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Journal of the Souls of Legend (completed)


Lizard folk in disguise
Echoes of shame - 08/21/2020

Everyone learns things along the way. That’s just how life works, you experience something, and you internalize it for use later.

But sometimes you find you have retained something ugly or have a memory of something you would rather forget, and you wonder;

“What good is that?”

We stood there staring. I was trying to hold in my anger, and not let the fury I felt show on my face. Beepu’s treatment made the hobgoblins we faced looked civilized. The hobgoblins at least didn’t torture their slaves; everything was done with a brutal purpose.

But this? This was cold and cruel entertainment to a crowd. I hoped that the commoners only laughed because it made their daily plight bearable, and not because they truly wanted the gnome to suffer. But whatever the commoner’s thought, it was clear that the pirate thought that poking a gnome with a spear was entertainment.

“Start laughing,” I muttered to the brothers, as I forced a smile on my face. “Keep blending in.”

“This is hard to watch,” Iesa whispered in my ear and then started to laugh. Daneath simply guffawed and otherwise said nothing.

I reached into my pouch and pulled out a length of copper wire. I then quickly wound it round my finger into a crude braided ring. Then, with a forced smile I pulled on two small strands of light and dark and whispered under my breath.

“Beepu! We’re here in the crowd!” I whispered. I watched the gnome’s head slowly turn, looking at the crowd. Then the weave returned to me his reply, that no one else could hear.

“Thank the gods. Foggle just told me you were close. Get me out of here!”

I smiled and pulled on more strands to continue the conversation. “Hang on, who put you up there?”

“The owner of the brothel. They have my things as well!”

“You mean your spellbook?”

“Yes, I mean that! Also, a small smooth orange stone, that should be in my pouch of components.”

Well, sit tight then, we’ll get you out somehow.”

Very funny.”

Don’t go anywhere?”


Hang in there?”

Myrai! Just get my things and free me!”

He’s mostly alright,” I whispered aloud to the brothers. “His mood is about where I would expect.”

Great. Now how do we get him out?” Iesa muttered between his teeth as he laughed, keeping up appearances.

“The key, and Beepu’s effects are inside,” I gestured towards the grey marble building.

“A whorehouse?” Daneath said dubiously.

I shrugged, “Beepu said the owner has his things, and likely the key to the cage.”

“Probably in a safe place inside,” Iesa said. “Any guesses where to start?”

“Not really, but if the owner has a room, I’d start there.” I said.

“That follows,” Daneath agreed. “But how do we get inside?”

I turned to look at him and blinked in surprise, before replying, “Well…I think my men are overdue some quality time with a woman.”

Daneath began to blush furiously, “You can’t be serious! I mean…they’re…um…”

I pulled in Daneath close to me, “Look, this is for Beepu here,” I hissed. “I’ve known jinkskirts, and some like their profession, but most are forced into it for one reason or another. We can’t help them right now, so be considerate, gentle and tip well to keep their mouths barred, and don’t get them into trouble. What you do…well…I leave that in your…hands. Same goes for you Iesa,” I said turning to him. He was already raising his hands defensively.

“Look, I’m sure I can work something out,” Iesa said. “But I will try to engage the owner in conversation and work out where things are first.”

“Sure,” I said thinking. “One of us will need to keep the owner busy so you can do that.”

“What are you going to do inside?” Daneath asked, his cheeks still flushing.

“Well…I’ll improvise,” I said. “If I need to hire a girl, I’ll do that, or I’ll keep the owner distracted, whomever he is.”

“What do you mean ‘hire a girl?’” Daneath asked bewildered.

I squinted at him in surprise, “D’ trust me things between women do happen, and we are NOT discussing the details of it right now. Just…just…worry about what you are going to do, so you can help Beepu.” I said. I was not expecting to have to educate Daneath on this type of topic.

“I’m not good at that on the fly stuff,” he said nervously.

“Then let Iesa and I do the talking.” I said flustered. “Come on, let’s see about buying you a girl, or at least an overpriced drink. Maybe both in your case.”

I quickly twisted the copper wire around my finger and sent Beepu a whisper, “We’re headed inside, have Foggle keep an eye out, but don’t let him be seen.”

“Thank you Myrai, and please hurry. My back is killing me.”

Gos, heading in. Stay out of sight and tell me if something comes up. Oh, and make sure Foggle doesn’t do anything stupid.

--What like make that ridiculous sound and hopping around like mad?

As long as no one notices I don’t care. But try to get close enough we can still talk though.

I swallowed and strode towards the house of ill-repute with the brothers in tow. I reached the carved wooden door, that had pictures of women in various forms of undress ‘frolicking.’ I pulled it open and walked inside.

The first impression that hit me was the rich, sweet scent of sandlewood mixed with the sharper edge of clove that hung in the air. The second one was that the inside was paneled in dark colored woods, with scattered oil lamps in the interior. There were no windows to the outside from here, and the suns’ harsh rays did not penetrate the room. While warm, there was a breeze as overhead fans spun continuously, using a system of belts that wound their way through a pair of holes in the ceiling to an adjacent room. In front of me was a long bar, where glass bottles containing liquor were arrayed in front of a mirror. And to my right was a wooden staircase with elaborate banister work, leading to the upper floors.

Around the bar were several pirates, but these men looked to be more senior, or at least wealthier. Three of them sat quietly, with a drink in hand, while one also smoked some type of herb from a pipe. Iesa and Daneath closed the door behind me, and I noticed that flanking the staircase were two guards in leather jerkins and armed with long curved swords. One of them noticed me and stepped forward, looking at Daneath. He reached his hand out to grab my left arm.

“Ah, a newcomer! How much for h—URK,” he exclaimed as Daneath’s fist lodged under the breastbone of the offending guard, knocking the wind from his chest.

“Do you normally treat your clientele this way?” I asked coolly. “Dan, if he touches me again, please retrieve his hand for an art project I have in mind.”

The other guard blinked in surprise and drew his blade, while his peer stumbled backwards, grasping at his own. The three pirates turned their heads to look at the commotion with a look of surprise.

“Dorin! Potro! These are clearly are guests of…intriguing caliber!” I turned and saw a woman approach. She was heavy set and wore a silk dress that clung tightly to her curvaceous body, while a tight leather bodice strained to support her overflowing bosom. Her face was powdered white, with tinges of red on the cheeks, and deep plum colors painted on her lips. Her eyes were a deep green, while surrounded in dark smokey rings, making them stand out, even in the dark light. Her hair was clearly a wig, but one that gave her an extra foot in height, and had hair in tight curls, while stuffed birds poked their heads from beneath the tresses.

Iesa moved to intercept her, “Ah madam, may I— “and found himself playfully slapped away by a folding fan across his lips.

“Now, now, I am sure your employer can speak for herself, as she boldly walks into my den,” she smiled as she looked me over with interest. “I had heard that a man was seen running for is life with his britches lacking support. All caused by a woman of skill and her two friends.”

“Small port, word travels fast,” I said smiling, while feeling on edge. The pirate before I didn’t need to talk with, more talk at. Here I needed to perform and be that person in charge. My stomach tensed into knots as I tried to maintain that smile and said, “And some men need to be brought to heel like a common dog. That’s why I invest in men of quality.” And I reached to caressed Daneath and Iesa on their cheeks, if not just affection, but reassurance that they were here with me.

The woman arched her eyebrows and continued to smile, “Indeed, and what brings a woman to my humble establishment?”

I looked around; the place had a touch of haphazard elegance. Planned and creative using whatever was at hand. I’ve been to bars where men would mount any old object on the wall as a trophy. This place had a woman’s touch. “This is all yours? You have done well. But my business is ensuring my boys are taken care of. I think some drinks are in order first, and then I am sure they will want to sample…other fare.”

The woman regarded me with uncertainty but smiled and nodded, “But of course, although I am…refreshed to see a strong woman who knows what she wants. But of course, it does beg a question or…more.”

Am I overdoing this? Maybe I’m trying too hard.

No. Relax. You can do this. We need to free Beepu, and find his things.

