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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


knowledge nobility: 1D20+1 = [10]+1 = 11

knowledge religion: 1D20+5 = [3]+5 = 8

Once the immediate threats of violence are past Breva motions to Custodio, "A word if you please?" He takes Custodio outside the room to the hall for a brief chat. "I like the arrogant traitor no more than you, but I cannot condone violence given that we agreed to talk. Still I hope you put him off balance. I know nothing of his family. Are they as important as he thinks? I don't like making deals with his sort." He shakes his head and starts over. "That isn't really why I ask to have a word with you. Do you know aught of a Voltaran named Beltramino? I'm feel like I have heard the name before, but I can't remember where."

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World of Kulan DM
Akos looks up at some irritation toward Custodio at his outburst. He also sits across the young lord and waits for the things to calm down, his hands calmly at the table before the noble tries to stand up and goes for his sword.

"Sit down! No one will fight here!" he snaps, the voice commanding before returning to softer volume
Both of the men balk under the Loremaster's commanding presence. The young Regular guard moves his hand away from his blade and remains seated. He has forgotten Custodio's threat towards him and now has his eyes locked on Akos. The Elite guard shudders under Akos' gaze and he moves to the corner of the room and sets himself up against the wall. He doesn't interrupt Akos again.

OOC: I'm assuming you mean to use the intimidate check against Nathaniel and not Custodio, or do you mean it for both of them? Custodio's reaction is based on him getting hit by 'friendly fire' based on the level check below. Heh.

Custodio - Level Check (+2):
1D20+12+2 = [1]+12+2 = 15

Neurotic said:
"Look, Aceron..." he intentionally drops and honorifics "...you are a noble of some influence. But you may have noticed there are things changing. And if Loyalists win, what do you think will be rewarded with the goods from the city? Nobles? Or outsider sellswords that came for the riches? At best, you will remain in positions and with lowered influence. On the other hand, helping the Bluffside, even tangentially, can increase the already existing influence. You don't have to prove to a new government you're loyal nor accept their blunders and possible cruelty which would also turn the public against the privileged. And we all know, you don't live so much on the money as on the reputation and the power.

I know of your grandsire, may gods preserve him, but do you think he would protect you if it goes public you support the renegade? There is a limit of how much he can spare you. We are negotiating because it is faster and more convenient for us, not because we are in some dire need especially since you already gave us names to investigate."
Nathaniel keeps his focus on the Loremaster and listens to the man's words thoughtfully if begrudgingly. When Akos asks him about how Lord Cyrus would react to his betrayal of the city, there is some definite fear in his eyes. He shakes his head.

Knowledge (Religion) Check
Akos has definitely heard of "Lord Cyrus," although he did not know before now that the man was a member of the Aceron Family. While Akos hasn't met the man, the Loremaster does know that Lord Cyrus is the head of a powerful temple dedicated to a collection of gods and goddesses known as the Frostward Fellowship. The Temple of Frost is devoted to studying the ancient history of Kulan, especially time periods in the past when much of northern Kanpur was covered in permanent ice and snow. Their knowledge of cold-based magic and the magics needed to protect against the cold is substantial.

Neurotic said:
He grows more serious, his demeanor forward leaning, face frowning and the voice drops lower and quieter. All together it creates a disturbingly dark image
"We need the information you can provide. But don't overestimate your value. We can investigate the names you gave us both through our connections, through magic and simply going there and talking to them. You, on the other hand didn't listen when I said we will escort you to the edge of the town, the main threat is here, not out there. And make no mistake, if we leave this place loudly discussing what we found out from you, you will not get out. This is not a threat. We don't even have to discuss anything, you became the target the moment you went from the table with us to the separate room. Even if you're not important in the grand scheme of things, you obviously know something. And it may even be something that the other side wants to hide. And if it is, you being killed may be a mercy since we saw...things...he did to people. I hate to repeat myself so I will ask you once more nicely." he smiles "So...do you choose Bluffside and your life as is..." he turns the left hand palm side up "...or you choose the service of the usurper who is deluded in thinking he can prevail here. Chose NOW!"

