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Living Supers Character Submission


First Post

NOTE: Zenji is RETIRED. Any GMs who wish to do so are welcome to use him as an NPC. He has earned 10 PP from missions, which have been unspent. They are currently being held in reserve until I make my next PL 10 character.

I emailed this already... For a better-formatted version, go to http://docs.google.com/View?docid=ddt5nptm_25gq8j4d


The Arcane Antiquarian
Power level 10

Stats (16 pp)
Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 10 (+0)
Int: 20 (+5)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 10 (+0)

Saves (20 pp)
Toughness: +10 = 0 (Ability) + 10 (Power)
Fortitude: +4 = 0 (Ability) + 4 (Base)
Reflex: +10 = 2 (Ability) + 8 (Base)
Will: +9 = 1 (Ability) + 8 (Base) (+15 vs. mental affects; capped by PL limits)

Combat (40 pp)
Attack: = +10 (Base)
Defense: = +10 (Base)

Skills (15 pp)
Acrobatics: 6 = 2 (Ability) + 4 (Ranks)
Computers: 13 = 5 (Ability) + 8 (Ranks)
Diplomacy: 4 = 0 (Ability) + 4 (Ranks)
Investigate: 13 = 5 (Ability) + 8 (Ranks)
Knowledge (Arcane Lore): 17 = 5 (Ability) + 12 (Ranks)
Knowledge (History): 13 = 5 (Ability) + 8 (Ranks)
Notice: 5 = 1 (Ability) + 4 (Ranks)
Search: 13 = 5 (Ability) + 8 (Ranks)
Stealth: 6 = 2 (Ability) + 4 (Ranks)

Powers (59 pp)
Reklaw's Chain [Device 2] (8 pp)
*Hard to lose
*Protection 10 (10 pp)

Blade of Tanus [Device 4] (12 pp)
*Easy to lose
*Strike 10 (lethal) (20 pp)
**Extra: Penetrating

The Galdron Stave [Device 5] (15 pp)
*Easy to lose
*Blast 10 (nonlethal) (23 pp)
**Alternate Power: Dazzle (Sight) 10
**Alternate Power: Telekinesis 10
**Alternate Power: Nullify (All Magic) 10

Carowyn's Cowl [Device 6] (24 pp)
*Hard to lose
*Mind shield 10 (10 pp)
*Sensory Shield 10 (20 pp)
**All senses

Note: All devices are magic


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First Post
Character submission: Spitfire (PL 8)

First post- Hello all! I hope that I'm doing this right.
Now on to the submission proposal- I'll be e-mailing it to the proper people next.

CODENAME: Spitfire
Concept/Archetype: Energy blaster (plasma/fire)
Power Level: 8
Power Points: 120
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 1

ABILITIES [sblock]
STR 8 -1 (-2 PP)
DEX 10 +0 (0 PP)
CON 22 +6 (12 PP)
INT 10 +0 (0 PP)
WIS 12 +1 (2 PP)
CHA 12 +1 (2 PP)[/sblock]

TOUGH +10 (+6 Con +4 Force Field) (+4 Impervious)
FORT +8 (2 Base +6 Con) (2 PP)
REF +4 (4 Base +0 DEX) (4 PP)
WILL +3 (2 Base +1 WIS) (2 PP)[/sblock]

BASE DEF +4 (8 PP)
DEF 16 (10 +6 Base +2 Feat: Dodge focus 2)
BASE ATT +3 (6 PP)[/sblock]

Melee Attack +3 (DC 19 SAVE, CRIT 20, Strike 4 Aura- plasma aura)
Ranged Attack +6 (DC 25 SAVE, CRIT 20, RANGE 1000 (100 x10), Blast 10 Penetrating- Plasma bolt)[/sblock]

SKILLS 40 SP (10 PP)[sblock]
Acrobatics +1 (1 rank +0 DEX)
Bluff +3/+7 (2 ranks +1 CHA +4 Attractive x1)
Concentration +6 (5 ranks +1 WIS)
Diplomacy +4/+8 (3 ranks +1 CHA +4 Attractive x1)
Gather information +2 (1 rank +1 CHA)
Knowledge- Arcane lore +3 (3 ranks +0 INT)
Knowledge- Arts and music +3 (3 ranks +0 INT)
Knowledge- Current events +3 (3 ranks +0 INT)
Knowledge- Theology and philosophy +3 (3 ranks +0 INT)
Languages 3 (3 ranks, no modifiers, see list below)
Notice +4 (3 ranks +1 WIS)
Perform- Oratory +3 (2 ranks +1 CHA)
Profession- flight attendant +3 (2 ranks +1 WIS)
Search +3 (3 ranks +0 INT)
Sense motive +4 (3 ranks +1 WIS)

English (native language, free)

Basic 30/60/120
LEAP 10/5/2 feet
Flight 1 ranks (+Boost) 10 MPH: 100/200/400 feet per round[/sblock]

FEATS (9 PP)[sblock]
Attack focus- ranged x3 (3 pp)
Attractive x1 (1 pp)
Dodge focus x2 (2 pp)
Evasion x1 (1 pp)
Power attack (1 pp)
Precise shot (1 pp)[/sblock]

Immunities 12 [mutation](1 pp/rank x12= 12 pp); Life support, sleep, starvation/thirst, own powers)

Super-senses 1 [mutation](1 pp/rank x1= 1pp); Infravision

PLASMA AURA [mutation; plasma/flame](20 pp total); Linked, with Sustained duration; Force Field 4 (Impervious) (8 pp) AND Strike 3 (Aura, Duration- Sustained) 1+1+2= 4 pp/rank x3= 12 pp)

Plasma-powered flight: Flight 1 (2 pp) +Boost

Device 7: Plasma projection gauntlet [35 DP] (Hard to lose, limited use- personal; 4 PP/Rank x7= 28 +2 PP = 30 PP)

Device Power array (Plasma projection):
Primary power: Blast 10 Penetrating [mutation/technology, plasma/flame](2+1= 3 DP/Rank 10= 30 DP)
+1 DP: Alternate power- Disintegrate 7 (4 dp/rank x7= 28 dp)
+1 DP: Alternate power- Snare 9 (Feat- reversible, extra- regenerating)(2+1= 3 dp/rank x9= 27 +1= 28 dp)
+1 DP: Alternate power- Blast 6 (extras- Penetrating, Area: burst, selective attack; 30 foot radius)(2+1+1+1= 5 dp/rank x6= 30 dp)
+1 DP: Alternate power- Boost 10 (Boosts Flight and Strike: Aura simultaneously; feats: slow fade x1, reversible; flaw- personal only)(3-1= 2 dp/rank x10= 20+2 feats= 22 dp)
+1 DP: Alternate power- Linked Dazzle 5 (sight, extra- Area: Explosion) AND Blast 5 (extra- Area: Explosion)(2+1= 3 dp/rank for Dazzle x5= 15 dp AND 2+1= 3dp/rank for Blast x5= 15 dp; 15 +15= 30 dp)

Resolutes uniform (0 ep)
Task force commlink (0 ep)[/sblock]

Abilities [14 pp]
Combat [14 pp]
Saves [8 pp]
Skills [10 pp]
Feats [9 pp]
Powers [65 pp]
Drawbacks [0]
Total [120]
Unspent [0]

Real Name: Radha Singh
Gender: female
Age: 24
Size: medium
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: black
Eyes: brown
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Indian
Tradeoffs: +2 Damage and Toughness (max. +10); -2 Attack and Defense (max. +6)

Radha Singh is just a bit taller than average, and thanks to her unusual metabolism she has the toned and slender build of a dancer- even if she rarely gets any actual exercise. Her skin has a reddish-gold tone, which clearly displays her Indian heritage, and her features have a pleasantly exotic cast. Her hair is a glossy black, worn in a single thick braid that reaches almost to her waist.
On her own time, she tends to wear stylish, moderately fancy clothing, preferring the colorful and ornate Indian garb to more traditional Western clothes. Her Resolutes uniform is two-toned as required, with gold trim over a dark red background (instead of the usual green and gold). A heavy gauntlet of gold-colored metal and electronics covers her left hand and forearm- this helps her direct and channel her plasma energy.[/sblock]

Radha Singh and her family were part of a thriving Indian community in the western suburbs of London. Her family and many of her neighbors maintained a fairly close-knit, isolationist community, a tiny island of India in England. Radha, however, always had a more adventurous, inquisitive streak- she was interested in the cultures, languages, and stories of other lands and people, from the mundanity of the London suburbs to the wildest and most exotic foreign locales. Luckily for her, a number of her relatives worked in and around Heathrow, and through a bit of social networking, Radha managed to get a job with British Airways. She began as a counter attendant, but quickly worked her way into the role of flight attendant. Naturally poised and charismatic, she found herself assigned to the first class cabin on any number of British Airways flights to exotic destinations all around the world. For several years, she was quite happy with this lifestyle, despite her parents’ constant nagging disapproval.
All of this, both good and bad, came to an end late in 2005. Kashmiri separatist militants managed to hire a metahuman mercenary, the powerful telekinetic known as Typhoon. As a symbolic act, Typhoon attacked a number of airliners headed into or out of Indian airspace over the course of a three-week period, striking at random to maximize the fear and chaos of his actions. Several planes crashed, and a number of others were damaged but managed to land at least somewhat safely. The plane that Radha was on was the last one that typhoon targeted- for a number of reasons. In the sky 35,000 over northern India, the British Airways 747 was all-but torn apart by a gale of telekinetic force. 350 people were killed- one survived. That one was Radha Singh, saved from certain death when her metahuman powers were triggered by the catastrophic stress of the situation. As sometimes happens with metahumans, the first surge of her powers was quite impressive- enough to badly injure Typhoon, and to cause a pyrotechnic display visible for miles. Afterwards Radha was exhausted, and only the timely arrival of other metahumans allowed her to be brought to a hospital in time to arrange medical care.
Radha spent quite some time in isolation after that, in the care of the British government. They wanted to examine her thoroughly, and then they had to decide what ought to be done with her. She wasn’t precisely military material, despite the potential tactical value of her powers. And while the British Isles were not exactly overflowing with metahumans, the government wasn’t quite sure they wanted to back a “superheroine” who had quite so much potential for property damage… After a few months, though, another opportunity presented itself- The UN inquired about Radha, having observed her appearance over India. With the new superhuman task force finally getting into the field operations stage, there was a constant need for new operatives- and Great Britain had not contributed very much thus far. After a bit of diplomatic wrangling Radha was packed off to the USA to begin her training, under her new codename Spitfire. One additional benefit of the arrangement was access to the sort of technology that only the UN could provide- in her case, a portable electromagnetic field projector which allowed her to harness and focus her plasma energies with significant increase in range and scope. Despite her relative inexperience, she was assigned to the field team rather quickly.[/sblock]

Power notes: [sblock]Spitfire is basically a living nuclear plasma reactor, rather like the sun. The energies that she generates sustain her body more efficiently than normal nourishment, and she can generate her plasma aura with almost no effort or conscious thought. She is far less practiced at projecting her energies at range- at this point she can only do so with technological assistance, and while she is learning quickly, she has not yet mastered the intricacies of that form of usage (this is why she has a Blast-based array instead of the more advanced Plasma Control power).
Note 2: While her powers are mutation-based (triggered by the so-called “Comet effect”), Radha believes that she is divinely blessed by one or more of the deities of the Hindu pantheon (possibly Durga or Shiva). She doesn’t talk about the matter really; it is more a detail of her personal attitude and approach to things.[/sblock]
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Hand of Vecna

First Post
Herr Doktor Viktor Archeville

Concept/Archetype: Gadgeteer/Super-Scientist
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150
Experience Points: 10
Hero Points: 2

[sblock=Learning About Doktor Archeville]
The following is information characters might learn about Doktor Archeville:
Gather Information
DC 10: Viktor Archeville, "genius of science," is a metahuman native of Germany possessing a nigh-unfathomable intelligence. He fits most of the stereotypes of the "Mad Scientist," though he's uncharacteristically handsome.
DC 15: He's a member of The Resolutes, the UN-affiliated team of metahumans.
DC 20: Before joining the Resolutes, Archeville worked as a solo hero for a few years in and around Germany, making him something of a minor celebrity in parts of Europe.
DC 25: Archeville also possesses a degree of infamy. Rumors persist of some manner of inherited neurological disorder, or possibly even a series of disorders, that has plagued most of his family for generations. Perhaps the "Mad Scientist" thing isn't just an act....

