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Pathfinder 1E Leif's Whirtlestaff's Wizards Academy, Reprise [Pfdr] [IC05]



Sitting by herself, with the greenish scorpion sitting on her shoulder in her exactly shoulder-length hair, cut straight across and parted in the middle, the young woman eats bread, cheese, and a small piece of meat. She eats slowly, savoring each bite. She sips at the ale. Her outfit is all brown, a simple leather skirt with a brown cotton blouse and a brown cloak drooped down her back in the seat. The belt on her skirt appears to have several pouches on it. Her knapsack sits at her feet. As she glances towards you, you may notice her blue eyes seem slightly off, but you can't quite make out why. Her skin is slightly pale with a hint of tan or sunburn. You notice her fingernails are well-cared for and painted with curious designs. As the group converses, she watches you intently as she eats.

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Tylara says, "We seem to have drawn the attention of the young woman, I'll go have a word with her. You lot can see what you can find out from the fellow in the glasses and the guy with the jodphurs. You'll likely just scare the woman away thinking your looking for a date." With that she rises from the table leaving her quarterstaff pack behind and approaches the woman sitting alone at the table.

A statuesque grey-elf maiden with long legs and a painfully thin figure looks down at Pela. Her medium length straight hair is silver and her amber eyes seem to smolder, an effect enhanced by dark eye-makeup touched with copper. But there is also pain in those eyes. They have seen loss recently. Her skin is almost translucently pale with just a hint an icy blue tint. A few bruises, scratches and even burns are viable suggesting that she has seen a fight recently. Her cheek bones are high and her features chiseled with thin cruel lips of a dusky rose color and a pointed cleft chin. Her ears are long, sharply pointed and rake back on a line with her chin. Her fingers are long and thin and she wears her slightly pointed medium length nails lacquered a deep red, but they are now mostly broken and only traces of the lacquer remains. She wears knee high black boots with heels that add to her height making her well over 6' tall. Daggers are poised for easy drawing in both boot tops, and another is hidden at the small of her back. Silver hose the color of her hair topped by a short black suede leather skirt and a matching silver shirt with a red paisley over amber vest laced in front. Starting with a circle around her middle fingers, otherwise fingerless gloves extend back over her hands, A darkwood buckler hangs from a clip on her belt. A quiver holding arrows and a bow almost as long as she is tall hangs rises over one shoulder while the hilt of a long thin sword rises over the other. A wide belt lined with pockets for spell components and clasped with a coppery buckle in a dragon motif circles her waist.

"Good afternoon, I am Delunamanth Tylarapelotheenia but just ‘Tylara’ will do." She gestures at a chair. "Might I join you for a word? My companions and I have been traveling and would like a bit of local news. I'll buy your food and a drink if you'll share what you know."



"Good afternoon, I am Delunamanth Tylarapelotheenia but just ‘Tylara’ will do." She gestures at a chair. "Might I join you for a word? My companions and I have been traveling and would like a bit of local news. I'll buy your food and a drink if you'll share what you know."

Pela watches as Tylara moves to her table. Pela responds, "Please sit," pointing to the chair.

After Tylara settles, Pela speaks, "My name is Pela, Pela Dunn. Your travels must have been...demanding." Pela glances from Tylara's face to her fingernails. Pela waves at the keeper to come over. Once she has his attention, Pela turns back to Tylara. To Tylara, Pela appearance is of one much wiser than expected for one so young.


Tylara folds her long form into the seat with considerable grace. She asks for another glass of wine and another round of whatever Pela is drinking. She offers up a few golden coins. "It was a demanding journey. We are returning with some success and some...lose." Her eyes are far away for a moment and then she continues in a cool tone. "But that is past, we are looking to the future. What news of Whirtlestaffs? We need to call upon some of the resources there to undertake a new mission."


Tylara folds her long form into the seat with considerable grace. She asks for another glass of wine and another round of whatever Pela is drinking. She offers up a few golden coins. "It was a demanding journey. We are returning with some success and some...lose." Her eyes are far away for a moment and then she continues in a cool tone. "But that is past, we are looking to the future. What news of Whirtlestaffs? We need to call upon some of the resources there to undertake a new mission."

Pela flinches at the request. She responds in a measured fashion, "I’ve been wrapped up in my own studies with Prof. Mirabeil ever since I transferred to Whiirtlestaffs. This is the my first time off campus in, well, too long. Hopefully, Pela looks around and lowers her voice. "’Mad’ Marcus won’t come looking for me. He does seem to change topics rather randomly. I need some time away from studying. How much studying do normal trainee wizards do?”

Pela returns to normal tone of voice. "A new mission? There are rumors that some wizards from Whirtlestaffs have been rehabilitating an area outside Pembrose. Have you been that way? She watches for Tylara's reaction as she continues eating, and feeding a bite to her greensting scorpion.


Tylara smiles, "You'll do too much studying. Unfortunately, the professors don't seem to understand that each of them piles on enough work to keep a student busy full time. Mad Marcus is...unpredictable. I would not be surprised to see him send some summoned creature to fetch you if he needs. you. Anyway, it sounds like little has changed up there." She glances around conspiratorially before continuing. "We liberated an old fort from some hobgoblins and it needs a lot of work. But we've got more serious problems. A nearby group of Elves has dragon troubles." She says this with an attempt at calm, but I slight quaver in her voice gives away her apprehension.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Cappizzio lets his lower lip out in a faux pout at being accused of being a flirt. He then bucks it up to put his game face on ande . . . . .

ooc: more to come after dr appt.


Tavern near Whirtlestaff's Wizards Academy

A soft, yet gruff voice from a nearby booth piques the interest of the wizards, "Dragons? I done heerd me a tale aboot a dragon lately. Larentiss he be called. Wood-bee Dragon Hunters best check their gear and be sure they go loaded for ... well, dragons."

Looking around, the wizards see a grizzled dwarf sitting in the booth. He is missing part of his right ear, and has a livid scar on the right side of his neck and over his right collarbone that disappears into his coat of mail. Over the mail, he wears a well-used smith's apron, and a massive hammer is within easy reach of his right hand.


Tylara flashes Cappizzio a significant look, clearly intending for him to chat with the dwarf. The elf doesn't speak with Dwarves unless absolutely necessary.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
With his back to the Grizzled Dwarf (Really, is there any other kind?) He gives the Elf an eyeroll and a smile.

"Sir, What, may I ask, are you drinking. I would hear more of your wisdom and am thirsty for something other then water or wine." He wears no smile for he feels the subject to be a serious one.

Voidrunner's Codex

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