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Looking for an adventure involving the Resurection of a God


In a Greyhawk game I'm running, Heironeous was slain in an epic conflict with an avatar of Tharizdun. Anyway, I regret this happening as Heironeous is such an iconic god to the setting. So... I'd like to bring him back from the dead!

So I was wondering if there are any published adventures out there that involve resurrecting a good power.

There's "Dead Gods" (Planescape 2e), but that involves thwarting the resurrection of an evil power.

Failing to find any resources, I've ordered the Scarred Lands Dead God novel trilogy. I've got no ideal if these books will help me but I'll read them anyway. There's something in there about resurrecting a dead god.

I've also got Monte Cook's "Requiem for a God" and there's a couple of 1 paragraph adventure ideas in there but I was hoping for something a bit more fleshed out due to limited prep time.

Anyway, hope someone can help.

Thanks in advance

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Well, its not a good god, but Monte's Demon God's Fane. Its high level and it involves time travel. It will require rework, obviously, but it might be a good idea generator.


First Post
Are there multiple realities in your world?
Perhaps there's a way to go to, I don't know, [insert your planet name here]-57 and borrow their Heironeous? They don't need him anymore, cause everyone on that planet was eaten by the Tarrasque?


Dragon's 4e adventure path, "Scales of War," might be worth a read. During the epic tier, Bahamut is killed by Tiamat but later resurrected by the party. He left a shard of his being within one of his trusted followers and I believe she has to bring that shard to some sort of cosmic birthing ground to renew him.

Psychotic Jim

First Post
Not really an adventure, but you could look up Egyptian mythology to get a few ideas. Isis brought Osiris back to life by finding all of the pieces of his torn up body and bringing him back as the Lord of the Dead.

Edit: In planescape, there is the bit about the Signers wanting to "imagine" Aoskar (the dead god of portals) back into existence. The splinter group "The Will of the One" is one such group, detailed in the 2e Planescape NPC book Uncaged: Faces of Sigil, though there is no adventure about resurrecting Aoskar himself.

OTOH, there is an adventure where the Signers are trying to revive another nameless deity, in Sigil no less. SPOILERS This would be the "Into the Light" part of Dead Gods. The deity, for the most part, seems to be good, though ancient and thus prolly wouldn't fit your timeline with Heroineous' recent death. The adventure involves ultimately being drawn into the dead god's memories and relieving them. Note that the god's fate at the end of this adventure is unknown, as its remains are drawn back to the Astral Plane. Might give you a few ideas, at least.
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Victoria Rules
If you can swing it that Heironeus was captured instead of outright killed, you might want to give the 2e module "For Duty and Deity" a look; it's about rescuing a captured deity. It's pretty easy to tweak within itself to suit almost any level of PCs other than very low; but you'll have to do some serious system conversion if you're running 3e or 4e.

Lan="yes, there was one half-decent 2e module"-efan


Thanks, folks. The Scales of War adventure path sounds interesting. That plot might just work. I'll track that one down and have a read of it. I'm running 3E but will be happy to just get ideas from it.

(I've ran For Duty & Deity. I ran it pretty much as is. Grazz'zt out-smarted the player's, however, and they fled back to the Infinite Staircase thinking they had Waulkeen but it was really a succubus in disguise! I ran a follow-up adventure, however, and they were successful the second time round.)


I read the adventure "Those Once Loyal" (part 17 of the Scales of War adventure path) and it looks suitable for my purposes. Thanks for putting me onto it, ppaladin123 :)
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