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[LPF] The Cave of (Un)Death


Thy wounds are healed!
Another fine Living Pathfinder Game. If your not in the LPF you should really look to joining.

Game INFO:
DM: HolyMan
Judge: unknown
Starting Date: July 25, 2012
Ending Date: November 16 2012
Game Days: 116


Damaris Beiryn played by @soulnova

Vax played by @Chronikoce

Cavernous Hode played by @Systole

Aedger Beinn played by @vmaaxt

[sblock=Encounter Tracking]
kobold zombies CR 1 (400xp)
severed heads CR 1 (405xp)
skeletons CR 1 (405xp)
zombie wolves CR 2 (600xp)
armored ogre skeleton CR 2 (600xp)
Zarrin CR 4 (1,200xp)

Total XP: 3,610
Total per Character: 902xp[/sblock]
[sblock=Rewards Tracking]
Time Based XP:
812 TXP = Vax, Aedger, and Damaris

1,276 TXP = Cavernous Hode

Time Based GP:
696 TGP = Vax, Aedger, and Damaris

1,276 TGP = Cavernous Hode

Adventure Treasure:
Total Encounter GP: 4,500gp
Each Players take: 1,125gp

Items for "purchase"

LG half plate armor 600gp
LG morningstar 8gp

potion of disguise self, 50gp
potion of expeditious retreat, 50gp
potion of protection from arrows, 300gp
potion of resist energy; 300gp
alchemy lab, portable 75gp
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Thy wounds are healed!
Damaris currently sits in the back room alone wondering if she should greet her sister or not. Her companions have long joined in the revelry out in the common room, but she didn't wish to say hello just yet.

As she idly turns the pages of a book found among the shelves she hears the half ajar door open a little more.

"Oh, sorry miss. I beg your pardon. I was looking for someone. I didn't mean to disturb you." an old man with sun-dark skin and what looks like a farmers outfit on. His face takes a down trodden and defeated look as he turns away.

"I guess they aren't here," he sighs.

He doesn't get far as others coming from the common room suddenly block the small hallway, congesting the doorway a bit.


"Oh no, you didn't disturb me at all. Please don't mind me, go ahead and take a seat..." she smiles at the man but seeing so many people suddenly appear at the entrance made her duck a little behind the new found book. Realizing that his sister is not among them she relax and sighs, placing the book on a nearby table. "I was actually getting quite bored over here" she chuckles.

It is hard to tell exactly how old is she. She certainly takes care of her looks but there's this naivety about her that still makes her feel young, even childish. Maybe 16 but she could be 15.

Damaris - Bard lvl 1
HP 8/8
AC 16 | Touch 13 | FF 13
CMB+2 | CMD 15
Saves: F+0 | R+5 | W+1

Perception +3 | Sense Motive -1

Shortbow +3 1d6

Bard Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost Sound.
Bard Spells: Lvl1 Grease, Sleep.
Spell-like ability: Message 1/day.

Combat Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot.

Consumables: Oil, Perfume, Firewerk Paper Candle (2), Vermin Repellent, Trial Rations (4), Normal Arrows (20), Alchemist Fire.[/sblock]


First Post
Vax (Lvl 1)

The elderly man's sudden stop at the door nearly causes Vax (who was hurrying after him) to run into the man. In his best attempt at a conspiratorial whisper which he fails at rather badly since his voice has a natural tendency to boom (in addition to the added volume produced by his excitement) Vax addresses the man.

"I couldn't help but overhear that you were in need of mighty heroes. I may not have a name around these parts just yet but I assure you that 'Crusher' here" he says while gesturing to the large hammer on his back "did not gain that name from being set down upon a flower bed." He finishes with a booming laugh exceedingly pleased at the joke he has made.

Placing an arm around the sun-darkened man Vax hurries him into the room "You must tell me more of your needs so that I might gain much glory by alleviating your problems."

Vax is so focused on learning more of the man and assuring that he gets to partake in whatever adventure is brewing that he hasn't even noticed the attractive young girl who shares a room with them.