Knowledge (Technology)
DC 10: Dr. Archeville is one of the top poly-scientists on the planet, working in almost all fields with uniform -- and superhuman -- ease. He's equally good with both theoretical and practical applications.
DC 15: Archeville has created numerous hyper-tech inventions, both in "proper" laboratory settings and in the field from found/scavenged items.
DC 20: Archeville wears an ultra-tech belt that allows him to manipulate gravity for various effects, primarily to fly and to generate a protective force field.
DC 25: He also frequently carries some sort of pistol or wand-like device that projects beams of energy, though what the energies are -- and what the effects of those beams are -- seems to vary from encounter to encounter[/sblock]

STR 10/+0 (0 PP)
DEX 13/+1 (3 PP)
CON 10/+0 (0 PP)
INT 30 (20) / +10 (+5) (10 PP)
WIS 20/+5 (10 PP)
CHA 10/+0 (0 PP)

TOUGH +12 [Imp 10] (Force Field + Labcoat; 0 Con +12 Power) / +9 [Imp 4] (Invisible Force Field + Labcoat) / +4 [Imp 4] (Labcoat)
FORT +4 (4 Base +0 Con) (4 PP)
REF +6 (5 Base +1 Dex) (5 PP)
WILL +8 (3 Base +6 Wis) (3 PP)

BASE DEF +8 (16 PP)
DEF 18 (10 + 8 Base + 0 Feat + 0 Power)
KNOCKBACK -11 [-4 without Force Field], additional -10 with Sustained Immovable 10
BASE ATT +8 (16 PP)

Melee: Attack +8 (DC 15, SAVE Toughness/Nonlethal, CRIT 20, TYPE Bludgeoning [unarmed] or by Invention)
Ranged: Attack +8 (by Invention)

SKILLS (88 SP [22 PP])
Computers +18 (8 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Craft (chemical) +18 (8 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Craft (electronics) +18 (8 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Craft (mechanical) +18 (8 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Disable Device +18 (8 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Investigate +14 (4 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Knowledge (behavioral sciences) +14 (4 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Knowledge (earth sciences) +15 (5 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Knowledge (life sciences) +16 (6 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Knowledge (physical sciences) +16 (6 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Knowledge (technology) +20 (10 Ranks, +10 Int [+5 Innate Int, +5 Enhanced Int])
Medicine +9 (4 Ranks, +5 Wis)
Notice +10 (5 Ranks, +5 Wis)
Sense Motive +9 (4 Ranks, +5 Wis)

LANGUAGES (8 Ranks / 2 PP)
Mandarin Chinese
(German is native)

SPEED 30 ft./60 ft./120 ft.
LEAP 10 ft./5 ft./2 ft.
OTHER (Gravimetric Belt/Flight 4): 50 ft./100 ft./200 ft.; MPH: 100

Attractive -- +4 to Bluff and Diplomacy checks vs. those who find him attractive.
Eidetic Memory -- +4 bonus to checks to remember things, make any Knowledge skill check untrained.
Equipment 2 (10 ep on Personal Laboratory)
Improvised Tools -- Ignore -4 penalty for using skills without proper tools.
Inventor -- Can use Knowledge (technology) and Craft skills to create inventions and temporary devices.
Jack-of-All-Trades -- Can use any skill untrained.
Luck -- Have an extra Hero Point.
Master Plan -- Prepare for encounters.
Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft [electronic], Craft [mechanical], Disable Device) -- Can take 10 even when distracted or under pressure.


Enhanced Intelligence 10 [mutation] (1 PP/Rank + 3 PP = 13 PP)
EX: Linked Super-Senses 3 (Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense)

Immunity 1 [mutation] (1 PP/Rank = 1 PP)
FR: Immunity (need for sleep)

Quickness 6 [mutation] (0.5 PP/Rank = 3 PP)
FR: Perform tasks 100 times faster than normal
FL: Limited - mental tasks only (-1)

Gadgets 1 (Elektromagnetischer Schraubenzieher/Electromagnetic Screwdriver; technological/electromagnetic; 5 DP, easy to lose) (6 PP/Rank = 6 PP)
FR: Standard action to rearrange/reassign 5 "device points," which last until reassigned.

Device 7 (Gravimetric Belt; technological/gravitic; 35 DP, hard to lose) (4 PP/Rank = 28 PP)
Device Power: Flight 4 [100 mph; gravity manipulation] (2 DP/Rank + 4 DP = 12 DP)
Device PF: 2 Alternate Powers, Instant Up, Move-By Action
Alternate Power #1: Immovability 10 (Sustained Duration)
Alternate Power #2: Teleport 3 (300 ft.; Power Feats: Change Direction, Change Velocity, Instant Up, Turnabout)
Device Power: Force Field 8 [gravity manipulation] (1 DP/Rank + 2 DP + 13PP = 23 DP)
Device PF: 1 Alternate Power, Selective
Device EX: Impervious on 6 ranks, Linked Sustained Immunity 7 (cold, heat, high pressure, radiation, suffocation effects, vacuum)
Alternate Power #1: Force Field 5 (Extras: Linked Concealment 6 [all radio and all visual; Power Feat: Close Range; Flaw: Blending], Linked Sustained Immunity 7 [cold, heat, high pressure, radiation, suffocation effects, vacuum]; Power Feats: Selective, Subtle 2)

Device 2 (Lab Coat; technological/chemical; 10 DP, hard to lose) (4 PP/Rank = 8 PP)
Device Power: Immunity 1 [super-science fibers] (1 DP/Rank = 1 DP)
Device FR: Immunity to cold (environmental cold)
Device Power: Protection 4 [super-science fibers] (2 DP/Rank + 1 DP = 9 DP)
Device PF: Subtle (DC 20 Notice check to see that it's anything but a normal full-length lab coat)
Device EX: Impervious

Personal Laboratory: Size: Small (house size); Toughness 15; Features: Communications, Concealed (attached to/within Resolute HQ), Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power (Gadgets 3 [hard to lose; Flaw: Action/Full Round to reconfigure]), Security System, Workshop. Cost 2+8 = 10ep.
Note: The Gadgets power represent assorted devices strewn about the laboratory, which only operate within the confines of the HQ. It takes a full round (at least) for Archeville to find a particular device.
Resolutes Team Communicator (2 mile range)

Abilities [23pp]
Combat [32pp]
Saves [12pp]
Skills [24pp]
Feats [10pp]
Powers [59pp]
Drawbacks [0pp]
Total [160pp]
Unspent [0pp][/sblock]

Real Name: Viktor Archeville
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Size: Medium
Height: 5’10” (1.78 meters)
Weight: 180 pounds (81.65 kg)
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eyes: Rhine Blue
Nationality: German
Ethnicity: German
Tradeoffs: -2 Attack for +2 Save DC. -2 Defense for +2 Toughness.
Complications: Enemies (assorted supervillains from Germany and neighboring countries), Fame/Infamy (in Germany), Prejudice (against magic, mages, and other "superstitious fools"), Public Identity, Scientific Curiosity.
Quote: “Let’s see you laugh at mein theories vhile you rot in jail, schweinhund!”

[sblock=Description]Archeville’s strong Aryan features would’ve made him a prize nab for the Nazi Party, had he been born forty years earlier. His alabaster skin, thin and imperial nose and lips, and cheeks cut of marble make for a regal face. His eyes are Rhine-blue & carry the wolf’s glare, and his hair is silky and golden, falling down past his shoulders. Archeville usually wears sturdy black rubber-soled boots, black or dark blue khaki pants, a short-sleeved shirt (usually solid red, blue, green, or purple), and his white lab coat; when in the field or on a mission, he wears the blue two-tone uniform and his lab coat. Since he is trying to release his madness in controlled bursts, specifically so it won’t overtake him, Archeville does look after his appearance, wearing clean clothes and keeping his hair neat and tidy. He stands 5’10” (1.78 meters) and weighs 180 pounds (81.65 kg).[/sblock]

[sblock=History]Viktor Archeville was born in the summer of 1977 in Schönwald, a small town in the majestic Black Forest of Germany [which is in the southwestern portion of what was known as West Germany]. Cynthia, his lovely mother and a skilled psychologist, died in childbirth, leaving her husband Heinrich to raise him alone. Heinrich was trying to break away from the family trade of making fine cuckoo clocks and enter the burgeoning computer programming field, and so had little time for little Viktor. Fortunately for Heinrich, Viktor proved more than able to take care of himself, as he was walking before he was a year old, and speaking coherent sentences by age two.

It has been said that the Archeville family was cursed with madness. Some say it was from a hex laid on one of the line’s ancestors generations ago due to some slight, either real or perceived. Some say it was from working with cuckoo clocks, or that they all worked on cuckoo clocks because they were mad. It was not a trait that showed up in all members of the Archeville line, and Heinrich seems to be spared (though Heinrich’s father, Helmut Archeville, was known to have been a collaborator on numerous Nazi top secret weapons projects, and was very much the stereotypical Mad Scientist). Heinrich had hoped that by distancing himself and young Viktor away from their families ties, he could lessen the chances of Viktor going mad. Heinrich was initially quite worried for his son’s sanity – he knew that great intelligence often came with great ego, and with great ego often comes madness. Heinrich tried to juggle monitoring young Viktor with trying to break into the computer programming field, but doing so did nothing but cause him to develop manic/depressive syndrome and low-grade paranoid schizophrenia.

Viktor seemed hardly to notice his father’s deterioration, or if he did he chose not to point it out. He made a few friends here and there, but none of his friendships lasted terribly long due to the rumors of his family’s affliction and his grandfather’s past affiliations). His intellect and skill continued to grow as time passed… as did his father’s madness. On Viktor’s 13th birthday, Heinrich Archeville was admitted to an insane asylum, leaving Viktor to be taken in by Child Services and await adoption.

Unfortunately, adoptions are tricky at best, and near impossible if the child is in his teens, so for several years, Viktor was effectively a ward of the state. He would visit his father occasionally, but each visit grew more and more awkward.

When he was 16, Viktor enrolled in the Technische Universität München, the Technical University of Munich, as the University was celebrating it’s 125th anniversary. While there, the barest signs of his familial madness began to make themselves apparent. He’d find himself laughing maniacally at times, or he would become annoyed almost to the point of enragement by incompetent people. He was relieved to find that by keeping his conscious mind focused on his studies, he could suppress his outbursts and in fact use that mental energy to make impressive leaps in logic or near-revolutionary breakthrough. He earned a Doctorate in Mathematics and Meisters (Masters) degrees in both chemistry and physics by the age of 22 (Spring 1999). He could easily have done more, but he didn’t want to seem too intellectually flashy.

Now Archeville faced a conundrum. He had numerous offers from a number of technological firms, both in Germany and in other countries, but no one seemed right for him. He was sure that if he didn’t find some constructive way to use his intellectual skills, he would likely end up in the asylum (like his father) – as time (and The Comet) passed, he felt his intellect continue to grow by leaps and bounds, and he feared his familial madness would grow with it. For many months he busied himself with being a wandering tinkerer, helping people in need of his electrical and mechanic skills, or setting up a small repair shoppe in a quiet corner of a small German town for a few months before moving on to another quaint town, and for a time he felt truly happy in helping others. As months turned into years, though, and his intellect continued to expand further and further, he began hearing reports of people all over the world with enhanced abilities, and he knew he must be one of them. At first this made Archeville excited, for it meant he finally had an answer to why his mind seemed to continue expanding with no end in sight, an explanation that wasn’t necessarily tied to his bloodline’s “condition.” This excitement soon turned to dread, though, as he realized that, were his madness to overtake him, and if it did so with as much fury and vigor as that shown by his superhuman intellect, then he could easily become a megalomaniacal supervillain, the kind seen (until now) only in comic books, who hijack television broadcasts and make grandiose threats to the world. He had heard vague rumors of superhero groups beginning to form in various countries, and the idea of working as a superhero intrigued him. By using his skills to combat evil and injustice – a never-ending battle – he’d be sure to never be idle and thus not allow the madness to overtake him. He worked for a while as a crime fighter in Germany, using teleportation devices to get nearly anywhere he needed. Sometimes he’d go into a situation with nothing more than his armored labcoat, trusting in his inherent genius to be able to turn whatever items he found at the scene of the crime into some gadget that could be used to stop the villains. In between “jobs,” he sold some of his theoretical notes and designs to various tech firms, and wisely invested the money to form a sizeable nest egg.

Apparently, the German government – or someone in a position of influence – was impressed by Archeville’s works, and recommended him for membership in the Resolutes. When he was approached, he jumped at the chance.[/sblock]

[sblock=Personality & Motivation]Archeville is trying to redeem his family name and keep himself busy with important, useful work. As long as he’s busy in superheroics or working on some gadget that can help himself or his teammates, he’s fine. If he goes for about a week without something to do, he becomes noticeably edgy and paranoid, and will often throw himself into some project that no one can identify the reason behind.

Over the past four months or so, though, Archeville has noticed that his madness has been starting to manifest even if he’s in the midst of something truly noble and heroic. After having fought it for so many years, Archeville is trying something new – controlled outbursts. Like rangers starting brushfires to retard the spread of a raging forest fire, or slowly opening a shaken-up bottle of soda so that the contents don’t explode outwards, Archeville occasionally lets his madness have free reign. He’ll laugh maniacally at times, becomes somewhat absent-minded, gets readily annoyed by incompetent people, becomes somewhat arrogant and overconfident, speaks with an exaggerated German accent, and will spends several rounds describing exactly how his latest invention will aid his allies/bring ruin to his opponents. He’ll never use his inventions to kill, or even permanently harm a foe... at least, not usually.

