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[LPF] Allbright's Shadow

Satin Knights

First Post
Orlando pounces from the rafters, landing on the alter and attempting to strike. Not having practiced an overhead pounce much, or ever, the strike fails to get through the creatures hide. Drev stomps, crushing the horned demon's foot. It lurches, and Orlando is able to slide his rapier under the shoulder blade in quite an expert fashion. Drev stomps again, bites, and slams. The horned beast fall before the alter.

Ducking under the flying mermaid, Drev goes after the black beast that is also hovering a bit off the ground. Another two massive slams knocks that beast around, but it still has plenty of fight left in him.

With Drev sticking his head in between her and the the most dangerous foe, she takes this opportunity to retreat. The balbau tangled with Shadow and guarding the entrance tries to spear her but is not quick enough for a woman who swims through air. She bumps Relic and Borric as she squeezes through, but is determined to get to the back of the pack.

Shadow gets one good bite in on the red one that is poking master. But his grip isn't good enough to send it to the ground.

Aradra sinks a few arrows into the tarry demodand. It might have been more, but ducking a poking spear has his aim bouncing a bit.
[sblock=Combat Mid Round 4]OOC: Since the Tarry is flying 5' up, I took Drev's hits in reverse order, stomping the Kalvakas then slaming the Tarry in order for all attacks to land.
125/130 AC 19+1 N29 ~ Daylily ~ H 8, DR 1 glaive-guisarme ~
..83/83. AC 22+1 O29 ~ Relic ~ H 8, MA 9r, Fly 597r
..82/82. AC 21 P29 ~ Sylvain ~ DV 1419r, MA 5463r,
108/108.AC 24+1 K31 ceiling ~ Orlando ~ H 8, DV 1419r ~
112/116 AC 30+2BS O29 ~ Borric ~ DV 1419r, +2 Heroism 398r, +2 BS 539r ~
..72/72. AC 17+1 R29 ~ Anaerion ~ H 9, DV 1420r/MA/OFl/1880r/DS/9051r/MC398r, ~
..74/74. AC 18 T29 ~ Elenka ~DV 1419r,
..65/65. AC 25+4+1 M29 ~Drevezh'Korol ~ H 8, MA 4228r, Gr Magic Fang 4848r,
82-8-12-11-17-13=21^37-20-15=2/82^62 AC 30 M30 ~ Arianna ~ MA 1862r, GMF 10316r ~ Withdraw!!!
164/164 AC 28 L29 ~ Kalinn ~
..80/80. AC 22 Q29 ~ Breninyr ~ CR 7259r/MA 5460r ~
..98-11/116 AC 26+1 M28 ~ Aradra ~DV 1421r, H 8, SI 243r, LS 13863r, Adaption 3r ~
112-8/112 AC 28+1 K28 ~ Shadow ~ DV 1419r, H 8, GMF +2 13861r/MA 5464r,
.,??/??.. AC 15 T29 ~ Kutholiam ~ DV 1419r,

??/?? AC 27 ???? ~ invisible creature Stealth (1d20+29=41)
44-12/73 AC 20 K29 ~ CMD 24 Balbau A spear attack Aradra (1d20+13=22, 1d20+8=27) hits once for damage (1d8+7=11), AoO on leaving Arianna (1d20+13=25) misses, AoO on Aradra (1d20+13=21)
73/73 AC 20 J28 ~ CMD 24 Balbau B, drop spear, full attack Shadow claw/claw/bite Shadow (1d20+13=19, 1d20+13=33, 1d20+13=24) confirm crit (1d20+13=16) no, doing damage (1d6+5=8)
73/73 AC 20 G28 ~ Balbau C move and spear Shadow (1d20+13=21) misses
56-9-25-9-7-10=-4/125 AC 30 L30 unconscious ~ Kalvakus Demon, Attacking Arianna Power attack bite/claw/claw/gore (1d20+14=34, 1d20+14=15, 1d20+14=23, 1d20+14=29) crit confirm (1d20+14=24) no, for 1 hit doing damage (1d6+12=13)
???/??? AC ?? I29 ~ Knight 5' step, longsword attacks on Shadow (1d20+13=21, 1d20+8=12)
141-15-19-37/171 AC 27 M31 ~ Tarry Demodand, hovering, Right hand power attacks against Arianna (1d20+24=31, 1d20+19=26, 1d20+14=32, 1d20+9=23) Left hand power attacks against Arianna (1d20+24=42, 1d20+19=38, 1d20+14=22, 1d20+9=25) crit confirmation (1d20+19=22) no, haste attack (1d20+24=36) yes, totals 5 hits for damage (1d8+15=20, 1d8+15=23, 1d8+10=12, 1d8+10=11, 1d8+15=17) damage
??/?? AC ?? ???? ~
??/?? AC ?? ???? ~