[sblock= Vax]

Appearance: Vax is a rather tall and well built man. His time outdoors has left him decently tanned and the hood of his cloak is currently thrown back. The right side of his face has a scar that runs down it from temple to chin. Similar scarring can be seen on his forearms. With his hood thrown back you can see that his hair is dark brown and wavy (down to just above his shoulders) although it is not particularly well kept and his gray eyes are glinting with excitement as he thinks of the adventure to come.

AC: 14 (Flat-footed: 12, Touch: 10)
HP: 15/15
CMB: +7 CMD: 19
Fort: +6 Ref: +2 Will: +4
Speed: 30'

Perception: +4
Initiative: +2

Primary Weapon: Crusher (+7, 2d6+9/x3)
Ranged Weapon: Javelin (+3, 1d6+6/x2)
Special Attack Options: Power Attack: -1 Attack, +3 Damage

[sblock=Not Raging]
AC: 16 (Flat-footed: 14, Touch: 12)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +5 CMD: 17
Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +2
Speed: 30'

Perception: +4
Initiative: +2

Primary Weapon: Crusher (+5, 2d6+6/x3)
Ranged Weapon: Javelin (+3, 1d6+4/x2)
Special Attack Options: Power Attack: -1 Attack, +3 Damage
Current Conditions in Effect: None

Vax (Chronikoce) - Living Pathfinder RPG Wiki
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First Post
Aedger Beinn (Aasimar Cleric)

Stepping near the aged man, Aedger whispers, "Pardon me, sir, but I couldn't help but catch a few words of your conversation with Mr. Grog. Did you say the word 'zombie' to him? I'm usually not so prying, but certain words catch my ears more than others, and 'zombie' is chief among them. They are of... particular interest to me, and if someone has seen them recently, I would very much like to speak with them, learn the details of their encounter, and then, if needed, put the evil undead to peace, and eliminate the source. Your outfit suggests you are a farmer, and I suspect precious few farmers have a good reason to come into contact with the undead in this area."

Noticing the others in the room, he says, "Ah, Mr. Vax, I am unsurprised, but glad to see you. I suspect that you and your Crusher may be of some value in helping me with my task." Turning towards the young lady, Aedger gives a small bow, "Good day, miss, my name is Aedger Beinn, priest of Teg-Natha and Teg-Selen. "

Aedger Beinn, Aasimar Cleric (Undead Lord) 1
+2 AC: 15, t:12, ff:13
HP: 08 Perception: +9
CMB: +0 CMD: 12 Speed: 30ft.
Fort: +2 Ref: +2 Will: +5
Resist 5: Cold, Acid, Electric
Senses: Darkvision 60ft

Current Effects: None

In Hand: Nothing

Special Powers
Channel Negative Energy 1d6, 6/day, Will DC 14 Used: 0
Death's Kiss: 1 round duration, 6/day Used: 0
Command Undead

[Sblock='Spells Prepared:']Orisons:
Detect Magic
Level 1: (DC 14)
Cause Fear (domain)
Cure Light Wounds
Spell Like Abilities
Daylight (1/day)

Crossbow, Light: +2 Attack, 1d8+0, 19/x2, 80' Bolts: 30
Morningstar: +0 Attack, 1d8+0, 20/x2

[sblock='skills']Skills Total Rank CS Ability ACP Misc
Acrobatics 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Appraise 01 0 0 1 +0
Bluff 03 0 0 3 +0
Climb -01 0 0 0 -1 +0
Craft ( ) 01 0 0 1 +0
Diplomacy 10 1 3 3 +3*
Disable Device 0 0 2 -1 +0
Disguise 03 0 0 3 +0
Escape Artist 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Fly 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Handle Animal 0 0 3 +0
Heal 03 0 0 3 +0
Intimidate 03 0 0 3 +0
Knowledge (Arcana) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Dngnrng) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Engnrng) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Geography) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (History) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Local) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Nature) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Nobility) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Planes) 0 0 1 +0
Knowledge (Religion) 05 1 3 1 +0
Linguistics 0 0 3 +0
Perception 09 1 3 3 +2 (Racial)
Perform ( ) 03 0 0 3 +0
Profession ( ) 0 0 3 +0
Ride 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Sense Motive 07 1 3 3 +0
Sleight of Hand 0 0 2 -1 +0
Spellcraft 0 0 1 +0
Stealth 01 0 0 2 -1 +0
Survival 03 0 0 3 +0
Swim -01 0 0 0 -1 +0
Use Magic Device 0 0 3 +0

