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Kid Charlemagne's Story Hour, Pt II

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Aboard the Waterbug, Retic Sea, January 24th, AE 420

“Yikes,” exclaims Jovah. “Not only are they Drow, they’re undead Drow.”

“Their powers are different from other vampires,” Tolaro says. “They are able to attack while invisible, and haste themselves. On the other hand they cannot turn into a gas and escape that way; at least that’s my understanding.”

“Is Loraxus still around? Has she been destroyed?” Batista asks.

“The last anyone heard of Loraxus was over a millenia ago,” Tolaro says. “She was involved in an attempt to find an entrance to the dwarven kingdom of Arthendain. You might be more familiar with it as the Lost Kingdom. Misleading name, really. Its not lost at all; everyone knows exactly where it is. They just can’t get in or out of it. Loraxus supposedly wanted in, and then disappeared. It’s possible she was forced into a hibernation; vampires, especially really old, powerful ones, can hibernate for centuries. The Loraxites may feel that they can use the Egg to find her, or waken her. Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about the Egg to figure out why or how it could be used.”

“We need more info,” Aris states. “And we need to figure out what the Sahuagin are going to do with the Egg. The Loraxites may try to deal with them for it. If they do we need to figure out where.”

Over the next two days Jovah casts several divinations. He learns:

  • The Sahuagin will most likely take the Egg to their human allies.
  • This will take place on the night of the new moon (conveniently only a couple of nights off).
  • He also gets a fairly clear idea where the transfer will take place – along the mainland shore about a day away.
  • He does not learn any more info about the Egg itself.

The party send the Waterbug on its way, limping back to port. Tolaro teleports home to Cape Varna to do more research on the Egg. The party sails along the mainland shore, until they find a waterfall cascading down a shoreline cliff, with a small fortified tower at the top of the cliff.

“This would seem to be the place,” Jovah says. “The new moon is tonight. We made it just in time.”

“But where is the handoff going to take place?” Brennen asks.

“We’ve got a couple of hours of daylight left, lets see if we can check out that tower and see if we can get into position to do something,” Gavin suggests.

“But what if it isn’t happening at the tower?” Jalea says. “Maybe some of us should go up there, and some of us should stay here to see what happens. We can signal if there’s trouble.”

They agree on this plan, and Sir Brennen, Aris, and Gavin go up top to check out the fortified tower, and Batista, Reana, Jovah, and Jalea stay in the boat to react to any other possible signs of Sahuagin or other activity.

The ship docks at a rickety old pier and lets them off. It then sails out a bit from the shore, and drops anchor behind a rock formation, keeping it concealed from view. Jalea goes to the cliff so he can see everything and signal the ship or those onshore if needed.

On the way to the tower, Brennen, Gavin, and Aris are accosted by a small group of undead, who they take out, but not before the creatures severely weaken them.

They were wights; in 2nd edition, I had level-draining undead drain various stats instead of levels…

Once inside, they find the tower deserted. There are signs that someone lived here as recently as a few years ago, but no sign of recent inhabitation. Aris sees a crest on the back of a few tattered chairs, but it’s not one that he recognizes. Further searching reveals little on the upper floors, but they do find a concealed door leading to a stair spiralling down.

Outside, Jovah has cast locate object looking for tridents. “If a sahuagin swims nearby, I’ll be able to tell this way,” he tells the others.

Shortly thereafter, the spell registers something moving, under the water. It (or perhaps they) appears to be heading for the waterfall. Jovah signals Jalea, and Jalea heads over to the waterfall to see what he can see. He finds that there is a cave behind the waterfall (isn’t there always?) and motions for the party members still on the ship to approach. He then goes inside to scout it out.

Jovah, Reana, and Batista load up into a rowboat and head towards the waterfall, giving orders to their captain to keep out of sight. They pass through the curtain of water and find a long cave that passesunder the cliff wall until it reaches a small sandy beach. A wooden dock has been built here – in much better condition than the one outside, and showing signs of more recent use. Jalea signals to the three from the shadows, and then sneaks closer to tell them what he saw.

“There’s another chamber beyond this one, and a small pool. A whole bunch of Sahuagin came up out of there and went through a door into a big carved out chamber. I didn’t follow them any further.” They move up slowly, exploring the caverns as they go.