“My wants are…” and I struggled thinking what exactly I needed to say if pressed, “…complicated.” What did I want that would pass muster? I mean supporting ‘my boys’ was plausible I supposed, but I had her ear now and I needed to keep it. I needed time, and my stomach was still a bundle of knots.

“But let’s see to my boy’s satisfactions first,” I smiled. “Something dark and fiery from your shelf for my men and I, and I’m sure Dan and Ice here would like to see what your establishment has to offer.” A drink would be nice. Not too much, I needed to think straight. No I needed to relax, I wanted the bottle, not the glass.

No. Stop. Focus. Beepu.

“A woman that likes her liquor; I’d almost would have said you were a wine drinker,” the woman studied me, searching for something.

“I prefer wine when I am eating. Liquor is about the now.” I casually remarked. The madam nodded and waved at the man who tended the bar and motioned me to follow her.

“Come sit, while my man pours a whiskey that is well liked by the captains here,” she then reached across the bar and pulled on a rope, wrapped in red silk. “As for what we offer, we offer a fine sampling from across the realms, northerners from the Sword Coast, fiery ones from the Moonshae, dark and sultry from Calimsham and Amn. Anything in particular?” she probed. The barman slid three glasses full of something dark and with the scent of honey and spice, which we took into hand.

I sat down on the high seat at the bar, trying to relax or at least looking like it. “I’m sure my men, will be satisfied with whomever graces their presence,” I said and caught a flash of surprise on her face. “But I am sure one will suit their fancy. And if I am not mistaken, you have the only game in town.”

The woman smiled, “No one can offer anything finer. If you want to waste coin on drink and chance, I’m sure those…drow…in their damn cave can entertain. But a sure thing, warm and soft? This is the only place in town.” She drawled. As she spoke, I saw four women making their way down the stairs. They wore little to cover themselves; a skirt and bodice for modesty, with their arms, and most of their leg bare. All were human, with their long hair pulled back, baring their shoulders and neck. A blonde with eyes of blue, pale as if the sun never kissed her skin, another with a coif of honey gold, with hazel eyes and skin like bronze, the third had skin was the deepest brown I had ever seen, with dark eyes to match, and finally a one with fiery blonde hair and emerald eyes and skin that looked to be painted in freckles all across their skin. As they approached, I could smell the oils they wore that hinted at dark delights.

But their eyes told a different story; one of fear and shattered hopes. A look of a woman resigned to a cruel fate. Her will and desires no longer her own; a plaything and nothing more.

I knew this was the truth here; and I sincerely hated myself for playing a role that would do nothing to free them from their bondage. But there was little I could do. It was easy to say I was freeing a friend and that was what mattered. Not just because Beepu was in a cage, but because the whole reason for being here was to defeat the Kershak. The stark choice was uncomfortable for me, and yet I had to hide it. I needed something else to focus on to hide my distaste for the fate of these women.

“Ice and Dan, let me know what suits you; and madam…” I asked pressing for a name.

“Philandre,” she smiled.

“Philandre, what’s the ask for a night’s fun?”

“They say if you have to ask you can’t afford it,” she smirked at me.

“That is true, but it does make it hard to settle accounts doesn’t it?” I pointed out.

“Ten crowns will probably set your men’s mind at ease.”

I reached in between my cleavage and pulled out a small silk sack where I kept coins handy, and pulled out three merts, and lay them down one at a time on the bar. I watched her eyes grow wide as I said, “For the girls and the drinks.”

As I did so, I twisted the copper on my finger and whispered to Iesa using a strand:

“Get upstairs; I’ll watch for guards going up, and I’ll ask you in a bit how you are doing,”

“No problem. Find out about the key,” he responded. I smiled and said aloud.

“Enjoy yourselves boys; I’ll talk to you in a bit!” I said aloud and waved them on with my hands. Iesa moved toward the blonde, while Daneath chose the dark-skinned woman. Each man took their chosen woman in arm, while the other two sighed and looked at me with a look of confusion…or was it dread. I shook my head and waved my hand, and they slowly turned to regard the pirates already at the bar.

“Nothing for you dearie?” Philandre asked, looking at me.

“I’m a little more complicated as I said. But I do have to ask something. What drew me here, was complaints of the little runt in the cage. He doesn’t seem to fit your…stock.”

Philandre laughed, “Oh, I’m just holding him until tomorrow. Some of the Sea Devils brought him here. Said he washed in with the tide. Now a smallfolk with a long life will do wonders in the bilges of a ship I’ve heard. So tomorrow to the block he goes! Anyway, I hope my man at the bar can keep your glass full, while I check on the girls upstairs,” and she smiled and started to move down toward one of the pirates nearby down the length of the bar, on her way to the stairs.

I needed to hold her attention for a while longer. But I guessed that buying a girl wouldn’t hold it for long enough. As I sat there, thoughts ran through my head, when it struck me why this whole exchange was so similar.

A friend in need.

A friend in pain.

I realized I had another dice roll to make, on thoughts and experiences I had kept buried in the past. Experiences that made me ashamed. Experiences that made me afraid.

Pike it; to save a friend, any shame about myself, no matter how disgusting was worth it.

I quickly twisted the copper and cast out a strand toward the gnome, “Beepu, I need you to cause a ruckuss outside and it needs to be noisy.”

“What? Well I have some dirt here I can toss at that Kenku.”

While the room had no large windows, there were small openings around the room right were the walls met the ceiling and from the direction where Beepu was hanging, came some noise:

“Take that you filthy carrion lover!...YOUCH!!” he screamed, and I flinched a moment, and looked towards the noises direction.

“That’s annoying.” I said aloud, and I saw that Philandre had turned her head to look in the same direction.

“Seems he hasn’t learned to accept reality; he’s just tomorrows stock. I should tell Claptrap to not poke him as hard; can’t damage the goods.”

I thought a moment and took a breath.

“So, how much for some time with the runt?” I said forcing a smirk on my face.

Philandre looked at me incredulously. “You can’t be serious. You want him for a tumble?!?”

I quietly chuckled, trying not to force it, letting forgotten memories and experiences surface. Remembering how my tormentors acted. I smiled and shook my head. “No! No! Not for that. But I do want him. You see its been a while since I had an opportunity to…make someone scream properly.” I said looking Philandre dead in the eye, with a deadly serious tone.

I now had Philandre’s full attention, “I can have Claptrap hit him for you if that’s what you want,” she said with a curious tone in her voice. She wasn’t prepared for this conversation to turn this way with me.

I shook my head, “If I wanted that, I would buy him and let Dan and Ice work him over. But I don’t want to own him; too much trouble for mercenaries on the move. And I don’t want to watch. I want to personally, make him…suffer. To show him what real pain is like.” I pulled out my greensteel blade and turned it over in my hands, as Philandre watched.

“Its been a while since I had some free time to flense someone properly,” I said wistfully as images of pain replayed itself in my mind. “To slice the skin away in strips. To hear the…scream of the man as his flesh is pulled away from muscle. To watch him shiver as the warmth of his body fades away in the air.” I leaned forward toward the madam, and pulled down the cloth from my eyes, and I watched her gasp in surprise. “To see them look into my eyes hoping for mercy, only to see themselves suffering.” I smiled wickedly and pull back up the cloth and watched her. I prayed the mask I wore was good enough. That my self-loathing didn’t peek through a crack.

The madam looked at me and nodded a bit shakily, “We…we have some who enjoy arts involving blood. But that does damage his value.”

I smiled again, took the knife and gritted my teeth as I pulled the sharp blade across my arm, opening a small river of blood. I had cut myself before; by accident several times…and in desperation once, seeking solace before I got a grip on myself. But greensteel weapons are some of the sharpest known to mortals or fiends, so the superficial wound hurt less than you would think. But I needed to show her that I was serious. The cut burned like fire as I watched the blood well up in the wound. But I quickly whispered under my breath and pulled on a bright white strand and circled around the cut and closed the wound in front of her eyes.

“He might lose the ability to speak for a bit, but I doubt that’s a problem. Besides, to watch their hopes fade as they realize you won’t let them die is so worth it.” I smiled. I hate this. It is all an act; all a story. A story from the past to fool a cony. I’m not really going to do it. I just have to remember it and how it felt…

“Well…for a..a…a hundred crowns…I have a place in the cellar; we can’t disturb my clients here after all. I would just need to get the key from upstair—”

“Of course,…We’ll wait for my men to finish up before I have my turn,” I smiled and thumbed the copper wire as I faked taking a sip from my drink.

