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Starfinder Juicy New Starfinder Previews: The Drift, Undead Planets, and 3 New Iconics!

A few Starfinder previews have popped up across the web recently. This is a quick roundup. Don't forget to check out previous previews, including the Operative and Envoy, classes, and Navasi the iconic envoy, the planet Castrovel, the cover of Incident at Absalom Station, some Starfinder miniatures, the core rulebook cover, some spaceships, and more. For all of EN World's Starfinder coverage, simply click here. And now on to the new stuff - the Drift, Eos the planet of the undead, three new iconics, and another class preview. Starfinder is being released at Gen Con in August this year. For those not yet familiar, Starfinder is Paizo's "Pathfinder-in-Space" standalone science-fantasy roleplaying game.

A few Starfinder previews have popped up across the web recently. This is a quick roundup. Don't forget to check out previous previews, including the Operative and Envoy, classes, and Navasi the iconic envoy, the planet Castrovel, the cover of Incident at Absalom Station, some Starfinder miniatures, the core rulebook cover, some spaceships, and more. For all of EN World's Starfinder coverage, simply click here. And now on to the new stuff - the Drift, Eos the planet of the undead, three new iconics, and another class preview. Starfinder is being released at Gen Con in August this year. For those not yet familiar, Starfinder is Paizo's "Pathfinder-in-Space" standalone science-fantasy roleplaying game.


Geekdad has a preview of The Drift, which is Starfinder's hyperspace. "The Drift is a weird colorful void that ships can travel through, allowing them to jump out of the conventional world at one location and back into it somewhere far away, without passing through the space in between." The preview also introduces some of the space travel rules - travel in-system always take 1d6 days, travel to Absalom station also takes 1d6 days, near space takes 3d6 days, and "the Vast" (far space, but same galaxy) takes 5d6 days. They also have the stat block of a starship called the Idaran Voidrunner. One other interesting aspect of the Draft is that other planes of existence get drawn into it, meaning you can have random encounters from other planes in it.


Dread Central has a look at Eox, the planet of the undead. "Have you ever heard the old apocryphal story about how the scientists of the Manhattan Project who tested the first atomic bomb feared it might cause a chain reaction and set the entire atmosphere on fire? Well that’s exactly what happened on Eox. Once upon a time, Eox was a lush world, until its arrogant rulers created a superweapon capable of destroying neighboring planets. Their device worked, blowing up the enemy worlds and creating the asteroid belt called the Diaspora—but the magical backlash blew a hole in Eox as well and set its atmosphere ablaze. In the wake of the disaster, the few survivors in the irradiated wasteland turned to necromancy to rebuild their society. Today, Eox is a world of the dead—and pretty smug about it, actually. After all, being undead comes with a lot of advantages in the modern era: Spaceships that don’t need air! A zombie workforce that doesn’t need breaks! While many of the other Pact Worlds fear and resent Eox, no one can deny that it’s better to have the undead working with you than against you." The preview includes a look at the Necrovite (a space lich), a Bone Sage (rulers of undead fiefdoms), an Ellicoth (a floating 30-ton energy vampire), and an Omenbringer (an undead starship).


Paizo has also introduced some more of the iconic characters, including Obozaya the soldier, Keskodai the mystic, Iseph the operative.

You can also check out a class preview of the Mystic, with its Backash supernatural ability.



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Just got here and saw that nobody commented in two days. Is the hype for this game diminishing already, or is this post simply not much comment-worthy? Personally, I must say that these characters all look the same to me (except for the face/head) which is kind of a minor turnoff. But, I also admit that I am a more of a classic D&D setting guy, where races not only differ in appearance, but also in style, equipment, body language, etc... Yet I am willing to give this setting a nice try and already have mine on preorder!


Just got here and saw that nobody commented in two days. Is the hype for this game diminishing already, or is this post simply not much comment-worthy?

I think it's more a case of the previews not telling us a whole lot that's new info - the classes and races were all known by this point, and the artwork is cool, but doesn't hint at anything new. Out of it all, the mystic preview and the ship stat block might be the biggest pieces.

EDIT: I stand corrected - the drift article does have a lot more detail on the AI god, which I like, and glad to see a reference to Cassandalee (and that the AI god is NOT who I thought it was.)
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