If the boy looks like he's thinking too long - anything above two breaths
"Chose or you chose by not chosing!" and Akos stands up

Diplomacy: 1D20+25 = [14]+25 = 39
Intimidate: 1D20+23 = [17]+23 = 40
Religion: 1D20+13 = [12]+13 = 25
- dodge this! :)
Nathaniel waits a few seconds before replying. "You've made your point." He takes the document off the table, folds it up, and stuffs in back into his pocket. He is clearly shaken by Akos' words if not by Custodio's threat of physical violence. He sighs. "Of course I'm not going to choose Phelix. The bribes might have been good, but it's not worth dying over." His eyes turn towards Custodio for a second before fixing back on Akos. "I choose my life, as it is, but I doubt I'll be allowed to stay anywhere near Bluffside once the truth comes out." He sighs again. "While my mother would let me stay at our country estate indefinitely, I would hate working in the fields for the rest of my life. No, I'd planned to tell you everything I know and then disappear in the middle of the night. I have distant cousins in Ambris, so I could go there easy enough, although I'd hate living there almost as much as living on our estate."

The man's face scrunches up at the thought of living in the countryside or a backward city. His thin vain bravado is gone completely under the Loremaster's gaze. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know." He sighs and shakes his head. "Some of it might be important but you probably already know most of it. That's why I wanted your signatures on this writ," he pats his pocket. "I was worried that I don't know enough to be useful."

Tuck quietly takes a seat after trying to make Mutt sit in front of the door. He is upset at the pompous noble - a fine example of nobility making life miserable for the common people, and the urban ranger has enough experience with that sort - but he also realizes another poor choice of words on his behalf can escalate the situation and leave them with nothing. So instead the kobold remains silent, studying the room for potential escape routes and making sure to be ready if Aceron decides to flee or fight.

Studying the door and any possible windows, he also thinks on traps he would add if they were to hang out here for a while. Too bad he doesn't have his assortment of tools and readymade traps with him. Perhaps later he can see if his lair is still safe? He chuckles to himself. Perhaps some poor fool found it, and in his mind he sees how that must've ended for him.

All this while listening to the conversation.

Knowledge local: 1D20+9 = [5]+9 = 14
You know nothing, Tuck Snow. ;)
Tuck watches as the young man's will is broken by the Loremaster. Custodio, too, is affected by Akos speech and subtle threats. Then the kobold ranger's mind wanders to the room and how he would trap it -- not that it matters now. Young Aceron isn't going anywhere and any thought of a fight breaking out has ended.

Instead of guarding the door, Mutt lies in front of it while chewing on the bone leftover from his earlier meal. The dog doesn't react to Akos' speech. The big animal has gotten used to listening to the Loremaster's voice.

Tim snorts, "I'm kind of new here, so I don't have the honor of knowing your esteemed grandfather. However, I can tell you this, as a nobleman myself, relying on the name of your house and the honor afforded to it will only take you so far. There comes a point where words and reputations will become moot. That contract is as worthless as the paper it's printed on, and I will not sign it. You have my word as a knight that if we choose to escort you ANYWHERE, you will remain safe under our protection, especially if I have anything to say about it. I do not back up my words with contracts; I back them up with action, with strength of arm, and sharpness of steel. Do you doubt the veracity of what I say? I should hope not. The absence of doubt is proven by my actions. When I say that I shall do something, those words soon become REALITY. That's the difference between us; what you rely on for protection and for respect is fleeting and ephemeral. Because you rely on words. I am a man of actions."
Nathaniel seems unsure whether or not he should answer Big Tim's question without Akos' permission. Eventually, he relaxes enough to reply. "I don't doubt what you say." He pauses. "I don't know how it works on your world -- yes, I know about that -- but Bluffside's elite society is complex, sometimes way too complex. Words on documents are paramount in a city where the flow of adamantine from the mines is more important than a person's actions."