Up top, Brennen, Gavin, and Aris are descending deeper and deeper on a narrow spiral stair that eventually ends in a small chamber with a door. Aris opens the door a crack and looks into a large oval shaped room, with slowly sloping stairs along the long curves of each side of the room leading up to a high platform at one narrow end. On the platform is an altar, darkish in color. At the other narrow end is a set of double doors, made of oak and reinforced with iron. Twenty sahuagin have just entered the chamber in a double file procession. One is carrying a metal chest, still dripping with seaweed and salt water. They enter the room, and proceed to seat themselves on the floor, facing the doors.

“Looks like they’re waiting for someone,” Gavin says.

“But who?” Brennen asks. “Their ‘human allies’ like the divination said, or the Loraxites?”

“I don’t know,” replies Aris. “All I now is that they’re seated in a nice, tight, fireball pattern.”

“Well, then what are we waiting for?” asks Brennen, unsheathing his swords.

Gavin kicks open the door, and Aris lets the sea devils have it. The fireball goes off in the middle of them, and the majority crumple; however, the others form into a defensive formation and prepare to repel the three warriors.

Not far from the double doors, Jovah, Reana, Batista, and Jalea see the fireball go off.

“Looks like Aris found them already!” Reana says, and draws her swords and charges in, followed by Batista and Jovah. Jalea starts to follow them in, but then gets a brainstorm.

“The most important thing is that the Egg doesn’t get away,” the elven rogue thinks to himself. He then pulls out his lock picks and locks the door from the cavern side, so that he’s on the opposite side from the battle, which seems to be going well for the party.

Inside the chamber, Brennen is fighting the leader of the Sahuagin. He’s a four-armed monster who reels off a number of heavy blows on the Sword of Kelanen, but finally goes down, dropping the seaweed-covered chest he had been carrying with his second set of arms. The chest pops open, and the party can see the Egg inside, along with a number of other things seemingly dredge up from lost ships on the bottom of the Retic Sea.

That’s when the Loraxites attack. They’re invisible again, of course, and hasted from the beginning of the combat. They begin tearing through the party with a vengeance. The party members can see blurry outlines of them, but find them difficult to hit, and of course, being vampires, they regenerate. Luckily, Aris discovers after several spells that they seem to not have the typical Drow resistance to magic. Small favors, he thinks to himself. One of the Loraxites is an especially tough and strong fighter, while the other two seem to have magical skills in addition to their vampiric toughness.

On the other side of the door, Jalea is beginning to wonder if he made the right choice in terms of which side of the door to be on.

“The right side, from the sounds of it,” he thinks. But then he hears the sounds of someone coming up behind him, and he turns to see a group of armed men approaching, led by a familiar face.

Arlen Kentfield. The demon-worshipping, political power-grabbing nobleman who chased Jalea out of Ulfang.

“Wrong side, after all,” Jalea mumbles under his breath.

Kentfield see Jalea and recognizes him. He knows that Jalea has seen his little shrine to Pazuzu once, a long time ago, and has tried to have the elf killed on more than one occasion.

“Baraban, get that door open!” Kentfield says with a grin. “The rest of you, get me that elf. We have some… reminiscing to do…”

Baraban, Kentfield’s massive bodyguard, moves up to break down the door, but Jalea moves first. He takes the last remaining smokepowder from Brisco’s stash, and strikes a flint as he throws it at the fighter. It bursts into a flash of flame and smoke, doing little damage, but offering the elf a chance to dart off into the dark recesses of the cavern as Kentfield’s men avert their eyes. Jalea hops from rock to rock, avoiding leaving footprints in the sand. He then huddles in a corner and draws his velvet black cloak around him, blending expertly into the shadows. Kentfield’s men look but can’t find him.

Meanwhile, Baraban is finding that the door to the chamber is much stronger than anticipated. Inside the chamber Jovah can hear the pounding.

“That can’t be Jalea,” he thinks to himself.