Archeville enjoys a professional rivalry with other high technologists, including Monkey Wrench. Archeville loathes magic, as it cannot be reliably controlled or scientifically analyzed (or the user is using actual mutant/psionic powers but is deluding themselves as to the source), and due to the possibility that his lineage’s madness is the result of a mystical hex. He’ll work with mage and witches if he absolutely must, but he’ll grumble the whole way through.[/sblock]

[sblock=Roleplaying Note]Archeville's inner conflicts are often represented by two "Shoulder Angels/Daemons." On his right is an angelic version of Archeville, in a pristine white labcoat and a white-gold glow about him; this represents his conscience and morals, his super-ego. On his left shoulder is a demonic version of Archeville, with a gore-spattered labcoat, a very nasty looking bionic arm, and a cybernetic skullcap with antennae/horns projecting from it; this represents the temptations and madness within him, his desire to take disproportionate revenge over quasi-imagined slights, his id.[/sblock]

[sblock=Powers & Tactics]Archeville’s metagene-enhanced intellect makes him a master of a variety of scholarly and scientific fields, from acoustics to zoology. His work stands far ahead of the efforts of most other researchers, allowing him to produce gadgets, machines, and computers more advanced than any in the real world, and in some cases more advanced than even cutting-edge technologies seen in the Living Supers world. Archeville is also skilled at using mundane items to produce highly effective gadgets and gear. Using baling wire, duct tape, circuit boards, and a TV, he could produce a laser rifle, a hologram projector, or some other gadget. With access to a standard janitorial closet, he could create potent corrosives and various types of bombs. If he has sufficient raw materials on hand, he can produce nearly any kind of technological gadget. These items last for a short time before their jury-rigged construction fails (the TV he uses to project an illusion burns out from the strain placed on it, or the crude laser pistol’s barrel melts).

Archeville's mutation-enhanced brain works approximately 100 times faster than a normal human brain, through a combination of both truly working faster and being able to hold multiple trains of thought at once, and retains everything he experiences with nearly total perfection. His hyper-efficient brain also frees him from the need for sleep, something he didn't notice until he realized he had spent 52 hours straight working in his laboratory without feeling the least bit tired. In addition, he can accurately judge direction (including automatically telling which way is North), distances, and time (including accurately judging how much time has passed between two events), which together allow him to calculate the speed and trajectory of most objects.

Archeville is mathematician even in combat. He analyzes every possible permutation of an opponent’s moves and profile almost instantly, and adapts to exploit weaknesses and apply his own strengths to their best effect. (This explains why his BAB and BDB are +8, rather than the +4 or less they should be for a regular scientist with little to no formal combat training.)

Archeville has interwoven his nigh-ubiquitous lab coat with various metallic and polymer threads that diffuse incoming energy, including kinetic energy. His gravimetric belt (utilizing both antigravity and contragravity technologies) enables him to fly and can surround him with a protective force field; the belt can also allow him to teleport short distances (creating brief, small wormholes), stabilize him against unwanted movement, and bend electromagnetic energies (light and radio waves) around him to render him invisible (as long as he doesn't move too fast -- the belt cannot yet keep up with rapid movement). For a time he wielded an elektromagnetische pistole ("electromagnetic pistol") which could unleash potent and lethal blasts of any form of electromagnetic energy (gamma rays, hard x-rays, soft x-rays, extreme ultraviolet, near ultraviolet, visible light, near infrared, moderate infrared, far infrared, microwaves, and radio waves/telvision), but he used the parts from it to both upgrade his gravimetric belt and construct his immensely versatile elektromagnetische schraubenzieher ("electromagnetic screwdriver").[/sblock]

Rearrangement between Missions: Swapped out Blaster (Device 5 [15pp]) for upgrades to Gravimetric Belt [8pp], the Electromagnetic Screwdriver [6pp], and 4r in Language [1pp].

Earned 12pp from Stolen University.
* 3pp in Skills (4r in Knowledge/Behavioral Science, 4r in Medicine, and 4r in Sense motive)
* 2pp in Feats (Equipment 2 - Personal Laboratory)
* 5r in Powers (add Immunity 1 (sleep) [1pp], +2 ranks to Mental Quickness (to 6/x100) [1pp], and Linked Super-Senses 3 (direction sense, distance sense, time sense) to Enhanced Intelligence 10 [3pp][/sblock]

[sblock="Miscellaneous"]Archeville has used Extra Effort to:
* Gain Super-Senses 10 (True Sight [Vision Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Counters Obscure {all}, Detect Hidden]) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Analytical Mind").
* Gain Telelocation 4 (1 mile range; Extras: No Save; Flaws: Check Required [DC 14 Investigate], Unreliable; Power Feats: Subtle 2) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Hyper-Deduction").

Archeville could potentially use Extra Effort for:
* Comprehend Languages 3 (speak, understand, and read) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Linguistic Analysis")
* Enhanced Charisma 10 as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Interpersonal Intelligence")
* Enhanced Feats 5 (Rage 5) + Protection 5 as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Berserk Fury")
* Enhanced Feats 5 (Improved Critical 2 [unarmed], Sneak Attack 4, Stunning Attack) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Anatomical Knowledge").
* Enhanced Feats 10 (Attack Focus [Ranged], Precise Shot, Ranged Pin, Ricochet 2, Throwing Mastery 5) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Calculating Angles & Vectors").
* Enhanced Wisdom 10 as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Intrapersonal Intelligence")
* Mind Control 10 (Extras: Conscious, Penetrating; Flaws: Action/Full Round, Hearing-Dependent; PF: Subtle 2; Drawbacks: Action 2/5 Minutes) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Debating a Vastly Superior Intelligence").
* Mind Reading 10 (Flaws: Distracting, Full Round/1 Minute, Limited - Must Carefully & Closely [within 30 feet] Observe Subject And Their Facial Expressions; PF: Subtle 2; Drawback: Action 2/5 Minutes) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Deductive Observation/Face Reading")
* Stun 9 (Extras: Alt Save/Will, Range/Perception; Flaws: Action/Full, Dazed Only, Hearing-Dependent; PF: Subtle) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Technobabble").
* Super-Senses 4 (Postcognition) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Deductive Reasoning")
* Super-Senses 4 (Precognition) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Anticipation/Analytical Foresight")
* Super-Senses 5 (Acute Precognition; Drawbacks: Action 3/Full Round) + Enhanced Intelligence 10 (Flaw: Limited to predicting the future) + Enhanced Wisdom 10 (Flaw: Limited to predicting the future) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Anticipation/Analytical Foresight, Improved")
* Telelocation 9 (Entire Earth; Flaws: Check Required [DC 19 Investigate or appropriate Knowledge]; Power Feats: Subtle 2) plus Quickness 9 (x1,000; Flaw: Limited to Search checks) as an alternate power of his Enhanced Intelligence 10 ("Hyper-Deduction, variant").

Sample Settings for Elektromagnetische Schraubenzieher ("Electromagnetic Screwdriver") [Gadgets 1, 5pp]:
* Blast 10 (electron beam [electricity/heat]; Flaws: Action/Full, Limited/Does not work in vacuum, in water, in magnetic fields, or against targets encased in metal)
* Blast 10 (magnetic beam; Flaws: Action/Full, Limited/Only works against targets composed of/encased in metal)
* Blast 10 (ionizing radiation [x-rays/gamma rays] beam; Flaws: Action/Full, Limited/Only works against plants)
* Datalink 4 (PF: Machine Control)
* Dazzle 5 (visual/light or radio/electromagnetic burst; alternately add Area/Burst or Explosion extra and Action/Full flaw)
* Drain Constitution (radiation sickness)
* Drain Toughness 10 (Limited to UV-sensitive polymers [polypropylene, polyethylene, aramids]; reduce ranks to add Extended Range power feat or Range extra)
* Enhanced Skills (bonuses on Crafts checks [perfect tool] and Knowledge checks [onboard computer databases], and Medicine)
* ESP 2 (100 feet; Flaw: Medium/cameras and listening devices)
* Healing 2 (PF: Persistent; metabolic booster)
* Illusion (visual - holograms)
* Nullify (any one effect of an electrical circuit descriptor; mini-EMP; decrease range to touch to boost ranks)
* Obscure 2 (radio jamming)
* Strike (short-range energy beam; reduce range to add Extended Range or Precise power feats)
* assorted Super-Senses (bio-scanner, current detector, energy spectra detector, Geiger counter, metal detector, omnichronometer, teleport tracer, etc.)
* Transform (two pieces of metal into one [solder/weld])
* Transform (assorted mutations)[/sblock]

Edit #1: Bolded and underlined some things, hoping to make things a bit easier to read.
Edit #2: Added Complication (Prejudice [magic & mages]); it's mentioned in his Personality/Motivation section but was not listed in his Complications.
Edit #3: Added Lethal note on Blaster/Elektromagnetische Pistole, addition of Roleplaying Notes section, slight expansion of Powers/Tactics section.
Edit #4: Rearrangement and spending pps earned from the Stolen University adventure, and added Miscellaneous section.
Edit #5: Added Complication (Enemies [assorted supervillains from Germany and neighboring countries]); it's mentioned in his History section but was not listed in his Complications.
Edit #6: Added in "Learning About Dr. Archeville" setion.
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First Post
Mister Scares


Concept/Archetype : Nightmare Turned Hero
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 2

Strength: 18/30 (8pp)
Dexterity: 14 (4pp)
Constitution 20 (10pp)
Intelligence 9 (-1pp)
Wisdom 20 (10pp)
Charisma 20 (10pp)

TOUGH +9 [IMP 4]/ +12 [IMP 7, Density]
FORT +5 ( +5 Constitution)
REF +5 (3pp + 2 Dexterity)
WILL +7 (2pp + 5 Wisdom)

INIT +6 (Improved Initiative Feat)
BASE DEF +4 (8pp)
DEF 14
KNOCKBACK -4/-9 with Density
BASE ATTACK +8 (16pp)

Melee: Unarmed Damage +4/+10(Dense), Mental Weapon +4 [WILL SAVE]

[sblock=Skills, Movement, and Feats]
SKILLS (44 SP [11PP])

Bluff 2 (+7), Diplomacy 2 (+7), Intimidate 10 (+15), Knowledge: Arcane Lore 6 (+5), Notice 6 (+5), Perform: Comedy 2 (+7), Sense Motive 6 (+11), Stealth 10 (+12)

SPEED 30/60/120
LEAP 14 ft./ 7 ft./ 3 ft.
OTHER Air walk 30/60/120, Slither 30/60/120, Wall Crawling 15/30/60

FEATS (6pp)
Fearsome Presence 1, Fearless, Fascinate (Intimidate), Sneak Attack 1 (+2), Startle, Improved Initiative.


Emotion Control 8 (Fear Only) Alternate Powers: Mind Reading (Fears Only) 10; Morph (Any form, Fears only) 4; Paralyze 4; Stun 4, Mental Weapon 4 [Fear-based melee attack]) [cost=13pp] Fear has many effects, causing people to quake, to freeze, to flee, to reel. Gus is a master of these effects. Additionally, Gus can look into minds and see the fears that dwell there. As a bogeyman, his body was made to mimic those fears.

Immunity 5 (Starvation, Suffocation, Sleep, Age) [cost=5pp] Dreams neither eat, nor sleep, nor breathe, nor age.

Invisibility 1 (Regular sight) [cost=4pp] In Gus' prior life, avoiding parental detection was paramount. Fortunately, dreams fade and vanish as they please.

Density 6 (Flaw: Night Only) (Str +12, Protection (Impervious) 3, Super Strength 2 (Heavy Load 6,400 lbs), Immovable 2)(Alternate Power: Insubstantial 3 (Flaw: Daytime Only) [cost=13pp] During daylight hours a dream can be as insubstantial as a breeze. At night, though, they are more substantial and real than anything found in the waking world.

Protection 4 (Impervious) [cost=8pp] Bogeymen are tough. It's their nature.

Regeneration 8 (Bruised 3(1/round automatic), Injured 2(1/5 minutes), Resurrection 3 (1/ 5 hours; weakness: incineration) (Extras: Regrowth, Flaw: Night Only) [cost=5pp] At night, Gus' injuries are short-lived. Even death will not hold him for long, when the shadows are between the earth and sun.

Teleport 5 (Medium: Shadows, Feats: Change Direction, Easy, Turnabout, Mass Progression 2 (500 pounds) (Alt Power: Super-Movement 5: Wall-Crawling 2, Slithering, Air Walking 2) [cost=11pp] Walking through shadows quickly and silently is an old nightmare trick. These days, it's Gus' principle means of transportation.

Super-Senses 3 (Darkvision, Detect Fear) [cost=3] Darkness is no cloak for nightmares. And don't show fear... they can sense fear.

Comprehend 1 (languages) [cost=2] Dreams know all languages, every human tongue.

(Total Cost=64pp)

Noticeable Protection (Ugly/Gray, Lumpy Skin) -1
Repulsive, ain't he?

Abilities 41pp
Combat 24pp
Saves 5pp
Skills 11pp
Feats 6pp
Powers 64pp
Drawbacks -1pp
Total 150pp
Unspent 0pp

Real Name: Gustav Makesbabiescry
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, possibly centuries
Size: Medium
Weight: 240 lbs/ 1,000 lbs (Density)
Hair: Brown and Spiky
Eyes: Flaming Orange
Nationality: Dream
Tradeoffs: None
Complications: Naiveté, Ugly Appearance, Possible Enemies (Children he frightened), Repercussions for living in the mortal world, Samantha
Quote: "Show me a man's fears, and I will show you man."

Mister Scares is a creature that once haunted children's nightmares. Almost seven feet in height, with dark gray skin, a bulbous belly, long groping arms, and a hideous twisted smile, the sight of him is enough to frighten most adults. His irises are orange, his teeth dirty and misshapen, his hair grows in strawlike patches on his head and elsewhere on his body. His movements tend to be unnatural, with joints that bend in the wrong places, and a tendency to skitter across floors when he's in a rush.

His face tends shape itself unconsciously in response to people's fears. One moment, he may have a decidedly canine look to him. Another, he may have sprouted a small ring of spider's eyes.

