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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"All of them I've faced have fought to the death. They are his Loyalists after all," Custodio replies. "We did capture a few members of the Rising Swords who were acting as mercenaries for," he pauses and takes breath. "Del Cannitha. The Five had them questioned before they were put on trial. One of the leaders was executed for his part in the New City disaster. One was banished from the city with only the clothes on his back; he was quite young and naive about the Swords, so the Tribunal gave him a pass. Another man, who helped lead some old friends of mine to a Rising Swords hideout in the Undercity, was given a five year sentence instead of execution."

"Yes, he's in the Dungeon in New City, I believe," Oakfirst adds. "He's sworn all along that he has no idea how to open the portal or even its location. We tried to trick him up on that, but he passed. Discern lies was used on him and the others. We don't condone torture in Bluffside, so no one was stretched or beaten. Torture rarely works; magic is more reliable." He pauses, "Well, most of the time."

Tuck nods.

"So it seems they're telling the truth, as far as we can tell. No sense in me talking to them, then."

The kobold ponders for a moment.

"I do know of some odd things going on in the City, that may or may not have to do with the Loyalists. For one, there are rumors about people impersonating Bluffside Elites, and if that is true, they may be backed by the renegade."

After that statement, he keeps quiet in order to see the reactions.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tim frowns, his brow wrinkled in thought, "Imposters? This is very disturbing. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Mr. Tuck. I often have difficulty deciding upon first impressions concerning new acquaintances. You sir, have made an excellent first impression. I think I am going to enjoy your company. Productivity and usefulness are good traits for a man to have, and you have just proven yourself quite useful. Good show."

Tim turns to the others, continuing, "Are you wizard-types able to discern via magical means, the true heart of a man? Is the detection of imposters possible with the spells that are available to us? It would need to go beyond the scope of mere lie detection... we'd need to know, at a glance, whether or not a given person's heart was blackened by foul deeds; or at the very least, we'd need to be able to sense foul intent."

Although Tim does not know exactly how to express it, he is asking if anyone has the Detect Thoughts or Detect Evil spells.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I can prepare both divinations tomorrow. But those could be just mercenaries, not evil by themselves. And some real elites could be cruel, domineering men, rotten to the core. Don't mistake living within the law with the goodness of one's heart."

Akos considers other spells that could be useful for such an endeavor.
"We could simply agree on a code word with the real guards and patrol the night ourselves. But why would we? We have a renegade to catch! Portal to examine! A worthy warrior to cure! Let the guards deal with common murderers and fake guards."


Overhearing snippets of a conversation whose context he largely missed, Relgar can't resist the urge to chime in sarcastically: "Are we sure that they actually are imposters? Or is that just what they want us to think?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Tuck's small chest inflates with Big Tim's compliments, and the kobold feels pride that such a big folk - a really big one, too! - voices his appreciation like that, and in front of others, too!

"I do not know if they are evil, or even truly imposters. But it is odd that new and unknown Elites are patrolling the Gardens at night, while there are no new recruits assigned there."

Looking around nervously, the urban ranger continues, "I'm not saying that it's the only possible explanation, but it's at least worth investigating. I've heard that the Renegade is trying to unleash monsters into the City, starting in the Gardens with a hungry troll, although I must admit I'm not sure about those particular rumors. But what if there's a hideout nearby, guarded by his Loyalists masquerading as Elites?"

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tim ponders this for a moment.

Big Tim grins, "Troll, eh? Have they caught him yet? ... You know, there is a saying back on my world, that if your only tool is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail. That being said, I do think that I would make the perfect solution to the Troll problem, because I AM the hammer, and the Troll, if he is still out there, is definitely a nail, as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps we should begin by investigating the Gardens?"


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Agreed. I could check on the gardener on the way or after the troll. If there is such."
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World of Kulan DM
The kobold ponders for a moment.

"I do know of some odd things going on in the City, that may or may not have to do with the Loyalists. For one, there are rumors about people impersonating Bluffside Elites, and if that is true, they may be backed by the renegade."

After that statement, he keeps quiet in order to see the reactions.
Tim frowns, his brow wrinkled in thought, "Imposters? This is very disturbing. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Mr. Tuck. I often have difficulty deciding upon first impressions concerning new acquaintances. You sir, have made an excellent first impression. I think I am going to enjoy your company. Productivity and usefulness are good traits for a man to have, and you have just proven yourself quite useful. Good show."
"False Elites in the Gardens?" Custodio looks at his commander with concern. "I hadn't heard anything about that."

"It's only a rumor, but one I'm taking very seriously," Oakfirst replies. He looks at Tuck with some admiration. "You seem to have the heartbeat of the city in your soul, Mr. Tuck. The Regulars could use someone with your talents, but I sense that you'd prefer to keep your independence. Still, maybe something to consider for the future."

