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D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver - CG

Charwoman Gene

The mouthy ruffian replies, "Sure, boss, I can take them to the manor. They don't quite look like our usual recruits though." He starts walking to the east toward a ruined old manor house.

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"You, come with me," Jax said, pointing to another of the Redbrands. "I've got a special job for you."

If the Redbrand follows, Jax will lead him out of sight while his companions follow the other one. Once out of sight, he turns to the second Redbrand.

"I need someone to deliver a message to the Mayor. I just want you to tell him I am pleased. That is all. He should know what I'm talking about. If he doesn't, give no more information. Then you may take the rest of the day to yourself."

Should this second Redbrand do as Jax says, one he leaves, Jax uses his Mask of Many Faces to assume the second Redbrand's form, then catches up to his companions, being led by the first.

"Boss wants me to do somethin' for him," he said simply, seeming slightly annoyed at having to work on his day off.

At the first opportunity, he will turn to the others, grin, and wink. Hopefully that will be enough to let them know what's going on.

OOC: I assume I need at least one more Performance roll, for the second guy?
Performance: [roll0] adv if I can get it :D. [roll1]

Deception cause I'm proficient: [roll2] adv if I can get it :D. [roll3]

Not sure if any of that is necessary, but you can decide if adv is pertinent or if any of these rolls were necessary.

Sent from my iPad using EN World

Charwoman Gene

OOC: I'd say that performance and deception check are necessary to replace the Red Brand and let your party members know without tipping off the other Redbrands. Good move.
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41st lv DM
Apologies to you all for not getting to post since getting back from vacation there in mid Aug.

The crap at work I came home to is getting crappier & will remain so for the forseable future.
So I've got to officially bow out of this game.

It' was fun while it lasted though.
Story-wise? Maybe Roy fell victim to a previous editions Summon Monster x spell or something....


Evelyn follows after the bandits, not quite sure what plan Jax has in mind until the extra ruffian returns and gives her a certain look. Piecing things together in her mind, she decides to make the best of it. Slouching a little as if relaxing once the boss is out of sight, she turns to the mouthy guy. "Ye gods, what a hardass! Is he always like that? Like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed with that stick of his crammed up his... nevermind."

Charwoman Gene

GM: Roy never made it to the inn, he had an errand to run, and never came back.

"Ah, he's not so bad usually. Must have got some bad news from the Black Spider or something. Only thing I can think of that he would get all bothered about." You are being led up a small hill to a ruined and abandoned manor house. There is a clear trail, showing that many people have come by this way.


“I’ve had worse,” Salazar said almost vacantly as he followed the others. Normally he wasn’t one for using deception, much better to kick in the door and let the better prepared fighters win, but he also seldomed worked in a group.

I will need a group to defeat that foul dragon, he reminded himself, so I must earn this groups trust before I ask them to risk their lives for Thundertree.

Charwoman Gene

The path leads to a stone staircase just off the empty ruin of a large kitchen.
At the bottom of the stairs stands an unlocked door with a cellar beyond.

The door opens onto a five-foot-wide landing fifteen feet above a large cellar,
with stone steps descending to the floor in two short flights. Another door stands
beneath the stairs to the north. A large stone cistern occupies the western part
of the room, whose walls are lined with kegs and barrels. A second door is in the
northern part of the west wall.

"Okay, so here is our little base. Most of us have lodgings in town so you might want
to figure something out. Through that door is the barracks, such as it is. Really, unless you really need to lay low, stay in town, we don't really have proper beds.
Boss wants me to show you around but you're gonna need your own cloaks first.
I'll be right back. Jorim, come with me." He turns to the door and on of the other ruffians moves in that direction.


Evelyn peers around the cellar as they are led deeper and deeper into the den. She nods along at the running commentary, instead counting doors and exits as she grows increasingly uneasy. As the Jorim and the other man move to leave, she glances at Jax and her companions, unsure if they should stick with the plan.
OOC: How many redcloaks does that leave us with? The fake one that's Jax, and any others?

Charwoman Gene

OOC: 1 Redbrand, one Jaxbrand. Just FYI, they didn't lead you deep into the den, they left you in the entrance room.


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