In spite of his grotesque appearance,Gus, as he likes his friends to call him, is a distinguished gentleman of sorts. He likes to clad himself in sartorial splendor. He collects hats, and whenever possible he wears dark tailored three-piece suits and clutches a splendid cane-handled black umbrella. He strives to stand upright and present a neat appearance. He can carry himself with great dignity at times, but could never be mistaken for anything human.

Even though dreams know all human languages, Gus speaks with a thick Eastern European accent. It is no affectation. It is something that became a part of him, because it once scared a child.

There was a man in Samantha Rosen's closet. When her father went to look in the closet, she would see him grinning out from the shadows underneath her bed. No one believed her, of course. In his many years of frightening children, Gustav Makesbabiescry had never once been seen by an adult.

However, this child Samantha was not like the other children Gus had terrorized. When she realized that her parents were useless against this hideously dapper intruder, she reacted more with curiosity than with fear. It wasn't that she was not afraid-- Gus could see her fears inside her, squirming around-- it was simply that she did not give in to her fear. "Why are you here?" she asked him as he towered over her bed. "Can you teach me that?" she asked when took the form of a camel cricket-- which he knew she loathed!-- and came clicking across her ceiling towards her. Gus abandoned his place inside the heads of other juvenile sleepers, determined to make Samantha squirm and scream with fright.

Samantha only continued to talk to him, making conversation with him whenever his bizarre visage peered out from her closet door. Eventually, in exasperation, Gus found himself asking "What, child? What do I have to do to frighten you? Devour your parents? Make you watch, yes?"

"I'd prefer you didn't" she replied cautiously.

He sat down on the foot of her bed. "You," he proclaimed with a strong (but oddly generic) Eastern European accent, "are worst child in existence. I am Boogeyman! Don't you know enough to be afraid?"

"I don't think that would help." said Samantha, staring at Gus with unblinking brown eyes. There was a long moment before she asked "Where do you come from?"

"Because I am Monster?" Gus asked with a sneer.

"Because you talk funny," was her reply.

Against his better judgment, Gus returned to Samantha's room the next night. And the night after that. She grew older, and smarter, and more curious, and braver still. It was some time before Gus realized that he had abandoned the torment of children for earnest conversation and imaginary tea parties in the dark. He spent his days pacing his run-down mansion in the Dream Realm, a gift from the Dream Lord many centuries back, thinking of the brown-haired girl. He did not know the right word for her. When he asked her for it one night, she told him the word was "friend."

One night, when Gus arrived to see his friend, Samantha's room was empty. Her door was open, and he heard voices beyond her darkened door. He stepped toward the threshold listening, hearing Her voice beyond. Little Sam was angry, but there was no quaver of fear in her voice as she demanded that the strange men leave. He heard unfamiliar voices shushing her, then heard a blow, then silence. All this beyond the forbidden doorway leading to the adult world. Adults were not meant to see the faces of living dreams. But she could be hurt. Whispering Samantha's name, Gustav Makesbabiescry walked into the waking world.

The burglars were there. They mistook him for her father, briefly, then tried to run. It was useless, of course. Seconds later, the three men were cowering in the empty fireplace, one trying forlornly to scramble up the chimney. Gus smiled horribly at them, then offered a gentle misshapen hand to Samantha. She stood up gravely. She knew her world had changed. Gustav Makesbabiescry was not just a Boogeyman anymore. He could be a hero.

Gus grinned at the thought. "I believe," he said, "I have perfect name."

Since he has made himself known to the waking world, Gus has proven himself kind and eager to please. He has an enthusiastic personality, and loves to tell jokes. His laugh is loud and infectious, and it upsets him when people shun him. He can be very formal at times, and is struggling to find a balance between these elements of his personality. Human society is still very strange to him, and his behavior is sometimes awkward as a result.

Gus truly enjoys fighting criminals and righting wrongs. They are, in fact, a cowardly and superstitious lot and are a lot of fun to frighten. Gus himself is insanely brave, and enjoys a good fight. His real reason for being in the world is to make Samantha happy, though. He loves her like a daughter. She's his reason for trying to make a better world.

Gus has a very deep understanding of humans, but it is not very wide. Most humans, he knows only from their fears. He believes fear reveals who a person truly is. Sometimes he is right, of course, but only some of the time.

[sblock=Powers and Tactics]
The powers of a nightmare in the waking world are... interesting, to say the least. Gus can manipulate human fears, can see the fears of mortals quite clearly, and can change his shape to reflect them. He can even hold that fear in his hand and use it against a person, if he feels they deserve it.

Invisibility and teleportation through shadows are old tricks that Gus has retained from his former profession. His various forms of movement-- be it walking on air or sliding across a floor on his belly-- come very naturally to him. He relies on shadows for transportation, though, and he knows this can be dangerous.

Being a dream, Gus is not quite as real-- and is certainly less powerful-- during the day. At night, his dream body gains its full power, just as it does in his small section of the Dreamlands, where it is always night. He becomes more real, becoming impossibly dense and strong. At night, he can repair his body easily. He is more vulnerable and slow to heal during the day. The flip side to this is that during daylight hours he can become as insubstantial as a thought, using his mental powers to bludgeon his foes.

In a fight, Gus prefers to ambush his enemies, enjoying their shock as he appears behind them and lays a heavy hand across their face. He uses invisibility and teleportation to good effect in this regard. It's hard for him to resist the temptation to reveal himself as he strikes, though.

Against faster foes, Gus uses his mental powers, paralyzing them or stunning them. He is not a defensive fighter, having little concept of self-preservation. Even if he is killed, he knows that he will return the next night. As is true in many regards, Gus still has a lot to learn.

EDIT: Removed Dimension Walk per Judge's request. Reduced Teleport power to 5, and increased (alt power) Wall Crawling to 2. Replaced Equipment feat with Fearsome Presence 1.

EDIT 2: Changed flaw on "Alt Power: Insubstantial" to daylight only. My thought is that dreams are less real at night. Plus, he's less vulnerable during the day this way. Change approved by Judge Jackson.

Also, character is approved, though not on the forum's approved list.

Also also, I learned how to sblock. Sblocks added.

4/19/07 Edited unarmed damage to reflect Gus' actual damage. Evidently, I'm bad at reading.

5/20/07 Hero Point awarded.

10/4/07 Hero Point awarded.

11/29/07 Hero Point spent.
Last edited:


First Post
Jack Barrett

Well, here is a evolution of my first ever M&M character (who was originally made 2 weeks ago). I'm still not quite sure how I managed to get from a caring healer to a street smart, flying diplo-brick blaster... but I did.

I did the character using Ultimate Power, not noticing until afterwards that it was not in use for this game. I checked over my powers and it looks like all of them are covered in the core rules, but I could be mistaken. I also noticed after the fact that I did the same thing that held up Quasar's approval. Regardless of the source of the problems, I'll change the character as needed.

By the way, if anyone can think of a good codename for Jack, I'm listening. I've been drawing a blank. I had a really good one (Aesculapius), but it doesn't work now that I have completly changed the background.

Real Name: Jack Barrett
Codename: TBD
Concept/Archetype: Bio-kinetic Reformed (mostly) Petty Crook
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Size: Medium
Height: 179 cm (5’11”)
Weight: 76kg (167.2 pounds)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: Anglo-Canadian
Tradeoffs: -5 Defense for +5 Toughness.
Complications - Criminal Past, Greed, Possible illegitimate child
[sblock= Current Version of Character Sheet]
Name: Jack Barrett (Codename TBA)
Size: Medium
Gender: Male

Str: 10 + 0 (0 PP)	PowerLevel: 10	PP: 150
Dex: 14 + 2 (4 PP)	AB: +1 (2 PP)	XP: 0
Con: 38 +14 (28 PP)	Grapple: +1	HP: 1
Int: 14 + 2 (4 PP)	Speed: 30'
Wis: 20 + 5 (10 PP)	Init: +2
Cha: 10 + 0 (0 PP)

		Base	Power	Feat	Total
Defense:	+5	+0	+0	15 (10 PP)
Dodge:		+2	Flatfooted: 13

		Stat	Mod	Feat	Power	Misc	Total
Fort:		14    	+0	+0	+0	+0	+14 (0 PP)
Ref:		 2     	+4	+0	+0	+0	+ 6 (4 PP)
Will:		 5     	+4	+0	+0	+0	+ 9 (4 PP)
Toughness:	14    	+0	+0	+0	+0	+14 Impervious - 6

Attack			Attack	Damage	Save Type	Base Range	Type
Unarmed			+1	DC 15	Tough		Touch		Bruise
Harm			+10	DC 25	Fort		250ft		Bruise/Lethal
Bio-Disruption		+10	DC 20	Fort		100ft		Trait Drain
Neural Scrambling	+10	DC 20	Will		250ft		Paralyze
Biochem-Sedative	+10	DC 20	Fort		100ft		Tires Target
Movement Types:
Base:    30/ 60/120(Move/Accelerated/All Out)
Flight:  90/180/360 (Move/Accelerated/All Out)
Flight: 10mph/20mph/40mph (Move/Accelerated/All Out)

Feats: (13 PP)

All-Out Attack, Attack Focus Ranged (9), Equipment, Precise Shot, Jack of all Trades

Skill Points: 84 (21 PP)
Skills			Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total

Bluff (Cha)		15	+0		+15
Diplomacy (Cha)		 8	+0		+ 8
Escape Artist (Dex)	 8	+2		+10
Gather Info (Cha)	10	+0		+10
Know:Life Sci (Int)	 2	+2		+ 4

Know:Streetwise (Int)	10	+2		+12
Notice	(Wis)		10	+5		+15
Stealth	(Dex)		10	+2		+12
Sense Motive (Wis)	10	+5		+15

Language (N/A)		 1			French

Untrained Skills

Acrobatics (Dex)	 +2
Climb (Str)		 +0
Concentration (Wis)	 +5
Computers (Int)		 +2
Craft (Int)		 +2
Disable Device (Int)	 +2

Disguise (Cha)	 	 +0
Drive (Dex)		 +2
Handle Animal (Cha)	 +0
Intimidate (Cha)	 +0
Investigate (Int)	 +2

Knowledge (Int)	 	+2
Medicine (Wis)		+5
Perform (Cha)	 	+0
Pilot (Dex)	 	+2
Ride (Dex)	 	+2
Search (Int)	 	+2

Sleight of Hand (Dex) 	+2
Survival (Wis)	 	+5
Swim (Str)	 	+0

Languages: English, French

Equipment: Rebreather (1ep), Lockrelease Gun (1ep), Night Vision Goggles (1ep), Handcuffs (1ep), Microtransmitter (1ep), Task Force Comunicator

Array - 16 Ranks (32pp) + 4 Alt Powers  = 36PP
 P: Harm
	Damage R10 PE: AltSV-Fort (+1), Ranged (+1) PwrFeat:Improved Range, Subtle (3 PP/Rank +6 = 36 PP)
 AP: Bio-Disruption
	Drain R10 Any 1 trait PE: Ranged (+1) PwrFeat: Slow Fade, Subtle (3 PP/Rank + 6 PP = 36 PP)
 AP: Biochem-Sedative
	Fatigue R10 - PE: Ranged (+1) PWRFeats: Sedation, Subtle (3 PP/Rank + 6 PP = 36 PP)
 AP: Neural Scrambling
	Paralyze R10 - PE: Ranged (+1), PWRFeats: Improved Range, Subtle (3 PP/Rank + 5 PP = 35 PP)
 AP: Heal
	Healing R10 PE:Total (+1) Restoration (+1) Distracting (-1) 
        PowerFeat: Persistant, Regrowth  (3pp/Rank+2= 32PP) 

Flight 1 (2 PP) 10mph

Impervious Toughness (6 PP)

Regeneration (6 total pp) Unconscious (1 pp), Staggered (4 pp), Resurection (1)


Abilities 46 + Skills 21 (84 ranks) + Feats 13 + Powers 50 + Combat 12 + Saves 8 = 150


		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push
Max Weight:	33 lb.   66 lb. 100 lb. 200 lb. 500 lb.
[sblock= Previous Version of Character Sheet]
Name: Jack Barrett
Size: Medium
Gender: Male

Str: 10 + 0 (0 PP)	PowerLevel: 10	PP: 150
Dex: 14 + 2 (4 PP)	AB: +2 (4 PP)	XP: 0
Con: 34 +12 (24 PP)	Grapple: +4	HP: 1
Int: 14 + 2 (4 PP)	Speed: 30'
Wis: 20 + 5 (10 PP)	Init: +2
Cha: 10 + 0 (0 PP)

		Base	Power	Feat	Total
Defense:	+6	+0	+2	18 (12 PP)
Dodge:		+5	Flatfooted: 13

		Stat	Mod	Feat	Power	Misc	Total
Fort:		12    	+0	+0	+0	+0	+12 (0 PP)
Ref:		 2     	+4	+0	+0	+0	+ 6 (4 PP)
Will:		 5     	+5	+0	+0	+0	+10 (5 PP)
Toughness:	12    	+0	+0	+0	+0	+12

Attack			Attack	Damage	Save Type	Base Range	Type
Unarmed			+2	DC 15	Tough		Touch		Bruise
Harm			+10	DC 25	Fort		250ft		Bruise/Lethal - Linked
Drain			+10	DC 20	Fort		100ft		Stat Drain - Linked
Paralyze		+10	DC 20	Will		250ft		Paralyze
Fatigue			+10	DC 20	Fort		Touch		Tires Target, Poisin
Movement Types:
Base:    30/ 60/120(Move/Accelerated/All Out)
Flight:  90/180/360 (Move/Accelerated/All Out)
Flight: 10mph/20mph/40mph (Move/Accelerated/All Out)