* +1,Ease Of Faith, +2 Race

Crossbow, Light & Bolts
[Sblock='Pockets']Earplugs (4x)
Chalk (3x)
Ink (1 oz. vial)
Inkpen (2x)
Paper, rice (5 sheets)
Blue, Skeletal Companion (Medium Undead)
+2 AC: 17, t:12, ff:15
HP: 11 Perception: +0
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Speed: 30ft.
Fort: +0 Ref: +2 Will: +2
Immune: Cold Undead Traits
DR: 5/bludgeoning
Senses: Darkvision 60ft

Current Effects: None

In Hand: Nothing

Scimitar +2 (1d6+2,18-20/x2), claw –3 (1d4+1)
or 2 claws +2 (1d4+2)
or Dagger +2 (1d4+2), Range 10'
or Javelin +2 (1d6+2/×2), Range 30' Remaining: 3

[sblock='Backpack']Rope, Hemp (50ft)(x2)
Plank, Collapsable
Wandermeal (4 servings)
Chalk (6x)



First Post
"Cavernous Hode reporting for adventure! After which he shall no doubt win the heart of a certain tiefling maiden with a most exceptional bodice!" There's an evil hiss from the rafters. "Oh, and Mister Dickens is reporting as well, although Mister Dickens is mostly coming along to nibble on things, as he is not so much interested in tiefling maidens and bodices as Cavernous Hode is. However, Mister Dickens is an aficionado of hearts, albeit more in a culinary sense than a romantic one."

[sblock= Mini Stats]

Cavernous Hode
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 20/20
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
Speed: 20'

Perception: +9
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Heavy Pick (+2, 1d6+1/x4), Wand of CLW
Current Conditions in Effect: None

0th level spells (DC 14): Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st level spells (DC 15): Entangle, Expeditious Excavation, Obscuring Mist

Mister Dickens
AC: 15 (11 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 23/23
CMB: +1 CMD: 14 (17 vs. Trip)
Fort: +4 Reflex: +6 Will: +2
Speed: 40', 20' Swim, 20' Climb

Perception: +5
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Natural weapons (+5, 1d4/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: None[/sblock]


Damaris' eyes started to go wide in excitement as she heard the group. Heroes? Zombies? GLORY!?

"Oh my goddess, this it too good to be real."

She turns to Aedger and gives him a courtesy. "Good sir, I don't know where you are going, but I must inform you that this adventure you mention is exactly what I've been looking! ...uhm, maybe except for the zombies..." she frowns a little, taping the edge of her lips but then she shrugs. "-but no matter! I'm sure a bunch of strong men and a man of faith like you will have no trouble with such foes."

"In any case, I MUST sing about this adventure of yours... I beg you to allow me to follow you. You need not to worry about me. I have an aim that I'm very proud of." she taps at the bow at her back with a wink.

[sblock=OOC]Hey, is it too late to change my second performance skill from Act to Dance instead?? O_O! [/sblock]

Damaris - Bard lvl 1
HP 8/8
AC 16 | Touch 13 | FF 13
CMB+2 | CMD 15
Saves: F+0 | R+5 | W+1

Perception +3 | Sense Motive -1

In hand
Shortbow +3 1d6 x3
Longsword +2 1d8+2 (19-20)x2

Bard Cantrips (DC 12): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost Sound.
Bard Spells (DC13): Lvl1 Grease, Sleep.
Spell-like ability: Message 1/day.

Combat Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot.

Consumables: Oil, Perfume, Firewerk Paper Candle (2), Vermin Repellent, Trial Rations (4), Normal Arrows (20), Alchemist Fire.[/sblock]
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First Post
Aedger Beinn (Aasimar Cleric)

"Ah, Mr. Hode. Excellent to see you. I've heard stories of strange things. Undead things. Perhaps you can help me? I'm sure that stories of destroying the forces of evil, that threaten this very society, will impress Ms. Marla."

