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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] The Sea Sprite


Francis John, III - Self-Proclaimed Prince of All Halflings

A flabbergasted look rips across the halfling's face. "Oh dearest me! Just because I was nearly torn to bits by a nasty old sea hag doesn't mean that Francis John the Third should forget his manners." Without missing a beat, he manages to produce a second pipe, stuffed full of the said pipeweed, and offers it to Qalabash first. "Care for a smoke? Looks like we all could use one, eh? Don't any of you be shy now..." He blows smoke rings around the cabin as he prepares to go look for the chest.


Character Sheet
HP: 14/16

AC: 17 FF:15 T:13
CMB: 1 CMD: 13
Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +1

Initiative: +2
: +8

Shortsword +3 d4+1
Light Crossbow +4 1d6

Bolts Remaining: 7/20
Adaptable Luck: 0/3[/sblock]

[sblock=Bacon, War Pig]HP: 18/18

Initiative: 0

14 FF: 14 T:10
CMB: +4 CMD: 14
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +1

: gore +4 (1d8+4)
Defensive Abilities: ferocity

: 40 ft. (30 medium, 20 heavy)

Skills: Perception +6
Senses: Lowlight Vision, Scent[/sblock]

[sblock=Adventure Notes]
+200 Gold - as advance
Used drow poison
-3 STR (-1 melee attack/damage, -1 Str Skills, 15 ft. mvt, -3 ACP)
breaker of thumbs, blinder of hags[/sblock]

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Tamarie the Songweaver
Confronted with Qalabash's thanks for healing fire, the songweaver demurred, "It is but a gift from the gods; that it healed you speaks to your nature." Watching Francis spit in the eye of the fallen foe, she adds in a much subdued voice, "with some, I would not even try."

"In any case, Francis, wand usage works out to 15 gold per, if you were feeling generous. I would not require it of anyone, but I am not one to refuse gifts, either." She smiles, somewhat offsetting the eerie effect of her piercing amber eyes, which cast an ominous feel to the musical magician.

[sblock=Tamarie Mini Stats]Tamarie
AC: 12 (10 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/17
Shawl of Life Keeping: 4 stored HP
CMB: +1 CMD: 13

Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +3
Perception: +2 Sense Motive: +0
Initiative: +2

First Level spells remaining: 2/6
Heavenly Fire remaining: 3/7(Tamarie,Arradon,Qalabash,Leira)
Bolts remaining: 16/20

Current Weapon in Hand: Cure Light Wounds Wand
Current Conditions in Effect: -3 Str
Temporary items in possession: Qalabash’s CLW wand
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: CLW wand-6 chg, CLW potion
Money: +200gp retainer[/sblock]


Aelspeth Noromiel, Fledgling Conjurer

Aelspeth seems initially unable to command language. She heaves a tremendous sigh after the hag expires, nods solemnly at Arradon's and Qalabash's comments, and giggles at Francis John's antics. When at last she finds her tongue, she makes a simple, uninflected proclamation: "I must have words with our employer."

Darwin peeks up over the sash on his mistress's back. The glaze in his eyes has receded moderately yet some drunkenness there remains. For a moment he considers climbing down to root around for a snack but the tang of blood on the sea air changes his mind.

Immediate danger dispelled, Aelspeth assumes once more the stiff formality of speech she displayed when the party was first assembled. There remains some question of whether it is a mechanism to keep the world at a distance or to keep her words in check. "I thank you all for your protection through this past hour. I would surely have been killed if not for your bravery. Rather I stand with nary a scratch on my person." There is a brief pause and she adds awkwardly, "You are good folk."

[sblock=Aelspeth Mini Stats]Aelspeth
HP: 8/8
AC: 13 (17) FF: 10 (14) T: 13
CMB: -1 CMD: 12
Fort: +1 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Special: Immune to magical sleep, +2 on saving throws vs. Enchantment
Perception: +2 S. Motive: +0
Initiative: +3
Conditions in Effect: +4 AC (Mage Armor, 1 hour remaining); -3 STR (Sea Hag's "appearance" ability, temporary strength score is 5)
Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff
Shift: 7/7 remaining
0 Level: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level: Mage Armor, Color Spray, Enlarge Person

Deuce Traveler

The group of you arrive back inside the wrecked captain's cabin and look upon the locked chest. It still waits motionless, as if it had nothing better to do with its time.


Arradon Delgaran

As Arradon approaches the chest he unsnaps the case strapped to his thigh and extracts an ornately silver-inlaid lockpick and torsion wrench set. "Let me take a look." He carefully studies the lock to decide the best way to go about opening it, keeping an eye out for traps. He carefully inserts his tools and begins working on the lock. He was more used to picking doors locks than chest locks, but how different could they be?

Taking 10 on Perception to Sense Traps 10+6=16
Taking 10 on Disable Device 10+9=19

[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]
Arradon Delgaran
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 1/10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13

Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +0
Bluff: +8 Disable Device: +9 Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +0 Sleight of Hand: +7 Stealth: +7
Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 1d8 (Dagger)
Hidden Blade: +0

Feats: Blind-Fight

Current Weapon in Hand: Dagger +0 (1d4+0, 19-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Hideous Visage (-3 Str)
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: None


Qalabash Baram

Qalabash raised his hands to stop Francis John III from handing him the second pipe. "Thank you, Your Highness, but I, strange as it may seem to you, enjoy the aroma of the smoke without partaking in the actual smoking myself."

Qalabash accepted the explanation of the healing offered by Tamarie and, surprisingly, seemed embarrassed by her comment on his nature and Aelspeth's assessment of them all as 'good folk'. He turned to Aelspeth and nodded his agreement to her prior comment on the need for a discussion with their employer. "You and me both, Miss Noromiel."