Feats: (7 PP)

All-Out Attack, Dodge Focus (2), Equipment, Precise Shot, Move-by Action, Jack of all Trades

Skill Points: 88 (22 PP)
Skills			Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total

Bluff (Cha)		15	+0		+15
Diplomacy (Cha)		10	+0		+10
Escape Artist (Dex)	 8	+2		+10
Gather Info (Cha)	10	+0		+10
Know:Life Sci (Int)	 2	+2		+ 4

Know:Streetwise (Int)	10	+2		+12
Notice	(Wis)		10	+5		+15
Stealth	(Dex)		12	+2		+14
Sense Motive (Wis)	10	+5		+15

Language (N/A)		 1			French
Untrained Skills

Acrobatics (Dex)	 +2
Climb (Str)		 +0
Concentration (Wis)	 +5
Computers (Int)		 +2
Craft (Int)		 +2
Disable Device (Int)	 +2

Disguise (Cha)	 	 +0
Drive (Dex)		 +2
Handle Animal (Cha)	 +0
Intimidate (Cha)	 +0
Investigate (Int)	 +2

Knowledge (Int)	 	+2
Medicine (Wis)		+5
Perform (Cha)	 	+0
Pilot (Dex)	 	+2
Ride (Dex)	 	+2
Search (Int)	 	+2

Sleight of Hand (Dex) 	+2
Survival (Wis)	 	+5
Swim (Str)	 	+0

Languages: English, French

Equipment: Rebreather (1ep), Lockrelease Gun (1ep), Night Vision Goggles (1ep),
Handcuffs (1ep), Microtransmitter (1ep), Task Force Comunicator

Array - 18 Ranks (36pp) + 4 Alt Powers  = 40PP

 P: Heal
	Healing R11 PE:Total (+1) Restoration (+1) Distracting (-1) 
 PowerFeat: Persistant, Subtle, Regrowth  (3pp/Rank+3= 36PP) 
 AP: Harm
	Damage R10 PE: AltSV-Fort (+1), Ranged (+1) PwrFeat:Improved Range, Accuratex4, Subtle (3 PP/Rank +6 = 36 PP)
 AP: Bio-Disruption
	Drain R10 Any 1 stat PE: Ranged (+1) PwrFeat: Slow Fade, Accuratex4, Subtle (3 PP/Rank + 6 PP = 36 PP)
 AP: Bio-Sedative
	Fatigue R10 - PE: Poison (+1) PWRFeats: Sedation, Accuratex4, Subtle (3 PP/Rank + 6 PP = 36 PP)
 AP: Neural Scrambling
	Paralyze R10 - PE: Ranged (+1), PWRFeats: Improved Range, Accuratex4, Subtle (3 PP/Rank + 5 PP = 35 PP)

Super Strength R2 (4 PP)

Flight 1, Subtle (3 PP) 10mph

Regeneration (7 total pp) Unconscious (1 pp), Staggered (4 pp), Resurection (1), Diehard (1 pp)

Abilities 42 + Skills 22 (88 ranks) + Feats 7 + Powers 54 + Combat 16 + Saves 9 = 150


		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push
Max Weight:	133 lb. 266 lb. 400 lb. 800 lb. 2,000 lb.
[sblock=History]Jack grew up in a lower class family, in the capital of Canada - Ottawa, Ontario. He was never as big or as tough as the other kids but made up for it by being lucky and smart. In his early teenage years he did some petty crime, but he found it wasn’t really his style. He found his niche as more of a middle man rather then getting his hands dirty directly, though he wasn’t above running a bit of a con job either.

He dropped out of High School in grade 11, making enough money as a fence and a con-man to convince him that this education thing was over rated. He wasn’t risking his life doing B&E or mugging people, he was ‘just a middle man’. The guy that people came to when they needed to get rid of something or needed something special. And if he couldn’t get what they needed, he could often come up with something that he could pass off as good enough. It was a sweet deal as far as he was concerned.

After few months of this, Jack started noticing that seemed to be in better shape then he had been before. He was never out of breath, and didn’t have any trouble lifting even the biggest sack of loot. He passed it off as clean living and fresh air. After all, if you wanted to get ahead in his business you needed a clear head. Booze and drugs would dull the edge you needed to stay ahead. He had his health and plenty of easy cash. Life was good for a couple years.

It was then that Jack started to feel dissatisfied. The lies, the deals, the cons and the cash. It just wasn’t as... fulfilling as it used to be. What was the point? He’d found out that not only had his girlfriend had been sleeping with two other guys the whole time they’d been going out, she was pregnant and didn’t have the faintest clue as to who the father was. His main supplier was in jail doing time for selling crack, something Jack had insisted he avoid. All around him peoples lies, cheats, cons and deceptions were coming up to bite them. He realized that he had to get out before he got bitten to.

Things came to a head one night. A couple of guys finally got sick of Jack’s smart mouth and less then scrupulous business practices. They corned Jack in a back alley with the intention of beating him within an inch of his life. Just as a friendly warning, of course, so that he would know not mess around with them again. However, things didn’t go quite as planned.

When Jack took a large fist to the face without going down, they figured he was tougher then he looked. When he took a hit from the baseball bat without wincing, they started to get a bit concerned. When the thug with the bat started bleeding out his ears, they knew they had made a big mistake. They tried to turn and run, but found themselves frozen in places. Things only went downhill from there.

Jack had been almost as surprised as the thugs had been. Standing over the bodies, he had NO idea what had just happened. So he did the only thing he could think of and ran. Getting to his pad, he tried to figure out what to do. These were probably not the only guys who were getting tired of him, so he could probably expect more trouble soon. He also really didn’t want to face murder charges. While he didn’t THINK anyone had seen anything, he just couldn’t be sure. If anyone could connect him to the bodies, it would be bad. He barely had a mark on him, so no one would believe a claim of self defense. Not to mention the fact that the cops were getting rather suspicious of him to. They hadn’t yet been able to find enough evidence to charge him with anything, but they were looking close enough that it was getting hard to do business.

At a loss, he flopped onto the couch. As he did, the TV turned on. Reaching under the cushion to pull out the remote, he noticed that the news was doing a story about the new team that the UN was putting together. That was it! It was obvious he had superpowers of some sort and a stint with the UN would be just the thing to help take the heat off. A couple of months with these ‘Resolutes’ and he could retire with a clean slate. No one would suspect a former UN Super Hero of being a criminal after all, and only a true idiot would mess with one.

The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He sold off the last of his hot merchandise, payed off the few guys he owed money to, and converted most of his possessions to cash. Jack gave five grand to one of the only guys he really trusted, telling him to keep half and use the other half to make sure his ex’s kid didn’t starve. (Jack figured giving the cash to the mother would just let her buy more smokes and booze. He would have been right). Along with the cash, he gave his buddy a way to contact him if it looked like the kid was in trouble. He didn’t know if it was his, but he wanted to make sure he did right by the kid, just in case. Once he had tied up all his loose ends, he made his application.[/sblock][Sblock=Powers]Jack’s powers all spring from the same source. His Biokinesis, a psionic power. It has been responsible for the sub-conscious modifications of his body that have boosted his Constitution so high, and enable him to recover from even the most grievous wounds. In fact the Biokinesis is so strong that his skin is reenforced to the point that bullets often fail to do more then leave a faint red mark.

Using his Biokinesis more actively he can cause a great deal of harm. Either directly through the tearing of blood vessels and the like, interfering with the targets physical or mental processes to reduce performance, scrambling neural impulses to slow or stop them dead in their tracks, or by introducing a powerful bio-chemical sedative into the target’s bloodstream. What Jack doesn’t know is that he can also heal the target, reversing the damage he or others inflict, as well as fly slowly through further manipulations.[/sblock]
[sblock=DESCRIPTION]Jack looks pretty average. 5'11", average build. Short brown hair and brown eyes. Nothing about him really stands out. His clothes tend to be low key casual. Nothing really flashy.[/sblock]
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First Post

[b]Name:[/b] Nimbus
[b]Real Name:[/b] Toni Barnes
[b]Size:[/b] Medium
[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Str:[/b] 10 +0 (0 PP)	[b]PowerLevel:[/b] 8	[b]PP:[/b] 120
[b]Dex:[/b] 16 +3 (6 PP)	[b]AB:[/b] +5 (10 PP)	[b]XP:[/b] 0
[b]Con:[/b] 10 +0 (0 PP)	[b]Grapple:[/b] +5	[b]HP:[/b] 1
[b]Int:[/b] 14 +2 (4 PP)	[b]Speed:[/b] 30'
[b]Wis:[/b] 12 +1 (3 PP)	[b]Init:[/b] +3
[b]Cha:[/b] 15 +2 (5 PP)

[b]		Base	Power	Feat	Total[/b]
Defense:	+7	+0	+0	17 (14 PP)
Dodge:		+0	Flatfooted: 13

[b]		Base	Mod	Feat	Power	Misc	Total[/b]
[b]Fort:[/b]		7    	+0	+0	+0	+0	+7 (7 PP)
[b]Ref:[/b]		1    	+3	+0	+0	+0	+4 (1 PP)
[b]Will:[/b]		2    	+1	+0	+0	+0	+3 (2 PP)
[b]Toughness:[/b]	0    	+0	+0	+0	+0	+0

[b]Attack			Attack	Damage	Save Type	Type[/b]
Unarmed			+0	DC 15	Tough		Bruise
Light Strike		+8	DC 23	Tough		Bruise

[b]Movement Types:[/b]
Base 10/60/120
Leap 10/5/2

[b]Feats:[/b] (4 PP)
Accurate Attack
Power Attack
Quick Change
Jack of All Trades

[b]Skill Points:[/b] 92 (23 PP)
[b]Skills			Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total[/b]
Bluff			5	+2		+0	+7
Craft: Artistic		13	+2		+0	+15
Diplomacy		4	+2		+0	+6
Gather Info		6	+2		+0	+8
Investigate		6	+2		+0	+8
Knowledge: Popular Culture7	+2		+0	+9
Knowledge: Art		8	+2		+0	+10
Knowledge: Current Events4	+2		+0	+6
Knowledge: Streetwise	4	+2		+0	+6
Notice			11	+1		+0	+12
Profession		8	+1		+0	+9
Search			2	+2		+0	+4
Sense Motive		8	+1		+0	+9
Stealth			4	+3		+0	+7

Language - 2



Light Control 8 (2 PP/Rank + 1 Alternate Power = 17 PP) [Mutation]
     - Alternate Power - Strike 8 [light weapon] (1 PP/Rank + 1 PP/Rank Penetrating = 16 PP)

Concealment 4: All visual senses (2 PP/Rank + 1 PP/Rank Affects Others + 3 PP Progression Feat = 15 PP) [Mutation]
     Can cause others to become invisible by touch, up to 10 people.

Immunity: Light 10 (1 PP/Rank = 10 PP) [Mutation]

[b]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/b]
[b]Max Weight:[/b]	33	66	100	200	500
This young woman has narrow brown eyes that are like two discs of wood. Her thick, straight is cut short and spiky, and is the color of yellowed ivory. She is very tall and has a voluptuous build. Her skin is nut-brown. She has an upturned nose.

Thoughtful. Tends to be slow to warm up to people, but once she likes you, she's chatty, witty and animated. Wry sense of humor.

Toni was raised in a middle class area, by a single mom who had a career as a public defender. Mom claims dad died in a fire. Things were a bit awkward, since her uncle had a drug problem, and kept moving in and out, and that had to stay a secret. Toni can't actually remember anything before she was 12, other than she REALLY doesn't like her uncle.

During her adolescence, they traveled a lot, and she kept transfering to different private schools, none of which she liked. She was a bad student anyway.

Upon becoming an adult, she moved out, got her own place, and tried college. Actually got through a year on a journalism major. But she kept feeling like there was so much more she could accomplish. So she dropped out, got herself a loft downtown, and started painting. Her work has even shown in some galleries.

Of course, since taking up the trade of an artist, she discovered what she really is supposed to be doing. A meteor fell from the sky, and next thing she knew, she was glowing. After much experimentation, she figured out that it seems to be a general control over light particles or waves or whatever. Not only can she glow, but she can make herself and others invisible, and make a sword of light that's actually damaging.

Now to put this to use.

Abilities 17 + Skills 23 (92 ranks) + Feats 4 + Powers 42 + Combat 24 + Saves 10 = 120 / 120 [/sblock]
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First Post
Mecha Musume

This is a LONG one (Thanks to metamorph), so a lot of sblocking to make things more manageable.