“Daneath, you get unentangled yet?”

“Ah…no…still negotiating,”

Negotiating? What is he talking about? I looked to the stairs, and the two guards were still there staring at the room in general. I twisted the copper again around my finger.

“Iesa? The key is upstairs somewhere.”

“Great. No other guards up here. I’ll finish talking to Sanatha here and find the madam’s room,” came the reply.

“Did you have tools, and a way to keep the room warm?” I asked Philandre. “Its amazing how quickly a man turns cold, when he loses his skin,” I said as gave her a level look.

“Of course,” Philandre said. She looked at me as if summoning the courage, as if somehow the woman that sat there now alarmed her. “So, where did you learn your…skills?”

I took a genuine sip of the liquor, needing it to steel myself. I still felt ill; my stomach was churning with the stress of the memories and the story I was trying to sell. I needed them to help Beepu. I wanted to drown myself in more of the drink here and deny and forget ugly truths. But I needed to hold it together for Beepu.

"In a place far from here, taught by fiends that had countless lifetimes to hone their skills,” I said trying to keep a smile on my face. “There are no finer practitioners on the arts of pain. Pain you can scarcely believe.”

I twisted the copper wire again.


“Found her room. In it now searching, already avoided one poisoned needle.”

I twisted it again,


“I’m…ah…negotiating…. still!”

Still negotiating? What was the man doing?

“Dorin!,” Philandre called to the guard. “Check on the girls for me, and then I will need you to get Claptrap down in the cellars to…arrange the furniture.”

I thumbed the copper wire again and cast a strand out, “Iesa, we have a guard coming up!”

“I need time! I’ve almost opened this chest.”

I gulped and twisted the copper more.

“Daneath! Iesa needs time, and a guard is coming!”

“Crap. On it.”

“Are you alright dearie?” Philandre asked me, noticing my distraction.

I quickly smiled, “Just savoring the thoughts of what I want to do to that gno—”

Suddenly there was a clattering and there tumbling down the stairs was Daneath, entangled with Dorin, until both landed on the floor in a heap.

“What in the hells are you doing, you idiot?” the guard barked as he untangled himself from the warrior. Daneath grabbed the guard to use him to stand, and as I watched him intentionally leverage his greater weight to cause Dorin to fall down on the floor again.

I kept my mouth shut as I brushed the copper wire again.

“Iesa! We may be out of time.”

“Got the stuff, heading down.”

“Excuse me Philandre,” I grimaced as I looked towards the pair of men trying to stand. “But I need to have a word with my…help,” I said between clenched teeth, as I was also trying to stifle a laugh. I got off the stool and strode over to the pair. Once there, Daneath and Dorin stopped and stared at me expectantly.

I turned my head glaring at both, before settling my gaze on Daneath. I reached down and grabbed him by the right ear and pulled him to his feet. I didn’t really pinch him hard, but he certainly sold it with the grimace on this face followed by him muttering.

“Ow, ow,ow!”

“You are embarrassing me!” I growled. “Outside! Now!” and I pulled on his ear, and marched Daneath towards the door, while twisting the copper wire again and again.

“Sorry Daneath! Just play along,”

“Not a problem…you can tug harder if you…OW!”

Twisting again I threw out a strand towards Iesa;

“We are leaving! You have it all?”

“Yep, Book, Stone, pouch and a key. I’ll see you outside.”

I pushed open the door to the outside. The sun had not yet set, although the buildings cast long shadows across the quay. I dragged the warrior by his ear, to a building directly across from the brothel, and flung Daneath against the wall.

“Dan, what do you think you are doing!” I said, trying to sound angry, and also badly suppressing a smirk, all while twisting the copper wire around my finger.

“Daneath, watch the door for Iesa, say yes ma’am a lot, and don’t make me giggle”

“Sorry your ladyship! I didn’t mean to be so clumsy,” he said aloud in a whiny squeaky voice, while I heard in my head:

“Oh please? You need a good laugh. Your glares could curdle milk.” Came back the reply which infuriated me. This was serious!

“You sound like a…a…fishwife you overgrown child! Pull yourself together!” I spat at him. As I looked Daneath in the eye, he nodded his head in the direction behind me. Turning, I saw Iesa trotting up and wagging his finger at the warrior.

“You stupid behemoth! You cost me time with Sanatha!” and to my surprise, he punched the warrior in the face. I was shocked for a moment, but then realized that he pulled it and had really barely touched him. Daneath however rolled his head back with the blow making it look like an impressive strike. Iesa then turned and pressed into my hand a metal key.

I looked at him and smiled. “We’re going to need to run once Beepu is free,” I whispered.

“And how are we doing that with that crowd?” Daneath muttered.

I twisted the copper and pulled more threads, but this time I talked to Beepu.

“Can you still make a fog?”

“Yes, I can. Does not require much, but I am still in the cage.”

“Tell Foggle to come to me and get the key and—”

“Ah hah! Alright. Meet me behind the brothel by the edge of the pier.”

“Guys, follow me.” I said. The brothers looked at each other, nodded and fell in behind me as I cut through the crowd, walking near the cage that held our gnome. As we walked, I saw a flash of blackend gold, and I saw Foggle swoop towards me. I quickly lifted my hand holding the key aloft and Foggle grasped it in his talons and flew to the cage holding Beepu.

The kenku, Claptrap stared at the owl in confusion. Once Foggle alighted on the top of the cage, I could see Beepu lips move.

“Run,” I said, and we bolted towards the water’s edge.

We ran and just as we reached the end of the pier, mists streamed up through the cracks between the cobblestones, and quickly our vision became obscured. The crowd that surrounded the cage was now no longer visible, and there were shouts of concern and panic as everyone now was functionally blind.

I stood there and listened and could hear the sound of something made of iron, hitting the stone cobbles with a clang. Then I heard running footsteps, and I smiled. The sounds ran towards me, the sound of boots stomping on stone growing louder.


“Sodd—,” I muttered, and instinctively I raised up my rod. From the grey soup in front of me, a I saw the shadow of a spear, thrust towards my head. My rod just barely knocked the spear point from striking me square in the face, and instead cut across my scalp. I yelped in pain, and quickly my vision was clouded by blood pouring into my eyes.

I could barely make out the shadow of Claptrap and his spear as he twirled it, ready to strike at me again. But before he could do so, I saw the large shadow of Daneath collide with the kenku. It once again spoke with Beepu’s voice and said, “Ouch stop that!”

But it was too late for him, as Daneath pushed him past the edge of the pier, and I heard a loud splash of water as Claptrap found himself hurled into the dirty waters of the bay. As he splashed around in the fog, I then suddenly felt a hand grab onto mine.

Looking down I saw it was Beepu, wearing little more than some rags around his waist.

“Thank you Myrai. Can we leave?”

“Beepu is that you? Follow the water’s edge and let’s find somewhere safe to hide,” I heard Iesa say.

Grabbing the gnome’s hand, I started to run as fast as I dared without tripping, heading further into the fog, with the sounds of Iesa and Daneath doing the same. I just wondered one thing:

I hope we are going in the right direction.

Session notes:

Free as a bird, but not for free as we will soon see. The encounter was fun, feeling like I was in charge of Ocean’s 11 for a heist. The problem I had was the only reason this occurred, is that Beepu’s player missed a session, which forced us into a confrontation to save him. If it wasn’t for that, we probably would have handled the town very, very differently.

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Lizard folk in disguise
That was some fast thinking on Myrai's part, in a situation where she had to be very uncomfortable. Nicely done!


I will say as a player this was not comfortable either. Writing a story or background for your own character that has unsavory or unfortunate elements is par for the course. (Question: how many characters do you know are orphans? A common trope, which can be brilliant or terrible. I digress.)

