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Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition

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5 out of 5 rating for Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition

L5R is one of my favourite RPGs, if not the favourite. I have no particular interest in Japan or Eastern culture per se, but this fantasy oriental setting really does it for me. Thinking why is a bit harder - one reason may be that the setting comes with some constraints. For the default, all players are samurai and are bound by Bushido and their duty to their family, clan, and Empire. However, all clans view Bushido and these duties rather differently and although all samurai are warriors, they can be either Bushi, Shugenja, or Courtiers (Artisans and Monks are also options). What this gives you is that all PCs are linked to the setting and have a clear idea of what is expected of them. Yet within that there are many options for games. One can play the 'standard' game - PCs as magistrates roaming the Empire investigating troubles, but other options are there. Brave Crab defending the Wall against the Shadowlands, Mantis seafarers looking for trade and treasure, Dragon mystics looking for enlightenment, or Crane or Scorpion courtiers sparring over barely-veiled insults. This is a game where you can kill goblins in caves in one session and be negotiating with a local lord in the next.Rules are quite straightforward - mechanics based around d10s and the 'roll and keep system' Combat is appropriately lethal. The books are beautifully produced with excellent artwork. I really recommend this game - here's a link to freebie http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/85888/Legacy-of-Disaster and you can see some write-ups of my game at my blog.

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