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[LPF] Ties that Bind


Fulgrim nods towards Eanos. "Looks like a nice bow." Fulgrim replies. "I like ta get up close 'n personal, though. Let 'em feel the wrath of the axe!" Fulgrim says, tapping the haft of his axe.

"Ain't no point bein' surprised again by dem caster tricks. Ain't an honest fight if'n ye ask me." Fulgrim continues. I'd be happy to pitch in on a scroll if'n ye be needin' the extra coin. I still owe ye fer that healin' stick 'o yers."


Fulgrim is cool with pitching in on scroll(s) if need be. He still has to swing by the magic shop, might pick up a CLW wand as well that Eanos can use on him.

Should have a peaceful weekend coming up where I can get Fulgrim shopped, leveled up and approved so I don't hold things up.

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Fulgrim is cool with pitching in on scroll(s) if need be. He still has to swing by the magic shop, might pick up a CLW wand as well that Eanos can use on him.
Looks like Phedilo's going to provide scroll(s), so no need to work out loans, it looks like. If you want to grab a backup CLW wand for Fulgrim in case Eanos burns the last charges on the one he has, I won't say no, but there are around 30 charges left in the wand he has. [/sblock]

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
[sblock=A/D/E]Audra returns Elenka's looks and shrugs, following Drev and otherwise keeping her attentions on what goes on around them, until the locate the Captain. His turn to watch the bank flow by almost irritates her to the point of an outburst, but then he turns and responds. She takes a deep breath, her eyes closed and focuses her mind to the task at hand. After a moment's consideration, she answers.

For our own safety, and more importantly the safety of your good and trustworthy crew, good Captain, I will not speak to others of it, other than my two companions.

She crosses her arms and turns her attention to Elenka, but her eyes do not leave the Captain.

Initiative: +4 Perception: +10

AC: 20 Touch: 19 Flat-footed: 15
HP: 30 Current: 30
CMB: +4 CMD: 22 Fort: +5 Ref: +9 Will: +7

In Hand:

Weapon: Unarmed Strikes
Attack: +8
Damage: 1d8+1
Crit: 20x2
Special: Flurry of Blows (+7/+7)
Type: Bludgeon

Ki Pool:
Points: 7
Remaining: 7


[sblock=AE&D]Elenka looks at the Captain and weighs the choice before her: does she want to know what's going on more than she feels duty-bound to report quasi-legal doings aboard the boat? She decides she does and quickly supports Audra's words.

"Captain Hwuzel. I'm no lawyer. Legal points of cargo transport on the Ouhm are totally beyond my ken. And I agree entirely with my friend: no word of this shall pass my lips to any not aboard this vessel."

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 5
Initiative: +2 Perception: +7

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed) [20 w/Shield]
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +4 CMD: 16 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand:
1st level: 4/5 remaining.
2nd level: 3/3 remaining.
Rod of Extend: 2/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)
Special: Summon Monster 3 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 20 (12 touch; 18 flat-footed) [24 w/Mage Armor]
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +9 CMD: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +4

In Hand: --
Conditions: Mage Armor[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Audra/Elenka/Drev]Captain Hwuzel nods, his lips pursed. Audra and Elenka get the distinct sense that he'd have preferred them to have not agreed to his request for silence: then he would have a reason not to show them whatever it is that is in the hold.

Captain Hwuzel nods again, chewing on his lower lip, and says shortly, "Right. Follow Hwuzel," before turning on his heels and leading the pair below deck. When they reach the door to the cargo hold, the ladies notice the crewman at watch (although he seems to be attempting to "act casual") raise his eyebrows at their presence. Captain Hwuzel waves him off dismissively; he's in no mood to explain himself.

Opening the door, the Captain leads the two into the cargo hold, which takes up the majority of the lower deck. Weaving expertly around a diverse assortment of containers of all sizes, Captain Hwuzel makes his way to the back of the hold; despite his small stature, Audra and Elenka find themselves struggling to keep up with the nimble gnome. Finally, they reach the back, where a small space has been wrought out of the mass of cargo. A pair of bedrolls flank a large square object covered by heavy canvas; some dirty dishes are stacked to one side. The set-up suggests both an effort to isolate the covered object and a consistent presence by members of the crew. Wordlessly, Captain Hwuzel reaches up, grasps the canvas with both hands, and wrenches it off with a single, stout pull.

Audra and Elenka have to catch themselves to keep from overreacting. Inside the cage, their muzzles bound with an excess of rope, are two very young, very white, very dangerous looking examples of their kind. Likely the first examples Audra and Elenka have ever seen in person.

