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D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver


Queen of Everything
Selari gazes at Anewyr for a moment, embarrassed herself. She looks like she will speak but instead heads to the front of the group. She waits a moment for everyone to be ready then heads quietly towards the bridge.

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Prophet walks to the sleeping goblin and kicks it in the head. "Wake up ye durned smelly rat!" He grabs it by the ear and drags it to the feet of whoever can translate. "Ye find out if this thing knows where me kin is." He holds his hammer menacingly toward the goblin, still dripping with gore from the bugbear and its wolf companion.


The lone goblin is a bit too groggy to be of much use, at least for the moment.

Across the bridge, the group finds one final chamber, apparently the living den of the main goblin group. It is now vacant, save for a sole occupant.

This large cave is divided in half by a ten-foot-high escarpment. A steep natural staircase leads from the lower portion to the upper ledge. The air is hazy with the smoke of a cooking fire, and pungent from the smell of poorly cured hides and unwashed goblins.

Securely bound on the southern ledge lies a man, Sildar Hallwinter, traveling companion and friend of Gundren Rockseeker. The nearly 50 year old man is beaten and bloody, but alive.


"There's one of 'em!" Prophet yells. He b-lines for Sildar without hesitation, casually stomping on the goblin's ribs on the way.

OOC: Assuming he makes it without triggering some trap that sends him to a fiery death, Prophet will try to untie Sildar when he reaches him.

Lord Sessadore

Aenwyr enters the cave as well, but is sure to stay back near the entrance and let his hardier companions take the lead this time. After glancing at Sildar long enough to tell he is alive, the elf scans the room for any remaining threats, or places a captive dwarf might be hidden.

"Sildar, you are alive. Are you injured? Do you know where Gundren is?"


First Post
OOC: So sorry for not being around. I've been sick for the last week or two and just haven't gotten onto the computer as much at home. That plus our internet access at work has been restricted, so I can't post from there anymore.

Garuk follows the others and is overjoyed to see Sildar alive, but starts searching the room for any sign of Gundren. "Yes Grandfather, I'm looking around, aren't I? Maybe Sildar knows where Gundren is. Give him a moment to come to his senses."


First Post
Mina follows the rest of the group at a wary pace. They had had a few too many surprises in here, and she didn't want any more goblins (or any of their terrible pets or allies) to get too close to her...

Voidrunner's Codex

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