He sighs again. "Getting something in writing is important in this city. The Five control almost everything when it comes to commerce. It is only the Wizard Council that has oversight over magical trade and wealth and even they tend to bow and scrape to The Five." He pauses. "So, why wouldn't those nobles, sick of them controlling everything, choose to turn a blind eye towards the machinations of one renegade sorcerer."

"Until he started terrorizing Old City, I bet," Vinny says.

Nathaniel nods. "Yes, that's the reason I want to leave Bluffside... I was going to warn mother," he adds sheepishly. "Phelix has plans for the city that will go badly for everyone. I don't know everything but I do know he is using the city as a testing ground for his plans for overthrowing his family in Sharn. He might have designs on ruling that city and all the other Dragonmarked Cities." He glances at Falen. "That's why he's working with The Dusk. He's made promises to their leaders about helping them consolidate power over all the illegal trade in all the coastal cities from Bluffside to Sharn."

"How do you know this?" Falen asks.

"Geoffrey Suggitt," Nathaniel replies. "He and Finnola Jardine are both in league with Phelix. He ran off to tell Sabela Abreu about your investigation into the creature in the Gardens right after you first appeared at the tower. Sabela is allied with Phelix and the Brelish Guild -- that's the name of the thieves guild that's been operating in Old City out of the Crossed Candles."

"We knew about the guild," Falen says. "Who is this Sabela person?"

"Sabela Abreu is the owner of the Delicate Delight Eatery," Nathaniel replies. "The food there is amazing an-... not important. I don't know why she's helping the renegade. It could be a simple as money."

"Is there anyone in this city who isn't corrupt?" Custodio says quietly to himself in his corner.

"Anyone else we should be worried about?" Vinny asks.

"That's a lot to go into here," Nathaniel replies to the Sectarian while keeping his eyes locked on Akos. "I'm not sure what else I can tell you that probably don't already know. You know about Phelix's enclave. You know about the portal keys and how to get in and out. You say you know about the Brelish guild, The Dusk, and their street war against the local guilds, so I don't know how much more I can tell you that you don't already know. I will say this... don't underestimate Captain Wildore and his lackeys among the Regulars."

"Names?" Custodio asks.

"I don't know them all. You should definitely be suspicious about most of the gate guards in Old City, especially if they are sons or daughters from noble families that out of favor. Most of them are corrupt and take bribes, especially the captains and sergeants. Most of the rank and file are too green to be on the take. There is a really corrupt Regulars sergeant who is stationed at Red Arch. What is his name again?" Nathaniel muses a few moments. "I think his name is... Sampson? Geoffrey hasn't said if he's in the renegade's pocket. Regardless, he's often drunk on duty. He's infamous for that."

"We met him," Custodio says. "Sergeant Dragon."

"I can't think of anyone else, right now," Nathaniel says. He is holding his head with elbows on the table. "I have a headache. Water? Please?"

Finnola Jardine is one of the guards who was stationed at the estate known as Wyndlasmere House that was converted years ago to become a major Regulars guard post. It sits against the district's outer wall near the Old Growers' Tower that Phelix had been using for his portal experiments (before the PCs arrived there to explore it). Finnola wasn't present when the PCs encountered Guardian Mareike Alserda and the kindred dwarf Towermaster (and Custodio's old friend), Commander Alel Monderand.

Finnola later attacked Lady Émilienne out on the road in between Old City and the Wizard District along with several members of Phelix's Loyalists. They lost and, the last the PCs heard, Finnola's still in the Dungeon in New City. (None of the Exemplars have ever met her).

