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[LPF] Ties that Bind

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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
[sblock=Audra, Elenka and The Elm Street Nightmare]Audra answers the summoners questions truthfully enough, as the days stretch on she finds herself more and more meditating before sleep and going through various mental and physical exercises. It is one day, as she fiddles around with balancing a broomstick, side ways, on the back of her right wrist that the summoner's inquiry causes her to consider the imminent return home.

Once we get back, I have to report to Master Halaran first, tell him what happened in Martna. Sadly, I've only my part of the story to relay. After that, I'm not sure what I will be asked to do. If there is nothing I need to do for the Diamond Heart, I can always look....

She pauses, her eyes turning, her hand flipping beneath the broomstick, catching it. The odd sounds from below drawing her attention. She gives a confused look toward Elenka, and moves to see what is going on below. She is a bit put out, though not argumentative, over the not exactly forthcoming greeting and more than a little confused by the quick and seemingly hasty effort made to give them the assurances that nothing is wrong and they can go about their business. The young Monk doesn't seem exactly convinced.

Maybe one of us should stay nearby, you know, just in case. If whatever is happening down there does turn into something of a concern, the shorter response time the better. After all, we have an interest in making sure that this ship makes it to Venza safely, just as you do, good Captain.

Audra remains on a heightened state for a long while after this incident, keeping her eyes and ears open not just to their surroundings, but to any sounds from below that should cause concern. This includes watching the actions and reactions of the crew.[/sblock]
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First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

[sblock=EFP]Eanos closes his eyes a moment, takes a deep breath, then gives a weak smile.

"I'm sure I'll be up to handling that stone again eventually, but if this new one is less capricious, I've probably had enough rest," he says diplomatically.[/sblock]


[sblock=AE&D]Elenka purses her lips as she is shoo'd by Captain Hwuzel and gives him a look that clearly relays that she doesn't believe him and that, in her not so humble opinion, the good captain hasn't heard the last of her inquiries. Now, however, she nods in acquiescence and retreats above decks.

Barely out of earshot of the captain and crew Elenka begins her complaints. "Clearly the captain is keeping something secret. As is his right; it is his ship, after all. But not if it could endanger my safety." She smiles apologetically at Audra. "Our safety."


Elenka gapes at her wooden companion. "Rats?! Drev, are you serious? Rats. Captain Hwuzel would not be acting in such a fashion about rats." Drevezh'korol shrugs, clearly not persuaded by Elenka's skepticism of his assertion.


Elenka gives it a couple of days before she maneuvers Captain Hwuzel into a position where she can question him alone. She gives the wee man a predatory smile as she begins. "Captain Hwuzel! Just the man I was seeking. The rather odd events two nights past? Well, let's just say that I am concerned, to say the least. This isn't anything dangerous, is it? I would dearly hate to waken one night to find something dreadful chewing on my leg. We are quite adept at handling problems... if there is a need?" She watches the captain with raised brows as he responds to her concerns.

[sblock=OOC/Actions]Elenka Diplomacy: 1d20+11=13[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 5
Initiative: +2 Perception: +7

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed) [20 w/Shield]
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +4 CMD: 16 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand:
1st level: 4/5 remaining.
2nd level: 3/3 remaining.
Rod of Extend: 2/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)
Special: Summon Monster 3 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 20 (12 touch; 18 flat-footed) [24 w/Mage Armor]
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +9 CMD: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +4

In Hand: --
Conditions: Mage Armor[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Audra/Elenka/Drev]Captain Hwuzel assures Audra that no such precaution is needed. "The diligence with which you commit to your duties is commendable, marm, but I assure you that this is merely a minor matter made for men...err, crewmen," he corrects, realizing the nature of his audience. Despite his eagerness to shoo them away, however, Audra senses that the captain momentarily considered her offer; something seems to prevent him from taking her up on it, however.

Over the next few days, Audra keeps her eyes and ears open, and seeks to find excuses to pass by the door to the cargo hold on her rounds as often as she can. She notices the conspicuous presence of crewmen coming and going from the hold, with much greater frequency than they were prior to the odd incident. Occasionally these crewmen carry irregular-shaped bundles tucked under their arms; they always seem to be going to the hold when doing so.

There are also a few instances when Audra believes she hears an isolated growl or yelp; between the sound of the water and the general hum of activity, it's hard to ascribe a source to them, but by the third or forth time she catches wind of such sounds, Audra is certain that she's hearing something. Elenka also hears something similar on occassion, but despite her extensive knowledge of living creatures, she is no closer to identifying their source.