This was a situation where the overtones of slavery, and what was done to women/smallfolk/children (implied) was not a comfortable topic. Coming up with a player rationale for being "Bad Myr" was on one hand a challenge, but on the other hand almost not fun. While I admit to being "attached" to Myrai, the whole scenario was one that I would have been reluctant to include my daughter (now in high school, and an avid player) because of those depictions and overtones.

By comparison, everyone did love the Myrai and driving the communications of the 'Great Gnome Heist.' Let us say that for as dark story of the brothel's workers was, the "How do I get up stairs, and not sleep with the girls" was hilarious. There were many failed persuasion checks.

Now at the time, I had been binge watching re-runs of Game of Thrones. As you can imagine, the episodes "Dark Wings, Dark Words", "The Climb" and "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" from season three were on my mind, and during the three sessions, the tragic story of Markel and Myrai emerged, to fill in gaps of her backstory of isolationism and a bit more on her own self-loathing.

What tragic story? Well...I guess it must be time to tell it.


That brings up a logical follow-on question: who are the players in this group? All adults, I assume? (You had mentioned not having wanted your daughter to have been included in this session, and I think I recall you saying once you and your son once played lizardfolk brothers in a different campaign.) Are you playing with friends, family members, or a mixture of both?



Lizard folk in disguise
So the group with Myrai, we met via an ad placed by the DM on a forum, for an in person game. All the players were adults, ranging from 25-35 (I'm the outlier, being in my forties). My son almost joined, but college schedules didn't make that workable for "Souls."

The OTHER campaign where I did play with my son and coworkers (Honel Evel) ran parallel to that one a different night (Sat vs Sun) and that had Ss'Thak and Ss'Tok the lizard folk eggbrothers. That then led to another campaign, which ended up adding my daughter to the table.

That other campaign I am going to write about VERY soon.


Lizard folk in disguise
Cellar Dwellers - 8/29/2020

The problem with hiding, is that; you are only hiding. It isn’t safety, because a mistake will expose you. It isn’t security, because otherwise why did you need to hide to begin with? What it is though, is comforting. That somehow you outwitted or outsmarted someone on where you are. A lie you tell yourself that you are safe.

Sometimes it even works.

I blinked as the setting sun hit my eyes, as we emerged from the fog. The sound of an angry and confused crowd was a fair distance behind us, as we picked up our pace and ran. Beepu was limping, while Daneath fell to the rear, watching for pursuers. Iesa in the meantime, ran us between alleys of the shanty town, looking around for something. We didn’t stop, until Iesa ran us to a cluster of former shacks, now just piles of wood on the earth. He held up his hand, in a motion to stop us. He then started looking around in the debris.

Finally, he lifted up a flattened section of a former wall, revealing a rough hole, with a ladder descending into the earth. Without a word we all scrambled down. I flexed and gave Daneath’s shield a dim red light as he climbed. After a moment, and the sound of wood being moved, Mo bounded down the ladder, followed by Iesa, who was panting.

“I covered us a bit more,” he whispered. “If we keep quiet, we should be safe.”

“How did you know about this place?” Daneath whispered, as he set his shield down against the wall. The shield illuminated a simple cellar, with the remains of shelves, bottles, and a couple of barrels missing their tops. The floor was covered in flat stones, with some open sections of dirt in between the stones here and there. The walls seemed incomplete; rough earth, bordered, with some wooden beams, or panels. Some had hooks, and others supported empty or broken shelves.

“I saw Mo poking around here when we came into the port,” Iesa said. “He probably smelled something, or something caught his eye. So, I guessed. Otherwise, I was going to run back to the cave.”

“Well, it is adequate,” Beepu breathing was slowing. “My things Iesa.”

“Oh sure,” said Iesa. Out of a satchel he fished out a pouch and handed it to the gnome. Beepu opened it, and I saw him pulling out the small parts to the device we were trying to build, and returned them to the poucn. Meanwhile, Iesa kept digging further into his satchel he then pulled out Beepu’s spellbook and handed it to him.

Beepu kept nodding and held out his hand again. Iesa knitted his brow briefly, before remembering something, and dug in the satchel again, and pulled out a smooth glittering stone, which with a smile he handed to the gnome.

Beepu took it, and held out his hand expectantly again, while Iesa looked at him with confusion.


“Where are they?”


“The gems?”

Iesa blinked, “Gems? Uh…I didn’t see anything next to your book…and I wasn’t looking for them.”

“You fool! They were in a pouch next to my component kit here!” Beepu said angrily.

“Not when I found them. Those were in a locked box together, I swear!” Iesa held up his hands defensively.

“How could you miss them!” The gnome said angrily. “That as all my…my—”

“—I didn’t know!” Iesa raised his voice as he stepped towards the gnome.

“Guys!” I said, stepping in between them., motioning with my hands to lower their voices. “Beepu…you didn’t tell me anything about that; and we barely had time to get out of there. Blame me if you like; I’m sorry.”

Beepu’s anger melted to resignation. “I…I did not. I am sorry. And I thank you for saving me. It is just a lot of crowns lost”

“How much?” Daneath asked as he sat down on a dilapidated stool.

“About three thousand,” Beepu sighed.

Iesa hissed, “Ouch…yeah I’m really sorry. If I knew…well I guess, I’ll have to steal you some extra.”

“While you are at it some clothes as well.” Beepu said looking at the rags he wore.

I dug into my pack and pulled out the shirt I wore when we first arrived and handed it to the gnome. “Here, you can have this until we find you something.”

Beepu frowned, “Well…I do not want to hear about me wearing women’s clothing!”

I nodded, as Beepu pulled the tunic over himself.

“Well...it is softer than my own clothes,” Beepu said softly.

“You can keep it I suppose,” I said hiding my smirk.

--Well…you stirred up the whole port it seems Myr.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. Gos, go hide. Warn us if they poke at where we are. Run if you need to.

“Well, Foggle mentioned that most of the port is looking—” Beepu started.

“—You think?” Daneath replied with a bit of annoyance. “Stole their stolen property in a port full of stolen things.”

“—For Myrai,” Beepu finished. I groaned and slumped down to the floor cradling my head with my knees. “Seems they are offering a large reward for her…alive.”

Everyone went silent and I could feel their eyes on me. I sighed and said quietly “One problem at a time. I need to rest,” and stared at the dirt wall across from me.

“Let’s all get some rest then. We are going to need it,” Iesa guessed.

Later that evening, Daneath was sitting on the stool, trying to focus and stay awake. It was very dark, with only slivers of moonlight coming through the rafters above their hiding place. It was times like this that Daneath envied Myrai’s ability to create light. Hells, she didn’t even need it; she could see better than Beepu without any light at all.

So, Daneath instead focused on what he could hear. And at some point, he heard the sound of someone digging in a pouch. Turning his head, he saw in one of the rays of light, that it was Myrai was pulling a small object out of her pouch. She looked at it carefully and then she started to tremble. Barring her teeth in disgust, she threw the object downwards, where it shattered on the stone floor like glass. Grasping her temples with her hands, she started to breathe deeply, as if she was trying to calm herself. She finally pitched her head backwards and beat the wall with it, slowly trying to work out something.

“Sodding Baator,” she muttered. She turned her attention to the glass shards, and she started to mutter an incantation. It took time but as Daneath watched, the object was slowly restored, and she now stuffed it back into her pouch. She then again rested her head against the wall looking upwards towards the ceiling, with an expression on her face that read like she was in pain.

“You know, if you want more things to break, I’m sure that Beepu has something fragile in his kit,” Daneath said. Myrai barely smiled and turned her head toward the warrior and regarded him with a tired look.

“Sorry…I didn’t mean to wake you; I broke a mirror while cleaning myself.” She stammered, avoiding making eye contact.

Daneath looked at Myrai, her outline was framed in a ray of moonlight, causing her mirrored eyes to gleam in the darkness. She sat, slumped against a wall on the broken floor, her legs stretched out on the stone. But Daneath noted that she sounded tired, frustrated and almost angry. This bothered him for some reason. Myrai and he rarely spoke alone. It seemed between the four of them, that it was the other three that did all the talking. Whether Beepu was going off on some random fact that Beepu felt was vitally important, when it was clear it wasn’t, or his brother whose self-confidence and bravado could easily steer people away from topics he didn’t want to talk about. But Myrai was different. Certainly, it was because Myrai was a girl, but when she spoke softly, everyone would turn to listen. And when she raised it, her voice commanded attention.