Ceiling: 30 feet
Lighter Cyan shaded circle: Borric's Ioun Torch still providing light, outside of that, candle light providing moderate or dim light. Still there, just got tired of merging maps to do the effect right.
Inside Red shaded circle, Magic Circle vs. Evil 10' around Anaerion still there. Tired of merging effects.
Deep Blue Shaded: Grease
Magenta Triangle state: Flying
Green Triangle state: Haste
Red Diamond state: Grappled
Blue Circle state: Prone
Purple Dot: Blind[/sblock][sblock=Map]

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First Post

Daylily grins at the armored man, ignoring the rest of the battle raging around him. "And now I am for you, paladings. Do you know Jiragan is not agree with havings prisoner? And there you is, with hang one on the shields." He walks through the melee, ignoring the blows aimed at him, and simply rips the shield out of the knight's grip. While the knight is off balance, the barbarian smashes the butt of his weapon on the man's forearm, forcing him to drop his sword as well. Daylily looks meaningfully at the weapon and shield now lying on the floor, then adds, "So ... is you feel lucky?"

[sblock=OOC]Move to I30. Not really caring about AoOs at this point. Rage, then disarm on the knight.

Disarm +19 CMB +13 Reckless/Adv Surge +1 Haste +2 Flank = +35 (1d20+35=54)

Shield is the primary target, but I'm going to bet that gets both sword and shield. Will retcon if not.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 19 (19 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 130/130
CMB: +17 CMD: 30
Fort: +13 Reflex: +8 Will: +7
Attack: +18/+10/+5 for WD+19

AC: 14 (14 flat-footed, 9 touch)
HP: 152/152
CMB: +19 CMD: 32
Fort: +15 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
Attack: +25/+17/+12 for WD+24

Perception: +15
Initiative: +3

Current Weapon in Hand: Adamantine horsechopper (1d10, 20x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Rage, Haste, RA
Rage Remaining: ??/18
Haste Remaining: ??/10

Used Items:
Potion of Fly, Potion of See Invisibility x2, Wand of CLW x16


Satin Knights

First Post
Daylily moves through the mob with reckless abandon, getting poked twice with spears and sliced by the knight's sword before he rips away the tower shield and sword. The poor man pinned to the tower shield cries out in pain as he hits the floor face first without any way of bracing for the impact.

[sblock=Combat Mid Round 4]
125-7-7-6/130 AC 19+1-2 N29 ~ Daylily ~ H 8, Rage DR 1 glaive-guisarme ~ disarms knight
..83/83. AC 22+1 O29 ~ Relic ~ H 8, MA 9r, Fly 597r
..82/82. AC 21 P29 ~ Sylvain ~ DV 1419r, MA 5463r,
108/108.AC 24+1 K31 ceiling ~ Orlando ~ H 8, DV 1419r ~
112/116 AC 30+2BS O29 ~ Borric ~ DV 1419r, +2 Heroism 398r, +2 BS 539r ~
..72/72. AC 17+1 R29 ~ Anaerion ~ H 9, DV 1420r/MA/OFl/1880r/DS/9051r/MC398r, ~
..74/74. AC 18 T29 ~ Elenka ~DV 1419r,
..65/65. AC 25+4+1 M29 ~Drevezh'Korol ~ H 8, MA 4228r, Gr Magic Fang 4848r,
82-8-12-11-17-13=21^37-20-15=2/82^62 AC 30 M30 ~ Arianna ~ MA 1862r, GMF 10316r ~ Withdraw!!!
164/164 AC 28 L29 ~ Kalinn ~
..80/80. AC 22 Q29 ~ Breninyr ~ CR 7259r/MA 5460r ~
..98-11/116 AC 26+1 M28 ~ Aradra ~DV 1421r, H 8, SI 243r, LS 13863r, Adaption 3r ~
112-8/112 AC 28+1 K28 ~ Shadow ~ DV 1419r, H 8, GMF +2 13861r/MA 5464r,
.,??/??.. AC 15 T29 ~ Kutholiam ~ DV 1419r,

