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Living Supers Approved Rules Content

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Approved UN Equipment

Suit Description:
The uniform of the Resolutes is a one-piece body stocking, that is made of a suitibly advanced super-science material such that it is undamaged by its wearer's powers, in point of fact, each is fitted to the Resolute (powers, and size). The Uniform also comes with gloves and boots.

There are two main color schemes for the uniform, green with a yellow stripe running down the body's midline (with matching gloves and boots), for more visible occasions, and a second uniform of two tones of blue for more discrete functions. These are the standard that everyone is provided with.

Customization: Resolutes have a great deal of latitude in their uniform, so long as the standard design elements are there, including the Resolute emblem over the Left breast. Resolutes have at their option, the length of sleeves (sleeveless is an option). Also at the Resolute's option is the colors in the uniform, so long as it remains two-toned, as unrelieved black is deemed undesireable from a PR standpoint.

The emblem is an R with a Globe functioning as the inner part, it would go above the left breast.

- By Shalimar

Standard Issue Equipment
Communicator: A tiny button sized device bearing the crest of the Resolutes over the symbol of the UN. The communicator has a 2 mile range, although it can be boosted globally if in communications range of a Vigilant. One is issued to each member of the Resolutes.

Vigilant: The vigilant is the brainchild of Dr. Alexander Marks, A Super Intelligent inventor in the employ of the UN. These hover craft are quite advanced, with VTOL capabilities as well as a 5000 MPH top speed. It can carry up to 8 tons at top speed, and up to a maximum of 24 tons. (Use the stats for a fighter jet found in the Equipment section) One is issued, along with a pilot, to each team.


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Approved Powers

Effect: Alteration
Action: Free
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant
Cost: 4 points per rank

You have some control over the otherwise random whims of chance. Each round you can make your Probability Control rank the minimum result of any one die roll you make. If the die comes up with a lower result, use your power rank instead. So if you have Probability Control 12 you can choose a die roll and be ensured a minimum result of 12 on the die, treating any roll of less than a 12 as a 12. A 20 on the die roll acquired through Probability Control is not considered a “natural 20.”

At rank 1 Probability Control only ensures that a natural 1 on an attack roll is not an automatic miss, if the total attack roll would still hit the target’s Defense. Higher ranks increasingly ensure reliably good outcomes (or at least a degree of immunity to poor ones) while the highest ranks ensure the character can regularly accomplish amazing things.

Probability Control’s maximum rank is the campaign’s power level or 20 (whichever is less). At the Gamemaster’s discretion, you can split your Probability Control among multiple die rolls in the same round, having a lesser effect. So, for example, you could split Probability Control 12 into two minimum die rolls of 6,or any other combination adding up to 12. In this case, the GM may wish to allow Probability Control ranks greater than 20, but with no more than 20 ranks assigned to any particular die roll in a round.


• Fortune (+1): You can grant the benefits of your Probability Control to someone else by touch.
• Jinx (+1): You can affect someone else with bad luck by touch (requiring a successful melee attack roll for an unwilling subject). The target gets a Will saving throw to avoid the effect. If it fails, on one of the subject’s die rolls for the next round (chosen by you), a roll equal to or less than your Probability Control rank is treated as a 1.
• Range (+1): You can use Fortune and/or Jinx at normal range as a +1 extra. For a +2 extra, you can use either at perception range. You must have the Fortune or Jinx extra(s) to benefit from this extra.

• Limited (–1): You can only use the Fortune or Jinx ability of Probability Control; the power doesn’t benefit you. You must have the appropriate extra (Fortune or Jinx) to take this flaw.

-Submitted by Keia, from material by Steve Kenson


From the complete power book, it's additional selection for the Comprehend power.

Comprehend - Spirits (Paraphrasing from the entry)
You can communicate with incorporeal and normally invisible and inaudible spirit beings, such as ghosts or certain entities, depending on what beings exist in the context of the setting. One rank allows you to speak to these spirits and comprehend their replies. This effect may extend to demons, undead creatures, or other supernatural entities at the GM's discretion.

