Let us have a reckoning - pre-modern casual English

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I find the contractions and 'saving syllables' part interesting - especially when he was talking about, "what is t' clock"

My first thought was we now say, "what time is it?" (What time is it Mr. Wolf?)

But as is shown the video, I often say, "What's the time?" Because it's shorter and rolls off the tongue faster/easier.


I find the contractions and 'saving syllables' part interesting - especially when he was talking about, "what is t' clock"

My first thought was we now say, "what time is it?" (What time is it Mr. Wolf?)

But as is shown the video, I often say, "What's the time?" Because it's shorter and rolls off the tongue faster/easier.
I’ve always said “What’s the time, Mr Wolf?”

Stop trying to make fetch happen.
I think it was back in 2014, Magic: the Gathering players were yearning for Wizards of the Coast to reprint a cycle of cards called 'fetch lands' (you could use them to search for other lands in your deck, helping you get the right mana to cast your spells). Many people joked that the cards were too good and would never be reprinted. But the players kept asking.

Then the set Khans of Tarkir reprinted them! Victory! We had made fetch happen!


Staff member
This one will NOT let you make fetch happen.

I think it would have boosted sales further had the name been "Magic: The Reckoning"

Whether the true name is Magic: The Retconning is left as an exercise for the reader.


I have a Kong and can definitely make fetch happen ... IYKWIMAITYD.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Today, we tend to think that folks in England will speak a version of the language that is closest to versions spoken 400 years ago.
Do we? I don't think I speak like people 400 years ago, and I'm pretty sure nobody I know thinks that. I don't think I speak like people 5 years ago, let alone 400 years ago.

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