During the commotion, one of the Loraxites has gotten ahold of the Egg, and apparently tucked under a cloak. Jovah sees this, and casts a detect magic to try and find the Egg and its bearer. He looks about, and finally sees a magical form, moving closer and closer to Aris, who is terribly injured. The radiation of magic is strong, and matches what Jovah has seen from the Egg before. The form is over forty feet away, though, and Jovah can’t do anything about it. Then he sees what he can do.

“Batista!” the gnome yells. “Fireball arrow, five feet to Aris’ left! NOW!”

Batista is puzzled, but spins as directed and fires. The arrow flies and misses its target, but hits the wall right behind it, and explodes into a small fireball. A smoky, unseen, burning figure drops to the floor, and the jade Egg rolls out of its hand and down the steps. Aris pounces on it, and then rolls to some unseen corner of the chamber to hide, as he is an eyelash from death.

Aris had 1 hitpoint at this point.

The two other Loraxites have become visible by now, apparently their invisibility is limited in length. The bigger of the two looks back and sees the smoking body of his compatriot becoming visible (appearing to be a young teenaged female Drow – the girl from Aris third vision).

“Sharat!” he yells. “We need to get out of here!” he adds in Drow, which Aris can understand.

From the back of the room, a billowing cloud of shadow appears. The bigger Loraxite runs to the young girl, and throws her over his shoulder. Brennen tries to block his path, but even with the extra baggage he avoids the Sword easily. The other Loraxite, a bookish looking male, dodge around Gavin and runs into the cloud of shadow. The roaring sound from the ship is heard again, and shortly thereafter, the shadows lift, and the chamber is empty.

“I think I know what that roaring is, and I don’t think I want to meet the source,” Aris says.

“We got issues,” Reana says. “There’s a bunch of people pounding down those doors, and we’re beat up pretty badly. And Jalea is on that side of the door.”

“Well, Jalea will have to take care of himself for now,” Brennen says. “We’ll have to leave the way we came in. If Jalea can’t sneak out, we’ll have to go in and find him once we’ve healed up a bit.”

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Whew! Awesome couple of updates!

It never made much sense that the Drow were dark skinned, I like your change. And then Drow vampires? Yikes, I bet the players were looking a little queasy after that announcement!

So you guys start up again pretty soon, how close are we to the starting point of the 3E campaign? Any thoughts on some of the things that won't translate?

I have to assume your players are really psyched to start again, have the translations to 3E of the characters begun?

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Matchstick said:
Whew! Awesome couple of updates!

Thanks! The Loraxites are much accursed in our game. A definite success in my book o' DM ideas.

I have to assume your players are really psyched to start again, have the translations to 3E of the characters begun?

We're starting up in two weekends (February 10th). My plan is to have this Story Hour completed so that I can start up immediately with the new stuff. The characters are converted - several of them had been posted in 3e form on the old Rogue's Gallery forum, and I transferred Gavin there, I think. When the old forums are brought back up read only (if they ever are) we'll repost Aris and Brennen.

The others have yet to be converted, but much discussion has gone on about forcing Jalea to take Precise Shot - especially from Brennen :) - my position on that is that Jalea has never demonstrated any such ability in 2e, why change now? ;)
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First Post
Matchstick said:
And then Drow vampires? Yikes, I bet the players were looking a little queasy after that announcement!

Oh yeah - we were overjoyed. We got spanked by 2 regular drow in the first stint of Kid C world (Party was @ 5th level)

In this cave session, The Loraxites (usually we use a non-ENboard-friendly adjective) beat us stupid. Batista and Aris were near death and Brennen and Gavin were only a notch up from that.
I don't know what would have happened if Batista had not gotten off that lucky shot.

I have to assume your players are really psyched to start again, have the translations to 3E of the characters begun?

We actually did our first stab at conversion Friday night of Gen Con with our newly purchased PHs. The characters are just getting their final tweaks. The Chance Domain is finally done. I will try to post it this week- in the Rogues Gallery.

Plus we have a new player ( a 40k friend jonesing for some D&D) to add to the mix.
We will finally have a true mage- no offense Aris.
Can you say Identify ? :D
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Sir Brennen

Matchstick said:
And then Drow vampires? Yikes, I bet the players were looking a little queasy after that announcement!
Aris had a whammy just about every game toward the end of this campaign. First, when he realized his vision of the shipwreck was a recent event. (KC's description of Aris' reaction also accurately reflected this player's wide-eyed dawning of understanding. For some reason I had it stuck in my head that I was seeing a scene out of ancient history.)

