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Looking for ideas on Nature type skill challenges


I have a scenario that's pretty basic. The PCs are teleported into a hidden valley. The McGuffin they seek is in a tomb at the bottom of the valley.

As half the fun is getting there, I wanted to throw a few obstacles in their path. There'll be some combat for sure, but I was thinking of doing some sort of Skill Challenge as well. My basic problem is, I can't think of a failure scenario that doesn't simply result in more combat.

I had considered a race against the sun, ie if they don't make it there before dark then something bad or disadvantageous will happen. But I find that a "once the sun goes down, the really NASTY monsters come out" scanario a little less than satisfying.

The only other scenario I can think of is a skill challenge to actually find the tomb....but then I don't want them to not find it.

Anyone got any bright ideas for non combat challenges in a natural environment that they can't simply just go around?

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You might be able to customize the Lost in the Wilderness skill challenge on page 79 of the DMG. It's pretty basic, but should give you a decent template to start with.


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i would propose an overaching 'navigate the valley' challenge that is punctuated by semi-optional combat encounters, and is made dangerous by being hunted.
as you said you dont like the race against the sun scenario, how about making a (green) dragon hunt them? make it clear that falling prey to it where it wants them would be quite possibly deadly, but leading it into a makeshift trap or escaping would be a good idea. if they know the dragon is closing in every moment they delay, they might not look at the monsters they come across as a combat encounter (though for sure they might want to fight them, or you might want to change up the tension by throwing them into combat) but as an obstacle to skillfully pass or use as a diversion.
total success would mean escaping (or fighting the dragon on their own terms, depends on what they were going for), total failure would mean getting pounced upon while totally unaware, maybe while trying to open the door to the tomb.


First Post
The only other scenario I can think of is a skill challenge to actually find the tomb....but then I don't want them to not find it.
Failure to find the tomb doesn't have to be permanent, i.e. they instead find the tomb later than they should have. The most basic and unsatisfying is to just say "You fail the skill challenge and take a few extra hours to find the tomb." This can be spruced up a little consequence-wise by saying the extra effort costs them all a healing surge or two and refuse to allow them to take an extended rest to regain it back. A more interesting consequence is one that somehow puts the tomb or the McGuffin temporarily beyond their reach: another adventuring party gets there first and now they need to track down and defeat these rivals, or the tomb disappears into the Fey Wild for the night and now they have to hold back a horde of undead until the tomb returns at dawn. Remember, succeeding at the skill challenge means they've bypassed the other challenges, and should therefore be awarded XP for those challenges as well. After all, it wouldn't do to have success be rewarded with a punishment.


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You could always make the entrance to the McGuffin the success/failure.

Get there early (1 or fewer fails), it's open and all is well!

A wee bit late (several failures, but not total failure) and it's closing when they get there, they have to throw caution to the wind and dive through the entry as it's closing. Maybe they face whatever is closing the doors as they get inside.

Way, way too late (overall failure)? It's closed when they get there and they have to camp out until morning. Facing hostile creatures roaming the area, their sleep is constantly interrupted and there are one or two medium/hard encounters in the night (i.e., loss of surges). You can play through the combats or they can just give up some surges. Depends on you, your game and your group. If their mission is time sensitive they are also starting off behind the 8 ball.

Just my 2cp, YMMV.


First Post
Don't allow Extended Rests while in the valley. Then create a survival skill challenge that eats healing surges.

That oughta keep 'em on their toes!


Don't allow Extended Rests while in the valley. Then create a survival skill challenge that eats healing surges.

That oughta keep 'em on their toes!

Or just annoy them. It's pretty hard to find a reason to disallow extended rests without seeming like dm fiat at the best of times. During wilderness adventuring? Reaaaaaly stretching it.


If the PCs were hired to retrieve the MacGuffin, you could have a bonus based on how quickly they retrieve it. The cash bonus could be determined primarily by the skill challenge.


Be sure they are aware that there is something to be lost or gained based on the challenge. You don't have to break the immersion in the story and say "Ok, here's a skill challenge..."

Depending on what's at stake, have an NPC or some other plot device clearly indicate the need to push themselves or take risks.

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