Dragons.[/sblock][sblock=Fulgrim and Eanos]Phedilo soon bids the pair adieu, agreeing to meet them at the Dunn Wright Inn shortly after sunrise in two days' time. Eanos and Fulgrim enjoy the food he'd ordered for them, and soon go their separate ways.

The dapper halfling shows up promptly on the morning of the second day. "Excellent! Thank you for being on time. I take it you are ready to depart?"

[sblock=OOC]Again, apologies for the slow pace. Should have the other thread ready to meet with you in a few posts. Much obliged for your patience! :)[/sblock] [/sblock]

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
[sblock=A/E]Audra does her best to keep up, but even her nimbleness training among the Order proves to be no match for the knowledge of the layout and the shorter turning radius of the Captain. Audra tries to ignore the occasional wineskin or barrel of ale that catches her eye, thinking that perhaps later she'll ask where some of them are destined in case she might can follow them and partake. All such thoughts are set aside by the odd square with the cloth, and the evidence of crew presence. This causes her to quirk an eyebrow, in wonder at the sight or at the sanity of the crew yet to be decided. She gives a questioning glance to the Summoner before turning back and watching the whooshing of the coverlet from the cage revealing its constrained contents. Audra isn't quite able to control her reaction, a step back taking place before she can steel herself. The white scales make Audra fight off an involuntary shiver, the feeling the temperature has dropped several degrees a trick of her mind. She eyes the two creatures, looking for any obvious sign of mistreatment or grievous injury. She very smartly keeps her distance, her mind turning over a dozen stories or more she has heard of all manner of creatures.

I hope these aren't meant to be kept as pets. They don't look exactly happy.

She comments as she squats down, keeping her distance, but scanning the pair curiously.

OOC: Going to make two rolls. Know-History to see if any stories she has told might click with what these two look like, in a general sense at least. Perception for looking them over for signs of mistreatment and anything odd...not that she'd have a total understanding of what might qualify for odd in this case...but best guess.


First Post
[sblock=Audra/Elenka/Drev]If Audra's comment is meant in jest, Captain Hwuzel does not play along; he seems more exasperated than anything else. "Hwuzel knows not why someone would be wanting dragons," he says with a dismissive wave of his hand, "only that they paid enough for Hwuzel to do so. But Hwuzel was transporting eggs, not dragons! They were not supposed to hatch during the trip." Captain Hwuzel frowns. "Hwuzel and his crew know for a fact that they are not happy. Neither is Captain Hwuzel."

As Audra inspects the pair of dragons, they inspect her in equal measure; their's are the eyes of predators, young though they are. From what she can see, they haven't been mistreated, though they do seem slightly thin, and a bit perturbed. Not that Audra knows what the ideal figure of a young dragon is supposed to be.

[sblock=Heal DC 15]The dragons seem to be uncomfortably warm.
[sblock=Heal DC 20]You doubt it poses any serious harm.[/sblock][/sblock]
Audra recollects a few fragmented mentions of white-colored dragons; they're consistently portrayed as ill-tempered and belligerently aggressive. The mentions are often associated with treks at high altitudes.[/sblock]

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
[sblock=A/E/D]Audra's gaze crosses that of one of the dragons, making her uneasy. She thinks and turns, looking up to Elenka.[/i

Never seen one of these alive before, much less two. The stories I have heard, from what I can remember, these guys have a bad temper. Then again, if I were cramped up in a cage with my mouth tied shut I'd be a bit ornery myself.

She sighs, her brain not offering forth anymore useful tidbits.

Not sure what they eat, though I'd think just about anything they can kill tops the menu.

She takes a couple of steps to the side, getting a good look at the flank of one of them.


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

[sblock=EFP]Eanos shrugged.

"As I'll ever be for one of your gigs, Phedilo," he says with a touch of dry humor. "You scrounge up any of those scrolls I asked about?"

[sblock=ooc]No worries. I'm finding myself slightly behind in keeping up with various game threads, so slow is probably good. :)[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17 (19 w/ SoF)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +8

Conditions: None

In Hand: None

Arrows: 17/17
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 31/50 remaining

Judgement: 2/2 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 6/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (2/2 remaining)(DC 15): Silence, Weapon of Awe[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Eanos and Fulgrim]Phedilo nods, reaching for his satchel. "Yes, in fact, I happened to have a couple lying around..."

After a few moments of digging, he produces two scrolls, handing one each to Fulgrmi and Eanos. "Let's hope they won't be needed, eh?" he jokes weakly.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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