??/?? AC 27 ???? ~ invisible creature Stealth (1d20+29=41)
44-12/73 AC 20 K29 ~ CMD 24 Balbau A spear attack Aradra (1d20+13=22, 1d20+8=27) hits once for damage (1d8+7=11), AoO on leaving Arianna (1d20+13=25) misses, AoO on Aradra (1d20+13=21), AoO on Daylily (1d20+13=31) hits for damage (1d8+7=8)
73/73 AC 20 J28 ~ CMD 24 Balbau B, drop spear, full attack Shadow claw/claw/bite Shadow (1d20+13=19, 1d20+13=33, 1d20+13=24) confirm crit (1d20+13=16) no, doing damage (1d6+5=8)
73/73 AC 20 G28 ~ Balbau C move and spear Shadow (1d20+13=21) misses, Longspear AoO on Daylily (1d20+13=26) hits for damage (1d8+7=8)
56-9-25-9-7-10=-4/125 AC 30 L30 unconscious ~ Kalvakus Demon, Attacking Arianna Power attack bite/claw/claw/gore (1d20+14=34, 1d20+14=15, 1d20+14=23, 1d20+14=29) crit confirm (1d20+14=24) no, for 1 hit doing damage (1d6+12=13)
???/??? AC ?? I29 ~ Knight 5' step, longsword attacks on Shadow (1d20+13=21, 1d20+8=12), AoO on Daylily (1d20+12=27) hits for damage (1d8+4=7), loses weapon and shield
141-15-19-37/171 AC 27 M31 ~ Tarry Demodand, hovering, Right hand power attacks against Arianna (1d20+24=31, 1d20+19=26, 1d20+14=32, 1d20+9=23) Left hand power attacks against Arianna (1d20+24=42, 1d20+19=38, 1d20+14=22, 1d20+9=25) crit confirmation (1d20+19=22) no, haste attack (1d20+24=36) yes, totals 5 hits for damage (1d8+15=20, 1d8+15=23, 1d8+10=12, 1d8+10=11, 1d8+15=17) damage
??/?? AC ?? ???? ~
??/?? AC ?? ???? ~

Ceiling: 30 feet
Lighter Cyan shaded circle: Borric's Ioun Torch still providing light, outside of that, candle light providing moderate or dim light. Still there, just got tired of merging maps to do the effect right.
Inside Red shaded circle, Magic Circle vs. Evil 10' around Anaerion still there. Tired of merging effects.
Deep Blue Shaded: Grease
Magenta Triangle state: Flying
Green Triangle state: Haste
Red Diamond state: Grappled
Blue Circle state: Prone
Purple Dot: Blind[/sblock][sblock=Map]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=OOC/SK]Kalinn's moved and attacked as well (though it doesn't matter much as she missed both times. He move did clear the way for Borric to advance, though, and should set up flanks for someone.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Bren extends a hand to Arianna as she passes, touching her briefly on the shoulder and allowing a trickle of the Gods' healing powers through his fingertips.