Then the news that Loraxites where vampiric Drow. Eep! When Aris had already had his throat slit and the rest of the party spanked by a few regular Drow! And then to find out after a brief battle with the Loraxites what they were. Picture a disbelieving elf to his mentor, "I'm sorry. For some reason I thought you just said those drow were vampires, too..."

And this recent battle in the cave, we got to see just how bad-ass they were. Of course, they used the Kid Charlemagne's patented Bad Guys Magic'd Away escape route ;)

Coming up... well, let's just say the Loraxites still want their Egg. After being so close to dead recently (Aris usually got through most battles without a scratch), the Bladesinger didn't think things could get worse.

Boy was he wrong...

So you guys start up again pretty soon, how close are we to the starting point of the 3E campaign? Any thoughts on some of the things that won't translate?
Aris was changed pretty drastically. He no longer has any 4th level spells, but his hit points more than doubled.

And Sir Brennen, the Sword of Kelenan... let's just say I really like Fighter Feats :D

I have to assume your players are really psyched to start again, have the translations to 3E of the characters begun?
Both of my 3E converted characters were up in the Rogues Gallery on the old boards. I hope they go up again soon so I can cut and paste them, 'cuz getting all the pseudo-table stuff to line up in the message was a pain!

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Somewhere west of Ulfang on the north shore of the Retic Sea, February 1st, AE 420

The party rushes up the spiral stair, and makes their way out into the cold winter night. A surprise awaits them.

“Hey!” Brennen yells. “Where’s our ship?!”

The ship is no longer anchored where it was supposed to be, and a sleek sixty foot yacht is anchored a couple of hundred yards out from the waterfall. The search around frantically.

“Look there,” says Aris. “They’ve moved out into the sea, away from shore. I can just see them. They must have had to move out there to keep out of sight of the yacht.”

“We did tell them to make sure not to be spotted,” Reana says.

Just then, Jalea scrambles up over the side of the cliff, and brushes himself off.

“Where have you been?” Brennen asks. “And who was that on the other side of the doors with you?”

“Uh, nobody in particular,” Jalea stammers.

Brennen shoots the elf a withering glare, but more important issues are at hand. They wait to see what the yacht does. Two rowboats come out from the cavern behind the waterfall and board the yacht, and it sails off. Shortly thereafter, the party’s ship returns and docks so they can board.

“What now?” Aris asks. “We’ve got the Egg. Now what do we do?”

“I say we take it to the Monastery and lock it back up,” Brennen states.

“But will it be safe there?” Reana asks.

“It was safe there for a long time, it should be again, hopefully,” he answers.

“I have an idea,” says Jovah, provoking a groan from Gavin.

“It’s a long way to Ralt Gaither, and to get permission to go to the Monastery, we’d have to get that from the Emperor. That’s even further inland from the shore. It could take weeks if not months. But, I just thought of something. It’s risky. I’ve never been to the City of Clouds, or whatever it is they call their capitol, but I’ve seen pictures, in the embassy in Gujo.

“I can fold to places that I’ve only had descriptions of, but the risk of aging from the spell is pretty high, and the amount of aging is pretty extreme – it could be as much as ten years. I’m a gnome, we live long, so that’s not that big a deal for me. I can fold to the capitol by myself, and then open up another fold back here. The second one will be pretty risk-free, and you guys can come join me.”

“Isn’t it supposed to be illegal for foreigners to enter Ralt Gaither?” Gavin asks.

“Yup, but we’ve got permission from the ambassador, thanks to us helping find the Egg in the first place,” Jovah replies.

They decide to go through with Jovah’s plan, crazy though it is. Fortune favors the bold, as the gnome likes to say. Within minutes, the party is standing just outside the Imperial Palace, looking none the worse for wear. They are soon surrounded by Palace Guards, but Aris explains their presence in halting Ralt Gaitherese (he’s been studying it) and presents their travel documents from the ambassador. The guards are puzzled and distrustful, but proper paperwork goes a long ways in Ralt Gaither, and they are allowed to go about their business.