Sergeant Sampson Lichefield is the second-in-commander of the guard post at Red Arch. The PCs met him after they defeated Mani and were looking for a place to lock the doppelganger up. Sergeant Lichefield was very rude to them, and almost came to blows when Mani pretended to be an old woman. The sergeant was soon eating crow and helped lock Mani away. Big Tim nicknamed the man "Sergeant Dragon." When the PCs came back to get Mani, Sampson had been sent home for being drunk on duty by his captain, Adalind Flaskforge.

knowledge nobility: 1D20+1 = [10]+1 = 11
knowledge religion: 1D20+5 = [3]+5 = 8

Once the immediate threats of violence are past Breva motions to Custodio, "A word if you please?" He takes Custodio outside the room to the hall for a brief chat. "I like the arrogant traitor no more than you, but I cannot condone violence given that we agreed to talk. Still I hope you put him off balance. I know nothing of his family. Are they as important as he thinks? I don't like making deals with his sort." He shakes his head and starts over. "That isn't really why I ask to have a word with you. Do you know aught of a Voltaran named Beltramino? I'm feel like I have heard the name before, but I can't remember where."
Custodio sighs and shakes his head. "I had no intention of actually hurting him. I was just trying to under his skin... try to break his will." He looks at the door leading back into the room. "I should have just left it to Akos. It seems I have a lot to learn when it comes to interrogating suspects."

"Beltramino. I don't know that name. A Voltaran, huh? Voltara is a long way from here, but the city gets visitors from all over. Why do you ask?"


second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
Vinny seems to be content with remaining mostly silent as he stands with his hands on his hips, not too far from his weapon. His eyes stare forward not focused on any one in particular, but his atterntion in truth is solely on the traitorous noble. He listens intently and puts all that is spoken to memory.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Do you know some protocol for emergency contacts or someone you need to contact if things happen? How do they know if you have something? Also, do you know about doppelgangers in the city? Finally, what do you know about thieves guild here?"
Akos probes for few more tidbits - but stands up and nods.
After the noble stands up
"We should go immediately. Send the coach away - tell them to await you outside the city out of sight of the city walls. We will escort you quietly through the streets, disguised."


Breva replies to Custodio, "As a Paladin I can detect evil. I wanted to know about Nathaniel, who has a weak aura of evil by the way, but in the process I noted two fellows talking who also were disposed to evil. They seemed intent on their conversation as if plotting something, so I asked our hostess and got Beltramino's name from her." He shakes his head in frustration. "I feel I have heard the name before, but I can't seems to recall where. It may not be related to our current problems, but I'm not much of an interrogator either and my unfamiliarity with the city means that what we do glean often means little to me. I thought perhaps this would be worth considering at least. I'll check with a couple of the others and see if they know of this man. Though I suspect our journey to the country will delay further inquiry. Let's get back inside."


World of Kulan DM
Vinny seems to be content with remaining mostly silent as he stands with his hands on his hips, not too far from his weapon. His eyes stare forward not focused on any one in particular, but his attention in truth is solely on the traitorous noble. He listens intently and puts all that is spoken to memory.
The Sectarian notes that Breva and Custodio step out of the room for a moment.

"Do you know some protocol for emergency contacts or someone you need to contact if things happen? How do they know if you have something? Also, do you know about doppelgangers in the city? Finally, what do you know about thieves guild here?"
"Geoffrey was my connection to the Renegade," Nathaniel replies. "Since we were stationed at the same tower at the Gardens, it was a simple matter for us to take late shifts together and pass information back and forth." He shakes his head. "That old arcanus, Detch, he might be quite the wizard, but he tends to be so focused on paperwork and making sure everything is 'just so' that he misses subtle signs."