The lord commander looks at Big Tim. "Several citizens visiting the Gardens during the dusk hours have said they've encountered guards, Elites, they've never met before who tell them that the park areas are off-limits after sunset, which isn't true at all. Yes, the city encourages the use of the Gardens during the day, but the main gate to the Gardens remain partially open until the midnight hour. There are more guards stationed in the Gardens at night, but I've not assigned assigned anyone new to the Elites there since learning that Phelix is in Old City. The guards stationed in the Gardens are all men and women I have known for years and trust with my life."

Tellerian Hawke said:
Tim turns to the others, continuing, "Are you wizard-types able to discern via magical means, the true heart of a man? Is the detection of imposters possible with the spells that are available to us? It would need to go beyond the scope of mere lie detection... we'd need to know, at a glance, whether or not a given person's heart was blackened by foul deeds; or at the very least, we'd need to be able to sense foul intent."
"I can prepare both divinations tomorrow. But those could be just mercenaries, not evil by themselves. And some real elites could be cruel, domineering men, rotten to the core. Don't mistake living within the law with the goodness of one's heart."
"If any of them have been corrupted, or enchanted," Custodio shakes his head.

"I doubt corruption or cruelty," Oakfirst insists. "However, Del Cannitha could have charmed one or more of them. I'm having Lady Émilienne keep an eye on the Elites stationed in the Gardens."

"As long as he hasn't corrupted her," Custodio retorts.

"If Del Cannitha can dominate or corrupt a Seventh Order wizard who is also a cleric of Sky and Air, we are all in serious trouble." Oakfirst looks at Akos. "But prepare your divinations tomorrow, just to be safe. Hopefully you won't have to use them."

Neurotic said:
Akos considers other spells that could be useful for such an endeavor.
"We could simply agree on a code word with the real guards and patrol the night ourselves. But why would we? We have a renegade to catch! Portal to examine! A worthy warrior to cure! Let the guards deal with common murderers and fake guards."
Overhearing snippets of a conversation whose context he largely missed, Relgar can't resist the urge to chime in sarcastically: "Are we sure that they actually are imposters? Or is that just what they want us to think?"
"If it's true that someone is making trouble for visitors to the Gardens, let's hope they are impostors and not true Elites who have gone bad," Custodio replies. "But, you're right, Relgar, anything is possible."

Tuck's small chest inflates with Big Tim's compliments, and the kobold feels pride that such a big folk - a really big one, too! - voices his appreciation like that, and in front of others, too!

"I do not know if they are evil, or even truly imposters. But it is odd that new and unknown Elites are patrolling the Gardens at night, while there are no new recruits assigned there."
"Exactly that," Oakfirst agrees. "And the citizens who complained about 'fake guards' who harassed them aren't known for causing trouble themselves. One was a elderly noble who is widely respected while the other two were a younger married couple who run a woodworking shop. They are honest folk with no reason to lie. Yet, the legitimate patrols found no evidence of these false Elites in the Gardens. It's not only odd, it's troubling."

JustinCase said:
Looking around nervously, the urban ranger continues, "I'm not saying that it's the only possible explanation, but it's at least worth investigating. I've heard that the Renegade is trying to unleash monsters into the City, starting in the Gardens with a hungry troll, although I must admit I'm not sure about those particular rumors. But what if there's a hideout nearby, guarded by his Loyalists masquerading as Elites?"
"Agreed. I could check on the gardener on the way or after the troll. If there is such."
"A troll!" Oakfirst exclaims. "I think someone was pulling your leg on that one, Mr. Tuck."

"But he might be right about Loyalists pretending to be Elites," Custodio notes. "If they have a hideout near the Gardens, that might be why the true Elites can't find them."

"Possible," Oakfirst says with a nod. "Hmm, I need to check on something. It could be related. Go check on the gardener and examine the portal." He nods to each of you before turning to leave the room. "Custodio, stay and help them. And if you encounter a troll, or something deadlier, send for backup."

"Uhm, yes sir."

"If any of you need me for any reason, send word to the Tribunal. Oh, and expect a few more compatriots to join you here at the manor. Carter will make sure they know how to find you, if they show up after you've left." With that, Lord Commander Oakfirst heads out of Horn Hall into the manor's anteroom.

The halfling you've come to know as Carter, steps through the door and bows. "I will be in the Kitchen Yard if you need me. Lavia is in the Main Kitchen should you require anything to eat before you begin your queries." He bows again, steps back through the door, and closes it behind him.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"No time like the present! And I don't need protection from evil or detects to examine the portal and the gardener. Maybe Master Custodio has one ready?"

Akos immediately starts after the Lord Commander
"Finally, something to do, this standing around and waiting is terrible on the health."
He thinks as he goes through the phrases in his mind
"Open portaly! silly ofcourse...lets see.
'Vrata ludila, otvorite se!' with grand gesturing
'Dome, slatki dome' plus the unlocking movement with the flower
'delCannitha nasljednik ulazi, otvori se' and simply walk toward the wall without flinching - this could hurt if I don't simulate the blood somehow...maybe it's any blood and I need to prick myself on the flower...

OOC: The phrases are in my native language in order:
Gates of madness, open!
Home, sweet home
delCannita scion coming, open! <-- maybe delCannitha scion passing through

Still need two more.


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