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Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land


Emudre casts Obscuring Mist. As the Wisp is enveloped in the magical vapor, an eery, haunting tune can be heard. The party makes it to their horses and speeds off, leaving the boy to his fate. After pushing your horses for an hour, you are sure no threats have followed you. You throw your bedrolls to the ground and collapse - drained from the night's terrors. Over the next few days Emudre, Sarvek, and Shillaadrini's dreams are plagued with visions of skulls within a nebula; laughing and taunting you for your failure to protect the lad. Alexa and Kuvarious sleep soundly though, knowing that the group were outmatched and that to fight would have meant pointless death.

4 Pharast, 4710
You all break camp after sleeping in a bit. You make it to Oleg's Trading Post a few hours before sundown.

GM: I'll give a day or two for any roleplay that takes place prior to arriving at Oleg's, then I'll do a post for your return to Oleg's.

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Shillaadrini wakes from the nightmare, expectantly rather than afraid. He frowns at the concept his own conscious conjures in response to his decided failure. Having a tendency toward benevolence, he is resolved in a conscious thoughts, at least, that he could have done nothing more and have succeeded. Perhaps in a few days his own conscious will allow him to sleep more soundly.


First Post
Turning to the group when we feel we are safe enough:

Keep in mind that these 'people', are in fact criminals, and they are not to be considered for survival. They are in fact meant for the rope. It is in our best interest, as well as our job to bring them to justice. I feel that I can't stress this enough. They have proved they meant us death in that ambush.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Turning to the group when we feel we are safe enough:

Keep in mind that these 'people', are in fact criminals, and they are not to be considered for survival. They are in fact meant for the rope. It is in our best interest, as well as our job to bring them to justice. I feel that I can't stress this enough. They have proved they meant us death in that ambush.
Shillaadrini nods at the words.
"I hear what you are saying, and I like your thinking. Now, if I can get my subconscious mind to agree with my conscious thoughts, I can get my conscience to shut up."


Emudre is very quiet and subdued for the next few days, and she expands her morning hour of prayer to two hours.

At one point she suggests to the group that they return to the point of the ambush during the day to bury or burn the dead.

Turning to the group when we feel we are safe enough:

Keep in mind that these 'people', are in fact criminals, and they are not to be considered for survival. They are in fact meant for the rope. It is in our best interest, as well as our job to bring them to justice. I feel that I can't stress this enough. They have proved they meant us death in that ambush.

Emudre says nothing; Kuvarious seems set in his values.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek’s countenance hardens as he considers what has transpired. After several tense moments, he meets the gaze of his comrades, and says;

”We showed them mercy, but the gods have clearly judged them and spoken against that mercy. This was no mere accident, that we should encounter a fierce, formidable, malevolent force such as this, and escape with our lives, whilest those most deserving of swift justice are devoured in the blink of an eye. There is no doubt in my mind, this was a subtle reminder, from the powers-that-be, that we must refrain from our personal sentiments, and keep our eyes fixed on our duty, and upon the letter of the law.”


Sarvek’s countenance hardens as he considers what has transpired. After several tense moments, he meets the gaze of his comrades, and says;

”We showed them mercy, but the gods have clearly judged them and spoken against that mercy. This was no mere accident, that we should encounter a fierce, formidable, malevolent force such as this, and escape with our lives, whilest those most deserving of swift justice are devoured in the blink of an eye. There is no doubt in my mind, this was a subtle reminder, from the powers-that-be, that we must refrain from our personal sentiments, and keep our eyes fixed on our duty, and upon the letter of the law.”

Emudre responds, "Only a cruel god would use a creature such as that to accomplish their aims; if some being of judgement seeks to harden our hearts, I will fight against it!"

She lays her hand on her holy symbol, eyes flashing,
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Shillaadrini considers the conversation among his friends,
"Despite my tendency to consider others before myself, I will always see Rule of Law as a means of control and oppression. I must concur with Edmure on this matter. If greater powers are at play, this us a cruel trick of some laughing malevolence."
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First Post
I know very little of the gods. I mean, look at me. I'm some sort of sick and twisted perversion. They laughed at me as I was created. Allowed the wicked ways of my very being. Formed from some unholy amalgamation. Against the very foundation of what any civilized society views as natural.

Kuvarious realizes he spun of course of the topic a little, trying to collect his thoughts.

I aim to do what is right be my logic and needs, not by what society dictates.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek replies to Emmie, “Point taken but it’s very hard not to think along such lines when everything you do seems to be unraveled at the merest whim of the universe.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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