Audra also catches sight of one or two crewmen with odd-looking bruises. Although she thinks she knows the nature of these wounds, their anomalous nature leads her to consult with her traveler companions, all of whom agree with her assessment: newly suffered frost bite. But how?

Elenka's attempt to be direct with the captain are frustratingly unsuccessful. "As I told your friend, Madam Elenka, there is nothing to be worried about. It is merely a mundane matter of misadvantageous merry-making. Sometimes the crew can be a little misguided in entertaining themselves on a long voyage such as this one." The captain puts a hand on Elenka's arm consolingly. "I can assure you that if the situation necessitated your involvement, I would seek it expediently. As it stands, it is a matter best left between a captain and his crew. I appreciate your understanding." Even though the evidence seems to suggest there is more to the situation than Captain Hwuzel lets on, Elenka finds herself unable to doubt the gnome during their discussion, and the captain soon hurries off.

Still, doubts linger.

[sblock=OOC]Just an OOC summary: you're hearing sounds that seem vaguely biological in origin, but you can't identify their source. There seems to be an increased presence of crewmen at or near the cargo hold. A few crewmen seem to have frostbite, which is quite fresh; it certainly isn't something that would have happened prior to the trip. Elenka can't help but fail to doubt Captain Hwuzel's excuse.

I made all requisite rolls relating to this little passage, but feel free to try some different tacts at gathering information.[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Eanos and Fulgrim]Phedilo seems pleased that Eanos and Fulgrim are willing to help him out.

"I appreciate that, Master Eanos. I knew I was right to come to you in this matter. As I said before, we can discuss the specifics at a later date, but it really is an altogether more agreeable situation than that of the chaos stone. It is merely that that experience has given me caution in reference to other matters."

Taking a sip from a glass of cordial brought in during their discussion, Phedilo says, "Well, do you have any other questions? If not, I propose we meet here in two days' time at shortly after dawn, and I can lead you to the ship in question at the docks from there."

[sblock=OOC]Apologies in advance if your end drags a little bit here, you two; the pacing between "threads" is a bit uneven related to the amount of information I need to cover prior to merging.[/sblock][/sblock]

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
[sblock=A/E/D]Following Elenka's not very fruitful effort at prying information from the Captain, Audra waits until the pair are clear of being overheard and crosses her arms and shakes her head.

If I had the ability to make myself invisible, I could sneak down there and have a good look around. It's putting my nerves on end that he's hiding something. He's bumbling through his excuses. When we arrived as it first happened, he was just a copper's thickness from taking me up on the offer, I'm sure. I am a bit torn, between honoring that this is his ship, and in giving in to self-preservation instinct and going down there to see what is going on, once the daylight has passed on. What do you think?[/sblock]


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Taking a sip from a glass of cordial brought in during their discussion, Phedilo says, "Well, do you have any other questions? If not, I propose we meet here in two days' time at shortly after dawn, and I can lead you to the ship in question at the docks from there."

Eanos shakes his head.

"I'll trust there're no surprises you know about, at least," Eanos says. "After last time, I figure you gotta know secrets get folk killed."

He turns to Fulgrim. "Got a bit spend-crazy getting the magicked bow," he says, jabbing his thumb to the oversized quiver on his back. "A touch short on the coin to get us a scroll for seeing sneaks like that blasted summoner. Think you might go in on one with me?

"Unless you have some laying around to share?"
the inquisitor adds to the halfling with a wry smile.

[sblock=ooc]Taking 10 on a Silver-tongue enhanced Diplomacy, for 20. I figure Phedilo is at least Friendly toward us, if not flat-out Helpful, so I'd think that's sufficient to get a scroll or two if he has them (fully recognizing that treasure may already be allocated such that he may not).

If we have to buy, a Scroll of See Invisible is 150 gp. Eanos has 138.58. If Fulgrim pitches in a little less than 15 gold, that gets us one. Only lets one person see, but after last time, that might be worth it.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini stats]Eanos Setirav
Initiative: +6
AC: 17 (19 w/ SoF)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +4 CMD: 17 Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +8

Conditions: None

In Hand: None

Arrows: 17/17
Blunt Arrows: 20/20
Cold Iron Arrows: 19/19
Silver Blunt Arrows: 16/16
CLW Wand charges: 31/50 remaining

Judgement: 2/2 Remaining Determination: 2/2 remaining
Silver Tongued Haggler: 5/6 remaining
Spells: Orisons (DC 13): Brand, Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Light
1st (4/4 remaining)(DC 14): Divine Favor, Expeditious Retreat, Protection from Evil, Shield of Faith, Wrath
2nd (2/2 remaining)(DC 15): Silence, Weapon of Awe[/sblock][/sblock]


[sblock=AE&D]Elenka is prepared to support Audra in whatever action she plans to take when Drevezh'korol surges to his feet. Without a word he goes tramping across the deck and squeezes through the door to go below. With a shrug to Audra, Elenka follows.

