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D&D General (+) Let's have a separate optional Mythic Martial class

Yes, I know, why do we need another thread?

Because I think @MichaelSomething is on to a good thing here. We do need lots of separate threads because in most threads the frames and assumptions are too broad and lead to tons of talking past one another.

So why this thread? We have "Let's give good things to Fighters" thread but as we have seen from other threads, there are some people that are ok with a Mythic Martial existing as a separate class but want the current Fighter to remain as an option.

This is the thread for the high level gonzo Mythic Martial, untethered by the Fighter.

Assumptions for this conversation thread:

1) spellcasters remain as is

2) Fighter remains as is as a Class option for those that want it

3) This new Mythic Martial class is an optional class in a splat book with "ask your DM if you want to play it" label

4) the new mythic martial will be no more powerful or versatile than the Wizard, but it doesn't matter if the new mythic martial is more powerful or versatile than the current Fighter

5) the new Mythic Martial class has explicit but general narrative permission to have fantastical abilities of any kind. Could be something like:
"The world is a magical place. Some sentient races manifest powers beyond normal members of their race and no one ones why. Often these abilities manifest later in life." or "The sentient races are all descended from the First People. Modern people are pale imitations of the first Peoples, who were more like Gods walking the planet. Some people have the blood of the First People flowing stronger in their veins and manifest powers beyond normal members of their race. Often these abilities manifest later in life.

6) no limits on mechanics that can be used right now. (I can see a debate on not including a lot of narrative abilities but also don't think we can necessarily get to the power level we need and still be martial without doing so...)

7) No spells, but using mechanics like once a day abilities is fair game and does not make an ability automatically a spell!

So with that in mind. My ideal Mythic Martial would have highly customizable abilities to pick and choose from at each level so you can make several archetypes within the class or a bit of each (more mundane guy with items, quick guy, hulk bruiser, etc.). Some quick thoughts on higher level abilities 10 level + (lower levels I think can draw from the mundane Fighter thread perhaps).

  • super leaping
  • breaking through solid and magical barriers
  • sonic clap or stomp
  • narrative enforced get from point A to point B
  • bullet time dodging
  • wrestling big things
  • deflecting spells
  • cleaving large projectiles
  • scare to death
  • class tied magic items
  • leadership type abilities -- pack tactics bonuses
  • martial hero charisma that sways those they care about it
  • cloud leaping
  • abilities that incorporate a bunch of actions into an ability that just works rather than go through the move, action, reaction, etc. system.

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Tony Vargas

Hey, look, another prime opportunity to bring back Prestige Classes! ;) They could be 10-level classes that you can MC to when entering Tier 3, You could have one, or one per nominally-martial class (Preq: no spells). They either straight up give you +1 level/level in your class, or just have similar abilities plus juiced up Mythic abilities you have in mind.

Aside from PrCs, you could also take inspiration from 4e Paragon Paths or Epic Destinies. They're options that add onto a class, but only after a certain level, 4e's Tiers being Heroic, Paragon, and Epic, at 10 levels each.
So just draw a line in the sand, I mean, between any two Tiers, below that line, martials stay politely mundane, as always, above that, the class also stays the same, but they pick a Mythic Archetype that adds the sorts of various abilities you have in mind.


I pondered a mystic swordsman class that had

  • Quick Step
    • Flash Step
      • Afterimage
  • Projectile Parry
  • Slash throw objects
    • Slash throw people
      • Slash through reality
  • Wind Slash
    • Whirlwind Slash
  • Inner Focus
    • Slo Mo Focus
      • Time Stop Focus

I pondered a mystic swordsman class that had

  • Quick Step
    • Flash Step
      • Afterimage
  • Projectile Parry
  • Slash throw objects
    • Slash throw people
      • Slash through reality
  • Wind Slash
    • Whirlwind Slash
  • Inner Focus
    • Slo Mo Focus
      • Time Stop Focus

Without knowing exactly what they are, I can imagine some very cool high level abilities for

Slash through reality
Time Focus Stop

Hey, look, another prime opportunity to bring back Prestige Classes! ;) They could be 10-level classes that you can MC to when entering Tier 3, You could have one, or one per nominally-martial class (Preq: no spells).

Good idea to explore. And helps to simplify character gen as you pick mythic powers around a theme. That said, a little worried at complexity of implementation vs. just a standalone new class.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I accept the OP's premise, and I feel a full class is a better fit to the concept than a prestige class or limiting oneself to a swordsman. The concept deserves to start at level 1 and go up like everyone else.


A suffusion of yellow
I think that we could look at Mutants and Masterminds as a model for adding Heroic Tier abilities using MMs Ranks (up to 10)

So Hercules Str 20/10 Con 16/10 Dex 13 Etc
Super-Strength +10 Mighty Strike +5
: Knock Prone, 100ft burst
Limited: targets must be in contact with the ground
Thunderclap: Stun, 50ft burst
Wreck: Slam attack v Objects, Walls
Unstoppable Force: The characters is so massive that he is nearly impossible to stop. He can move up to his speed in a straight line. While moving in this way, the character can freely smash through the space of any creature that is Huge or smaller. Anything in his path must make a dexterity saving throw or suffer damage as though hit with a Slam attack.

Objects and obstacles in the way suffer double damage. If a structure that would ordinarily block movement suffers enough damage to wreck it, the character may continue moving forward, leaving behind a large hole.
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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Might be a good place to use recharge rolls rather than traditional limiter pools. Rate them from 3-6, you roll the d6 at the start of your turn, and regain the ability if you hit the target number.

Might be a good place to use recharge rolls rather than traditional limiter pools. Rate them from 3-6, you roll the d6 at the start of your turn, and regain the ability if you hit the target number.

I'm not opposed to this as an idea. But what do you see as the benefits over a x per day or x per short rest (5 min or 1 hr version)?

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