But she usually spoke with purpose and not just idle conversation; Iesa and Beepu would monopolize that. And she rarely sought to be the center of attention. When she it did, it was with purpose like in the brothel as she played a role. But when they travelled together, she would tend to quietly drink strong alcohol, and really said very little. If it weren’t for the fact that they were together at a table, you would almost believe that she was lonely despite sitting there among them.

Daneath frowned and pressed a bit “Isn’t that used to help cast a spell? I don’t remember you breaking your stuff before you needed it. Or is this something new?”

Myrai grimaced and replied “I do use it for a particular spell but..it was just I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror is all. And I don’t normally look at myself in mirrors.”


“Because it reminds me of something…I want to forget.”

“I admit that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. You’re a pretty lady after all. Easy on the eyes isn’t capturing the words I have heard in the inns.”

“I’m pretty sure there are a lot of other words coming from the inns. It’s just…when I look into a mirror, I see myself very differently than how people see me. And I don’t like what I see.”

Daneath was trying to process this, completely confused on how someone like Myrai couldn’t stand to look at herself. “You’ve lost me with that.”

Myrai nodded, “I’ll try to explain but it isn’t a simple thing. Nor is it a pretty story for that matter. But honestly, after what just happened, it might have been yesterday”

“Only if you want to Myrai, if you don’t…”

“No…if anything perhaps you can take something away from it. Something I can’t. Just…just understand…” her voice trailed off in a sigh, “I’ve never told anyone this…ever. So please…don’t bring it up with others.”

“I won’t. I want to know what’s bothering you.”

Myrai took a deep breath, as if steadying herself and then began. “Something to think about as I tell this…even hear someone say, they would ‘rather die’ after committing some horrible thing? Every time I hear that, I keep thinking how if they, really, really knew what the other side had in store for their souls, that they wouldn’t be so casual about saying that. What I am about to tell you…might explain why.

“I know that sometime after we met, that I mentioned I am a member of a faction…or was I suppose now. Anyway, that I was a member of the “Society of Sensation” or a Sensate.”

Daneath thought a moment, “I seem to remember you saying that, but it didn’t really mean much at the time.”

“Well, the society kind of disbanded, and that is a long story itself. But a Sensate’s purpose is to understand the universe, by experiencing everything it has to offer because learning by experience beats reading it in a book. So, to progress in the Sensates, you try to experience as many different things you can. But experience isn’t limited to good things, you can learn a lot from bad things. In many respects, you can learn more from failure, from regret and from pain compared to success, happiness and pleasures. There isn’t a great mystery on why you like things you like.

“But among entrants to the Sensates who want to join the faction, you need to submit either five memories using each sense, or a single memory of all five. That takes some work, to find a quality memory, but that’s not all. Sensates had a bad reputation because, they would go off and experience all the fun things to the exclusion of everything else. Drinking, gaming, drugs, sex, any type of hedonism you can think of. It became such a problem that Erin Montgomery, the Facto…sorry, leader of the Sensates started to have recruits tested. Basically, a test of self-control; when you are faced with the pleasures of the universe, can you pull yourself back from the brink?

“So, did you pass that test?” Daneath asked?

“What? Oh, I did, and you could call it either a close call or a very keen control of self. I literally had almost lost perspective and yet I still managed to pull back from the edge. And that time it didn’t seem to matter which case it was.

“Anyway, before that, before I found a memory, there was this, guy at the time that was also trying to join and go upwards into the Sensates; Markel. I can’t forget him…cute, tousled dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and he was…well put together. Very easy on the eyes.” Myrai smiled as her eyes looked upwards as she recalled the memory. She then gave a light chuckle, “And I was absolutely enthralled with him.

Myrai then shook her head,“Who am I kidding, I thought I loved him. We were involved…a couple. I finally had found someone to spent time with…someone to share my feelings and heart with. Plus, he had jink and spent a lot it on parties. and he was exactly the problem that Erin didn’t want. And I didn’t realize how much it was a problem for me.

“So, while he was smart and he had the drive, he didn’t have that control. So, when they didn’t even let him take the test, he took it very hard. It sounds so trite; ‘they won’t let me in the club..I’m going to go cry.’ But the reality was that like Iesa and I, he had come from nothing and was raised on the streets. He wanted a path up out of the Hive and…like too many others, nothing to fall back on.

“So, how did he afford the parties?” Daneath asked beginning to suspect the problem.

“I didn’t know it when I met him, he but borrowed it all. And he borrowed…a lot. And as it turned out, he was in debt to the wrong sorts of people and the hourglass was nearly out. It was so bad; I had heard that he went to Suicide Alley—”

“--What’s that?”

“Oh…it’s a section of Sigil that you can actually get to the edge and look over it. All you see is grey though, but anyone that jumps off there disappears…forever. But its camped with fiends goading folks to jump, and spivs taking shorts, trying to kill them before they disappear. Not an uplifting place. So, I heard that he went there and stood at the brink of Sigil and stared. As the fiends and rabble always did, they jeered, they cajoled and egged him on to jump. But he didn’t…or couldn’t. But that was much later.

Daneath frowned, he had seen many like this; living on the edge of life itself, unable to improve their fortune. But many would endure, with faith, with will alone. But there was always that few who just wanted it to end. It was a story he had seen before.

“So, what did he do? He ask you for help?”

“No. He..he didn’t ask any of us that knew him. He was present the Festhall, but he was growing more and more distant. He didn’t tell us what was going on. I was concerned, but he brushed me off, over and over. Then it happened; and he was forced to make a choice. And he went to ‘The Tenth Pit,’” she said with tone of bitterness.

Daneath gave Myrai a puzzled look, and she explained. “Everyone has a favorite place to do things. You want to gamble and place a bet on Big “D” in the pit, you go to the Fortune’s Wheel, you want a place to make a dark deal and privacy, you go to the Styx Oarsman. But if you are fiend, a favorite place they like to go to is a pub called ‘The Tenth Pit.’ And there they cater to the whims and desires of the Baatezu, Tanar’ri and Yugoloths. And there they relax by, inflicting pain and suffering on others. And Sensates who…wanted to experience the worlds of pain and suffering, they could experience it…for a price.”

“Didn’t you say he was on his last legs though? And why he did want pain?”

Myrai, looked down and said grimly “I didn’t know why when I had first heard. But he went there to make a deal. And while everyone knew that making deals with any fiend never ends well, he still went. So, when I found out that he went there, I did the only thing I could do,” and she looked straight at Daneath with a tear in her eye.

“I followed.”

Session Notes:

So at the end of things, Beepu did lose a lot. Actually everything, but the spellbook really. There were some other items as well, most were minor, but I thought a scroll or two went missing. It was a high price for essentially being absent.

The next several installments, is actually a 'fill in the backstory'...and like many backstories, there is an important thread for later. Its a bit different, but hey...so is Sigil.
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Lizard folk in disguise
Refinancing – 9/3/2020

So, I was very different five years ago. At the time I was having fun and was avoiding paying off the Gatehouse.

Or I think I was. I can’t remember a lot of those nights.

Five years ago, Sigil, Clerks’ Ward.

I awoke and yawned. I didn’t even bother to open my eyes and instead stretched out on the bed and rolled over to my right expecting to find Markel’s warm body to snuggle against. Instead my hand patted the empty cold mattress. Confused, I propped myself up on an arm and looked around.

Markel had rented a nice apartment in the clerks’ ward, above an advocates’ shop. The room was of course a mess, scattered clothes were everywhere, as were empty bottles and plates of left-over food from last nights’ party. The lingering smell of incense, sweat, and bub drifted in the air.

It wasn’t even a good party, as many of the guest left complaining how boring it was compared to others. I honestly barely remembered it. I remembered drinking the last bottle of razorwine that we had, and I was feeling it now with my pounding headache. Sitting up, and clutching a blanket to my chest, I saw that there was another couple still here from the party, still asleep and embraced in each other’s arms as they snored in a large overstuffed chair near an opening to the balcony.