[sblock=Actions]Cast Cure Critical Wounds (4d8+9=29) on Arianna.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Breninyr Hydref
Initiative: +0
AC: 22 (18 Touch, 22 FF)
HP: 80/80
CMB: +10 CMD: 27 (+12/29 vs Grapple)
Fort: +12 Reflex: +09 Will: +18

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +15, Sense Motive: +10

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Special Abilities: Advice (10/10 Rnds), Calming Touch (09/09), Channel Energy (06/10)
Special Abilities: Inspiring Command (08/09), Stunning Fist: Fatigue, Crushing Blow (08/08)
Special Abilities: Ki Pool (08/08), Jaunt Boots (02/03), Unity (01/01)

Prayers Available
Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Bless, Murderous Command, Murderous Command, Ray of Sickening, Shield of Faith, Shield of Faith
2nd Level: Bull's Strength, Prot from Evil (C), Shield Other, Silence, Spear of Purity, Spear of Purity, Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level: Archon's Aura, Chain of Perdition, Invisibility Purge, Prayer, Searing Light
4th Level: Discern Lies, Freedom of Movement, Spiritual Ally, Spiritual Ally
5th Level: Breath of Life, Command (Greater), Dispel Evil


First Post
Now that most of the martial might are holding the line, Anaerion moves close enough to get a peek into the room. With no real target he can hit without getting an ally at this point, Anaeiron decides to pull out his rod and waits for something to come up.
Move to N29, and as High as he can. Might get hit with an AoO, but he will do his best to Avoid
Standard: Draw his rod of Piercing

Initiative: +9 Perception: +2 (low-light vision)
AC: 13 + 4 (14 flat-footed, 13 Touch ) HP: 79 Current: 79
CMB: +2 CMD: 15 Fort: +7 Reflex: +8 Will: +9
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep

Spells in Effect:
Detect Scrying: 16 hours remain
Mage Armor: 4 hours
Overland Flight: 4 hours
Magic Circle against Evil: 90 Minutes

School Focus:
Abilities locked due to Dimensional Lock

Shift: 25' Teleport as Dim Door. Does not Provoke AoO (9/9 remaining) (3+ Int)
Summoner's Charm: Summoning Spells Last a total of 16 Rounds (1.5 level)
Dimensional Steps: 330/330 feet per day. Must be used in 5' increments (30 * Level)

Fast Study: Can Memorize Open Slots in 1 minute instead of 15 minutes
Ring Of Counter spells: Contains Enervation

Malkovian: Happy for now.
Timely Inspiration: 1/3 Immediate Action, +2 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Gallant Inspiration: 1/1 Immediate Action, +2d4 Bonus, Range 60', Immediate action
Borrow Skill: 2/3 Standard Action, borrowing skill ranks (Normally Knowledge Skills)
Mage Hand: At will. Controllable by Malkovian/ Anaerion
Cure Light Wounds: 3/3 Standard Action. 1d8+5.
Bonus Boon: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 2: Anaerion does not know this power.
Bonus Boon 3: Anaerion does not know this power.

Spells Prepared (* denotes School Spell):
Level 0: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Mending
Level 1: Mage Armor *, Comprehend Languages, Grease (DC 18), Disguise Self, Feather Fall, Ray of Enfeeblement (2 Slots) (DC 17)
Level 2: Stone Call *, False Life (2 slots), Invisibility, Mirror Image,See Invisibility,Create Pit (DC 19)
Level 3: Aqueous Orb (DC 20) *, Haste, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Evil, Resist Energy: Communal, Haste
Level 4: Black Tentacles(+11+1+4 CMB) *, Persistent Glitterdust (DC 19 Save Twice), Telekinetic Charge, Detect Scrying, Telekinetic Charge
Level 5: Wall of Stone *, Persistent Slow (DC 19 Save Twice), Overland Flight, Dismissal (DC 21)

Level 6: Quicken Web (DC 19), Disintegrate, OPEN SLOT

Arcane Bond: USED (Daylight)
Pearl of Power level 1: 0/2
Piercing Rod: 1/3


First Post
Relic unsure how he can best assisst the group whispers a prayer, hoping to bless them in their task against their foul foes.