Proposed by D.Shaffer: Passed 22/09/07

Maximum Tradeoffs
Tradeoffs are limited to 50% of powerlevel rounded down.

Proposed by Kylara: Passed 24/09/07

Power Feat: Variable Descriptor

Originally Posted by Ultimate Power

Variable Descriptor
You can change the descriptors of an effect with this power feat, varying them as a free action once per round. For one rank with this feat, you can apply any of a closely related group of descriptors, such as weather, electromagnetic, temperature, and so forth. For two ranks, you can apply any of a broad group of descriptors, such as any mental, magical, or technological descriptor. The GM decides if any given descriptor is appropriate for use with a particular effect and this feat.

Proposed by Hand of Vecna: Passed 24/09/07

Nullify (Affects Objects)

This proposal deals with a modifier for the Nullify Power. This modifier allows the power to work on inanimate objects

Affects Objects +1 (the effect works on objects as well as creatures)

A Possible Flaw: Only Affects Objects –1

Objects don't make Will saves, so use the opposed power rank check instead, using the item's highest rank.

Also note that some equipment won't "restart" on its own: it'll need repair, resetting, or at least someone to hit the "on" switch again. (This is just a descriptor and part of the limitations of equipment.)

Proposed by Salix: Passed 24/09/07

Power: Gadgets

Taken from Ultimate Power

Effect: Variable
Action: Standard Action
Duration: Continuous
Save: None
Cost: See power description
Mechanic: Act as Shapeshift, with a device flaw and with one extra limitation: the character cannot redistribute his physical attributes. This power can cost 7 PP per rank or 6 PP per rank, depending on the difficulty of losing the device.

Gadget [7PP/rank]
This can represent one hard to lose device (A multi-function power armour), or an array of easy to lose item, but that must be disarm one by one, with their holder that is hard to lose (Utility Belt).

Gadget [6PP/rank]
This can represent one easy to lose multi-function item (A lamp containing a wish granting Djinn).

Proposed by Hand of Vecna: Passed 24/09/07

Enhanced Traits

Enhanced Traits are in the book Ultimate Power (page 47) if you have that source material and is considered an expansion of Enhanced Ability in the main M&M rulebook.

Essentially an Enhanced Trait is a Normal Trait (Feats, Attack, Defence, Skills) bought as a Power.

The cost is the same but the Trait may now be treated as a Power and as such may have Extras, Flaws, Drawbacks and Extra Effort applied to it. It also may be Drained, Mimicked and Nullified as a Power.

During Character Creation though Enhanced Traits should be closely inspected for rules abuse but fits many concepts.

Proposed by Hero4Hire: Passed 04/07/07

Individual slots within an Array of Alternate Powers may not be given the Device flaw.
This appears to be legal according to RAW, but it is very unclear what happens when a device which is also an AP is removed from a character. Who can use the device? Can the character still use the other slots in their array? To save this confusion, this type of build is not allowed in Living Supers.

This is not to say that a Device can not contain an Array (eg a blaster with multiple settings or a car that turns into a battle suit), but a Array may not contain a Device.

Devices that grant the Alternate Power power feat for an existing Power/Array are allowable.

Proposed by Rgordona: Passed 02/10/07

Nested Arrays are not allowed.
Nested Arrays are where a power within an array is itself an array. Nesting arrays is legal according to the RAW, but it can lead to very complex character builds; also if taken to extremes it can give significant point savings on characters with very large arrays.

Overly complex characters, while a measure of skill on the players’ part, are hard to Gamemaster, and often are unbalanced in the scope of their abilities. With an eye toward simplifying and streamlining the approval process and alleviating some gameplay headaches, Nested Arrays are not permitted in Living Supers. Adding versatility to versatility is a bit too much and frankly the builds are a pain to look at and adjudicate.

Proposed by Rgordona: Passed 29/9/07
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