Drevezh'korol quickly finds what he is seeking: one of the sailors that the three noticed had a patch of frozen flesh. Drevezh'korol holds out his right hand as if to shake. The sailor, seeming somewhat confused, reaches out but Drev takes his hand and turns his arm so that he can get a look at the frostbitten flesh.

"Frostbite. On the Ouhm."

Drevezh'korol stares at the sailor blankly as the fellow jerks his hand back and stammers some incomprehensible reply. Saying nothing else the wooden man turns and returns to his lookout at the ships bow where he settles once again into his tree-like meditation.

Elenka shrugs once more to Audra. "Ah, perhaps we should speak with the Captain again instead of undertaking such covert actions." Traipsing across decks until she finds the wee captain she stops, places hands on her hips and raises one brow in exaggerated skepticism.

"Frostbite. On the Ouhm.

"Really, Captain, this charade has gone on far too long. Yes, yes, I know. 'Between a Captain and his crew' and all that; I understand. Frostbite is dangerous, sir, and... I have means to prevent or lessen injury to cold. Unfortunately, it only works on Drevezh'korol"
She holds up a finger to forestall argument. "He is willing to lend his aid to prevent further injury to your men; but, of course, that would mean you would have to give up your secrets."

[sblock=OOC/Actions]Drev Heal to verify diagnosis (which I'm sure you already did once): 1d20+14=26
Elenka Diplomacy: 1d20+11=30[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 5
Initiative: +2 Perception: +7

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed) [20 w/Shield]
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +4 CMD: 16 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +6

In Hand:
1st level: 4/5 remaining.
2nd level: 3/3 remaining.
Rod of Extend: 2/3 remaining (3rd lv. or lower)
Special: Summon Monster 3 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 20 (12 touch; 18 flat-footed) [24 w/Mage Armor]
HP: 38 Current: 38
CMB: +9 CMD: 20 Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +4

In Hand: --
Conditions: Mage Armor[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Elenka/Audra/the Rootless Avenger]Captain Hwuzel stammers at Elenka's confrontation, and then grows silent. For a moment, he watches the passing scenery on the riverbank vacantly. Somewhere, a heron calls. Finally, he sighs, and turns to the ladies.

"Hwuzel will tell you what is going on; Hwuzel knows that it is a wise thing to do. But you must - you must must must must must - not hold it against Hwuzel, or anyone on his crew. You must not speak of this. What Hwuzel is doing is not patently illegal, but it is, shall we say, er, 'frowned upon within certain circles of authority.' There would be questions, questions that Hwuzel does not like to answer."

The gnome looks upon the two women with large unblinking eyes waiting for their response.

[sblock=OOC]I didn't want to presume that you two would automatically acquiesce to his request for discretion. If you don't want to, but still want to know what's up, you're welcome to bluff him, of course.[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Eanos and Fulgrim]Phedilo shakes his head in the negative. "No, Master Eanos, no surprises, at least none that I will be responsible for! The objects I am to be retrieving will pose you no threat."

"And I might have a spare scroll or two lying around; if not, I'll be sure to pick one up from someone nearby the shop before meeting you two."
Phedilo stands, ready to depart.

[sblock=OOC]I shouldn't have a problem rejigging the numbers a bit to allot you a scroll or two. I'm a bit disappointed though that you don't have faith in my ability to come up with new evil GM strategies instead of recycling old ones.... ;)[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
I shouldn't have a problem rejigging the numbers a bit to allot you a scroll or two. I'm a bit disappointed though that you don't have faith in my ability to come up with new evil GM strategies instead of recycling old ones.... ;)

Oh, I have no doubt that new and exciting nastiness is in the works, but that doesn't mean that (1) Eanos doesn't try to learn from past mistakes and (2) you wouldn't be more than happy (and in the right) to teach Eanos a lesson if he didn't learn from past mistakes and blew off preparing for invisible nasties. ;) [/sblock]

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