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[LPF] The Forge of Fury, Pt1

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You begin setting off cross-country from the campsite, heading in the general direction of the Stone Spire. You make your way down into the forested valley of firs and pine trees. The terrain is rugged with steep slopes and boulders, but you can find your way along without much difficulty. There is a morning mist slowly dissipating from the valley, but the day does not appear that it will be sunny in the morning at least.

[sblock=Stone Tooth Area Map]Note: North it to the top, and you are down on the southwest corner



Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric (NPC)


Making her way around a tree and the a boulder, the petite war maiden clanks down the slope carefully. The extra weight of her armor causes her footsteps to really dig into the soft turf and every once in a while the ground gives and her foot slides a foot or so down the hill.

Ariel keeps her footing by grabbing saplings for hand holds and using her longspear like a walking stick. She asks, "Where are we going?"

[sblock=Mini Stats] Ariel Esimae
Initiative: +2
AC: 26 (23 without shield, 24 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 37 Current: 37
CMB: +5 CMD: 18 Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +8 (+10 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity
Conditions if Effect: None

Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear
Javelins: 5/5 Remaining

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining (3d6/DC14)
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 5/5* (Shield of Faith, Doom, Bless, Divine Favor, Burning Hands)
2nd Level 4/4 (Lessor Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Sound Burst, Barkskin)
3rd Level 3/3 (Fireball, Prayer, Dispel Magic)[/sblock]


First Post
Whenever Fae'shiel's foot would slip due to the issues of footing, Fae'shiel would jab her sword into the ground or a tree or some other object in such a way as to catch herself without causing undue harm to herself. She was becoming quite proficient at doing this. Thanks to the peculiar shape of her sword doing this was causing next to no actual damage to the sword itself. That said however, the sword was not too happy about the situation and kept saying things like "Would you stop doing that!" whenever she stuck it into something. For her part Fae'shiel would usually comment back, "I don't know what you're complaining about, you were buried in the earth for who knows how long. A little dirt is not going to hurt you now."

[sblock=OOC]Perrin, it's your call, but if you want to roll an Ego check to have the sword try to force Fae'shiel to stop using it like a walking stick, go right ahead.[/sblock]


GM: Roll it yourself and role-play it accordingly. This falls under the category of role-playing familiars and eidolons as far as I am concerned. Careful you don't cut yourself.


Iago politely ignores the byplay with the sword. "Let's swing around to the north of the mountain," he says. "The slope looks gentler there, and it's further from where the smoke was rising so we may not be as visible to anyone camped there."

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Marcus finds it easy to keep his pace with the warmaiden as she clomps along. His own stride is a little lighter and thus a little steadier. He keeps an open for signs of animal trails that might be of use, or other telltales of easier passage. The tougher the going gets, however, soon even the ranger is pressed to keep his balance. Finally pausing long enough to glance around for a tree branch sturdy enough for a walking staff.

[sblock=rolls]Perception and Survival for the tracks and trails and another perception for a branch, though if he spots two that'd be great.

Perception: 1d20+12=31
Survival: 1d20+6=7

Perception (branch hunt): 1d20+12=32

LOL @ the super botch on the Survival check


First Post
The Blackblade retaliates against Fae'shiel's glib retorts by promptly attempting to force its way into her mind. However to it's surprise the young Elf Maiden's strength of will is surprisingly strong, and she glances down at the sword and says "Why you little snot, I rescue you from being buried, and you attempt to force yourself into my mind?"

[sblock=Actions]Blackblades attempt to wrest control away from Fae'shiel: Will Save (DC 8): 1d20+5 (Result: 21)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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