Mecha Musume
Concept/Archetype: Mecha Inspired Magical Girl
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 1

Spirit Form 1 - Tank based
STR 14 (4 PP)
DEX 10 (0 PP)
CON 14 (4 PP)
INT 14 (4 PP)
WIS 12 (2 PP)
CHA 14 (4 PP)

TOUG +12 (+2 Con + 10 Power)
FORT +8 (6 Base + 2 Con) (6 PP)
REF +0 (0 Base + 0 Dex) (0 PP)
WILL +7 (6 Base + 1 Wis) (6 PP)

BASE DEF +5 (10 PP)
DEF 15 (10 + 5 Base)
BASE ATT +3 (6 PP)

Melee:Unarmed +3 (DC 17 SAVE, x20, Toughness)
Ranged:Cannon +10 (DC 25 SAVE, x20, 100 ft, Toughness)
Ranged:MG +10 (DC 11 SAVE, x20, 10 ft, Toughness)

SKILLS 44 SP (11 PP)
Concentration +09 ( 8 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Diplomacy + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Arcane Lore + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Current Events + 4 ( 2 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-History + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Pop Culture +12 (10 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Notice + 9 ( 8 Ranks + 1 Atb )
Perform-Dance + 4 ( 2 Ranks + 2 Atb )


SPEED 50 mph/100 mph/200 mph
LEAP 12'/6'/3'

All Out Attack
Attack Focus-Ranged 7
Improved Aim
Move By Action
Power Attack

Blast 6 [Mystic, Ballistic](3 PP/Rank = 18 PP) "Machine Guns"
EX: Autofire (+1)

Comprehend 2 [Mystic, Electronics](2 PP/Rank = 4 PP) "Talk to Machine Spirit"

Immunity-Life Support 9 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 9 PP)

Immoveable 1 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 1 PP)

Morph-Armored Forms 3 [Mystic](PP/3 Rank + 3 PP = 4 PP) "Machine Spirit Merge"
PF: Metamorph 3 (3)
FL: Action-Full Round (-3)

Obscure Vision & Olfactory 1 [Mystic, Mechanical, Smoke](3 PP/Rank = 3 PP) "Smoke Generators"
EX: Area-Trail (+1)
FL: Range-Touch(-1)

Protection 10 [Mystic, Mechanical](1/Rank + 6 PP = 16 PP)
EX: Impervious 6 (6)

Speed 3 [Mystic, Mechanical](1 PP/Rank = 3 PP) "Treaded Movement"

Super Movement-Sure Footed 1 [Mystic, Mechanical](2 PP/Rank = 2 PP) "Treaded Movement"

Device 7: "Hand Cannon" [35 DP] (3 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 22 PP)
PF: Restricted (1)
Blast 10 [Mystic, Fire, Shrapnel, Concussive](3 DP/Rank + 2 DP = 32 DP, Net DP=35) "HE Shell"
FP: Alternate Power 3 (3)
PF: Improved Range 3 (3)
DR: Fullpower (-1)
EX: Area-Explosion (+1)
AP Blast 10 [Mystic, Kinetic](3 DP/Rank + 2 DP = 32 DP) "APDS Shell"
PF: Improved Range 3 (3)
DR: Fullpower (-1)
EX: Penetrating (+1)
AP Strike 10 [Mystic, Shrapnel](2 DP/Rank + 1 DP = 21 DP, Net 32 DP) "Case Shell"
PF: Link (0)
PF: Area Progression (1)
EX: Area-Cone (+1)
Linked Trip 10 [Mystic, Concussive](1 DP/Rank + 1 DP = 11 DP)
PF: Link (0)
PF: Area Progression (1)
EX: Area-Cone (+1)
FL: Ranged-Touch (-1)
Blast 2 [Mystic, Fire](5 DP/Rank + 3 DP = 13 DP, Net 31 DP) "Phosphorus Shell"
PF: Link (0)
PF: Improved Range (3)
EX: Area-Burst (+1)
EX: Duration-Sustained (+2)
Linked Obscure Vision and Olfactory 5 [Mystic, Smoke](3 DP/Rank + 3 DP = 18 DP)
PF: Link (0)
PF: Improved Range 3 (3)

Device 2: "Sensor Helmet" [10 DP] (3 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 7 PP)
FR: Restricted (1)
Communications 5 [Mystic, Radio](1 DP/Rank + 1 DP = 6 DP) "Radio, 5 miles"
PF: Subtle (1)
Supersenses 5 [Mystic, Visual](1 DP/Rank -1 DP = 4 DP)
FR: Vision with Distance Sense (1), Extended 2 (2), Infravision (1), Lowlight Vision (1)
DR: Noticeable (-1)

Drawbacks (-7 PP)
Action-Morph-Full Minute (-1 PP)
Normal Identity-Full Minute (-5 PP)
Noticeable-Protection (-1 PP)

Abilities [18]
Combat [12]
Saves [16]
Skills [11]
Feats [11]
Powers [89]
Drawbacks [7] (10 total including AP Drawbacks)
Total [150]
Unspent [0]

Tradeoffs: +2 Toughness/-2 Defense[/sblock]

Spirit Form 2 - Sub based
STR 10 (0 PP)
DEX 14 (4 PP)
CON 14 (4 PP)
INT 14 (4 PP)
WIS 12 (2 PP)
CHA 14 (4 PP)

TOUG +10 (2 Con + 8 Power)
FORT +7 (5 Base + 2 Con) (5 PP)
REF +7 (5 Base + 2 Dex) (5 PP)
WILL +3 (3 Base + 1 Wis) (2 PP)

BASE DEF +4 (8 PP)
DEF 20 (10 + 4 Base + 6 Feat)
BASE ATT +2 (4 PP)

Melee:Unarmed +2 (DC 15 SAVE, x2, Toughness)
Melee:Unarmed Sneak Attack +2 (DC 19 SAVE, x2, Toughness
Ranged:Torpedo +8 (DC 23 SAVE, x2, 50 ft, Toughness)
Ranged:Torpedo Sneak Attack +8 (DC 27 SAVE, x2, 50 ft, Toughness)

SKILLS 64 SP (16 PP)
Concentration + 0 ( 8 Ranks + 1 Atb )
Diplomacy + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Arcane Lore + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Current Events + 4 ( 2 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-History + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Pop Culture +12 (10 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Notice + 4 (13 Ranks + 1 Atb )
Perform-Dance + 4 ( 2 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Stealth +17 (15 Ranks + 2 Atb )


SPEED 30'/60'/120'
LEAP 10/5/2
OTHER Swim' MPH: 10

All Out Attack
Dodge Focus 6
Environmental Adaptation-Underwater
Improved Aim
Move By Action
Sneak Attack

Blast 12 [Mystic, Concussion, Fire, Shrapnel](2 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 25 PP) "Cruise Missile Tubes"
PF: Indirect (1)
EX: Area-Explosion (+1)
Ex: Range-Perception (+1)
FL: Limit-Ground Targets Only (-1)
FL: Unreliable-5 Uses (-1)

Comprehend 2 [Mystic, Electronics](2 PP/Rank = 4 PP) "Talk to Machine Spirit"

Concealment 1 [Mystic, Audio/SONAR](2 PP/Rank = 2 PP) "Sound Proof Coating"

Immunity-Life Support 9 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 9 PP)

Morph-Armored Forms 3 [Mystic](PP/3 Rank + 3 PP = 4 PP) "Machine Spirit Merge"
PF: Metamorph 3 (3)
FL: Action-Full Round (-3)

Protection 8 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 8 PP) "Metal Plating"

Swimming 3 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 3 PP) "Propellors"

Device 3:Torpedo Tube Rifle [15 DP] (3 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 10 PP)
FR: Easy to lose
PF: Restricted (1)
Device Blast 8 [Mystic, Concussion](1 DP/Rank + 6 DP = 14 DP, Net 15 DP) "Contact Fuse"
FR: Alternate Power
PF: Accurate 3 (3)
PF: Homing (1)
PF: Improved Range 2 (2)
FL: Limit-Aquatic Targets Only (-1)
Device AP Blast 6 [Mystic, Concussion](2 DP/Rank + 2 DP = 14 DP) "Proximity Fuse"
PF: Improved Range 2 (2)
EX: Area-Explosive (+1)
FL: Limit-Aquatic Targets Only (-1)

Device 7: "Helmet" [35 DP] (3 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 22 PP)
FR: Easy to Lose
PF: restricted (1)
Device Communication 7 [Mystic, Radio](1 DP/Rank + 1 DP = 8 DP)
PF: Subtle (1)
Device Communication 7 [Mystic, Ultrasonic](1 DP/Rank + 1 DP = 8 DP)
PF: Subtle (1)
Device Super Senses 20 [Mystic, SONAR, RADAR, MAD, Vision](1 DP/Rank - 1 = 19 DP)
FP Audio with Blindsight (4), Distance Sense 1 (1), Extended 1 (1), and Ultrasonic (1)
FP: Radio (1) with Blindsight (4), Distance Senses (1), Extended 1 (1)
FP: Sense Metal (1) with Blindsight (4)
FP: Vision with Infravision (1)
DR: Noticeable (-1)

Drawbacks (-8 PP)
Action-Morph-Full Minute (-1 PP)
Full Power-Blast "Missiles" (-1)
Normal Identity-Full Minute (-5 PP)
Noticeable-Protection (-1 PP)

Abilities [18]
Combat [12]
Saves [12]
Skills [16]
Feats [13]
Powers [87]
Drawbacks [8] (9 total including AP Drawbacks)
Total [150]
Unspent [0]


Tradeoffs: +2 Damage / -2 Attack


Spirit Form 3 - Shuttle Based
STR 20 (10 PP)
DEX 10 (0 PP)
CON 10 (0 PP)
INT 14 (4 PP)
WIS 12 (2 PP)
CHA 14 (4 PP)

TOUG +10 (0 Con + 0 Feat + 10 Power)
FORT +7 (7 Base + 0 Con) (7 PP)
REF +3 (3 Base + 0 Dex) (3 PP)
WILL +3 (2 Base + 1 Wis) (2 PP)

BASE DEF +3 (6 PP)
DEF 13 (10 + 3 Base + 0 Feat + 0 Power)
BASE ATT +2 (4 PP)

Melee:Unarmed +8 (DC 20 SAVE, 20, Toughness)
Ranged:Cutting laser +8 (DC 23 SAVE, 20, 100, Toughness)

SKILLS 44 SP (11 PP)
Concentration + 9 ( 8 Ranks + 1 Atb )
Diplomacy + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Arcane Lore + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Current Events + 4 ( 2 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-History + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Pop Culture +12 (10 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Notice + 9 ( 8 Ranks + 1 Atb )
Perform-Dance + 4 ( 2 Ranks + 2 Atb )


SPEED 30'/60'/90'
LEAP 15'/7'/3'
OTHER Flight' MPH: 100
OTHER Boosted Flight' MPH: 10,000

All Out Attack
Attack Specialization-Unarmed 2
Environmental Adaptation-Vacuum
Improvided Tools

Additional Limbs 1 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 1 PP) "Manipulator Arm"

Boost Flight 16 [Mystic](1 PP/2 Rank = 8 PP) "Rocket Boosters"
FL: Self Only (-1)

Comprehend 2 [Mystic, Electronics](2 PP/Rank = 4 PP) "Talk to Machine Spirit"

Flight 4 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 4 PP) "Gliding Wings"
FL: Gliding Only (-1)

Immunity-Life Support 9 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 9 PP)

Immunity-Fire/Radiation 10 [Mystic](1 PP/2 Rank = 5 PP)
FL: Limited-Half Normal Effects Only (-1)

Morph-Armored Forms 3 [Mystic](PP/3 Rank + 3 PP = 4 PP) "Machine Spirit Merge"
PF: Metamorph 3 (3)
FL: Action-Full Round (-3)

Protection 10 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 10 PP)

Superstrength 8 [Mystic](2 PP/Rank = 16 PP

Device 7:Sensor Helmet [35 DP] (3 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 22 PP)
FR: Easy to Lose
PF: Restricted (1)
Communications 8 [Mystic, Radio](2 DP/Rank + 2 DP = 18 DP)
FR: Radio
PF: Subtle (1)
PF: Selective (1)
EX: Area (+1)
Communications 5 [Mystic, Laser](1 DP/Rank + 1 DP = 6 DP)
FR: Laser
PF: Subtle (1)
Supersenses 12 [Mystic, RADAR, Visual](1 DP/Rank - 1 DP = 11 DP)
FR: Radio (1), With Blindsight (4), Distance sense (1), Extended 3 (3)
FR: Visual with Distance Sense (1), Extended 1 (1), Infravision 1 (1)
DR: Noticeable (-1)

Device 5:Cutting Laser Rifle[25 DP] (3 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 16 PP)
FR: Easy to Lose
PF: Restricted (1)
Device Blast 8 [Mystic, Heat, Light](2 DP/Rank + 8 DP = 24 DP, Net DP 25) "Cutting Beam"
FR: Alternate Power (1)
PF: Accurate 3 (3)
PF: Extended Range 4 (4)
PF: Precise (1)
Device AP Dazzle Vision 10 [Mystic, Light](2 DP/Rank + 4 DP = 24 DP) "Blinding Flash"
FR: Alternate Power
PF: Progression-Area 4 (4)
EX: Area-Cone (+1)
FL: Range-Touch (-1)

Drawbacks (-8 PP)
Action-Morph-Full Minute (-1 PP)
Normal Identity-Full Minute (-5 PP)
Noticeable-Immunity Fire/Radiation (-1)
Noticeable-Protection (-1 PP)

When boost is engaged, change Flight power too:
Flight 10 [Mystic]
Boost points are used to 'buy off' the Flaw (4 points) and then increase ranks up to 10.
When losing points, remove from ranks first.