I wrapped the blanket around me, and padded my way to the pantry, looking for food, and perhaps a beer or ale to dull the pain. But I saw that Markel hadn’t restocked it, finding a single wedge of sour cheese, and a crusty loaf of bread. But nothing to dull the pain I felt. I grabbed the cheese and bit into it and returned to the bedroom to find my clothes. As I returned, I saw the couple had started to wake up, and they turned to look at me as I entered.

“Ow my head…. what time is it?” the male half-elf said looking around.

“I think it is getting near peak,” I said. “But I don’t really know…um…I’m sorry…we did meet last night, right?”

“Yeah we did,” the tiefling girl said. “I’m Trina and this,” and she pinched the nose to the male’s annoyance, “Is Drenae. Is Markel around?”

“Um…no” I said a little mystified. “I guess he went to…get stuff.”

“Well, thanks for the little party…it was…kinda fun. He’s thrown better ones,” Trina said sounding a little unimpressed.

“Have…have we met before? I mean before last night?” I asked still hazy on the prior night and wracking my brains on why she seemed familar.

“Myree, you say that every time we meet…although I think this is the first time we crashed here,” the tiefling said with a note of disapproval.

“I need to get going, or the foreman is going to sent me to chase the Lady,” Drenae said, slapping Trina on the bottom and getting her to stand up on her own hooves. Both then started pulling on their scattered clothes, while I went into the main room, looking for where my own were.

The main room was even more of a disaster; two chairs were broken, glasses, mugs and broken bottles were scattered around along with a couple of small open barrels. I looked at some of the intact bottles to see if there were any left-over drinks, but I didn’t find anything to scavenge. I did however, finally found my tunic and donned it, while I continued to search for my pants. As I was doing so, Drenae and Trina, were stumbling a bit off balance, and giggling a bit, heading to the door out.

“Say thanks to Markel for us,” Trina said waving to me as I was pulling on my leathers. “And tell him, that he lied; you are an awesome kisser.”

I blushed and smiled awkwardly, wishing I could remember what happened last night, “Ah…yeah…sure.” They then opened the door and Drenae said “Whoa.”

I looked towards the door, and there on the front door was a piece of paper, hung there with a crude set of nails.

Trina squinted at it a moment and whistled. “Oh my. Looks like Markee might be in a bit of trouble here.”

“What?” I said finishing pulling up my pants and walking to the door.

“Seems Markel is a jinkster…and someone wants him to pay up,” Trina said pointing at the note.

I grabbed the paper and tore it down from the door, “What are they…talking...what the?"

The lettering was fine and precise, and written in both common and Infernal, saying the same thing, unsigned.


“You are now 300 days in arears in payment on the loan. If you value your friends, you better show up today in the Tenth Pit to pay up on your contract.

“The Jinxsmith.”

I looked at the note confused. Loan? The Tenth Pit? Value your friends?

The pair looked at me and started to move in haste, “We…um…gotta go.” They suddenly looked nervous and they began to back away.

“What? What’s wrong?” I said concerned.

“Honey, the Jinksmiths are fiends that give out loans to cony’s and expect huge pay backs.,” Trina said nervously. “If he owes one of those fiend’s money…they take it out on the marks’ friends.”

“Wait, why?”

“Because if you hurt the mark to much, they may not pay it back. So, they hurt…we really got to go!” and the pair scrambled down the hallway to the stairs that led outside.

My hands holding the paper, shook as I looked at the note.

“Markee…what have you done?”

I walked down Iron Avenue trying to steel myself. I was afraid, but I wanted to help Markel. I was willing to do anything at that point to help him.

I turned down towards the alleyway, and I could see it. The Tenth Pit entrance was next to a Baatezu iron mongers’ shop. I heard they sold some of the best greensteel blades, and I also heard they did a brisk business with the patrons of the Pit before they partook in their chosen…diversions. The entrance itself was a blackened archway, with an iron gate and a very bored barbazu outside. This wasn’t the alley for random touts and sightseers, and anyone who lived in the ward knew what the place was.

The barbazu’s eyes narrowed as I approached. I was very much out of my element, but I was trying to look nonchalant, or brave, or at least not afraid. I doubt it cared about my fear, but I certainly did pique its interest.”

‘A lily coming to the Pit? Do the wonders of the Lady never cease? Come in and make yourself…at home,” it smiled with a hiss, and bowed floridly sweeping his hand towards the archway.’

I swallowed and glared at it. I would have thrown a retort out but, I’m not sure I could have said anything coherently. Then I stepped into the archway and headed downward, beneath Sigil. The wide staircase spiraled downwards deep underground, and then opened into a large domed room.

I expected darkness, but the bar was decently lit. Lit by fiery braziers suspended from the ceilings, large ones on the floor. It was, colorful as well. Reds, Greens, Blues, Orange and yellows burned brightly casting few shadows, and the braziers rotated color of the flames. The result as a regular shifting of the tone and feel of bar overall. It was divided into quarters, with a central hub serving drinks. Three of the quarters handled Baatezu, and Tanar’ri with a section for Yugoloth separating them, just like the great wheel. The last quarter seemed to be common ground, with a what looked to be inn keeper’s desks flanking another archway leading down. Above the quarters were platforms; some attached to the pillars, others suspended from chains, where winged patrons looked down from their eyries above.

And it was packed. I had never seen so many friends, so close to each other. With fiends, usually there is a bit of bickering, posturing, dand not a small bit of violence. Just like the Smoldering Corpse, when I crossed to the prime; all because an argument about the Blood War. Here, it was…calm, even casual. If you ignored the slitted eyes, the scales, the bat wings, and hooves you would think you were just at a busy anti-peak at the Golden Briaur.

But even I could feel tension here, it wasn’t really safe for the fiends.

It was even less so for me.

I could tell when I stepped out of the shadows and into the room properly. I could feel eyes turn to look at me. Looked at me with disgust, with bloodlust, with hunger. The bar seemed to quiet down, and the whispers and murmuring started.

That’s when I heard the screams. Faint, and coming from the fourth quarter, where the staircase descended, just beyond the array of desks. Swallowing, I made my way towards them, trying to ignore the stares. Sitting at one was a malebranche. He was bored, squinting at papers in front of him. Without looking up, he spoke in the Infernal tongue;

‘Hold your nightmares, I’ll get to you in a moment,”

“Nak’ta kuntz caacht Markel?” I demanded in Infernal.

The malebranche winced a second and slowly looked up from the desk, “Very close intonation. Not nearly harsh enough. And your vowels are far…too…sweet.” The Malebranche regarded me with an expression that was between bored and amused.

“’A lily walks into a fiend’s bar.’ Sounds like either an interesting story, or a bad joke. And since you are asking about Markel, I’m guessing you’re taking a story angle…Myrai.”

I was taken aback by this, “I was…expected?”

“Oh yes. Your…friend,” he said with a sneer, “had written a note for you to be delivered soon. I should thank you for saving me the effort of contracting a mephit to find you. Dealing with mephits is…tiresome.”

“Soon? He’s still here then?”

The Malebranche cocked his head and looked at the ceiling and listened, “Yes…for the moment. And you? What brings you here, little lily?”

“He has a contract with you doesn’t he. What is it?”

“Indeed…nothing in the contract proscribes me from talking about it generally. He wanted something specific…something we as a…policy we normally don’t do. He was very…very insistent.”

“For a soul? Seems a bit cheap,” I remembered spitting out in disgust.

The Malebranche smiled “Please. You are…new…here. The Blood War may be ever in need of resources. But Shemeshka…she doesn’t permit the establishment to engage in that type of deal. Best not to attract the Lady’s ire. But we do other types of deals and so, he made one with the Pit, not the hierarchies of the War itself.

“What deal?”

“He asked for his debt to the Jinksmiths to be paid off, and for three small things; an absolution, a death, and a letter delivered upon it.”

“He could have done all of that without the Pit’s help. Why here, why you?”

Shrugging the malebranche leaned back putting on a casual air, “Oh that has a lot to do with the loan he made and terms of non-payment. It seems that in recent dialog they started threatening…what’s the cant for it…’adams’ of his.”

