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Level Up Official Character Sheet (Color)

Homebrew Level Up Official Character Sheet (Color) 2021-12-01

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On the 4th line of Combat Maneuvers, the page number cell is left-aligned instead of centered like the rest of the rows.

Also, I didn't see any place to put the character's Prestige value.

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So, I managed to find a fix for my issue with space (mostly). I created a new version of the PDF with the features page duplicated. This actually took more work than expected in order to keep most of the content from mirroring each other (like the way the character name mirrors itself across all pages), and because free PDF editors suck.

So with two pages to work with, I can actually fit in all my stuff for 14th level ... except feats. Well, I have a few lines left, but they're scattered around since I was trying to organize similar stuff together. The remaining lines would be sufficient for filling in the remaining stuff til level 20, I think, but still short of lines for feats.

The number of knacks across the two pages is fine. With 12 lines total, that will fit a 20th level ranger. I actually have more combat maneuver lines than I strictly need. I have 22 lines, and the max needed should be 17. If I could edit the graphics, I could squeeze in a few more lines in the features area.

I still want to redesign stuff for certain other things, though that will be substantially more work.

One more bug in the original: The very first field in Features and Traits has the font set to size 12, instead of auto, so it won't auto-size the font and instead just scroll off into hidden territory.

Anyway, two more revisions along in reconstructing the character sheet. Instead of just duplicating page 2, I put the Features & Traits on one page, and Maneuvers and Knacks on a second page. This gives 78 fields for features (instead of 26 for one page, or 52 with the duplicated pages), 22 lines for maneuvers (enough for a 20th level fighter plus a couple feats that give free maneuvers), and 12 lines for knacks (enough for a 20th level ranger).

There's finally enough space for me to copy over my 14th level barbarian, with enough space to easily handle going up to 20th level. 30 of the lines in the Features & Traits section were stuff that was new to Level Up. With just O5E stuff, it could have fit in the space on the original page (mostly).

There's still some stuff I'd like to change, but I'm less sure about how all it would fit together. It would expand the page count again (from 5 to 6), which feels like it's starting to get excessive, but stuff like followers and strongholds kind of overflows what would have been appropriate on a single page.

I think... I think I can make do with the current pages, and just make a few tweaks. I'll try that.


One more bug in the original: The very first field in Features and Traits has the font set to size 12, instead of auto, so it won't auto-size the font and instead just scroll off into hidden territory.

Anyway, two more revisions along in reconstructing the character sheet. Instead of just duplicating page 2, I put the Features & Traits on one page, and Maneuvers and Knacks on a second page. This gives 78 fields for features (instead of 26 for one page, or 52 with the duplicated pages), 22 lines for maneuvers (enough for a 20th level fighter plus a couple feats that give free maneuvers), and 12 lines for knacks (enough for a 20th level ranger).

There's finally enough space for me to copy over my 14th level barbarian, with enough space to easily handle going up to 20th level. 30 of the lines in the Features & Traits section were stuff that was new to Level Up. With just O5E stuff, it could have fit in the space on the original page (mostly).

There's still some stuff I'd like to change, but I'm less sure about how all it would fit together. It would expand the page count again (from 5 to 6), which feels like it's starting to get excessive, but stuff like followers and strongholds kind of overflows what would have been appropriate on a single page.

I think... I think I can make do with the current pages, and just make a few tweaks. I'll try that.
Would you be willing to share you file?

Would you be willing to share you file?
OK, I've uploaded it to the downloads/resources area, but I marked it as a character sheet, so it didn't auto-post it to this forum. Here's the link: Level Up character sheet

Version 5 is splitting up the features and maneuvers/knacks into separate pages. Version 6 adds a few minor fields (Motivation for Destiny, and Prestige and Gender on the appearance page). Version 7 compresses the skills and uses the space to add a table for ability usage tracking.

Voidrunner's Codex

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