Abilities [20]
Combat [10]
Saves [12]
Skills [11]
Feats [6]
Powers [99]
Drawbacks [8] (9 Total with alternate powers)
Total [150]
Unspent [0]

Spirit Form 4 - Fighter based
STR 10 (0 PP)
DEX 16 (6 PP)
CON 12 (2 PP)
INT 14 (4 PP)
WIS 12 (2 PP)
CHA 14 (4 PP)

TOUG +9 (1 Con + 8 Power)
FORT +3 (2 Base + 1 Con ) (2 PP)
REF +10 (7 Base + 3 Dex ) (7 PP)
WILL +3 (2 Base + 1 Wis ) (2 PP)

BASE DEF +3 (6 PP)
DEF 21 (10 + 3 Base + 8 Feat)
BASE ATT +3 (6 PP)

Melee:Unarmed +3 (DC 15 SAVE, x2, Toughness)
Ranged:Missiles +8 (DC 26 SAVE, x2, 250 ft, Toughness)
Ranged:Vulcan +6 (DC 21 SAVE, x2, 50 ft, Toughness)

SKILLS 44 SP (11 PP)
Concentration + 9 ( 8 Ranks + 1 Atb )
Diplomacy + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Arcane Lore + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Current Events + 4 ( 2 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-History + 6 ( 4 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Knowledge-Pop Culture +12 (10 Ranks + 2 Atb )
Notice + 9 ( 8 Ranks + 1 Atb )
Perform-Dance + 4 ( 2 Ranks + 2 Atb )


SPEED 30'/60'/120'
LEAP 10'/5'/2'
OTHER Flight' MPH: 5000

All Out Attack
Attack Focus - Ranged 3
Defensive Attack
Dodge Focus 8
Improved Aim
Move By Action

Blast 11 [Mystic, Shrapnel, Concussive](1 PP/Rank + 8 PP = 18 PP) "AA Missiles"
PF: Accurate (1)
PF: Homing (1)
PF: Improved Range 4 (4)
PF: Split (1)
FL: Limit-Aerial Targets Only (-1)

Comprehend 2 [Mystic, Electronics](2 PP/Rank = 4 PP) "Talk to Machine Spirit"

Concealment 1 [Mystic, Radar](2 PP/Rank = 2 PP) "Stealth Coating"

Flight 9 [Mystic](2 PP/Rank = 18 PP) "Jet Thrusters"

Immunity-Life Support 9 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 9 PP)

Morph-Armored Forms 3 [Mystic](PP/3 Rank + 3 PP = 4 PP) "Machine Spirit Merge"
PF: Metamorph 3 (3)
FL: Action-Full Round (-3)

Protection 8 [Mystic](1 PP/Rank = 8 PP) "Armor Plating"

Device 4:"20 mm Vulcan Rifle" [20 DP] (3 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 13 PP)
FR: Easy to Lose
PF: Restricted (1)
Device Blast 6 [Mystic, Ballistic](3 DP/Rank + 2 DP = 20 DP)
PF: Extra Range 2 (2)
EX: Autofire (+1)

Device 4:Description [20 DP] (3 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 13 PP)
FR: Easy to Lose
PF: Restricted (1)
Device Communications 7 [Mystic, Radio](1 DP/Rank + 1 DP = 8 DP)
PF: Subtle (1)
Device Super Senses 13 [Mystic, RADAR](1 DP/Rank - 1 DP = 12 DP)
FR: Radio (1), With Blindsight (4), Distance Sense (1), Extended 3 (3)
FR: Visual with Distance Sense (1), Extended 2 (2), Infravision (1)
DR: Noticeable (-1)

Drawbacks (-8 PP)
Action-Morph-Full Minute (-1 PP)
Full Power-Blast "Missiles" (-1 PP)
Normal Identity-Full Minute (-5 PP)
Noticeable-Protection (-1 PP)

Abilities [18X]
Combat [12]
Saves [11]
Skills [11]
Feats [16]
Powers [90]
Drawbacks [8] (9 total including those in APs)
Total [150]
Unspent [0]


Tradeoffs: +1 Defense / -1 Toughness, +1 Damage / -1 Attack

Real Name: Marie M. Schaeffer
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Size: Medium
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 Pounds
Hair: Dyed Chestnut (Naturally Black)
Eyes: Dk Brown
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mixed. Korean-Mother, German/Irish-Father
Tradeoffs: Varies

Despite being of mixed heritage, few people realize she is partly Asian as she takes after her father then her mother. Her skin is fairly pale and tends to burn more then tan. Another factor she inherited from her father is a tendency toward freckles, a trait she dislikes. While she is nearsighted and requires corrective lenses, she tends to rely on contact lenses, disliking how she looks wearing glasses. She favors loose, comfortable clothes, often in shades of green.

While in her armored forms, her appearance can vary but all share common traits. In general, these armored forms look to be a fusion of human and vehicle, often making her appear to be wearing battle armor based around the vehicle she is emulating. Most often, these vehicle parts appear to be worn over a skin tight body stocking, but occasionally these parts will appear to be physically integrated into her flesh. Usually, the vehicle's primary gun armament will be adapted into a hand carried rifle form, with additional weapon systems placed as necessary and convenient. Another consistent trait is the appearance of a helmet, usually based around the helmet a crewmember of that vehicle would wear. This helmet incorporates various sensor gear based around the emulated vehicle, with a face plate that glows brightly when in use. Being of American birth, she favors US designs, but has been known to incorporate others as the mood takes her. The actual color of these armored forms can be changed as she forms them, and she is fond of incorporating tiger, bird, turtle, and dragon motifs into the color schemes of her vehicle 'parts'. She has lately started taking up the two toned look of the Resolutes on the 'body stocking' aspects of her forms.

A military brat, Marie was born the daughter of an USAF MSgt and his wife. An only child, she was often doted on by her father and grew up with a love of military hardware that she was often too embarrassed to acknowledge to her friends. Growing up, she was a fan of Japanese animation and learned to speak Japanese on her own, a fact that often infuriated her Korean mother who held decidedly anti Japanese feelings. In order to help alleviate this, she also learned how to speak Korean on her own, and quickly developed a fascination with her mother's culture and its shamanistic traditions. Learning that her mother's family had several powerful shamans (Known as mudangs) in its history, she convinced her hesitant mother to let her spend a year there as an exchange student, learning some of their traditions and rites. This was in 1999, and would come to have some profound implications later in her life.

A bright girl, and an equally bright young woman, this helped her to achieve a scholarship to Columbia where she majored in mythological studies. It was their that her first possession happened. In Korean Shamanistic belief, shamans could speak with the spirits of the world, and would sometimes host them in their bodies. While she knew of these beliefs, she had never actually believed in them, so the fact that she had become the host to 4 powerful elemental spirits came as a bit of a shock to her. They told her that she had been watched by them since they awoken several years back. She had chosen by them to be their host, to incorporate their power as her own when needed, as she was judged worthy. The form that a shaman would take while hosting a spirit was greatly variable depending on the nature of the host, and while the ultimate result was strange to them, they were amused by the emulation of technology that resulted, a combination of her love for military hardware combined with other beloved shows of her youth. When she graduated, she was recruited by the Resolutes.
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First Post
Bright Girl
Concept/Archetype: Psionic Powerhouse
Power Level: 8
Power Points: 120
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 1

STR 30(10) +10(+0) (0 PP)
DEX 14 +2 (4 PP)
CON 10 +0 (0 PP)
INT 10 +0 (0 PP)
WIS 14 +2 (4 PP)
CHA 14 +2 (4 PP)

TOUG +11 (Impervious)/0 (0 Con + 0 Feat + 11 Power)
FORT +6 (6 Base + 0 Con + 0 Feat + 0 Power) (6 PP)
REF +6 (6 Base + 2 Dex + 0 Feat + 0 Power) (4 PP)
WILL +7/12 (5 Base + 2 Wis + 0 Feat + 5 Power) (5 PP)

BASE DEF +5 (10PP)
DEF 15 (10 + 5 Base + 0 Feat + 0 Power)
BASE ATT +5 (6 PP)

Melee:Unarmed +6 (DC 25, 19-20, Bludgeoning)
Ranged:Attack +5 (DC 20, 20, 50'-500', Bludgeoning)

Bluff +6 (4 Ranks + 2 Atb + 0 Feat + 0 Power) Concentration +10 (8 Ranks + 2 Atb + 0 Feat + 0 Power) Notice+6 (4 Ranks + 2 Atb + 0 Feat + 0 Power)


SPEED 30/60/10
LEAP 20/ 10/ 5
FLIGHT 5: 2500' MPH: 250


Accurate Attack 1
All-Out Attack 1
Attack Focus (Melee) 1
Defensive Attack 1
Improved Critical (Unarmed) 1
Improved Initiative 1
Improved Pin 1
Power Attack 1
Stunning Attack 1
Takedown Attack 2
Taunt 1
Trance 1
Ultimate Save (Toughness) 1

Enhanced Strength 20 [PSIONIC] (10 PP/Rank + 3 PP = 13 PP)
FL: Duration: Sustained (-10)
Blast 5 [Psionic](2 PP/Rank + 0 PP = 10 PP, 1 PP Net)
Deflect (Ranged) 5 [Psionic](2 PP/Rank + 0 PP = 10 PP, 1 PP Net)
Telekinesis 5 [Psionic] (2 PP/Rank + 0 PP = 10 PP, 1 PP Net)

Force Field 11 [PSIONIC] (2 PP/Rank + 1 PP = 23 PP)
PF: Selective
EX: Impervious 11 (+11)

Mind Shield 5 [MENTAL](1 PP/Rank + 0 PP = 5 PP)

Super Strength 10 [Psionic](1 PP/Rank + 5 PP = 15 PP)
PF: Groundstrike 1, Shockwave 1, Thunderclap 1
FL: Duration: Sustained (-10 )
Flight 5 [Psionic](2 PP/Rank + 0 PP = 10 PP, 1 PP Net)
Immovable 10 [Psionic](1 PP/Rank + 0 PP = 10 PP, 1 PP Net)
FL: Duration: Sustained (-0=Used to buy off Permanent Flaw)

Drawbacks: Nearsighted (-4 to Ranged Attacks, Notice Checks involving Sight when not wearing glasses, 1 point)

Abilities [12]
Combat [20]
Saves [16]
Skills [4]
Feats [14]
Powers [56]
Drawbacks [-1]
Total [120]
Unspent [0]

Real Name: Madeline Glass
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Size: M
Height: 5'
Weight: 98 lb
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Tradeoffs: +2 to Attack Dmg, -2 to Attack, +3 to Toughness, -3 to Defense

A young woman of rather slight form and harsh demeanor, Madeline has short, spiky brown hair, and a tendency to baggy clothes. She wears a normal Resolute uniform, surrounded by an oversized leather jacket, and of course, a pair of very thick glasses. When her force field is active a mild purple glow surrounds her--hence her name.

Madeline Glass was a girl like a lot of other girls--especially among the girls who went to her high school. She wasn't one of the especially pretty girls. Or the especially popular girls. Or the especially intelligent girls. And because she wore thick glasses and possessed a last name that lent itself to cruel nicknames, Madeline found herself edged towards what was generally known as the "loser" social class. But not quite a full-member. Living in this awkward state gave Maddy a lot of bitterness. But not as much as some people.

It was three years after the event, and five students suddenly developed powers. As they were rather unpopular, they saw this as their chance to "get back at people". And so, taking the names Dr. Ultra, Queen Goth, Speed Freak, Slime, and Glitter, the so-called Ferocious Five tore through the school--until Dr. Ultra hit Maddy with his Sci-Gun. Madeline still doesn't know whether it was the awakening of her innate psionic powers, some strange interaction of her physiology and Dr. Ultra's weapon, or a mixture thereof--but suddenly, she was surrounded by thin, glowing force field that the Five's attacks just bounced off of--and she had incredible, unbelievable strength. The surprised novice supervillains were quickly finished off by the hero that the press would name--much to Maddy's chagrin--Bright Girl.

For the next few years Maddy mastered her powers while dealing with the unusual problems that came to afflict her town. She began to take yoga and karate classes to help her get a handle on her abilities, and has become a proficient--if not exceptional--fighter. When the Resolutes began to recruit, Maddy--eager to leave her hometown behind her--joined up.

Maddy's powers are psionic in nature--they require a conscious effort on her part to maintain, and are based not on her body's physcial performance, but her mind. Thus, as she has discovered, she can be neutralized by being knocked unconscious. Scientists have dubbed her a "physical psionic" however, as it's been noticed that her powers are most effective in close vicinity to herself. Still, it's believed she might develop other psychic abilities as she continues to grow proficient in their use.