Turning to the fair young lady, "I don't know Ms... I don't believe I've caught your name. And I don't know where I am going either. All I know is my mission requires me to protect society, by any means necessary. And that if an evil undead is threatening decent people, I must intervene. My Gods demand it. It will likely be dangerous, though, and I do not know if you would be able to help us." The cleric pauses for a moment, and pulls a pendant in the shape of two clasped hands out from his robes, and studies it pensively for a moment. "However, Teg-Natha and Teg-Selen tell us to not exclude anyone. Tell me, could you keep yourself safe? I've known many singers in my day. Some were capable of defending themselves, Others... thought they were able. I would not want your death on my hands. I suspect that a young lady like yourself has many people concerned about her well being. On the other hand, I suspect that Misters Hode and Vax would welcome someone who could chronicle their tale. Make no mistake about it though, if you come along know that there will be danger, and that even the three of us may not be able to protect you."

Turning to Vax, "Mr. Vax, I am hoping that you are not reliant solely on your Crusher. If there are zombies afoot, your mighty hammer is not the best choice for dealing with them. They make a rather unpleasant noise when they are hit, and an even more unpleasant mess. Even then they don't seem to be slowed too much by hammers, or Picks, for that matter Mr. Hode, they tend to simply accept it, and continue on in their mindless mission. Hammers are good at breaking bones, but zombies don't worry about that. And picks are good for causing grievous injuries, but only to creatures who bleed. In my experience, the best tool for dealing with zombies is something that cuts, slices. A sword, or scimitar. A glaive or guisarme is even better to keep the shambling horde from being too close. Just something to think about Mr. Vax."

[sblock=ooc]@soulnova: Blue, my trusty companion, isn't in the room at the moment. I tend to put him in a private area, such as the bedroom I've rented, when we are in town. Even when he is around, he is usually covered up, to disguise his skeletal nature. People tend to be worried when they see an undead, regardless of what color it is painted.[/sblock]


First Post
Vax (Lvl 1)

"Now this is turning into a truly splendid adventure! Zombies you say? And a maiden who can both chronicle our deeds and is in need of protection! What more could we want?" Turning to Cavernous Hode "It seems we have picked quite the winning combination haven't we? I hope our deeds help in your conquest of Marla though I don't know if I would tempt fate with that one myself hehe."

A look of concern crosses his face at Aedger's words regarding zombies and their predisposition to ignoring hammers but with a shrug he replies "They may try to ignore my 'Crusher' all they like but it is a hard customer who likes to hammer its point home." Chuckling to himself over yet another infinitely witty joke he seems to dismiss Aedger's worries.

Pulling up a chair near the young lady "I'd be glad to have someone along who likes to tell stories and even better if they enjoy writing them! Vax is my name, no title of sorts just yet but perhaps this will be the adventurer and you the clever writer who bestows one upon me!"


First Post
"Someone to sing of Cavernous Hode's valorous deeds? Yes, Cavernous Hode sees how this might be of use in his quest to win the horned maiden's heart. However, this would require that Cavernous Hode's valorous deeds were related in the most positive light. Is it proper etiquette to tip the composer for better service in a situation such as this?"
[sblock= Mini Stats]

Cavernous Hode
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 20/20
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
Fort: +5 Reflex: +2 Will: +7
Speed: 20'

Perception: +9
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Heavy Pick (+2, 1d6+1/x4), Wand of CLW
Current Conditions in Effect: None

0th level spells (DC 14): Create Water, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st level spells (DC 15): Entangle, Expeditious Excavation, Obscuring Mist

Mister Dickens
AC: 15 (11 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 23/23
CMB: +1 CMD: 14 (17 vs. Trip)
Fort: +4 Reflex: +6 Will: +2
Speed: 40', 20' Swim, 20' Climb

Perception: +5
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Natural weapons (+5, 1d4/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: None[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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