Journal of the Souls of Legend (completed)


Lizard folk in disguise
So, the campaign ended here. There was a bit of a falling out, and we all went our separate ways, but it was still a good story. I am right not doing a major revision of the story and will post links to it when I am done with that little project.

But while this is an end here, it is a beginning elsewhere. So please jump over a thread and see what happens next in:


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So this time when I catch up ... I find it's the end!

Well, thank you Nthal, I enjoyed that - and while I'm sorry your campaign apparently ended badly, it did make for a satisfactory end to the story.

It does seem like your DM may have forced you on to rails at times (or at least very close to them), but still it was a good read.

You'll see me over in your new thread, I'm sure. :)


Lizard folk in disguise
So this time when I catch up ... I find it's the end!

Well, thank you Nthal, I enjoyed that - and while I'm sorry your campaign apparently ended badly, it did make for a satisfactory end to the story.

It does seem like your DM may have forced you on to rails at times (or at least very close to them), but still it was a good read.

You'll see me over in your new thread, I'm sure. :)

Rails at certain points aren't a bad thing. I don't mind a rail, if the entry point makes sense. I had other objections that are larger than that which I have beat to death in prior posts, but most of those are small potatoes as well.

But don't think of it as the end either. The thread above (the story) is 380k words, is large...LOTR style large. And while I don't claim to be JRR, I am happy people enjoy reading my stuff.

The next thread, The Thorns of Winter will probably be as long as that as well; the cast as memorable, and its own twists and turns.


Smug Bladesinger
Don't mind me bumping the thread.

Wow, what an absolutely incredible story, and what a journey it has been reading it through over these past several months (It took several, several hours for me to read it all, but it also did make a great personal bedtime story when I'd read it at night). With every page, I found myself becoming more and more engaged as life continued to breathe into Myrai and her own challenges. Many times throughout the story, you would excuse yourself for pausing from the action in favor of character insights and flashbacks with Myrai, be it full-scale flashbacks or simple rests in which Myrai grieves over her own mental state and questions her posistion in the multiverse. However, these were by far my favorite and most memorable moments of the story. To the point where last night, when I read about Jade's psychological torture of Myrai, I was marveled about how well it was written and how well it was intertwined with past, current, and the later posts. That individual flashback was on par with some of my favorite writing in all of media, which is something that far-exceeded my already high expectations initially going into Myrai's journey. D&D and its combat have always been fun for me, but what truly makes the game as great as it is for me are the characters and how vast the potential for them to be fleshed out and expressed are. Here, is truly a wonderful example of what that's all about and how making those characters and that world transition from being a tabletop RPG to something...much more. Not everyone is capable of writing in such a quality that speaks out to me, but here, I've received a rare case where the writing not only speaks out to me, but exceeds my own expectations of what I desire out of player characters. It's no wonder you are so passionate about Myrai, you've done amazing things with her, and you've done a remarkable job at allowing people like myself a glimpse of how it feels to be a part of that campaign experience. Simply put, bravo on your work.

I believe it's time for me to dive into "The Thorns of Winter" next, which I shall do so later tonight. However, I cannot jump into that before first giving "Journal of the Souls of Legend" the proper praise it deserves. I shall see you in the next thread; I look forward to being able to read updates as they come out.


Lizard folk in disguise
Thanks for the praise. It was/is fun to write the adventures out. To flesh out a game and provide the unspoken contexts beyond the simplicity of goals/ideal/alignments. This (much like Shemeska's) isn't a simple retelling of a adventure, but the retelling of a campaign, hiding all the dice rolls and difficulties checks. Ultimately it is how we dream about our favorite characters and I am just happy to share mine with everyone. And maybe inspire others to do the same.

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