In the Captain's cabin Qalabash watched with great and eager interest as Arradon worked on the chest. He glanced over at Francis John thoughtfully. "Ahem, if you were so skilled and also inclined to lend a hand, Master Delgaran's work might proceed at a quicker pace."

[sblock=OOC]Qalabash is suggesting an aid another attempt from Francis John. If successful, it pushes that 19 to a 21 which might be the break point between success and failure. EDIT: On the other hand, I just checked Francis' skills and he couldn't help but Q doesn't know that.

Used: shield charges: 2; 1 CLW potion[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Qalabash Baram[/size] Human Staff Magus 2
Initiative: +1 Perception: -1

AC: 14 (11 touch; 13 flat-footed) Current: 14
HP: 20 Current: 18
CMB: +4; +6 Trip CMD: 15; 17 vs. Trip Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +2

In Hand: quarterstaff
Conditions: 3 STR dmg: (13/16 +1)
Spells Prepared:
  • 1st level (DC 14): Enlarge Person, Grease, Shocking Grasp
  • Orisons: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Root
Concentration +5
Arcane Pool: 3/4 (+1 enhancement for 1 min.)


Aelspeth watches Arradon with childlike curiosity as he assesses and begins to work the lock. After a moment, she shakes her head and turns to the sorceress. "Tamarie, what is the source of your power? Your voice clearly has a mystical quality about it, and I took notice of your speech a little earlier this evening, but some of the magics you worked previously appeared not far removed from my own teachings." Something dawns behind her eyes and they turn downward. She hastily adds, "I- I'm very sorry. That may have been uncouth of me."

[sblock=Aelspeth Mini Stats]Aelspeth
HP: 8/8
AC: 13 (17) FF: 10 (14) T: 13
CMB: -1 CMD: 12
Fort: +1 Reflex: +3 Will: +2
Special: Immune to magical sleep, +2 on saving throws vs. Enchantment
Perception: +2 S. Motive: +0
Initiative: +3
Conditions in Effect: +4 AC (Mage Armor, 1 hour remaining); -3 STR (Sea Hag's "appearance" ability, temporary strength score is 5)
Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff
Shift: 7/7 remaining
0 Level: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level: Mage Armor, Color Spray, Enlarge Person


Tamarie the Songweaver
Watching Arradon work with the chest at a safe distance, Tamarie considers the question put before her. "Don't be sorry," she starts, turning her head and cocking up enough so she can consider Aelsepth as she thinks, "it's just the answer isn't simple. It's not power, exactly, though. It's a relationship--between music, magic, myself and the celestial forces. Tangible components could be stated as trace celestial blood, considerable arcane education, dream education by an angel, a naturally clear voice operating over a wide range, a powerful sense of self, and unswerving faith, all tempered into a final form by years of practice."

With that, the songweaver turns her head back to Aaradon. "Ask me again in a year or two. Perhaps I will have a clearer explanation."

[sblock=Tamarie Mini Stats]Tamarie
AC: 12 (10 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 13/17
Shawl of Life Keeping: 4 stored HP
CMB: +1 CMD: 13

Fort: +2 Reflex: +3 Will: +3
Perception: +2 Sense Motive: +0
Initiative: +2

First Level spells remaining: 2/6
Heavenly Fire remaining: 3/7(Tamarie,Arradon,Qalabash,Leira)
Bolts remaining: 16/20

Current Weapon in Hand: Cure Light Wounds Wand
Current Conditions in Effect: -3 Str
Temporary items in possession: Qalabash’s CLW wand
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: CLW wand-6 chg, CLW potion
Money: +200gp retainer[/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

Arradon wisely searched for traps first, and was able to locate and neutralize a nasty swinging blade trap which might have taken a few fingers off of someone messing with the lid. He opens the chest to reveal a small bag with 50 gold pieces, a journal detailing some of the Sea Sprite’s recent voyages, and a vial containing some sweet smelling, red-liquid of unknown properties.

You flip through the journal briefly, and get the impression that the Sea Sprite is sometimes involved in smuggling. It has often traveled to far away islands to procure rare plants and creatures (such as the cockatrice) for sale to wealthy patrons with healthy respect for discretion and obvious pseudonyms. Sometimes the journal discusses important special care taken for particularly important cargo, but the cargo is spoken of in intentionally vague and generic terms. There is nothing here really incriminating, but at the same time the journal taken as a whole just seems too suspicious for entirely legal trade.

With nothing left to do, however, you decide it is time to return to your skiff and meet with your employer, Shem, at the docks.

OOC: We will wrap this up tomorrow. The potion will be revealed to be a potion of haste, worth 750gp. Today and tomorrow I'll add up the XP and GP rewards. If no one claims any of the rewards by then, I'll assume you sell the item and split of the treasure equally. Congratulations!


Arradon Delgaran

Arradon gestures towards the blade trap with the journal in his hand, "Someone clearly didn't want this to be found. Our employer, perhaps? In any case, I'm sure he'll pay handsomely to have it back." A roguish grin crosses his face as he slides the journal into his belt pouch.

[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]
Arradon Delgaran
AC: 15 (12 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 1/10
CMB: +0 CMD: 13

Fort: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +0
Bluff: +8 Disable Device: +9 Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +0 Sleight of Hand: +7 Stealth: +7
Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 1d8 (Dagger)
Hidden Blade: +0

Feats: Blind-Fight

Current Weapon in Hand: Dagger +0 (1d4+0, 19-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Hideous Visage (-3 Str)
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: None

Voidrunner's Codex

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