Breva replies to Custodio, "As a Paladin I can detect evil. I wanted to know about Nathaniel, who has a weak aura of evil by the way, but in the process I noted two fellows talking who also were disposed to evil. They seemed intent on their conversation as if plotting something, so I asked our hostess and got Beltramino's name from her." He shakes his head in frustration. "I feel I have heard the name before, but I can't seems to recall where. It may not be related to our current problems, but I'm not much of an interrogator either and my unfamiliarity with the city means that what we do glean often means little to me. I thought perhaps this would be worth considering at least. I'll check with a couple of the others and see if they know of this man. Though I suspect our journey to the country will delay further inquiry. Let's get back inside."
"Downstairs?" The question is rhetorical. Custodio rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Hopefully it isn't something serious, but if we jump every time you detect an evil aura in Bluffside, we'll soon need new boots. As Commander Wearne mentioned, having evil thoughts or dark soul isn't a crime by itself, but if this Beltramino is in Bluffside with a dark purpose, he should be noted and maybe watched." Custodio sighs. "I really must send a report to Sir Silvas and go and find the Lord Commander and let him know we're back. I'll have to let you handle taking Mr. Aceron to his home in the countryside."

Nathaniel glances towards Breva and Custodio as they come back into the room. "Geoffrey thought maybe Kaleb knew something but I know he didn't. Still, it might have been Geoffrey who betrayed him and Mathias to Phelix. That might be why they were attacked by the Loyalists."

He looks back to Akos. "Geoffrey's contact is Sabela, and he often went to her eatery to pass her information. I was never invited into their circle. As I said, I took bribes, but I'm not considered one of them. Geoffrey was always a bit paranoid about anyone finding out about his connection to Phelix, especially after the renegade became a wanted man. He used his 'love for food' as an excuse to go eat at the Delicate Delight as his cover."

"But he told you?" Falen asks.

"No, I sussed it out on my own," Nathaniel replies slyly.

"You followed him," Custodio says.

The Regular nods to the Vanquisher cleric. "It seemed like a good idea to find out more." He looks back to Akos. "When it comes to the doppelganger in Old City, I had no idea. Your capture of the Old City Killer was a good thing."

"So, you never suspected Phelix had doppelgangers as allies?" Custodio asks.

Nathaniel shakes his head. "No way! If I'd known he worked with such creatures, there is no way I would have taken bribes from Geoffrey. I would have turned him in immediately. No amount of gold is worth having my soul stolen by those monsters."

"Could this Mr. Suggitt be a doppelganger?" Vinny asks.

Nathaniel's eyes go wide with fear. "I- I have no idea. I guess... he could be one." The young guard looks shaken. "Maybe they're all doppelgangers... the other guards stationed at the tower. It would make sense why Detch seems so clueless."

"Let's not jump at shadows," Custodio suggests. "But it is something to consider."

Akos motions for Nathaniel to go on.

"As for the local thieves guilds, everyone knows about the Golden Sabres and the Hammers who fight over control of Sordadon. It's an open secret out on that floating maze of canals. They almost never come up into Bluffside, although the Sabres have started trying to get a foothold here in Old City. The Sabres and Hammers have agents in the Undercity too. The Hammers are more violent. They're into killing for profit."

"So, The Dusk trying to take over..?" Falen asks.

"Yeah, that's why there is a street war going on out on Sordadon and here in Old City. I don't know if it's going on in the Undercity, or in New City, but I wouldn't be surprised." He pauses. "And there's the other guild... I've heard rumors about it, but I've never had dealings with it's members. They are a really secretive bunch. No one knows who their leader is but it is suspected that he... or she... or it... has the ear of one of The Five. Or their leader might be one of them."

"That rumor is ridiculous," Custodio says.

"Can you really say that with what has been going on?" Nathaniel inisists.

"I can."

Neurotic said:
Akos probes for few more tidbits - but stands up and nods.
After the noble stands up
"We should go immediately. Send the coach away - tell them to await you outside the city out of sight of the city walls. We will escort you quietly through the streets, disguised."
Nathaniel nods. He steadies his nerves and walks out of the room with all the pomp and drunken bluster he showed earlier. Custodio goes with him to the top of the stairs. Nathaniel shouts for someone to come attend him. One of the staff appears at the foot of the stairs. She tries not to look annoyed, but when Custodio nods to her, she comes up the stairs. Nathaniel blusters loudly about needing a good walk to clear his head and then quietly orders that the coach be sent out beyond the walls.