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First Post
updated sibmission for GAUNTLET

Name:Aleksander Zoya
Codename: GAUNTLET
Size: medium
Gender: male
Origin Type: altered/technological

Str: 14 + 16(enh) [+10] (20 PP) PowerLevel: 10 PP: 153
Dex: 12 [+1] ( 2 PP) Atk Bonus: +5 (10 PP) XP: 0
Con: 14 + 16(enh) [+10] (20 PP) Grapple: +15 HP: 0
Int: 12 [+1] ( 2 PP) Speed: 30'
Wis: 14 [+2] ( 4 PP) Init: +1
Cha: 12 [+1] ( 2 PP)

Base Power Feat Total
Defense: +5 +0 +0 15 (10 PP)
Dodge: +0 Flatfooted: 15

Base Mod Feat Power Misc Total
Fort: 0 +10 +0 +0 +0 +10 ( 0 PP)
Ref: 4 +1 +0 +0 +0 +5 ( 4 PP)
Will: 3 +2 +0 +0 +0 +5 ( 3 PP)
Toughness: 0 +10 +0 +0 +0 +10

Attack Attack Damage Save Type Type

Unarmed +10 DC 25 Tough Bruise
[[critical range = 18-20]]
Popup Autocannons +5 DC 20 Tough Lethal

Movement Types: running speed = 25mph
enhanced leaping: running long jump = 160 ft
standing long jump = 80 ft
high jump = 40 ft

Feats: (23 PP)
attack focus(melee) - 5; diehard; endurance - 5; fast overrun
fearless; improved overrun; takedown attack - 2; improved grab
improved grapple; improved critical (unarmed) - 2; improved pin
stunning attack; move-by action; all-out attack

Skill Points: 52 ( 13 PP)
Skills Ranks Mod Misc Total
craft (structural) 8 +1 +9
disable device 8 +1 +9
drive 8 +1 +9
intimidate 8 +1 +9
knowledge (technology) 8 +1 +9
languages 4 - -
notice 8 +2 +10

Languages: russian (native), english, italian, german, spanish


Super Strength (industrial arms) - 5 (2 PP/Rank + 3 PP = 13 PP)
power feats: groundstrike, shockwave, thunderclap

speed (bionic legs) - 2 (25mph) (1 PP/Rank = 2 PP)

Leaping (bionic legs) - 3 (x 8 leaping distance) (1 PP/rank = 3 PP)

Immovable (massively built) - 5; unstoppable (+20 bonus vs being moved) (2pp/rank = 10 PP)

Super Senses (sensitivity to magnetic field) - 3 (1pp/rank = 3 PP)
awareness [magnetic effects, mental sense, extended - 1, radius]

Regeneration (internal self repair systems) - 4 (1 pp/rank = 4 PP)
* bruised or onconscious = 1 after 1 round (1 rank)
* injured or staggered = 1 / 20 min (1 rank)
* disabled = 1 check / 5 hours (1 rank)
* ability damage = 1 recovered per 5 hours (1 ranks)

Blast (rapid fire autocannon) - 6; autofire, unreliable (5 charges)
(2pp/rank = 12 PP)


Weakness vs Powerful Magnetic Fields: intensity = moderate (+1);
frequency = uncommon (+1); time increment = every round (+3)
(Causes a Cumulative -1 drain on strength each round)
[value = 5 pp bonus]

Vulnerable to Magnetic Attacks: intensity = moderate (+1);
frequency = uncommon (+1)
(increases saving throw DC of magnetic attacks by 50%)
[value = 3 pp bonus]

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 8t 16t 24t 48t 125t

statistics = 50 PP
attack, defense, and saves = 27 PP
skills = 13 PP
feats = 24 PP
powers = 47 PP
drawbacks = -8 PP

on 3/1/07: spents 3 pp, increased rank of 'blast' power from 5 to 6 (2pp cost)
gained all-out-attack feat (1pp)

Alex has square, masculine, chiseled features. His hair is dark, almost black, and has
a slight natural curl to it. He keeps it long but tied back. His eyes are a brilliant
green and intense looking.

Aleksander is massively muscled, but that fact is overshadowed by the massive robotic arms
mounted to the body at the shoulder. They are painted bright yellow and resemble
construction equipment moreso than normal limbs. The arms are oversized and sometimes make
it difficult for Alex to squeeze through tight spaces.

Alec dressed simply, normally wear sleeveless t-shirts and cargo pants when not in uniform.
His uniform is similarly cut, normally displaying the yellow-green two tone on the top and
simple green cargo pants.

Aleksander Zoya spent his early years as any typical youth would in the largest of the former soviet
republics. His family was less than affluent, and Alex (his nickname) dropped out of school when
he was 15 to start working with his father in construction. Years passed and Aleksander shaped up
into a strong, strudy young man, whonontheless yearned for a better life for him and his family.
Alex thought he had found that opportunity when a shadowy figure offered him a large sum of
money for doing what he called "freelance construction work."

What really happened was that Alex found himself drugged and strapped to a table in the cloaked
figures laboratory. His body was painfully modified with robotic implants, the most drastic
of which were massive robotic arms which resembled construction equipment more than normal
limbs. Aleksander was groomed to be a controlled cybernetic slave to this shadowy villain,
chosen for his powerful build and ability to survive the agonizing rebuilding process.

However, Alex managed to burst free of his captor before the process was complete. The
equipment which would enslave his mind was never installed, and the newly empowered young
man tore a path of destruction through the facility as he fought his way out. His captor
vanished amidst the chaos. He never even saw his face.

Now Aleksander Zoya mourns his lost humanity, but also sees his newfound strength as a chance
to do some good, perhaps even elevate his family to above the poverty line. Hearing of the
opportunities available to him within the ranks of the Resolutes, he scraped together the
money and set off for America...


First Post
Scout (PL10)

Concept/Archetype: Teleporter/Military special operative
Power Level: 10
Power Points: 150
Experience Points: -
Hero Points: 1

Abilities (50 pp)
Strength: 10 [+0] .. (0 pp)
Dexterity: 30 [+10] .. (20 pp)
Constitution: 20 [+5] .. (10 pp)
Intelligence: 20 [+5] .. (10 pp)
Wisdom: 20 [+5] .. (10 pp)
Charisma: 10 [+0] .. (0 pp)

Saves (0 pp)
Toughness +5 (5 Con + 0 Feat + 0 Power)
Fortitude +5 (0 Base + 5 Con + 0 Feat + 0 Power) (0 pp)
Reflex +10 (0 Base + 10 Dex + 0 Feat + 0 Power) (0 pp) [Evasion]
Will +5 (0 Base + 5 Wis + 0 Feat + 0 Power) (0 pp)

Combat (8 pp)
Initiative +10 (+10 Dex)
Base Defense +0 (0 pp)
Defense 20 (10 + 0 Base + 10 Feat [Dodge focus] + 0 Power)
Flat-Footed +0 [Retain defense: Uncanny dodge]
Base Attack +4 (8 pp)

Unarmed +4 (DC15 Toughness save, Critical 20, Bruise)
Holdout pistol +4 (DC17 Toughness save, Critical 20, Lethal)
Teleport other +Autohit (DC20 Reflex save, Range [perception], Teleport 1000')
Control power [Teleport] +Autohit (DC20 Will save, Range [perception], Control teleport)

Speed 30/60/120
Teleport 1400ft | 2 billion miles

Skills [44 SP] (11 pp)
Concentration +5 (0 ranks + 5 Wis)
Diplomacy +0 (0 ranks +0 Cha)
Escape artist +10 (0 ranks + 10 Dex)
Knowledge [technology] +10 (5 ranks + 5 Int) [Skill mastery: take 10]
Notice +20 (15 ranks + 5 Wis) [Skill mastery: take 10]
Profession [military special operative] +10 (5 ranks + 5 Wis)
Search +10 (5 ranks + 5 Int) [Skill mastery: take 10]
Sense motive +5 (0 ranks + 5 Wis)
Stealth +20 (10 ranks + 10 Dex) [Skill mastery: take 10]
Survival +5 (0 ranks + 5 Wis)

Languages (4 ranks)
Danish, English, Finnish (native), Norwegian, Swedish

Feats (18 pp)
Benefit (Security clearance), Connected (Military), Dodge focus x10, Equipment, Evasion x2, Hide in plain sight, Skill mastery [Knowledge (technology), Notice, Search, Stealth], Uncanny Dodge [blindsight]

Powers (63 pp)
Teleport 14 [Mutant](2 pp/rank base + 1 pp/rank + 7 pp = 48 pp) ... "Teleport self"
Extra: Action [Free] (+1/rank)
Power Feat: Change Direction (1)
Power Feat: Change Velocity (1)
Power Feat: Easy (1)
Power Feat: Innate (1)
Power Feat: Subtle (1)
Power Feat: Turnabout (1)
Alternate Power - Teleport 10 [Mutant](2 pp/rank base + 2 pp/rank + 7 pp = 45 pp, 1 pp net) ... "Reactive teleport"
Extra: Action [Reaction] (+2/rank)
Power Feat: Change Direction (1)
Power Feat: Change Velocity (1)
Power Feat: Easy (1)
Power Feat: Innate (1)
Power Feat: Subtle (1)
Alternate Power - Teleport 10 [Mutant](2 pp/rank base + 2 pp/rank + 8 pp = 48 pp, 1 pp net) ... "Teleport friends"
Extra: Affects Others (+1/rank)
Extra: Range [Perception] (+2/rank)
Flaw: Action [Standard] (-1/rank)
Power Feat: Innate (1)
Power Feat: Progression [Affects others x100] (6)
Power Feat: Subtle (1)
Alternate Power - Teleport 10 [Mutant](2 pp/rank base + 2 pp/rank + 5 pp = 45 pp, 1 pp net) ... "Teleport another ... against their will"
Extra: Attack (+1/rank)
Extra: Range [Perception] (+2/rank)
Flaw: Action [Full round] (-1/rank)
Power Feat: Change direction (1)
Power Feat: Change velocity (1)
Power Feat: Easy (1)
Power Feat: Innate (1)
Power Feat: Subtle (1)
Alternate Power - Power control 10 [Mutant](2 pp/rank base + 1 pp/rank + 1 pp = 31 pp, 1 pp net) ... "Control teleportation"
Extra: Action [Free] (+2/rank)
Flaw: Limited [Teleportation] (-1/rank)
Power Feat: Subtle (1)

Immunity [Mutant](Variable pp/rank + 0 pp = 1 pp)
Aging (1 rank)

Super senses [Mutant](Variable pp/rank + 6 pp = 10 pp)
Blindsight [Mental] (4 ranks)
Power Feat: Acute (1)
Power Feat: Accurate (2)
Power Feat: Innate (1)
Power Feat: Radius (1)
Power Feat: Subtle (1)

Equipment (5ep)
Cell phone (1ep)
Holdout pistol [Damage +2] (4ep)
Military uniform (0ep)
Resolute uniform (0ep) ... (Standard: Two-toned blue)
Resolute uniform (0ep) ... (Customized: Dark green and gray)
Task force communicator (0ep)

Abilities [50] + Combat [8] + Saves [0] + Skills [11] + Feats [18] + Powers [63] + Drawbacks [0] = Total [150]
Unspent [0]

Mundane details
Name: Ulla-Maria Wallenius
Gender: Female
Age: 26 years (Apparent age 19)
Size: Medium
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 98lbs
Hair: Mousy brown
Eyes: Green
Nationality: Finnish
Ethnicity: Caucasian

A short petite woman. Standing barely 5'1", Ulla-Maria moves with a lithe grace that is simply unearthly. She is rather plain looking, although she is always impeccably dressed and groomed. Her mousy brown hair is simply pulled back into a neat ponytail and her piercing green eyes are a vibrant counterpoint to her bland expression. Ulla-Maria is exceedingly intelligent and strong willed and possesses a hardy constitution that many an athlete would envy, yet it is her almost preternatural grace and dexterity that obviously sets her apart ... that and her innate ability to teleport. Strangely, Ulla-Maria has not aged at all over the last few years and still appears to be a young woman of 19.
Ulla-Maria's demeanor is quiet and unassuming, yet exceedingly professional. Very military. Yet somehow she always seems to blend in, unnoticeable until she speaks. Combined with her subtle ability to teleport, this often means that those in her company are surprised at her presence when she makes herself known.

Apart from a relatively normal childhood, very little is known about Ulla-Maria since she joined the Finnish military at the age of 18. Her service record shows that she completed basic training. From that point on her record is classified. Coincidentally this coincides with the arrival of the comet at the end of 1999. Ulla-Maria was later assigned to the Finnish contingent of the UN task force, and then, at the end of 2006, was transferred to the Resolutes.

[sblock=Notes]Military (Highly classified)
Once the Finnish military became aware of Ulla-Maria's special abilities, she was placed in specialized training within the army intelligence division. She is specialized in reconnaissance and site-based intelligence gathering, although she has been assigned other missions on several occasions. Ulla-Maria still maintains her connections within the Finnish army and the UN task forces.

Power descriptions
Teleportation: A latent innate ability of which Ulla-Maria was previously unaware, it was a fully regressive trait until the appearance of the comet. Now it as easy and natural as breathing to her. When she 'ports, she is simply there, at her destination. There is nothing to indicate the teleportation except the fact that she is there, no sound, no smell, no effects of any sort.
"Teleport self": Can teleport with a thought. Can change her own velocity and direction freely when teleporting. Can teleport further by herself than with others. She has not yet discovered any limits to how far she can teleport.
"Reactive teleport": Can teleport as a reaction. Can change her own velocity and direction freely when teleporting.
"Teleport friends": Can teleport others as long as she can perceive them. Can even 'port crowds of people, however this takes longer than normal.
"Teleport another": Can teleport another as long as she can perceive them, even against their will, however this takes longer than normal.
"Control teleportation": Can control another's teleportation ability with a thought. Is currently unaware of this ability.

Immunity: Ulla-Maria has not aged since the appearance of the comet. She is not yet aware of this (although she does know that she looks younger than she is).

Super senses: With the appearance of the comet, Ulla-Maria began to experience intense headaches almost continuously. Eventually, after several months, they began to subside and in their place Ulla-Maria found that she was able to perceive her surroundings in a completely new way. She can sense things everywhere around herself and her perception is so acute and accurate that even if she is unable to see her surroundings, she can still use her mental perceptions to target things around her.


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