to earn enough isk to support another seven accounts (research/manufacturing).

Lord of the Rings Online, started playing a bit on the European servers. I liked it, but it's a bit expensive when I expect most of my MMO time to be spent on Eve. Then I noticed that the US version had an offer for a lifetime subscription for $199. With the current euro vs. dollar conversion rates that was a very nice offer. So i now have a lifetime subscription for LotR Online (for only 140 euro all inc. instead of spending 227 euro). Started playing a dwarf champion because I already went twice through the Bree section (Beta and final EU release), it's fun, and I now don't feel guilty for not playing a month or two.

Dungeons & Dragons Online, I downloaded the US trial version (played it in Beta a while back) and ordered a US key and 30 days (for 5 euro, a steal). From what I remembered from the beta, it was nice enough, but at the time not worth a monthly subscription. I don't expect it to have changed that much, but it's maybe good enough to buy a 30 or 60 day time code once in a while (and the US version is way cheaper for us Europeans).

I'm still waiting for the bloody Orange Box to arrive! It might be cheaper to buy at TheHut.com, but just as with Play.com, delivery times suck. It's almost a month since I ordered, and still don't have my games :-( On the other hand, I can't really complain for those prices ;-) maybe I'll have to go through the demo again...


First Post
Yeah, I sound like a broken record: More old school catch-up, now with Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (GBC, being played on my GBA).

Wife and friends: Rock Band (PS3) and Warhawk (PS3).

I own GTA IV SE (PS3), but likely won't be playing it in the forseeable future.


First Post
Neverwinter Nights 2
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Dawn of War: Soulstorm

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command

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