"We'd like to leave by the back door," he whispers to her. "Can your lady provide us with a distraction. Someone skilled, who can look like me and head out the front of the tavern."

The woman nods knowingly. She rushes back down the stairs to tell Maiya while Nathaniel and Custodio come back to the room.

"I need to send reports to Sir Silvas and the Lord Commander. I really should go to report to them in person, but with doppelgangers on the loose, I probably shouldn't head off alone," he says quietly to the other Exemplars while Nathaniel gulps down some liquid courage. "I'll make sure Maiya has them delivered through the Lanterns. Right now, I don't trust anyone else."

The Vanquisher cleric heads downstairs with Falen watching his back. He and Falen come back up t the room about ten minutes later with his written letters. He passes them around the group so everyone can see what he has written. Once everyone is satisfied with what he's written (there are no surprises), he sits down at the table and revises them with any other information the others wish to add. He tosses the the originals into the room's fireplace and makes sure the drafts are embers before he takes and seals the finished letters.

Maiya comes into the room fifteen minutes later. "Everything is ready. Eli will play the part of Mr. Aceron stubling out the front. He can be quite the fop when he puts his mind to it." She looks to Akos. "The coach has been sent to the South Gate. Once it is has passed out of Old City, it will head across the bridge, past the Mining District, and stop just on the other side of the Temple District. They will wait for you there."

Custodio gives his letters to Maiya with instructions to have them hand delivered directly to Lord Commander Oakfirst and Sir Silvas. "Wait until an hour after we are gone, before you send them."

"It will be as you ask," Maiya replies. She tucks the letters into a safe place. "Good luck to you and stay out of the ruins. They are dangerous even in the daylight hours."

She pats Mutt one last time on the head and then heads back down into the throng of her tavern. You watch as the man Eli does a great Nathaniel Aceron impression and stumbles down the stairs loudly complaining about the service and how there are better places to drink in Old City.

"Let hope he doesn't get knifed," Custodio says.

Everyone prepares to sneak out the back. Hoods are raised and features are hidden under cloaks. Nathaniel seems to transform himself with some dust from the floor and wine spilled on his good clothes. Tuck leads the way down the back stairs and soon you have disappeared into the crowds of South Ward. It is a short walk to South Gate and Custodio goes ahead to see if it is Regulars or Elites on duty. He comes back and nods to them.

"The captain on duty is an Elite I know and trust. Rashid is good man who doesn't let the job get to him. He is quite good at his job too."

"I've heard of him," Nathaniel whispers. "He'd never take a bribe. But will he let me through?"

"I guess we'll find out, won't we."

Tuck and Custodio lead the Exemplars to South Gate and the Vanquisher cleric takes the lead. He greets Rashid warmly put keeps his hood drawn. Custodio does his best to explain the situation and the need for secrecy. He mentions the Renegade, saying 'Waldo' instead of Phelix. Rashid motions for you all to come forward. He looks over each of you, carefully. He is impressed by Big Tim's size and strength and notes Breva's armor, weapons, and holy symbol. He nods at Tuck. The two of them have met before. He pushes away Mutt's insistence to be pet.

He quietly asks Akos to look in on his kin out in the countryside. "My cousin, Sara, and her husband could use your blessing, Loremaster."

He notes Vinny's uniform and then looks back at Custodio, surprised. The Vanquisher cleric nods and smiles. Rashid does his best to not draw attention to Nathaniel from anyone who might be looking.

"You do have some interesting friends, d'Elite," Rashid says to Custodio quietly. "I really should make you take him to the barracks, but if you've already sent word to the Lord Commander, I guess it is fine. Stay out of the ruins. No shortcuts through there. Since the attack on the diggers that claimed Lady Thistle's life, the ruins have been crawling with dangerous creatures. The diggers haven't been able to work at all and we're constantly have to keep a look out for those blasted dark reptilians. They are becoming deadly weeds that spring up, although they rarely attack outside the ruins during the day. But keep your heads up and watch the sky."

