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Justifiers campaign? A full list of Moreaus?


So I was visiting with an old friend over the Christmas holidays and we started talking about games we'd wish they'd remake.

We started talking about Justifiers. We both know Key20 plans on redoing it at somepoint in the far future. :D

So in our talks we discussed adapting it to other systems. The two that called out were d20 Modern and GURPS.

So for d20 modern, has any one begun a home grown adaption of Justifiers?
What about then, a complete list of Moreau's that aren't in the d20 Modern core book?

I do GURPS but its easier to teach people something they already know.

Anywho... Thanks!

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First Post
I'm a big fan of the justifiers RPG.

Here is a list of Beta-humaniods that I did up quite a few years ago...


TerraLingua Slang: Moreaus, furs, furjobs, scales, scalejobs, etc.

Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 15/30 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Str +20 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 1 Club/Tail (Large)
Natural Abilities: Swim 99%
Remain underwater (Con/3 in rounds)
Has been genegineered to be warm blooded.

Armour: Plate Speed: 10 Att. Mod.: none
Natural Weapons: none
Natural Abilities: Burrow (Str/10 meters per 8 hours, packed earth)

Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: none
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70%
Burrow (Str/10 meters per 8 hours, packed earth)

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 10/40 (Flight) Att. Mod.: Str -30 Con -20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Sonar (100m + Int in meters)
Track by Hearing 70%
Flight (km in Con, glide x 3)
Has separate arms and wings.
Can carry (Str/6 in kg) while flying/gliding.
75cm tall, 20-25 kg

Bear (Black or Brown)
Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: Str +40 Con +15
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 35%

Bear (Grizzly or Polar)
Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +45 Con +20 Int -10
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50%
Swim 99% (Polar)

Bighorn Sheep
Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +15 Agl +30
Natural Weapons: 1 Horns (Large), 2 Clubs/Hooves (Small)
Natural Abilities: No negatives for footing.

Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +45 Con +30
Natural Weapons: 1 Horns (Small), 2 Clubs/Hooves (Large)
Natural Abilities: none

Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +10 Con +25
Natural Weapons: 2 Bite/Tusks (Large)
Natural Abilities: none

Cat, Domestic
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30/15 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Dex +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small)
Natural Abilities: Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)
Fall 2 x Body without harm
Climb 50%

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/30 (Climb) Att. Mod.: none
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Climb 80%
Prehensile Tail (Dex/3 and Str/2)
Independent Eyes (can see or aim in two directions)
Camouflage (nude only, 5% to notice Chameleon)
Has been genengineered to be warm blooded.

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 75 Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Dex +30 Str -20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 30%
+20% to vision checks in open terrain.

Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 25/15 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +10
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50%
Prehensile Feet (Dex/2)

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Agl +35
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70%

Dog (Runner)
Armour: Lt Hide Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Str -20 Con +10
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 45%

Dog (Tracker)
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: none
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 99%

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Dex +15
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 60%
Annoy companions 75% :)

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 35 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +15
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 80%

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/30 (Swim) Att. Mod.: none
Natural Weapons: none
Natural Abilities: Swim 99%
Prehensile Tongue (Dex/2 and Str/4)
Jump (Str/3 in meters)
Remain underwater (Con/5 in rds)
Has been genegineered to be warm blooded.

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 70 Att. Mod.: none
Natural Weapons: 1 Horns (Small)
Natural Abilities: none

Gila Monster
Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 15 Att. Mod.: Str +15 Con +15
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) + Poison (D6/rd for Con/10 rds)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 40% (with tongue)
Fat Cell Storage (can go one month without food)
Has been genengineered to be warm blooded.

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Horns (Small)
Natural Abilities: Toxin Resistance (+10% vs poisons, +15% vs drugs)

Gopher/Ground Hog
Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: none
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Burrow (Str/10 in meters per 8 hours, packed earth)
Navigate Blind 40%

Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 20/10 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Str +50 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50%
Prehensile Feet (Dex/2)
Climb 75%

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30/20/15 (Climb/Swim) Att. Mod.: Agl +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 1 Claw/Tailwhip (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 65% (with tongue)
Climb 80%
Swim 75%
Has been genengineered to be warm blooded.

Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Str +10
Natural Weapons: 2 Claws/Rear Feet (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 30%
Jump (Str/3 in meters)

Komodo Dragon
Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 1 Club/Tail (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 65% (with tongue)
Has been genengineered to be warm blooded.

Armour: Chitin Speed: 40 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +40 Str -25
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small)
Natural Abilities: Jump (Str/4 in meters)
Track By Scent 35% (with antenna)
Four Arms (Dex -20% for second set)
270 degree vision (+20% to Surprise rolls)
Has been genengineered to have an internal skeleton.

Margay (South American Arboreal Feline)
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30/20 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +10
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70%
Climb 80%
Jump (Str/5 in meters, in trees only)
Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)

Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/30 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Dex +25
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Climb 99%
Prehensile Tail (Dex/2 and Str/3)
May hang from tail without penalty.
Prehensile Feet (Dex/2)
Track by Scent 50%

Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/50 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Agl +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Swim 99%
Track by Scent 45%
Remain underwater (Con/3 in rds)

Panda, Lesser
Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/20 (Climb) Att. Mod.: Dex +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small)
Natural Abilities: Climb 80%
May hang from tail (Con/3 in rds)
Semi-Prehensile Tail (Dex/4 and Str/4)

Panda, Greater
Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 10 Att. Mod.: Str +20 Wis +30
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small)
Natural Abilities: none

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 50 Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Str +15
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70%
Jump (Str/6 in meters)
Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)

Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/30 (Swim) Att. Mod.: none
Natural Weapons: 2 Claws (Small) rear feet + poison (male only)
Natural Abilities: Swim 99%
Remain underwater (Con/4 in rds)
Track Electrical Source 60%
Navigate Blind 40%
Stun poison (Con save or stun for 3D10 minutes)
3 poison doses per day

Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 40 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +20 Str -10
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws/Rear Feet (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Hearing 60%
Jump (Str/4 in meters)

Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 25 Att. Mod.: Dex +35
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 2 Claws (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 30%
Climb 75%

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/20 (Climbing) Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Dex +10
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Climb 60%
Swim 60% (Speed 10)

Armour: Plate Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: Con +30 Str +50 Int -20
Natural Weapons: 1 Horn (Large)
Natural Abilities: Nearsighted (-10% with Missile Weapons)

Sea Lion
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/70 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Dex +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Swim 99%
Track by Hearing 45% (Underwater only)
Sonar (50m + Int/2 in meters, underwater only)
Remain underwater (Con/2 in rounds)

Sea Turtle
Armour: Plate Speed: 10/30 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Agl -20 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Swim 99%
Remain underwater (Con/4 in rounds)
Has been genegineered to be warm blooded.

Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20/20 (Swimming) Att. Mod.: Agl +20
Natural Weapons: none
Natural Abilities: Swim 75%
Climb 75% (Speed 10)

Smilodon (Saber Tooth Tiger)
Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Str +30 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (V. Large, 3D6), 2 Claws (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50%
Jump (Str/8 in meters)
Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)

Snake, Constrictor
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 10 Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Str +30
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small), 1 Tail/Constriction (Large Club/rd)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% (with tongue)
Detect Body Heat (10m + Int/10 meters)
Has no legs, very rare Beta.
Has been genegineered to be warm blooded.

Snake, Viper
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 25 Att. Mod.: Agl +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small) + Poison (2D6/rd for Con/10 rds)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70% (with tongue)
Detect Body Heat (25m + Int/10 meters)
Has been genegineered to be warm blooded.

Squirrel, Flying
Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/30 (Gliding) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +10 Str -20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Jump (Str/6 in meters)
Climb 70%
Glide (Con x 2 in meters, 3/1 glide ratio)
Uses membrane attached to upper and lower limbs.
May carry (on body) (Str/6 in kg) while gliding.
1m tall, 25-30 kg

Squirrel, Grey or Red
Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 20/30 (Climbing) Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +10
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Jump (Str/6 in meters)
Climb 70%
Track by Scent 40%

Tasmanian Devil
Armour: Hv. Fur Speed 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +10 Str +30 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 60%

Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Str +20 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 50%
Swim 75% (Tiger only, Speed 10)
Jump (Str/8 in meters)
Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)

Armour: Bone Speed: 10 Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Has been genegineered to be warm blooded.

Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 15/60 (Swim) Att. Mod.: Str +15 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 45%
Swim 99%

Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +25 Str +15
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70%

Armour: Hv. Fur Speed 30 Att. Mod.: Str +20 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 60%
Berserk (1% per pt of damage to go berserk, causes
loss of one point of Bod/Con per rd, will
attack *anyone* while berserk)

Armour: Lt. Fur Speed: 15 Att. Mod.: Str +10 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 2 Claws (Small)
Natural Abilities: Burrow (Str/10 in meters per 8 hours, packed earth)
Extremely docile, rarely combative.


Homo Sapien
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 15 Att. Mod.: Int +20 Prs +10
Natural Weapons: none
Natural Abilities: none

Homo Bellatrix (Warrior Human)
Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +20 Dex +10 Con +10 Prs -20
Natural Weapons: none
Natural Abilities: Toxin Resistance (+15% vs poisons, +20% vs drugs)
Track by Scent 35%
Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)
May only breed with other Bellatrix.

Homo Marinus (Aquatic Human)
Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 10/30 (Swim) Att. Mod.: Str +20 Con +20
Natural Weapons: none
Natural Abilities: Sonar (50m + Int/2 in meters, underwater only)
Have both Gills and Lungs (transition 3 rds)
Swim 99%
Is covered in fine scales and has fins/feet.
May only breed with other Marinus.

Homo Robustus (Heavy-G Human)
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 20 Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +20
Natural Weapons: none
Natural Abilities: Squat of build.
Can tolerate up to 3G's without penalties.
May only breed with other Robustus.

Homo Lascivus (Joygirl/Joyboy)
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 15 Att. Mod.: Dex +10 Con +10 Prs +20 Int -20
Natural Weapons: none
Natural Abilities: Pheromone Production (Aphrodisiac)
Genengineered for bi-sexuality.
Genengineered to obey humans, can not harm.
May only breed with other Lascivus.


Ghouloon (Modified Baboon)
Armour: Hv. Fur Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Dex +20 Str +40 Con +20 Int -20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 75%
Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)
Very simple spoken lang., heavy sign use.
Neolithic tech level when "wild".
Troops (10-25 members per Troop)
Genengineered to obey humans, can not harm.

Goblins (Chimp/Feline fusion)
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Agl +20 Dex +10 Str -20 Int -30
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 70%
Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)
Neolithic tech level.
Troop/Tribal (10-20 per Troop/ 5-10 Troops per Tribe)
No spoken lang., sign only.
A "hunt" species, for human amusement.

Centuar (Human/Mnt. Pony fusion)
Armour: Lt. Hide Speed: 45 Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +20 Int -10
Natural Weapons: 2 Clubs/Hooves (Large)
Natural Abilities: Quadruped lower body/Hominid upper body.
Neolithic tech level.
Herd (25-50 per Herd)
Spoken language.

Worg (Modified Armoured Panther Gaurdbeast)
Armour: Plate Speed: 50 Att. Mod.: Agl +30 Str +20 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Large)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 80%
Jump (Str/5 in meters)
Nightvision (Starlight/Moonlight as Moonlight/Daylight)
Can be genebonded to a human prior to six months old.
Int range of 20 - 40
A true quadruped, non-humaniod.

Gravrotty (Heavy Gravity Modified Rottweiler)
Armour: Hv. Hide Speed: 30 Att. Mod.: Str +30 Con +20
Natural Weapons: 1 Bite (Large), 2 Claws (Small)
Natural Abilities: Track by Scent 95%
Can tolerate up to 3G's without penalties.
Can be genebonded to a human prior to six months old.
Int range of 30 - 50
Wild gravrotty are canine pack animals.
A true quadruped, non-humaniod.

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