[LPF] Expansion


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Naria lets out a playful laugh as she watchs Megan's horse take off. "Relax Megan. She'll respond better if you relax."

Naria regards the horse in the corner that mr Savi pointed out. "I'll take her." Naria says as she motions for the stable manager to bring the horse over.

[sblock=Mini Stats] Naria
Initiative: +6 (+5 fatigued)
AC: 18 (15 w/out shield, 16 raging, 17 fatigued, 15 touch, 13 flatfooted)
HP: 15 (17 raging) Current: 15
CMB: +3 (+5 raging, +2 fatigued) CMD: 18 (20 raging, 16 fatigued)
Fort: +4 (+6 raging) Reflex: +4 (+3 fatigued) Will: +1 (+3 raging)
Resistance: None

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Rage: 6/6 rounds per day

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Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric

Ariel accepts the apples and wisely uses them to keep the beast under control, "I think I can handle thing. I just hope I don't need to try and fend off bandits from up here."

As they are getting ready to get underway, she calls to their employer, "Farewell Master Savi, may Her blessings be upon you... Whoa there, Ajax. Easy, easy. I will give you an apple later."

She looks around, wondering where Megan's recruit Audra has gotten to.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +2
AC: 18 (20 with shield, 16 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
HP: 16 Current: 16
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +7 (+8 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity

Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 4/4 (Bless, Doom, Shield of Faith, Burning Hands) [/sblock]___________________________________________

Ariel Esimae

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Audra brings up the rear, walking quietly, apparently in introspection, though not so much as to not follow the others. Entering the stables last she notes that her cohorts are mounted or mounting their horses. She is approached by a stable hand.

"Something sturdy would be good. Reliable."

She gets an eyeroll for her description but soon is looking into the almond shaped eye of a chestnut brown. He seems calm enough as the attendant gets him saddled. Audra looks at the saddle and straps with her head tilted to the side, picturing herself swinging into the saddle with ease, quite sure it won't be so. Once the stable hand motions to her she steps up and, after a couple of hops with one foot in the stirrup, bounces from her right leg and over, dropping with an ungraceful plop into the saddle. She is handed the reigns and looks down to the left and the right.

"Not as bad as it could be. What's his name?"

"They call him Shafty, though its a bit of a misnomer, if you know what i mean."

Audra gives a curious look, but before she can ask, the stablehand makes a chopping motion just below his own waistline. Audra gives slight shudder.

"Oh. I see. I hope he isn't upset about it."

The stablehand shrugs and steps away, leaving Audra sitting atop the gelding, watching Mr. Savi and waiting for the trip to commence. She begins to gently stroke the neck of her mount. He responds with a quick shake of the head and, for now at least, seems somewhat content.

OOC: dumb question, is it better to link the picture in the body or will attaching it as a thumbnail work?

[sblock=Audra Frost]Initiative: +2
AC: 15 Flatfooted: 10 Touch: 15
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +1 CMD: 16 Fortitude: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +5

Current Weapon: Unarmed Strike (Attack: +2 Damage: 1d6+1 Crit: x2 Flurry of Blows +1/+1)

Stunning Fist: Fortitude Save DC10 + Half Char Level: 0 + Wisdom Modifier: 3 (DC13)
Catch Off Guard: No penalty for Improvised Melee Weapon

Audra Frost


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Naria eyes the curiously as he describes the horses misfortune and turns her attention to Audra who is now on horseback. "Finally decided to join us?" Naria winks at Audra as she throws her an apple.

"Let's get moving then?"

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Audra's left hand snaps up, catching the apple with a satisfying smack

"Thanks. I am just waiting the final word. And being in a hurry without good cause tends to cause one to make mistakes. Even small mistakes can be dangerous."

[sblock=Audra Frost]Initiative: +2
AC: 15 Flatfooted: 10 Touch: 15
HP: 10 Current: 10
CMB: +1 CMD: 16 Fortitude: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +5

Current Weapon: Unarmed Strike (Attack: +2 Damage: 1d6+1 Crit: x2 Flurry of Blows +1/+1)

Stunning Fist: Fortitude Save DC10 + Half Char Level: 0 + Wisdom Modifier: 3 (DC13)
Catch Off Guard: No penalty for Improvised Melee Weapon


  • Redandgreen.jpg
    22 KB · Views: 195


OOC: That should work for a picture, I can pull the headshot off of it.

Seeing the entire party ready to go, Mr. Savi gives directions to the Broken Log outside of town and wishes you luck.


Ariel Esimae, Female Aasimar Cleric

As Ajax has started to move forward without her really doing anything, Ariel remarks, "Indeed. Mister Ajax here is already going whether I am ready or not."

Slowing getting the hang of things, she holds the longspear in her left hand and reins in her right. She plans to follow along right behind Naria if Ajax will cooperate.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +2
AC: 18 (20 with shield, 16 flat-footed, 12 Touch)
HP: 16 Current: 16
CMB: +2 CMD: 14 Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: +7 (+8 vs. Fear)
+1 for all with Resistance
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity

Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear

Fire Bolt: 6/6 Remaining Channel Energy: 5/5 remaining
Deflection Aura: 1/1 remaining
Spells Remaining: Orisons: (Light, Resistance, Guidance, Detect Magic)
1st Level 4/4 (Bless, Doom, Shield of Faith, Burning Hands) [/sblock]___________________________________________

Ariel Esimae


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"I hope the trip to the Broken Log and beyond wont' be too long," says Megan as she bites into an apple of her own, "Cotton's cute and all, but I rather be on my own two feet. Audra, why is your horse smelling Cotton's rear?"


You set out from the Dunn Wright Inn, and with only a few minor troubles with the horses, you pass by Arcane Row on your way out of town. Do any you wish to stop and check with the merchants Mr. Savi gave you as references, or do you want to continue on to the Broken Log outside town?


First Post
"Does anyone need to stop and pick up anything? I am good to go!"

[sblock=Mini Stats]Megan
Initiative: +10
AC: 17 (14 touch, 13 flatfooted)
HP: 16 Current: 16
CMB: +2 CMD: 16
Fort: +2 Reflex: +7 Will: +5
Resistance: None

Current Weapon in Hand: Crossbow, Heavy

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