[sblock=Actions] Cast Bless [/sblock]


First Post
Finally close enough to contribute, Sylvain uses one of his more powerful hexes on the balbau. He focuses and tries to get through the creatures defenses, making it take much of the damage it dishes out.

Actions: [sblock]. Move action--none. Standard action--use Retribution hex. DC 22 Will save to resist. Retribution (Su): Whenever it deals damage to another
creature in melee. Immediately after the hexed creature
deals damage in melee, it takes half that damage (round down).
This damage bypasses any resistances, immunities, or damage
reduction the creature possesses. This effect lasts for a
number of rounds equal to the witch’s Intelligence modifier.[/sblock]

Sylvain stat block: [sblock]

Initiative: [/sblock]
AC: 17 (15 Flat-Footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 82/82
CMB: +4 CMD: 18
Fort: +8 Reflex: +9 Will: +10
Perception: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: None
Hexes: Misfortune, Healing, Fortune, Flight, Slumber, Cackle, Evil Eye, Retribution
Fortune on Borric, Fury, Drev, and on Daylilly.
Spells Per Day
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Light, Message, Stabilize
1st Level: Burning Hands (DC 18), Charm Person (DC 20), Enlarge Person, Ill Omen (DC 20), Ray of Enfeeblement, Shocking Grasp
2nd Level: Flaming Sphere (DC 19), Glitterdust (DC 21) (x2), Hold Person (DC 21), Vomit Swarm, Web
3rd Level: Dispel Magic, Fireball (DC 20) (x2), Heroism^, Stinking Cloud (DC 20)
4th Level: Black Tentacles, Confusion (DC 23), Dimension Door, Wall of Ice
5th Level: Baleful Polymorph (DC 22), Feeblemind (DC 24), Teleport
^means spell is used for the day.



Borric Hawkins, Male Human Fighter


Borric moved up the stairs and lunged at the demon straight in front of him. He banged the spiked head of Giantslayer on the floor in the space in between and was lucky the reverberation did not cause him to drop the weapon.

"Fookin' A!" he exclaimed. "I am pretty much as worthless as teets on a bull."

[sblock=Crunch]Move to M29
Lunge Flail Attack on K29 (1d20+18=19, 1d8+16+2d6=30) - Well, that is just peachy. The only result that would miss the bastard and I roll it. :([/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Borric Hawkins
+4 Perception: +16
AC: 30 (25 w shield, 28(23w/out shield) flat-footed, 13 Touch) Barskin -> 34 now (Lunge & CE)
HP: 116 Current: 112
CMB: +16 CMD: 29 (31 vs. Disarm/ 33 vs. Trip) Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +7 (+10 vs. Fear) +9 Reflex
Conditions in Effect: Ioun Torch (in darkness), Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Step Up, Greater Trip, Power Attack (-3/+6Dmg), Combat Expertise (-3/+3AC), Lunge, Heroism (+2 Att/SVs/Skills), Mind-shielded, Darkvision, Barkskin, Bless

Current Weapon in Hand: Spiked Gauntlet (RH), Shield (LH), Holy Flail (RH)
Chakram: 1/1 MWK & 6/6 Cold Iron remaining
Light Hammers: 2/2 remaining[/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
The balbau in back drops his spear and goes toe to toe with Daylily, in an attempt to distract him. A scratch and bite is not much to slow the barbarian elf down though. This give the knight a chance to duck behind some blockers and cast a spell. The beast squaring off with Shadow is equally as good at scratching the wolf and biting it.

The lone spearman pokes Aradra again, while the big black beast starts slicing the treant. The treeman fairs better than the mermaid, with only three of the seven strikes getting through his defenses. The slices are drawing not sap, but blood.

A fog starts rising from the floor. Orlando starts to get a bit giddy. His giggling starts to infect Aradra and Drev as well.