I stiffened at the implication. “And you just, pay the jink off just like that? His life meant that little, that he has to beg to die?”

“No…a contract, cannot be done under duress like that. The Pact Primeval itself prevents that for souls, but here, Inevitables from the planes of law stand in for it here. We, who make deals are all subject to a contract signed with the constructs, and we will not break them. Still, a contract with a being’s own death is generally frowned upon by the establishment. But an exception was made in your adams’ case.”

“Why,” I was angry and almost in tears listening to the contempt in the fiend’s voice for Markel’s life.

“It’s for a simple reason. Certain…tears taste sweeter. It’s like a delicacy. We aren’t stripping his soul apart; We’re helping him ‘pay’ for crimes he believes needs settling. The Pit is a place for tasting and sampling such rarities. We’ll make more off of him, than the pittance that we paid. And he’s perfectly free to seek his absolution…but as we pointed out, it’s not up to us to find it for him.”

“He…doesn’t …know …what …he’s doing. How can this contract be broken?”

“I disagree. He knows exactly what he has done and is doing. He’s not under any duress from us. But as for the contract, breaking it, is bad for business in general, and my health in particular. The Inevitables enforce them to the letter, so a breach is…a serious matter. But we can play, ‘let’s pretend.’ What do you have to offer in exchange for breaking a contract?”

I remember standing there with a knot in my throat and closing my eyes, breathing deeply. “What if I took his place?”

The Malebranche didn’t react. It’s slitted eyes regarded me for a long moment. “A lily ready to take her turn at the end of a scourge? A noble sacrifice?,” it sneered. “An interesting thought. And why should I do that?”

“Well, you do get to charge for admission again don’t you? That would be twice what you get normally. That should be more enough to cover Markel’s time.” I said trying not to sound desperate, trying not to beg.

And failing on all counts.

But the malebranche smiled “You have me there I suppose. So, you serve his agreed time and what did you want in exchange?”

“You don’t kill him. I’m sure he can find absolution elsewhere.”

The Malebranche continued its smile, “Probably…we never guaranteed anything there. As for the letter…you could have that after matters were settled,” I nodded eagerly in response.

“I suppose…a loophole…might…be found,” the Malebranche drummed his taloned fingers on the desk and then gave me a wicked smile. “I think I know…no I know a way to resolve this. Very well then, let me get something drafted.” The malebranche reached into the desk, and pulled out some papers, and started to flip through them.

“Most of these are standard as far as limitations are concerned. I assume you can read Infernal better than you speak it. As a…courtesy, I’ll make sure that they…slow down…so we can conclude negotiations,” and he continued that smug smile and started working on a document in front of him. He waved his clawed hand, and an imp materialized, gave me a wicked grin, and flew off down the stairs.

I wanted to speed this up and finish this But, I had never entered a contract before, and I didn’t want to make a mistake that would cost me more than I could pay. I didn’t trust this malebranche, let alone any other fiend. I was on edge and it didn’t help that as I glanced around, that other fiends were pointing our way and they were whispering and looking in our direction. Sometimes paranoia was warranted.

“Here we are…read it and add any…limitations on the section at the end here. Take your time,” and the Malebranche, leaned back in his seat and watched me.

I regarded the contract…it was longer than I expected. Far longer than it should have been, based on the time that had passed. As I read, my discomfort increased. I felt in my stomach that tightening feeling of dread. I admit that I wasn’t sure what to make of the limits though. it seemed that this part of the contract was typical; nothing permanent mark wise. It mentioned that I would keep all my limbs at the end, which I found chillingly explicit. It was lengthy as well, with sections that were gender specific. No children, no intimate relations at all in fact. All the while I was reading this orderly contract, I got the feeling that I was missing something. It read that there would be pain, Markel’s pain would end, and they wouldn’t kill him, and I would get the note after the completion of mine.

It smelled wrong, but Baatezu contracts were very specific. I would walk away, with my soul still my own. The contracts base language was written for Sensates. Lots of Sensates came here, and they all walked away.

Then I realized what was wrong. It was not because it was a standard contract, but instead it was because Markel’s and my name were already dry throughout the contract. Like the malebranche had already written the contract ahead of my arrival. Like I was…expected.

I now really didn’t want to sign.

“So why did you?” Daneath asked. “You seemed to sense a trap. I can hear you obviously saying it’s a trap, and somehow this is a boring story if you didn’t sign it.”

Myrai looked at Daneath and sighed. “Well, they say that you do stupid things when you are in love. Turns out, you do. I signed it because of that, because I thought I could save him, and I thought I was smart enough to make a deal with a fiend and come out a head…or maybe just break even.”

The Malebranches smile never broke as I signed it, and he counter signed it. “Well, then shall we? I am sure that Markel will be…pleased…to see you again. Follow me then.”

I followed the Baatezu to the stairs. The flickering lights from the braziers giving me a headache. But as we descended, I swore I heard the nearby fiends chuckling, and it only grew louder as I descended deeper into The Pit

Below the main bar, the stairs turned into twisting passages. It looked like your typical dungeon; dark, dank, and doors. Lots of iron doors. I had no idea if this was just some perverse aesthetic or there were that many cells and rooms. After some time, we turned a corner and the malebranche with an exaggerated gesture, motioned me into an open doorway.

Stepping inside, my eyes adjusted to the bright orange and I saw him, Markel. He was hanging from a set of chains set into the ceiling. His body was a mess; signs of whips and sources, cuts, and a wealth of sores and wounds all weeping blood. I rushed forward to him, when I heard moving chains.

The chains quickly wrapped themselves around my arms, wrists, waist and legs, pulling me away from Markel. I pulled and struggled, but I didn’t have the strength to escaped from their grasp, and I found myself pulled upwards into the air. Turning my head, my fears became realized. A figure stepped out of the shadows; it was humanoid in shape. But the figure was draped in nothing but chains. Some small and fine, and others heavy; a Kyton.

“Wait what’s a Kyton?” Daneath asked.

“Kytons are the jailers and torturers from the city of Jangling Hiter in Baator." Myrai said. "A ‘devil’ draped in chains, like a shroud, concealing their bodies. And they are masters of their craft, since before there were tieflings. They are experts in…pain, simply put. Let me continue.”

This one just had that presence and command of the room and the chains that hung from the ceiling and lay on the floor were his tools. And in short order I found myself suspended in the air by those chains, that moved like metal snakes. All the while the Kyton regarded me with disinterest, instead focusing its eyes on the delicate teacup in its hand, slowly stirring a spoon within.

The malebranche smile again never broke, “Ah how quickly our replacement guest has assumed her position here. You can release the other one.” and I saw Markel’s body hit the ground with a wet thump. His eyes opened briefly and saw me. He had a puzzled look on his face at first and then a look of pain and sorrow. I struggled pointlessly, trying to reach him. But as I looked at him I could clearly him looking at me, tears streaming down his cheek whispering:


His head slumped down on the flagstone, and he lay there with labored breathing. And I saw forming below him, a pool of blood, oozing and spreading slowly across the floor. I looked at the malebranche, “Well!?! You said you weren’t going to kill him.”

“Ah yes…our agreement was that wasn’t it?” the malebranche looked at his talons a moment, before glancing my direction. “And so, we will not. However, I also said that his contract wasn’t breakable either. And his stated that his death was required, not that we kill him. And so, we have a compromise. He will not kill him…but we cannot be compelled to prevent him from bleeding his life away on the floor. It seems likely that he will die from that…and so his contract will be fulfilled,” the malebranche said with a toothy grin.

At this point as the horror was unfolding, I realized what I had missed. I never saw his contract. Mine was dependent on his and I never thought to ask to read Markel’s. I had been peeled figuratively speaking. And now, I was looking at the prospect literally.

“I will say Myrai, that it has indeed been a pleasure to making a deal with you. Ever since your friend mentioned you, I had wondered if this gamble would pay off. After all, a pittance it was to pay off his debts, and his tears are of course valuable on their own right. But it was a slim margin. But you…a foundling; as close to the source as one can get as a mortal…”

I was shaking at this point; the chains were tight around me, but you could still hear the shivering in the links. I felt contempt for my foolishness, rage at the malebranche who expertly peeled me and anger at Markel for the entire thing. I tried despite what I had signed, tried to shake my limbs free from my bonds. But as I pulled against the chains, my feelings changed from anger, and started to settle into fear. The coney had gone farther that I thought was possible.