They find a nice Inn not far from the Palace, and in the morning send off a message to the Emperor, indicating that they would like an audience. They drop names like crazy and imply that this has to do with the Egg by mentioning the Song Ling Monastery and Lord Masato, without actually using the word “Egg.”

“Should we say we’d like to meet as soon as possible?” Aris says, as he dicates the message to a scribe.

“No,” says Jovah suddenly. “Tell them no earlier than this evening.”

“Huh?” Jalea says, perplexed.

“We’ve got things to do,” Jovah explains. “Aris, what day is it today?”

Aris does the arithmetic in his head since the last time they were in a port.

“Umm, it would be February 2nd,” he says.

“And something important is happening on February 2nd, isn’t it?” Jovah asks, rhetorically.

“Uh, I don’t think… oh my god,” Reana says. “Samsen is getting crowned Marquis of Fencig today.”

“Right-o! Noon sharp, or so my invitation says!” Jovah exclaims. “So get your things together! We’re folding out in ten minutes! Way I figure it we’ll just have time to wash and change! But we can back by sunset.”

Three hours later the party is standing in full formal wear (Gavin is wearing his gilded plate armor), in the Marquis’ Palace in Fencig. There are hundreds of guests, and Regent Cian Bardson places the crown of Fencig on a stone altar, from which Samsen picks it up and places it on his head.

“Samsen didn’t want Cian to ‘crown’ him,” Jovah whispers to Aris. “Would look bad politically. They’re not very friendly with each other.”

Aris whispers back, “I almost wish he would start raining fire down on all of us so we could just get this over with. Reksus-worshipping rulers are bad news.”

Samsen gives a long, well-received speech, speaking of prosperity, self-sufficiency for Fencig, and many other topics.

“Very bland,” Jovah whispers to Aris again. “He’s not stepping on any toes, yet. Hey! Look there behind him! That’s Malekos, the High Priest of Reksus here in Fencig.”

Aris grins. “I wonder what he’d say if he knew I was carrying around an ancient evil artifact in my pocket right now…”

“He’d probably be very interested in talking to you, I’d bet.”
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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
The City of Clouds, Ralt Gaither, February 2nd, AE 420

Despite Jovah’s concerns, the coronation of Marquis Samsen of Fencig goes smoothly, and without any particular hitches. No one tries to immediately burn down the Fox Club, and no one tries to arrest the gnomish luck-priest for being anti-Reksus. Jovah is almost disappointed.

They return to the Inn in Ralt Gaither via dimensional folding, and find a message waiting indicating that they will be admitted to the Imperial Palace this very evening, there to see the Emperor himself! Luckily, they’re all still wearing their finery from Samsen’s coronation, so they don’t even have to change.

The courtiers and hangers-on at the Palace must have been amazed at the site of a half-dozen gaijin being ushered into private audience with the Emperor on such short notice. The party is shown to a room, where they lounge about on luxurious sofas, and are fed delicacies by members of the Palace staff. Jovah tries one of the small thimble-full porcelain cups of rice wine, and tosses it back, a bit ill-advisedly.

“Smooooooth…” the gnome manages to say.

They are soon led to another chamber, where they meet the Emperor himself (who is a young man in his twenties), along with a vizier, and a number of very competent looking samurai. The samurai all keep their hands on the hilts of their weapons, while the unarmed party speaks with the Light of Heaven.

After some plaisantries, they get down to business. They explain that they have recovered the Egg (twice), and Aris shows it to the Emperor. The Emperor moves as if to take it, but the Vizier counsels him against it.

“Even I do not know the nature of this thing,” the elderly man says. “It seems to us that our forebears kept much of this information from us intentionally, to keep us from being tempted by this device. I know that it has vile powers, and that it contains something evil, but that is all. It was placed in the Song Ling Monastery by the first Emperor, and a scroll was placed in the archives here, indicating that if anything should happen to it, terrible events could transpire, and great evil could be unleashed.

“It seems that the hope was that this thing would be forgotten by all who might desire it. Will you take the step of ensuring its safe return to the Monastery?”

Sir Brennen nods. The other members fo the party also indicate their consent. After some more formalities, they leave.