[sblock=Anaerion, Relic and Sylvain]A DC20 Spellcraft you automatically make. The Knight cast Mind Fog. It saps Will.[/sblock][sblock=Combat Round 5] All Bless +1 attacks, Saves vs. Fear
105-10/130 AC 19+1-2 N29 ~ Daylily ~ H 7, Rage DR 1 glaive-guisarme ~ Will vs. DC18 (1d20+9=22) succeeds
..83/83. AC 22+1 O29 ~ Relic ~ H 7, MA 8r, Fly 596r
..82/82. AC 21 P29 ~ Sylvain ~ DV 1418r, MA 5462r,
108/108.AC 24+1 K31 ~ Orlando ~ H 7, DV 1418r ~ Will vs. DC18 (1d20+7=10) fail
112/116 AC 30+2BS M29 ~ Borric ~ DV 1418r, +2 Heroism 397r, +2 BS 538r ~ Will vs. DC18 (1d20+7+2=24) succeeds
..72/72. AC 17+1 N29 ~ Anaerion ~ H 8, DV 1419r/MA/OFl/1879r/DS/9050r/MC397r, ~
..74/74. AC 18 S29 ~ Elenka ~ DV 1418r,
..65-47/65. AC 25+4+1 M29 ~ Drevezh'Korol ~ H 7, MA 4227r, Gr Magic Fang 4847r, ~ Will vs. DC18 (1d20+6+4+2=13) fails
21+29=50^2/82^62 AC 30 S29 ~ Arianna ~ MA 1861r, GMF 10315r ~
164/164 AC 28 L29 ~ Kalinn ~ Will vs. DC18 (1d20+11=23) succeeds
..80/80. AC 22 Q29 ~ Breninyr ~ CR 7258r/MA 5469r ~
..87-9/116 AC 26+1 M28 ~ Aradra ~DV 1420r, H 7, SI 242r, LS 13862r, Adaption 2r ~ Will vs. DC18 (1d20+7+2=11) fails
104-14/112 AC 28+1 K28 ~ Shadow ~ DV 1418r, H 7, GMF +2 13860r/MA 5463r, ~ Will vs. DC18 (1d20+6=25) succeeds
.,??/??.. AC 15 T29 ~ Kutholiam ~ DV 1418r, ~

??/?? AC 27 ???? ~ invisible creature
32/73 AC 20 K29 ~ CMD 24 Balbau A Will Save vs. DC22 (1d20+5=25) success vs. Retribution, Spear attacks on Archer Aradra (1d20+13=32, 1d20+8=14) 1 hit for damage (1d8+7=9)
73/73 AC 20 J28 ~ CMD 24 Balbau B, Claw/Claw/Bite on Shadow (1d20+13=29, 1d20+13=25, 1d20+13=31) hit miss hit for damage (1d6+5+1d6+5=14)
73/73 AC 20 I29 ~ Balbau C ~ Drop spear, 5' step, Claw/Claw/Bite Daylily (1d20+13=30, 1d20+13=16, 1d20+13=30) 2 hits for damage-DR (1d6+5+1d6+5-2=10)
-4/125 AC 30 L30 unconscious ~ Kalvakus Demon,
???/??? AC ?? I28 ~ Knight, 5' step, cast spell
70/171 AC 27 M31 ~ Tarry Demodand, hovering, Right hand power attacks against Drev (1d20+24=34, 1d20+19=25, 1d20+14=24, 1d20+9=20) Left hand power attacks against Drev (1d20+24=27, 1d20+19=31, 1d20+14=32, 1d20+9=25) Haste power attack against Drev (1d20+24=28), 3 hits for damage (1d8+15+1d8+10+1d8+10=47)
??/?? AC ?? ???? ~
??/?? AC ?? ???? ~

Ceiling: 30 feet
Lighter Cyan shaded circle: Borric's Ioun Torch still providing light, outside of that, candle light providing moderate or dim light. Still there, just got tired of merging maps to do the effect right.
Inside Red shaded circle, Magic Circle vs. Evil 10' around Anaerion still there. Tired of merging effects.
Deep Blue Shaded: Grease
Magenta Triangle state: Flying
Green Triangle state: Haste
Red Diamond state: Grappled
Blue Circle state: Prone
Purple Dot: Blind[/sblock][sblock=Map]

Voidrunner's Codex

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