"Dragons?" Falen asks.

"No, cursed lizard-kin -- tainted by fiendish blood," Rashid says. "If you hear the beating of wings either stand and fight or run as fast as you can."

"Anything else?" Custodio asks.

"Just the usual crawlers and vermin," the captain says. "Keep an eye out for webbing near the edges of the crevasses. We've been dealing with a nasty spider infestation. We keep burning them out, but the creatures keep appearing day and night. We'd double the patrols but there just aren't enough Elites to go around and the Regulars tend to run first."

The gate captain orders the gate to be opened. It was surprising to see it closed but with Loyalists seemingly everywhere, the guards aren't taking any chances.

"Stay out of the forests too," Rashid calls out after the Exemplars have passed through the gate. "We've heard rumors of bandits."

Several merchants beseech the guards to let them through the gate instead of making them go all the way to the Pentad Gate on the other side of the district but Rashid forces them to go the long way. The Exemplars are soon at the end of the short road that leads to the Miners' Bridge that crosses the large chasm that leads to the Mining District. Guards watch them pass the district from the walls. The main gate into the Mining District normally stands shut.

"Keep moving," a voice yells from up on the walls.

"No stopping here," Custodio insists.

The sun is just starting to edge towards the top of the mountains surround the valley Bluffside sits in and the heat of the day is starting to fade. It is calm and cool. As you walk the road from the Mining District towards the Temple District, you smell something bad blowing up from the chasm to your left. The smell is putrid.

"Oh, that's not good," Nathaniel says. His hand goes instinctively to his sword.

All is quiet. Way too quiet.

Custodio looks upward. "I don't see anything."

Mutt begins to growl.

OOC: Listen and Spot checks, please. :D


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos looks around, not really aware that the silence signifies anything. But with the sun at the angle he hopes to see something beatiful as shadows elongate in the chasm and the sun's fingers caress the natures countours.

Instead, he sees long legs and hairy bulbous abdomens.

Spot; Listen: 1D20 = [18] = 18
1D20 = [6] = 6
Init: 1D20+2 = [9]+2 = 11
Last edited:


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"I see them," Tuck confirms, readying his crossbow and dropping to one knee to steady his aim.

"Mutt, guard us!"

With a loud bark, the dog confirms the command, and Mutt moves a few feet ahead, waiting for the spiders to get closer.

OOC: Rolls in the OOC thread.


World of Kulan DM
Falen considers his options. These monstrous things could easily overwhelm him if he had been alone. He must trust that Big Tim and Breva can take on the large vermin toe to toe. He unslings his masterwork bow and notches an arrow. He aims for one of the closer spiders crawling up from the chasm and lets the arrow fly. The arrow sinks into the spiders soft flesh but it does very little damage in comparison to its size.

"Vinny, I hope you have some fire magic ready!"

Custodio doesn't wait for the Sectarian wizard to reply to Falen. He quickly calls on the Purifier for the god to bless Breva. A pair of hands appears around the paladin and cradles the man it sacred power. As the hands fade away, Breva glows for a few seconds with a healthy orange radiance. After he is finished, he nods to the knight and smiles. "That should bolster you against their poison."

The Vanquisher cleric draws his magical greatsword and sets himself for the spider's attacks.

Falen - Mwk Comp. Long Shortbow:
1D20+8 = [10]+8 = 18; 1D6 = [4] = 4 (hit)

@Scotley, Custodio casts Hand of Divinity on Breva who gains a +2 sacred bonus on saving throws for 5 minutes.

BTW, The two huge spiders crawling up from the chasm are considered to be in point black range (within 30 ft.) for those that have that feat. The other two huge spiders are 100 ft. away south of the road. The gargantuan spider is climbing a pillar in the middle of the chasm, so it can't be attacked with melee weapons unless it crosses the gap to where the PCs are on the road.

@Tellerian Hawke, you're up!

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