The next day, an escort is provided for them on their journey. The Monastery is high up in the Mountains in the remote east of Ralt Gaither, really just a score or so miles from the far western edges of Ambardor, but the Endicott Mountains there are so sheer and inhospitable that no suitable pass exists for trade purposes, forcing all trade to have to be done via the Retic Sea.

Jovah buys a barrel of sake before leaving the capitol. “I could start up an import-export company,” he says. “Small items, just a 15 gp transport fee.”

“And maybe a year or two off your life,” Gavin adds.

The trip up into the mountains is uneventful. Aris takes the opportunity to improve his Ralt Gaitherese, and they take in the countryside. After a week’s ride, they are high up in a spectacular valley.

“The monastery is in the village of Hanalin,” the lead Samurai tells Aris. “The Song-Ling clan is in charge of that area. However, after the break-in at the monastery, they have lost much face, and some of the other clans have taken advantage of the situation.”

They ride up to the Monastery itself, and are greeted with open arms by the chief monk there. He is overjoyed to learn that they are returning the Egg, and he hopes that the news that the stolen things are returned will smooth out things in the area. He offers the party lodging for as long as they wish to stay. He shows the party to the main storage chamber where the Egg is to be hidden once more, and allows Aris to place the Egg back inits hidden place inside the stone block of an altar. Aris has a weird sense of deja-vue, having seen this very chamber during his visions.

They eat that evening with the monks, who seem to be partly religious, partly warrior monks. The Monastery itself is very old, perhaps several thousand years, and although it is not ruined, it has clearly seen better days. The monks living quarters take up only about a third of the chambers that they could.

After dinner, Jalea knocks on Jovah’s door.

“I’ve got to show you something,” the elf says, and pulls a cloth covered oval shape from his backpack.

“What’s that?” Jovah asks.

Jalea unveils it; it’s a piece of oval rock, the same size and shape as the Egg.

“Oh, no,” Jovah groans. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about doing what I know you’re thinking about doing!”

“Look at this place, Jovah,” Jalea says. “These monks don’t even remember how to guard what it is they were put here to guard. And the biggest advantage this place has? The way no one knows that the Egg is even here? That’s gone too. Too many people know; we’ve been talking to people about this for months. We know; the elves in Cape Varna know; the King of Ghithor knows; the Duke of Belluin knows; and the Loraxites know, or they’d never have hired Virenzo to have it stolen. And who knows who Virenzo or that thief might have told.

“I say we take it with us, pretend we put it back, and then find someplace better to hide it.”

Jovah sits silently, listening to Jalea talk.

“Maybe. We’ll have to ask…”

Just then a knock comes at Jovah’s door. Brennen pokes his head in.

“There’s a group of samurai from one of those other clans they were talking about coming up the road this way. I’m going to take a look, wanna come?”

“Yeah,” Jovah says. To Jalea he says, “Hold that thought.”

The party assembles by the front gate as the samurai approach. Aris passes on the information that the samurai are from the Mikaio Clan, a clan that has been particularly troublesome to the Song-Ling Clan. They apparently would like to offer the Monastery (which is after all an Imperial property) their protection. This would bring much honor to their Clan.

Aris looks out the arrow slit as they ride up and dismount. Then he stiffens, startled at something.

“One of those samurai isn’t radiating any heat,” he says. “He’s undead.”

Second edition had the old infravision/heat detection system, of course. I like the 3e way of doing things better, I think.

Batista strings his longbow, and knocks his red-fletched fireball arrow.

“Showtime,” he says.

Jalea turns to Jovah and gives him a questioning look.


Jovah takes a deep breath.

“Do it.”


First Post
Kid Charlemagne said:
The City of Clouds, Ralt Gaither, February 2nd, AE 420

Despite Jovah’s concerns, the coronation of Marquis Samsen of Fencig goes smoothly, and without any particular hitches. No one tries to immediately burn down the Fox Club, and no one tries to arrest the gnomish luck-priest for being anti-Reksus. Jovah is almost disappointed.

I remember some verbal sparring between Jovah and Malekos. Jovah implies that The Church of Reksus set him up for murder and tried to provole Malekos into doing something rash. Of course the "Church of Public Relations" knows better.

Can't wait to see Jovah vs Reksus version 3E

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