The malebranche strode next to me, and placed a single claw against my cheek, and I felt pain as he drew it down my jawline to my chin. “So, while, his contact called for as many signed up for within an hour, only six did so. A poor showing for his agreed time even with the extra fees for the one who drew the last straw, “he removed his claw and I could see my blood dripping from its edge.

“But you…well, granted I was not certain if you would come, and so I took a risk on advertising something I wasn’t quite certain I could deliver. But many others have been looking forward to it.” And then proceeded to taste my blood, never breaking his gaze into my eyes.

Gulping, and taking in air like it was the last I would ever taste, I asked, “And how many signed up for mine?”

“It has only just started; only once our signatures were on the page. But…word has spread. I will have to check on things and we must wait for its conclusion before…being entertaining the others. So, you can…think on it, on your friend, or…whatever you like. Nastanal will prepare you in the meantime. And the malebranche walked out of the room, twirling its tail and humming to itself.

The Kyton, walked around me sipping from its teacup, evaluating me, but otherwise staying silent as I hung there in the air. As for myself I was in sodding shock, but my attention turned to Markel. The pool of blood had been growing, but now I had a moment to see how bad his injuries were. His limbs were intact, but most of his skin was flayed exposing muscles on in back. Needles, hooks, and what looked like glass were embedded between layers of muscles, or below them. Most of the blood came from the areas where the glass cut deeply into him.

“Acheron Glass,” the Kyton intoned. “Sharp enough that most don’t feel it when they cut. But, when in contact with blood, it prevents clotting and converts blood into a very painful acid. A favorite of his patron from the prior engagement. The human will die shortly.”

Markel lay still only occasionally quivering less and less often. His death was upon him, and I doubted that I would speak to him again. My mind was an absolute panic, “The prior? so you aren’t partaking in this?”

I could hear from behind me the clinking of the spoon against the teacup. “No. I am master of the rooms. Your…keeper as it were. I will keep you here. I will keep you from dying as that is my charge. I will keep to the contract and call those to heal if needed and nothing more.”

“And for him?”

“A Collector has been called for, to take him to the Dustman. He made no request otherwise.”

“Let me down a moment…let me hold him! Let me help him!” I thrashed and screeched.

"I cannot. You will want to alter the outcome of his contract. That will not be permitted.” It intoned and I swore I heard sorrow in the deep baritone voice.

I heard and then felt chains moving across me. Slowly the Kyton, with great care and a gentleness I would not have expected, began to remove my boots and belt.

“Did he say anything?” I choked on my tears as I hung there helpless, unable to touch his warmth one last time. Desperate for anything.

The Kyton walked slowly around in front of me. The chains around it were in constant motion; each chain moved on its own accord in a clinking ballet. Some removed my outfit, and others drifting around the Kyton, like attendants. They shifted around the Baatezu, as if affected by a light breeze. It’s head and face were framed in layers upon layers of chains, which only allowed me to see its almost human eyes.

“The human said many things. Most were pleas. A name combined with begging. There was only one thing the Human did not say which is usually common.” The chains on and around me shifted constantly, and more clothing was removed. I noticed with some surprise; they were being organized neatly on a bench on the side of the room. The chains moved me as needed and were in constant motion to remove themselves from being an impediment. And I could do nothing to resist as I was slowly being stripped. It seemed to drawn out longer than needed, before I was wearing only my smallclothes, and yet I had barely moved.. And finally, even those were removed.

I hung there and cried. My sense failure grew as did the pool of blood; he would die, alone, with not even a warm caress, a kiss or any comfort. Eventually he made a final wheezing sound; a death rattle, and Markel was lost to me, forever.

I hung there, clothed only in my tears. I don’t know how long it was, my head bowed in defeat. After a long while, I heard the happy humming of the malebranche as it returned to smugly taunt me.

“You mustn’t cry now; you should save that for later for the patrons. But I suppose you are…eager to move things along. The final count has been tallied, and I am indeed impressed. My promises of who might arrive was one thing, but you striding in, with those noble intentions, cinched the deal for the doubters. My gamble has paid off far beyond what I expected. It appears that 133 patrons will have their allotted time of an hour with you. You should be…proud.” The grin and a chuckle barely registered with me.

“Over a hundred hours? Five days?” I was growing cold, and shivering. I was staring at the Malebranche with, what I assumed was horror or shock.

“Well, a little longer than that. Sleeping and healing does take some time, so it’s more than a week. We cannot afford an accident here, or it is my life on the line in Baator. And I am not willing to let that happen.” The malebranche knelt next to bloodied corpse of Markel and gently manipulated his head and arms. “Yes…quite dead. And, so his contract is nearly fulfilled.” He strode over to my things and laid a scroll upon them. “There, now it is done. You can read it…afterwards. And so, I will see you at the end. Nastanal will take good care of you I assume.”

I remember futilely trying to free myself. I was angry; at the malbranche, at Markel, but mostly at myself. I thought I could get the better deal. I thought I could save a man that needed it. I thought that fate and universe and maybe luck would help me.

I was wrong.

I hung there, naked, sweating, and emotionally exhausted. Barely comprehending what was going to happen next. But for some reason, I needed a single question answered. Something that the Kyton said that was turning over and over in my head.

“Nastanal, you said Mar—he said many things, but you said he didn’t say something. What was it?”

The Kyton’s chains in front of its face parted, allowing it to take a sip from the teacup. And it said a single word. A word that didn’t make any sense yet.


Session notes:

So, we were on a small break when I wrote a draft of this specific story about two years ago as a writing experiment. Part of the reason I wrote it, was I was fleshing out Myrai’s backstory, when I had reread in one of the original sourcebooks, how Erin Montgomery was trying to change the perception of the Society from just a bunch of hedonists.

Considering Myrai was still in the hive, I realized she was, like way too many girls, someone with low self-esteem. I could see her going overboard, without a thought of the consequences, and how she would change into a much more grounded person later.


Daaaaaaaang. This is going to be the worst week ever. And yet this is something apparently some Sensates would willingly sign up for if they hadn't yet experienced it; that's one of the reasons the Sensates, as a whole, never made a whole lot of sense to me (no pun intended).



Lizard folk in disguise
Daaaaaaaang. This is going to be the worst week ever. And yet this is something apparently some Sensates would willingly sign up for if they hadn't yet experienced it; that's one of the reasons the Sensates, as a whole, never made a whole lot of sense to me (no pun intended).

You have the gift of both understatement and foreshadowing. :)

The location, The Tenth Pit, AND the comment about it being a 'Current favorite of the Sensates' going there for that reason are canon actually, covered in the supplement "In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil." (page 59). While Erin's desire to weed out undesirables by sending them to the Gilded Hall is covered in the DM's Dark in the "Factol's Manifesto" (page 141).

There is a subtle point though, a TRUE Sensate would turn down an experience if death or serious harm were the result; being a Sensate isn't Chaotic stupid. This is covered in the "Factol's Manifesto" Page 138 on roleplaying Sensates. But since that is DM's accessory, how would a player know that? So even if we assume that an evening's 'diversion' might be common, this contract isn't. I would posit, most Sensates would say no to this kind of experience. And Erin Montgomery, while realizing that the reason for the Sensates popularity in the Cage is because fun diversions is the only way to keep the poor and rich alike sane in a packed city. But going overboard, in any direction is a bad idea, and gives the Sensates a bad name.

But here, Myrai isn't even a Sensate yet. And this isn't the typical contract; she's been peeled after all. As a Sensate she actually would have said no to a normal 'session' mostly because growing up the in the Hive was an experience in pain enough. She is rational in in sense that this wouldn't open up a secret of the multi-verse (although it might open up secrets about the self.). If she was raised in the 'Lady's Ward' as part of a rich family, or was a worshipper of Loviatar from the Forgotten Realms/Finnish Mythos, she might have answered differently. A hiver's life is pain by comparison.

Voidrunner's Codex

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